Presented By:
Referred To: � � Committee:Date:
2 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department received a grant for the Ramsey/St. Paul Drug Task
3 Force from January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2002; and
5 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, PoGce Department, received a portion of the grant; and
7 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, Police Department, provided its share of the grant match required in 2002; and
7 WHEREAS, this grant was extended to allow remaining grant funds to be used through March 31, 2003; and
9 WHEREAS, a 2003 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this grant; and
11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
12 there are available for appropriafion funds of $30,673 in excess of those estimated in the 2003 budget; and
13 —_
14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2003 budget:
18 436 - Special Projects-Police
20 34127 - Narcotics Surveillance
21 3699 - Other Miscellaneous Grants 75,000 23,004 98,004
22 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 7,669 7,669
23 Total Changes to Financing 30,673
26 34127 - Narcotics Surveillance
27 0251 - Transportation 1,500 1,000 2,500
28 0252 - Lodging-Meals 4,000 1,000 5,000
29 0283 - Vehicle Rental 34,000 14,000 48,000
30 0298 - Investigations 33,700 10,415 44,115
31 0369 - Other-O�ce Supplies 0 4,258 4,258
32 Total Changes to Spending �5,7�'l�
34 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2003 budget.
Be nanav
Ye� Nays Absent
Requested by Department of:
Approval Recom,mended by
Adopted by Council:Date: �/�s` 0 77, ��,�3 By:_
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form
By: -�
Approved by
by City
Mayor For
Council File # p3- - t13
Green Sheet # ,� p,�'ps(
� � 03-�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
I pp - �ro ce��� `��� � ��-03 �� Green Sheet NO: 205056
I Departrnent Sent To Person InitiaVDate i
Contact Person & Phone:
Chief William K Finney 0 otice De ent (�,
� �"�$ ASSign 1 olice Depatiment � De arhnent Director � a� �
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ;nancial Services Ot6ce Financiat Servi
1&AUG-03 For
Routing 3 't°AU°r°Q
Ordef 4 avor's OFfire Ma or/Assistant �
5 ommca Cl'tv Co cil ( �� �/
6 erk C5 C1erk
Total # of Signature Pages ± (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached council resolution establislring a 2003 financing and spending plan for the Ramsey County/St. Paul Diug
Task Force Grant.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any
current city employee? �
Yes No
' Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�:
The Ramsey County Sheriffs Departrnent received a grant for the Ramsey/St. Paul Drug Task Force from January 1, 2002, through
December 31, 2002. The City of St. Paul, Police Department, received a portion of the grant and provided its share of the grant match
required in 2002. This grant was eartended to allow remaining grant funds to be used through March 31, 2003. A financing and
spending plan needs to be established for this grant. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreementJ
Advantages If Approved: '
Appropriate 2003 financing and spending plan for Drug Task Force grant funds remaining from 2003.
Disadvantages If Approved: �
None. ��� �i � ZQ��
�€�9 �����9V��
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
A 2003 financing and spending plan will not be established for the 2002 Diug Task Force grant funds used in 2003. ,
,� i
Total Amount of 3q673 Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
Funainy source: Ramsey/St. Paul Drug Activity Number. 436-34127 r '� (� �e
GC9(�t. £ �
Financial Information: T95k FOfC2 GfBfit
� (Explain) y �
I 3 � _
I,.�� ,A2/28.2003 PRI li:a0 Fd% 951 25d 3Jli UFFICE DRL� FULI�iiS
Ccnt2ct Stad Date: 1l1�2�02
Original Contact F�cpiraUOn Date: 12l31i2002
Pre�ious Amended Cont�BCi �xpiration Date: NiA
Current Amentled CoMrdC! F�cpiration Date: 3/31/2QQ3
Curreni Ame�dmen!:
��ut i,�,
03-�� 3
W HEREAS, tha State of Minneso!a. acting through its Commissioner of Public Safeh�, Office of Drug Policy and
Violence Prevention (5TATE), has a grant con:ract ider,tified as Grant Contract No. 2002-00036 evith ihe Ramsey
County, Sheriff's Department,l4 KeNogg Blvd W, St. paul, MN 55102 {GFiANTEE?, to suppo�t cnm;nat justice
acUvi?ies. and
W HEREAS, the STATE antl the GRANTEE have agreed that have agreeo that additional time is necessary for the
satisfzctory� completion of the grant; and
7HAT, Cl�uso IV., of the original gtant cuntract shall be amended t� read:
iV. TERM OF GRANT CONTRACT This grant contract shall he effective on 1/1/02, or upqn the date :hat the
tinal reGuired s�gnature is obtained by the S7ATE. pu�uant to Minn. Statute 16C.05, Subd. 2., n•hichever
occurs later, and shal� remain in effect untl �21�#�2 3/31l03, or until all obligations 5e: forth In this grant
contract have bee� satisfadorily fulfiiled, whichever Occur first.
