251693 � �,�a���o.�51��3 . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � T6eundersignedhereby propoeeet,hemskingof thefollowingpnblioimprovement by the City ot SainZ Paul�vis.: Condemning a�d taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,including r i ght�of remova l of l a�Eera l�su�,port f roan sub ect l and or rema i nde� thereof occas i oned by excavations thereof or construction of slo�es_in the radin a�d surfacin with bituminous materi�ai�the al lt+ in BLK. 28�ST�ANTHabiY PARK NORTH from tbswel l Ave. to Chi lccxabe Ave.(6-1978 � Dsbed ! 24t�h ���`�Decem�� Ig 0 ' .................� Cc�unoilnauta. PRELIMINARY, aRDER. WHER.EA$� A written propossl for the making of the�following improrement, vis.: Condeaming and takin�aa easeiae�t in the land necessar�r for the sl�s, cuts a�d�fills�includi�g right of�re�oval of late�al support fropa subject land or remainder thereof accaslo�ed by .................... .._...................................._..........................._... .. ......................................,........... excavations thexeof or construction of slopes in the gradi�g and sw�facing with bitu�ai�ous -� ................_................ .. _.......... .._.._..............................................._....................... ...._.. ........................_ material 'the ailey fn 6LK. 28, ST. ANTHONY PARK NORTH fro� Dcs�rell Ave. to ChilccNnbe Ave.(G-19?8 having been preeented to Lhe Counail of the City of 8aint Paui� ..........._.............. ..........� theretore, be it . RF�OLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubtio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated: 1. Ta investigate the neceesity for,or desirabiiity of,the ma�ng of said improvement� 2. To inveatigate the nature, exten�aa�d r.etimated coet of asid impmvemeat, and t,he total eoet thereof. � 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or ekatah of eaid improvemen�. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement i�aeked for on the petition of three or more ownera. _ b. To report upon all of the foreg�oing msttsre to the Com�ni�ioner of I�inanoe. f3�C 2 4 1910 Adopted by the CounciL.._............�.......�............................................._. • ' Y�►e � Councilman s L3�.� � ��� ���� " _ - r 1 son Apprnved..... ..._............ ................. � Ted co � ���y Mayo . �ry�ce President Nter�dith � � v JAN � 19 1 pUBLISHED