251690 �,�a��8�0.251��0
Theunderaignedhereby prapoeeetbemakingof tbefollowingpnb}ioimprovement bq the City ot Saint Paul�vis.:
Conde��i�g and.takic�g�an..easea�ent in the land necessary�for the slo�es,cuts and fills�including
right of rer�ovai of la�eral�£np r f r
excavations thereof or construction of slo es in the radin and surfacin with bitu�inous
mate�ial the alley in BLk. 47, ST. A�THONY PAitK NORTN from Scudder St.to Kna�St. (6�1965)
..._............... ..»..........».....
Dated Wiie. �24th�........dsy o�»..........Dece��...»».......... � 7� f
...... ...................
• Couitoilm�n�
WHEREA3, A written propoesl for the melring of the fallowing imprnvement, vis.:
Condemni�g and takin� an ease�ent in the land necessar�r,�for the slo�es, cuts and fillsyi�cluding
right ef �remov�ai of lateral .s��ort from st�b�ect. lead�or�.re.mainder thereof,,occasioned by
excavatior�s thereof.or,.constructton of slopes..ia..tbe.�radin� and..sarfacin� with bitu�inows
�aaterial 'the alley in BLK. 47, ST. ANTHONY PARK NORTH from Scudder St. to ic�a Sp�(6�1965)
b�►ving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul .............._....................._.
: therefore, be it
RffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner af Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direot�ed:
1. To inveatigate the ne�ity for,or desirabilitq of, the malring of said improvement�
Z. To inveetigate the nature,e�nt aad eatimated coet of said imprnvemeat� aad t,he tota�l eoet thereof.
� 3. To furnieh a plan� proSle or eketch of said improvemen�.
4. To etate whethet or aot eaid improvement ia seked for on�he petition oi Lhree or more o�a►nera
_ b. To report upon etl of the for�oing mattere to t�►e Commiesiones of I+Snaa�.
2 4 197f1
Adopted by the CounciL.._.......... �EC . '
/� ...................................
Yffias � j
' Councilman D�;�, � �� �9%fl
_ C r 1 son ' APProvecl..........�.�...............................�.................
Tedes . ......... ... .................. .....
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w�+�-aYice Pr���c'�rt ^.�e.r��i�iq �
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