Attachment 1 is replaced hy Fevised Attachment 7 in the grant contrac;. Ary reFerenCOS to Attach�Ttcnt 7 in the grant
contract now re}er to Aevised Attachment i, which is incorporated by reference and ma�e part ef this grant contract.
By exer_u-ion of this amendment, ihe terms and Condifiona ot tF'e original �rartt contrac[ are expressly r2affirrtted.
Total Costract AmcunL
Original Con;ract:
Pr2vous Amendment(s) Tctal:
f'ogc t m I
�i2/28%200J FRI 17:'s0 FA1 651 28d aai� OFFICE DRCG PULICIES
.'yl;naesota Dcpactiveni o[ Pablie §afen•
��(ui[h de]egaced autBOrity) � � . ' - � , � �
, , . �� / 1 ; _,.
Except as herein amended, the provisions of tfie original grant contract remain in fcll force ard �ffect.
lN W ITNESS WHEREQF. ihe pariies have cause9 Lhis amerdmer�t to be exec�9ed iMentling t= b2 bound thereby.
GRA.ti f� cxrif.es IhatlGe up�ro�ime P�rs�"Cs) baee e�rea s6�
�tn�cnatran oabeESlfo[iheGRiVYfEEas.mpn^�ab7�PPtebla
sr�dee_bv-isYS_�netueiors.oruidinnnas . . _ . . ..
r�x: s�:nirr
�. ., u.+
03 ��3
(Intl�W7bd79lgrli�g C94i��B9 Uidtt'rCS he?ve be6n encumbered
asrequfrcCb)� �.5. § isA 75. ara .S. ¢ f6CO5S.rM.2j
I)ac: � � �
�hgc 2 0� �
,p2;28/2001 F'RI 17:a1 FA1 d51 25d Jal% JFFICi LRLG PUL.6iES
Grantee: Ramsev Countv Sher"�ff's Department
Task Force Name: RamsevtSt Paul Qrua Task Force
Grant Period: January 1, 2UO2 -�� .''�„ `�'^� MBtcfi 31. 2003
e..J�...i CLc..�l Venr �nm �
��'� J
Salaryt�Fringe $55,587,01 $18,529.34 534,097 $88,213.35
Contracted Services
Trdining $1:�515.99 $3�838.66 S1S�354.65
7raveVrransportation $63,000 $21,D00 $84,000
Equlpment over 35,000 $7,$75 $2,625 $10,500
; Office Expenses 524,360 $�,�Z� �
Program Expenses
i Other Expenses $1,650 $550 �Z�Z�a
� P/o Evidence $10,275 $3,425 $13,700
P/o Information $11,250 $3,750 $15,000
P/u 5ervices $3,750 $1,250 $5,000
?OTAl. $1$9,263 $63,08$ $14,097 $266,448
.. 52i0if2003 10:22
S�Y Fund
2002 300
2602 tpp
UFARS Cod9 , Yendor Numbar
Agency � Qrgn
P07 I 9389
P07 69Hi
A�tt 5203,36Q.OQ
S 189, 263.00
$ t4,097.00
�rt:ih��EY ��IJ '�Yi�'..lYY
Corttraet Number
$y:ne with maich
: naL __
Type of Transaction �
Raquisklen Number I Oate Entered 8y �
9304396 �
6000-345 � �
Aurohese Ordar � Daie Encered By
9300•875 � �
6�00-352 �
fndividual signing cenifies funds have 6een ancumbe�ed as required by Minn. Stat. §i16AJ5 an6 16C-Oti
THIS GRANT CONTRACT, which shall 6e irtterpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Mmnesota between the
State ot U�innesoea, aCUng tFuough �ts Comndssioner of Puhlic Safety, O�ce of DruB Policy and Violencs P�evention
{'STATE") and Ramsey County, She�iff's Department, 14 Kellagg Blvd W, Si. PaUI, MN 55'102: Sac. Sec. or MN
7au ID. No. 8027226, Federal Employer 1D. No. lif appticable) 41-6005875, ("GRANTEE"f, witnesseth that:
WHEREAS, thz Minnesota Department of Public Ssfety, Otfiae of Drug Policy and Vlolence Prevent3on has besn
designeted to administer fur;ds available through the Fadera� Anti-Drug Flbusa Act of 1988 IPublic Law 100-690), to
support criminal justica activities, aod
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized by tBe Laws of Minnesota 200z. Special Session 1, Chapter B, Article 4,
SecYia� 1Q 5ubd. 7 to al�ocate funds fcr law enfowement and community grants to com6at metham�hetamine
traffick�ng and oroduction
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represen?s that it is du�y yualif�ed and willing to perform the services set forch here�n,
NOW, THEFEFORE, it i< agreetl:
GRANTEE'S DUTIES GRANTEE, who is noc a stace employea, shall perform the duties and tasks specfifed in
GRANTE6'S grant application for this program, which is or� file with the STATE and located at 444 Cedar
Streat, Suiiz tOQ, Town Square, St. Paul. Minneseta. Approved grant application will 6e sent with the
grant contract at the time GRANTEE is rac�u+reC to sign the grani contract.
