251691 . 251��1 co���rro.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO�EMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. � T6eundereignedLereb�►propoeeet�emalcingof thefatlowingpubl�aimprovemen!by the City of Saint Psul�vis.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Ramsey County ._.......���P....s�..�.t'u�.�..�?Rs��... �' � .�Oix�aad..S�....,i43so�.s�.oastxat�.L- � - »�...... Dated t.hie...�:..2�S.k1....»day of.........R���JC...r.........r..�..�... �.....�. ` � Cot�ne�nnsa. PRELIMiNARY ORDER. WHER,EAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following imgmvement, vi:.: ........»........_.�G�..�l�...�1,G��.��..�tL�1..b.Lxuun.iAwts..o�atx�,tla�...tl�..a1.Le�.. ......_ ..........�Q�.R..�...T.Ll�d.Sx...�QlItR,'��c...�dlv.is.i c�n...Numher...3•:.fr�om..t.e�c.isrgt�►a..P.a�1�cw.�c..xo........................ (�£ax�..Sxr.�eL».....A,Lsa..c.�cwstr.erc.t..a..se�v�...�.a...�..a.�.�e��-€er�--s�e�iva�.�..�..�-- _.........aux.aQ�.��:.......�-1��..... ..._..__................................................._................. .. .._.. having been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul.............................................._ therefore, be it RF�OLVED� That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveatigate the neoeagity for,or desirability of, the maging of eaid improvemea� 2. To inveetigsts the natnre, extent and eatimated Qoet of said improvemeat, and the total coet thereof. • 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketah of eaid improvemen� 4. To etat,e whether or not esid improvement i�asked for on the petition of three or more owa�e. _ b. To report upon all of the foreg�oing mi►ttere to the Commiesioner of Pinaa�. DEC 2 4 1970 Adoptedby the Couneil.........................................._.........._............._.._.. � Y�►s � (�CC 2 � 1'70 caunci�man . r1 son Approved..... . ..._............. ....�........... Ted co � -..--. ...... ���.,� ��'„`�'�� � �.�/1ce Pres�dent f�7Er�ditF� �/ � JAN . � 19� � � p�JBLISHED ____—