251694 Counoil Ptle No...������
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Theundarsigned hereby prop�eet,�emakingof thefolloanngpnbl�aimpmvement by the City of Saint Psul�vis.:
Grade and surface with bituminous a�aterial �he alley in BLK. 28, ST. ANTHONY PARK
...._�.........._..........................»................................ .......»....... ..................
NORTN fro� Dosw�ell Ave. to Chilcombe Ave. (6-1978)
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Dsted t�his..��!'....day December „ ig k
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WHEREA�, A written propoeat for the maldng of the t�llowing imgrorement,vis.:
� Grade a�d surface with bituminous material the all� i�BLK. 28 ST. ANTHONY PARK
...........................�............................»....»... �. ................» ..
� NORTH from Doswoell Ave. to Chilcombe Ave. (G-1�78)
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.................._.... ....................... .M_...................................a................................... .............._.................
6aving been preeented to the Counail of the City of 8aint Pau�......._......................_....»..._...
therefore, be it
RffiOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Pubtio Worke be aad is hereby ordered and directed:
1. To investigate the neceaeity for�or desirability of,the making of eaid improvemea�
2. To inveetigats the nature� extent and r,atimated ctr�it of eaid imprnvemeat, and the total coet thereof.
� 3. To furnieh a plart, profile ar eketch of eaid improvemen�
4. To atate w#�ether or not eaid impmvement ia seked for oa the petation of three or mare owaere.
_ b. To report upoa at1 of the foregoi mattere to�e Commi�ioner�PSnaace.
DEC� 4 ly7o .
Adopted by the CounciL....»....».. ........ ...................... �
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�V1j�Vice Pr�sident Mer�dith .
y �AN Z 1971
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