A. Consideration for all services Aerformed and goods or materials supplied by GRAN7EE pursuant to th�s
grant contract shall be paid by the STATE as follnws.
1. CompensaUOn shall be consistent with the Pragram Sudget Fequest, specified in Attachmant �..
which is attached and incorporated into this grant coMrac;.
Z Matching Reqvirements. GRANTEE certifies Shat the following matching requirement, for the gra�t.
will be mzt bY the GRAN7EE:
a. The GRANTEE agrees to prowde tha cash match of S63,tl88.00 whicn is required to be at least
25% of the 7otal Project Cost
�3 ��-
F:ICDP+DP9grsntsV ecmferi2002-OCa30-8amsev.do:
,. E`L!67�2✓kf3 1N:22 26o2ec2
kL'�MSE'r �5 =n"tt.. r
The GRANTEE w�ll expend grent funds and requiretl cash match aifocated fa� ;h;s project accordirg
to Attachment f: The GRANTEE wil4 submit e revised budget for any deviation of 70m or more
hetween spproved lines. 7he ravised butlget must be appraved by the STATE before any
experw+itures car be made based on the revised budget.
Reimbursament for trevel and suCsistan4e eXt?e�ses ar,r�alty and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE'S
psrfarmance af this grant contract wili be paid �rovided that the GRANTE£ shali be reimbursed for
travel and subsistarice expenses in tne sarne manner and in no greater amou�t than Arovided in tf.e
current "Commissi�ner's Plan' p�omuigated by the Commiss+oner of Emptoyee Relations and
GRANTE� will only be reimbursed for tmvel and subsistence outside the State of Minnesota if it fias
received pnor writter apprwal 4or such out of state fravel from the STATE.
The totai obligation of ths STATE for all compensation and reimburaemertts tc GRAN?EE shall not exceeU
$243,360.00 lTwo tlundred Thrae Thousarxi Three Hundrod S�xty and NO/'f00 DO�LARS).
b3 3
$. 7arms ot Payment .
1. Payments shatl te made by the STA7E promptly aftar GRANTEE'S presentetion of invoices ror
services performad and acceptanca of such serviees by me STA7E'S Autharized Representac;ve
pursuant to Ciause VI., of this granx contract. invaites shal! be submitted in a form prescrihed by
the STATE and accotding to the fotlowing schedule:
a. lnvoicas for re+mbursemert shall be identified in apAroved 'nsdget categories and submitted at
m�nimum on a quarteriy besis and within 20 days of the and of the reperting period.
b. No payment shall be n7ade by the STATE until quarteriy repxts required �uider Clausa XVllk
have been received by the S7ATE.
c. if B.tA charges the STATE �nterest for an apparent cash surplus resu(iing trom the failure of ihe
grantee to submit invoices as raquired under Clause 11.,9.7.a., the GRAN7EE w'sli reimburse the
STATE tor any interesi paid by the STATE as a result of said failure. Relmbu�sement of interest
payments by the GRAN7EE to the STA7E shall not ha reim4uts24le expenses under this grart
d. Final invoice pecta�c+ing to this grant contract must be received within 30 days af the end date
of th�s grant contract.
e. Final invoice pertaining to the firet state fiscaf year of this grant contract must be received
within ZO days of the end oF the reponing period andi�g Jurte 30, 2002. Reimbursement from
the second sFate fiscal year may commeace on or after July 1, 2002.
f. Expenditures of each st�te fiscal year (Juiy 1 through June 30� pursuartt to this grant contract
must hA faf 8erv�ces performed within app��cable s*,ate fisca! year and roithin ths terms of this
grant ca�t�act. Funds not expended �n tha first state 4iseal year ot this granc contract will 6e
canceled and re-estabtished in the followi�g state fiscal year{s} af this gra�i contract.
2. Upon GRAN7EE'S request, an advanca pvyment may be msde after grant contract executian, in an
amount not to exceed 30 days of the tocal STATE'S obligation (which is the total amount of this
grani concract divided by the tatal num�er ot months of this grant�, es de:ermined necessary by the
STATE for exec�rcion of GAANTEE'S grani contract ob��gations.
