251684 Oridnsl to Cib Cleek , . ORDINANCE - COUNCIL FILE NO / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO -�E!�j An ordinan�e am�r�ding prclin�nce �To. 6446, entitled: "An ad�ini:trative or�lin�aQe fixing the compensation rat�a of certa�in city positions an� employments, " a�pproved January 23, 192�, as au►end�d. This is aan �rgeAay ordinanee reader�d neacessa�ry for th� per�cervmtion �f the p�lic psace, bealth and :afety. THE COt�TC:IL OF TH� �I'�Y �F �AII�T PAtTL DO�S ��I�s 3ection 1. That prdinance �To. 6446, appro�ed �anuary 23, 1925, aa amended, be and the �ame is he=eby ft�rther �mer�dsd by inserting in Section V, in arada 42, under tl3e 'Me�di�g "Clerieal �roup", th� title Assietant c�rants-In-Aid �oordi�ator Seetion 2. The As�ist�nt c�r�ts-In-Aid CoordiAator ahall be �ppointed by the �tayor t+ith the �pprvval of the Couneil. Sectioa 3. T�is ardin�n�e is her�by d�clared to be �n emerg�n�y ordinance rendered acce��ary for the pr�sernatioa of the publi� peace, health and �afety. S�ction 4. Tlzis ardinaxsce �hall take �ff�Qt a�n� be in force from and aft�r it� p�ss�ge, approval and publicatica. JAN 151971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cjuncil Butler / �' �'� In Favor Levine Meredith � r'i Against Sprafka T���° t9►7� esident C � J A N 1 5 , A Approved. ��ti� C' ler Mayor �� Form a�proved Corpor��ior� Counsel By rusLls�� IAN 2L01971 �a a r�r , _-a � � �� �� ORD� I� NA�I� CE � / � � COUNCiI FILE NO �O� PR�SENTED BY ; ORWNANCE NO � �n as�a�liaq 4sdfs�t� �. i4ii. �tilzl�d: "i�t a�iaistsat.i.� ea�rsdi�tao�e f isiaq ths car�u�tian rat�s o� �r�ctain cij� �o��►ti��s and a�lv^l�ttal." ' ; apps�vnd � Z3, 1925, aa � s'his is �► wrt'!NM'! ordisi� s+�M�r�d s���ar= ior t.L� ��t�oa� o� �ths p�lic p�aa�. h�t,� aad ,s�l►fst�. ' SHi COUrCI�. m!' TBi C1'!! E�' 8�►I�i' ti1�i DA�f �s 3�atios l. lhat Osdiaa�c� �. �4#i. a�rpsa►+rd �as�s'Y Z3: 1l2S. � as �, '� a�d t� s�w i� '3�s'�b� ;E�tth�s a�d�d br ies+�rtf� ia �+cttic�a 1/. ia fiz'� i2. 1ad�ss t2� !Lt�iag •C3.�3ai3. �', tis titla �raist,t�►t �ts-I�►id �tvordi�ator 8�atfon 2. T�e �ss,i��t �t�-Ia�-�id Coosiiaatos shall D� app4int�d 'bs i� lp�r witb th� a�p�al ot tla C�o�ail. �ttio:t 3. �i� �sdfaaa�c+� i� l�ts� d�alas+�rt t� b� as �c��e� v�siimaa� r�syd ��sary �auc t�; p��srvsti� of t'h� �b3.l� ��. haral.tl� #nd sa�ty. S�etio� 4. !t►is vsdi�u�ae� shal�. t� •t�iat a�d b� ia i�io�s'a� #s�e aad att�r its pssragr, ip�sta�►s3r' a�d p�lic�tioi, � 1 Yeas Councilmen Nays <;Paesed by the Coun�; JAN 1 �51971 Butler � ' Cas�ses- Levine T*+ Favor �@r6d1�1 A oainwt sp� � , -� Tea�� 197a Mr. President (�eCarty) A�ipreved: J A N � 5 Atteet: City Clerk �iayor . f� : , Form a��mved Corpor�ion �unsel By . r i � o��o cfts Q•� � ORDINANCE o: COUNCIL FILE NO 251��4 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An rdi.n ce amending Ordi.nance No. 6446, entitled: ' administrative ordinance fi.xing the compensati.on rates of ce ain city positions and employments, " approved Januar 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessa y for the preservation of the public peace, health and s af ety. THE COUNCIL THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. hat Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and e same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in Section V, in Grade 42 under the heading "Clerical Group", the title As istant Grants-Ji�.-Aid Coordinator Section 2. This o dinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necess y for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordi ance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approv and publication. -� -� � � �a :'3 - O _ a � 7 � U a: � c'7 j � ,� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counc Butler Caxlson y��+ Favor Levine � Meredith A g�at Sprafka Tedesco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Maqor �� Form approved Corpora�fon Counsel By I st a a ' '� 2nd �� � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted— � � Yeas Nays Yeas ������ Nays l Butler ' Butler � Carison �-�6erlsvrr-- Levine ������� Levine �� � a_ �,� Meredith �, � eredith ' -. " % � ! Sprafka � ��'�prafka �,.� � � Tedesco '�� Tedesco �, ,� /` ` � ;,Y Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarty� O