3. Upon GRAN?EE'S rsquest, and at the discretion of Ehe STATE'S Author�zed Representative, advance
payments may be negotiated in amounts determined riecessary to execute GRANTEE obligations in
the foilawing alfowable funding areas: purchase of evidence, purchase of iniormation and purchase
of service.
4. Payments are to be mede fram federal fuhds obtained by the 57ATE ?hrough Titfe 1 of the Omnibus
Crime Conttol and Safe Streets Act of 1968 I�'�blic Law 100•690 and a�,�ndmsnts thereto} and
Laws ot PAinnesota 2001, Special Session 1. Chapter 8, Aricle 4, Secton 10, Subd. 7, If at anv
vrne such funds become unava�ia6le, Chis grant contract ehstl be termin�ted immediatety upGn
written nouce of sueh iact bY �E STATE iu GRANTEE. In th? avant of su:n te��nstion, GRAfJTEE
shatl be entitted to payment, determined on a pro raFa basis, for services satisfactorily performad.
5. The GPAN7EE agree5 to retum any unused funds ta tha STAT� uoles& prior approval for an
extension has been granted by ihe C�rants Administrator and an amendment to the grant contract
has baen duly executed. Vnused iunds m!�st be reTUrned to ihe S7AT= wi:t�in 30 days of the ending
date or termmatwn date ef the grant contcact.
•• 02i0�/2003 1E�:22 2b62�E2
�L;��E h�
i1L CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT Ail services provided bV GRANTEE pursuant to th!s grant conuac*, shall oe
perfofrr�ed to the satisfaction of tne STA7E, as detarmined in ihe so!e discrer,on of ns Authorized
Representative, artd in accordance with all applica�le fedetai, sta2e aod local le�ns, ordinancrs, rules and
ragulations. GRAt3TEE shatl not receive payment 4or work found by tha STATE to be unsatis`actory, or
performed in vio3ation of federal, state ar local 12w, Crtlinance. Tule or ragulation.
IV_ TERh1 OF GRAyT CONTRACT This grant con.rzct sheil bc efleclive on 1/7/02, or upen the date that ths
#inal required signacure is oGtained bY t� STATE, pursuant to Micen• Stacute 16C.05., Suhd 2., wh�c'�ever
occurs later, snd shall semai� in eftect unal 12I3t102, ar until all obtigatians set torth in this grant ccntrect
have basn sa5sfactorily #ulf;iled, whichever occurs first.
A. Commencement oi project. If tYs pro}act is riot oP°-ret�on81 within 60 dsys o` tne originai start date oi
the grant contract periud, the GRANTEE must report by iettar to the STATE the s:aDs taken to initiate
tfie projec2, 2he reasons for detay, and the expacted stert date. li a project ;s not operaiiona� W�thin 90
days of the original stett date of ihe �ant contract period, the GRANTEE must submit a second
statemeni to the STATE exptainir�g the impiementation delay.
B. 7his grnt contract may be eanceled by the STATE or GFiANTEE at any time, with or w�tha�t cause,
upon thirty i3p) days notice to the othes party. tn the ave�t of such a cance�iation GRANTES shall b�
eMitied to payrrwnt, determ�ned on a oro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed.
The S� ATE may cancel this grant co�tract immadiately if the STATE finds that there has been a fa�lure
to comD�Y v+nh the provisions of this grant contract, that reasona64e progress has not been made, or
that the pw'poses for which the funds were 8ranted have not 6een or wiil not be fulfilied, Yhe S� ATE
may take 2ctior, to protect the interasts of the State ot Minnwsota, incVuding tfie refusaS to disbursa
additicnal funds and requirirg the return of atl or part of the funds aEready disbursed.
C. The ST4TE may immediatety cerminate this grani contract if it doas r�ot obtain tunding irom the
Minnesoca Legisia?ure, or other funding source; or if funding eannot ba coniinued at a Ievel sufi.cient tc
allow `or the peyment at The servfces coverad here. Tetmination must be 6y wriiten or fax notica to the
GRANTEE. The STATE is not obt+gated io pay for any serv�ces that are provided after noiice ar.d
effective date of terminatiorr. However. the GRANTEE will be er,utled to paymant, determined on a Rr�
reta basis, for serv�ces satisfactority performad to the axtent that funds are avaliable. The STATE wdf
no2 be assessed any penaity if the grant contract is termina[ad hecause of the decision of the Minneso;a
Legisla?ure, or other t�nciing sowce, not to epproPnata funds. 7ne STATE must provice thz GRANTEE
notice o; tne iack of fund�ng within a reasonabis tirne of zhe STATE receivmg that notice.
VI. �TATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAFIVE The STATE'S Authwized Pepresentat;ve for the purposes of
administrsnon of this gr�nt is Jeri Boisvzrt, Depanment af Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violencz
Prevantion, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 200, Tovm 5quara. Si. Paut, Mir.nesota 55'IQ1-5100 or his!her
succe:.y�r, and has che respons�bility to monite* the GFtAN7EE'S perfonnance end the authority tc ac�ept
tfie servtces provided undec this grar.t contraet. �t the services are satisfactory, tfie STATE'S Auzhorized
Represer.2at:ve will certify acceptance on each invaic� submiited fa payment,
The GRANTEE'S Authorized Representa;ive is Paul Kirkwood, Caunty �danager, 14 NI Keliogg S�vd, Sc. Paul,
MN 55102 it the GAANTEE'S Antho��zed Representative changes at anv time dunng this grant contract,
the GRANTEE m�ist �mmetliately no:ify the STATE.
Vll. ASSIGtvMEN7 GFANTEE shalt neither assign nor transfer any righis of obligations untler Ihis grarrt conuzct
without the prior written consent of the SFATE. GRANTEE may subcontrect to provide serv�ces as
describea �n the GRANTEE dvties and tasks sq0cified in the GRANTEE'$ grant apD�ication for this program
snd on fiie wich the STA7E, and Iocated at 444 Cada� Street, Swte tEO, Tcwn Square, St. P�ul, klinnesota.
;t is �ncerstood, hnwevar, the GFtAMEE remains solely responsible to xhe 57ATE for proriding the vro6ucis
and s��vices descrioed. It is further understood tha: GAANTEE will seek prior approvai frotn the S7A7E :n
subcor;racting for individual eonsuiting seraicas whece the compensat�on exceeds a rate of S4a0 for an
eight hour day.
F��ODPIDPSQ+d�tSiJer.mier\2DC2 OV`OoC-�am9<.v d�c
L'ciJliLC63 i�:LL GbbLboL rti�'�� ""`' l " '-
VI!I. AMENDPhE{+1TS Ar.y mate�ial amendmenis to this gran: contract shali he in writ;ng, and shali be execu�ed
by the same Qa�[ies who executed the original or :heir successors in office.
IX. LIRBILITY The GRAIvTEE ttwst indemnify, save and hold the STATE, its agents and amployees harmiess
f*om any claims or causes of action, inciudir.g attorney's fees incurretl by the STATE, erising fram tha
perfiormanca of this gsant contract by the GRANTEE or the GRAN7EE'S agents or.employeas. Th�s cizuse
wii? ncc be construed 2o bar 2ny 12gak rernedias the GflANTEE may ha�e for the STATE'S failure to fu[fill its
obligatians Rursuant to this grant contract.
A. GRANTEE wiEl estahtish a cotal progeam costs account zo deposit prooram furtls in accordance with
2p�!icable federal regulacions fa P.t.. 100-E90. The acwunt must be ab4e to acceunt 4or ihe Federel
award amount, local cash match ami pragram income. O�ly atiawable prograrn expensea can be paid
frorc: this account �n aCCOrdance wiYh the OfEice of Mar.agement a;�d 6udget (OMB) Circular A-87, Cas:
Principies for Stste and Locei Governments, and Byme Formula Gre[rt requiremenzs. Fiscal records shaf
be retained for a period of six years ta'slowfng submission of the final repu^.
B. In accotdance with the current eciition of OMS Circular A-133, "Audits ot States, Lccal Govemments.
and Non-Profit Organizat�ors," GRANTEES who expand �300,000 or more ot Fadera� funds during their
fiscal year are reqwred to submit an organ�zation•wida financial and compliance audit report and submit
copias to:
• U.S. Departmant of A�ricultuce, Regional inspector General, '1 } 1 N. Cana1 St., Suice 110, Chicaga,
IL 606Q6;
- Federai Audit Clearinghouse, Buteau of the Census, 120t E. tOth Street, Jeffersonvilte, IN 47312:
• Office of the Cotr:ptrolier, Office of Justica Programs, Attn: Control Desk, 5th Floor, S�Q Seventh
St, N.W., Wast,irgtnn, O.C. 20531;
• MN Oept of Public Safery, Office of Administrauon Services, 444 Cedar SVeet, Suite 126, St.
Paul, MN 56101-2i56.
The CFDA number for this grant is 15.579.
C. Tha books, retords, documents, and accouncing procedures and practir,es of ary contractoi :�nc/or
consultant relevant to this grsnt contract shal4 ba su6jec4 to examinetion by the STATF andlor the State
Auditor or Leg�slative Audi:o�, as appropria!e, for a mirimum of siz years from the end of this grant
co�-ract. Records sha�1 6e suffiaent to refiect alI cosis incurred in performance of this grant contract.
C. The GFANTEE agrees to abide by all the financial ma�agement policies and pracedures required uf
GRAN7EE organizaGons as required by the Oftice af Justice Pragrams.
XI. STATE AUDITS U�der M+nn. Stat. 3 16C.05, subd.. 5, tne GEtANTEE'S books, records, documents, and
acco�nting procedures and practices relevant to this grant contratt are subiect to examination by the STATE
andlor State Aud�tor or Legislat�ve Auditor, as approp��ate, for minimurn of six years frorn the end of th�s
grant tonvsct.
Xl1. GQVERNMfN7 OATA PRACTICES ACT The GAANTEE ard ?he STATE must comptY with ihe Minnesota
Govemment, Data Practices Acc, Minnesota Statute, Chaptar 13, as it applies to al� data provided by the
STA7E under this grant con*.tact, an8 as it apQ��es to aA data creat4d, collectetl, teceived, sto�ad, used,
maintained or d�sseminaTF+C by the GRANTE£ under this 3rant contrect. The civil remedies of Minnesota
Scatutes § 13.62 apply to the selease of the data referred to in this clause by either the GRANTEE or the
:f the GRANTEE receives a request tu release the tlata referred to in tMs clause. the GRANTEE must
�mmediatelY notity tne STATE. The STA7E wiU give the GRAN?E� instruc*.ions concern�ng the reiease oi the
data to the requesting party hetors the data +s released.
p. The STA7E shalt own all rights, tiNe and iYlt0fe5t irl 2!I Uf Lhe tt1BI8f1a15 COncSIVEd o� CB3t0d by th8
GfiAN7EE. ar its employees or suograr either �ndi•�iduafty or jointly with otners and which arise out
af the performance oi this grant contract, indud�ng any mventions, reports, studies, desiyns, dsaw+ngs.
scerifications, notes, documents, software and documencaeion, ccmC�er based trair.in� modules,
F.10DP�DPSgranis\J enmtert2002-UGG3o-4amszy.doc
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eiectronically, macneticalty or dig�tatly secordetl material, and oth2� wcrk in whatever form
i"MA7ERIALS"!, -
Tfie GRANTEE hereby assigrs to the S7ATE a�i rights, title snd in.erest to the MATERIALS.
GRANTEE shait, upon request of the STATE, execute ali papers ana perfotm all other ac¢s nscessary to
assist the SFATE to obtain and register copyri9nta, patents or other forms of protection FraviC�d by lav+
for the MATERIALS. The MATERtALS created urtder this 9rant coniract by the GRANTEE, its emp�aYees
or subg�aotees, individually o{ jointiv with others, s�+ait be ca^sidered "vrorks made for hire° as defined
Gy the L3ni:ed States Copyri9M Act. A!I Q".he MATERIALS, whether �n paper, electronic, or other form,
shall be remiited ta the STAT£ 6y the GRAN7EE, its emptayees and any subgrantees, shall not copy,
reproduce, aiWw or cause to have Yhe MA7ERiALS cooisd, reproduced or ased for nay purpose othe�
thar, perfermance af the GRA���'S obi;gations uader thls grant contract without the priar wntten
consen_ of :he STATE'S Auttwrized Reprssentative.
B. GRANTEE re,�resents and wsYrems that MA7ERIALS praouced or usad under tris grant contract do nat
cnd W�« rnt infringe upon any intellectual pro�ery righ:s of another, including hut rwt limited to patens,
copyrights, frade secrets, trade names, an0 service snarks and nemzs• GRAPtTEE st�ll indesnnifi' and
detend the STATE, at GRANTEE'S expanse, `.rom any action or claim brought against the 57ATE to the
extent iha? i: is based on a claim that alt ot part of tha MATERtALS in`rin3e upon the inteUectual
property rights of another. GRANFEE shall be responsihle for pa�ment of an�t and a�l auch c(aims,
de.mands, obligations, liatiiities, costs, and dartages including, bu[ noi limitetl to, reasonabie atmmey
fee� arisfng ouc �f this grant contrect, amendmerrts and supplements there2o, wNch ere actnbutshie to
such claims or actions-
If such a da�m or acticn arises, nr in GRANTEE'S or the STATE•S np+n:on �s tike(y to ariss, G�AN7EE
shall at tha STA7E'S discretion eittier proeure for the STATf the right ar license to continue using the
MATERIALS at issue or replace or modify ihe ellegedly infringing MRTERIALS. This remedy shall be in
addition to and shall not be exclusiva to o�her remedies provided by law,
A. Ar.y pubiicity grven to the program, publiCations, or Services proviaed resulrir.g frem this grarrt contracL
ir.c��d�ng, but r.ot limitad to, noticss, informational pampl9ets, press reieases, research, reports. signs,
and simiiar public notices prepared hy or tor the GRAN7E£ or its employeos individually or jointly with
others, or ony suDaontractor shail identify ?he STATP as the sponsoring agency and shall not be
releesed, unless sucfi raiease is a speeific part of an approvad work plan included �n this grant contract
oriar to its approvat bY the STATE'S Authorized Hepresentative.
6. The GRANTEE ac�rees the2 any publica[ion 2he �GRP.NTEE s an d subcontractot de cribing programs er
newslecters, and �ssue analysest issued bY Y �
,�rvjects fur.ded in who�e or in part with Federal funds, shali contain the followinq statement:
"7his project was suDPaned hy Award No.2001-DB-BX-tl027 awarded by tne 6urr.au of Justice
Assistance, Office of Justice Programs. 7he opinions, findings, and conclusions or rer,ommendations
expressed in the publicaaoNo�o9ram(exhib�tion are thOSe of the authorls} and do net necessar�iy
ie44eec the views of the Departmen� of Justice and/a'the State of Minnesote."
A. GRANTEE cerufies that it has received a certificate ot compfiance trom the commissioner ot Humz�
Rights pursvant to Minn. Stat. § 363.073. li is herzty ayreed benveen the psrties that Minn. 5tat. §
363.073 is incorpocated into ch�s contract by referenca.
6. The GRANTEE assor°s that �t wili comply, and ali its subcontractors wiit comply, wiih the
��ondiecriminaTion requirements af the Omnibus Cnme Contro! and Safe 5treets Act of 1968, as
amended: Title Vl ot the Civii Rights Act oE 1984; Section 504 of ihe Rehabditano� Act oi 1973, as
smended; T�Ue fX of the Fducation Amendmenzs of 1972: ihe Age Discrimir:a*.ion Act af 1975; the
�epartment of Justice Ptcndiscsimination Ragu(ations 28 CFfi Part 42, Subparts C, D, E and G: and
Executive Order 11246, as amended by EXecutive Qrder 77375, and thev implementIng tegulations, 41
C�R Par. 60. i et. se9•. as aVP��cable, and ihe Americar.s with DisaU+uties Ac[ of i$9o-
7ne GR.4NTEE assures that i� ihe event � federal or stata court o: administranve agency make � find:ng
v of discrimina±ion after a d�e pra:ess hearing on the grounds of race, color, religior., nationai ongin or sex
against the GflANTEE or its subcontractors. tha GRAN7EE witl torward a copY of the findirtg to tiie
F `ppP�pP59rants�.leanifer\:002�0003aPar^say.tloc
, eG�6i 10:22 �bb28o2 h�f1�d =u �:c �r -
XVI. WOP.KE35' COMPENSATIQN GRANtEE certifie5 :ha: it is in camplian:e with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, Subd
2., pertaining to workers' compensation inaurance ca•�erage. The GRANTEE'S emGloyess and agent� witt
n�t be censidered STATE empioyees. Any cl2ims that m�y arise under the �nnesota Workers'
Compensation Acc o� behafi o� these empioyees and any claims rnade by any thicd party ss a consequenc�
of any act o; omission on the part of th�se employees ere in ne way the 57ATE'S-c�Iigation 9r
resPflnsibi!ity. .
XVII. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This grant contract, arw amendments and supp3ements tnere;e, s�all ba
governed 'oy .he Iaws of the State of Minnssota. Venue fcr all Sega4 proceedings arisirg out of th�s grant
coniract, or breach thereof, shalt ba in .he state or federa� co�_rt with competent jurisdiction in Ramsay
Ccunty, Minnesota.
XVIlE. REPORTS The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concercang the �sojeci ¢togress through the submissicn ci
puarterlV reports and as reauired hy the STATE'S Authorized Represencative.
A. ?he �RAN7EE assures that Fe8eral funds made availab�e under this formula grant will not be usea co
supplant staie or locai fu�ds but wii! be used 2o increase the amounts of such fund� that wouid, in the
absence o' Federal funds, be made evaitable for criminai ;ustice activities.
A. iWhen appiicable) GRANTEE will complete ' certifiaetion form committing th8 GRAN7EE to comp�.�ance
with the certificaeion requiremenis under 26 CFR Part 69, tJew Resirictions on Lob6ying, and 29 CFR
part 6'7, Govemment-W�de Debarrrient and Suspension INonprocurement} and GovernmenrWide
Requirements for Dru9-Frze Workp�ace (Grantsl.
8, (When applicable) GRANT£E will submit s certification regar�ing its Equal Emplayment Opportunity P1an
compliance if required by 28 CFR 42.3�7 at.s�e .
C. The GRANTEE certifias that: equipmant acquired wrch grant funds is reqaired as no other equipment
owned by the GRAN7EE ;s suitable for the effort, equipment purchased and used commor.:y for two o�
rnore programs wiil be appropr,atelY prorated to each ac2�vity nnd, ihat equipment purcbased with 8r2nt
funds vviif be usad during and afier the grant AEriod for criminal justice purposes.
D. Tne GRANTEE c=rtifies that expenditura of ali do{lars a<<ocated for confidential f�nds will be in
comp4ianca wich the Minnesota Taak Force policies on use of confideniial tunds and use of informants
issued by the Office of Orug Policy and V�o{ence Prevent�on, and the offica of Justice Programs Financiai
snd Administrative Guide for Grants.
E. The GRANTEE certifies tha[ gaYhenng, mairYenar.ca and distribu±ion of criminal imeCigence informatfon
will be in complianca with Fedetal Crimirtal Inieqigence opera:ing pottefes (28 CFR Part 23). GRP.N7"cE
may be reqwred to input narcotics in:elligence information into a centraiized database systam.
F. The GRAN7EE assures that a Iegaily ninding commitment approA��ating che cash match rr,quired Ly the
Acc has been made by the appropriate authorities.
G. The GRANTEE 3grees to work with other elements of che criminal justica system, such as, law
entorcement, prosecution, courts and carrec;ions as needed to improve enmmunication and cooperation
between these elemems. 7he GRANTEE further agrees to coor�+inaie efforts and cooperate with Drug
Abuxe Prevention, Educatwn entl 7reatment Psograms in the GRANTEE'S project area.
H. The GRANTEE agrees :o ma�age asset seizure snd forfert��res as program income which may 5s retafned
as progrsm income and used by the GRANTEE for oniy those purposes it�at further ihe ok�3aCtives °i the
forcnula g*ant G�ogram under which the grant was made in compliance with fi09.5315, Subd.5. The
Gt?ANTEE may use pro9ram inceme `unds from seize� and forfeited assets as match.
i. If ths GRANTEc is a mu1.i-jurisdictional law enforcement task force, the foflowing are assuranc>s made
6y the GRANTEc:
t- q task ferce advisory 6oard has been estao�ished with membership includlnc� represerrtatives as
necessary from part�eipating jurisdic:ions to eversec task force activitiea end budgets.
?. The task force advisary board will incfude at leas: one county attomey or eaunty levet drug
3. The GRANTEE wili advise tne STATE �f the task �orce membership changes. The STATE, thrcugh
:he AuthoriZed Representat�ve reserves the r+yht to cancel shis grent contract with thirty davs' nctice
f:;OD%UPSgtants4Jenni�er12CO2-0003D-Ramsa i.doc
., _ __ _ . �
shonld the task force membership no fanger maet estabhsnect riteria of at least la) thrae conticuous
municipalities, l6t two cocrtiguous caurtties, or ic� one coun'[y ar.� pne contiyuous municipality's, law
enforcement agencies werKing 2ocaiter on caordinated drug e^�forcement e`foRS. In the event of
sucri a cancelta�ien, GRANfEE wa:id not be errmtied to furtfier payments.
4. A valid Joint Powars or Mucust Aid lnteragency Agreemest be,ween a11 agencies ineluded in tnss
project must be in effect L•y the etfee2tve tlaie of Lhis g�anx co�traet. A copy of She agreemeni A't35t
be submitted to the STATE prior i� the statting date ot this prant contsact.
5- GRANTE£ agrees ta compiy �ii[h any new multi jurrsdictionaE narcotics task force poHcies and
procedures devebped hy the Office af Drug Policy and �olence Prsvention durirxd the effectiva
dates in Clause lV.
Under Minn. S.at. § 27Q.66, ar�d a2her app{ies6le 3aw, the GRANTEE aonsents to discfosure of its sociat
secunty nu�nber, federst emptoyet ta% identification nurnber, andlOr M:nnesoia taz identification number,
already pravided to the 5TATE, to federal and state tax ac�ancies and s:ate personnel invoived in the
payment of stata ohl"tgations. These identiiicat�on numbers may be �SeQ in the enforcemert of federal and
state tax laws which could rssult in action requir'sng the GRANTEE to iiie state tax raturns and pay
delinquent state ta:c liabilities, if any.
IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this grent to be duly executed intanding to be bound thereby.
GRANTEE " I Minnesota Depart�nent of Public Safety -
6RkNGEE certi!Ira t�at the app�oprisu va�sonlai have ea'eeuted tf�e f(With dale9atatl auCwnM ', .
grortt conuact on oehaif ot ciw� GRP.NTEE as rsqufred pY aPP���d ` . � ' '.
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Title: Ptannir.g Oi!ec:or
F tC0?t0?Sgrants\JannifeP.2(3�2-00030-Ramsey.doc