251683 , s Orisinal to Cit�Clert `� � ORDINANCE ��'�4- -:� � COUNCIL FILE NO � �� / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �"/4 An ordi��nce �nding prdinance �to. 6446, entitleds "An administrative crdiaance fixing th� com- peasatio� rat�s of cestain ei�y positiona and �nplo�menta, " appraved �anu�r�p 23, 1925, a: ann�nded. This is an emerg�ncy ora�ix�a�ce rend�red r��cessax�y for the pres�=vati�n of th� pt�blic peaQ�, health mnd safety. THL COIINCIL �F TS� CTT'Y 0F 3AI�T �1��, D4�S 4�IlIs Section 1. Th�t prdinance �To. 6446, apprmved �'an�ar� 23, 192;�, �s amendsd, ]a� and the same is hereby fnrther ame�ded by inserting in 3ection � at the b�giaaing of the Prof�s�ional 6rmup, the f�llowi��a CE�ADB 34 A�sistant 3a�fetp �oordia�tor �ectimn 2. Th�t the A,�si�etant Safety Coordinmtor shall b� appointed by the Civil Service Co�iasioner with the apprmv�l of the City eot�t��ii. Se�tion 3. This ordinance is h�reby declmr�d to be an em�rge�ey ordina�ce render�d nece:sary for the�r��ervaticn of the pablic peace, health and aaf�ty. S��tion 4. This ordinance shall take eff�ct a�nd bs in �orce from and after its pass�ge, approval a�d p�blic�tioa. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th� Council �A N 1�5 �9 7� Butler (,� / � � Tn Favor Levine �� Meredith � � Against Sprafka Tedeaco 1�7' r. President c rty) Appr �pN 15 t t: ty Cler Mayor a�� '�� Form approved Corpor�s�ion Counsel By PUBLISHED -�AN � (l 197� o�tsm.�s�civ c�t • ..�c- r� � ORDINANCE 251�:�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An o inance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: " administrative ordinance fixi.ng the compensation rates of certai.n city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1g25, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered a�eessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S.AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Sec 'on 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1g25, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section V at the beginni.ng of the Professional Group, the following: GRADE 34 ssistant Safety Coordinator Sectio 2. Th t sa'd ordl' nce as amende be d the same is hereby further nded by ' sert' after the first p r graph at the end of Section V o th ordinan , th llowing paragr ' "An emplo ee hire under the ' e of ssistant S ety oordi.nator shall be ppointed f om organi d labor. " O `" o� > `= Section�t, This ordinance is h eby declared to be an emergency � ` ordinance rendered necessary for the pre ervation of the public peace, a � health and safety. ¢ ;� � . L� Sectiox�. This ordinance shall tak effect and be in force from � Q and after its passage, approval and publicatio . O � � < `. � . t. ,� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sp�a Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor��fon Counsel By , . . - AGLI�UA OF THE COUNCIL MEETING � . Jan 7, 1Q71 . Ha.rry E. 2fiarshall, City Clerk. T. PUBLIC HEARIrIGS � . Hearing on the application of Chickett's Ba,r, Inc. #'or the transfer of � On Sale Liquor T,icense to I720 E. 7th St. � � SEE PUBLIC WORKS AGENDA _ . SEE ZONING BOARD AGENDA • IT. ORDIr;APICES � . � Fina.l Adoption - . - . _ - - -- . - - CF 25.1672 - �mend Ord, ��13539 re Pa,rking N:eter Zones, for portions of Main, �'ifth, Sir.th, hinth £� I�ellogg Blvd. .� ��`. �"'�`�`"���------�F 251676 - amend Ord. ,�3250 Subsection C of Section 39 re reinsttztement " ri�hts. � � �)��y?-=�CF 2_51677 - t�mend. Or.d. �325�J Subsection 38 re tt�ro t�reeks notice for Layoff, . . _ ��� , �F 2 j1678 - �end Ord, �,�-3250 Subsect;ion C, Section 35 re let�ve of absence � � � to talce elective or appointive positions. F 2 167 - amend Ord, i ti_n �itle Safe T din r. F 251680 - a..nend Ord. ' � s ecs, for Safety Coordinator, ___ ^�-�CF 251 81 = aiuend Ord. �'3250 by inserting title Grr�nts-In-Aid Coordina or, ` F ? 1632 - amend__Qx�., �1'76�7 b�r insertii�� s��ecs_, for Grants-In-Aid Coorditi�.ta� . . , F 2j - timen r . � by insertin� title Asst. Safety Coor.dinator. = CF 251634 - amend Ord. ;;64�+6 t�y inser.tin; ti:tle Asst. GrAnts�In-liid � • 'Coordinator. . .� . 2nd Reading - . . CF 251767 - Amend Ord. #325Q by inserting titles Project Assistant I & II. CF 251768 - Amend Ord. �7607 by inserting specs. for Project Assistants I & II. CF 251769 - Amend Ord. #3250 �y inserting titles Sanitarian I & II. - ` • CF 251770 - Amend Ord. �7607 by insertir.g specs, for Sanitarian I & II. CF 251788 - Amend Sec. 88A of Leg. Code �re use of Libraries facilities b,y non-residents & non-residents temporarily in St. Paul. CF 251789 - Amend Ord. �7607 re specs. for titl:es Bake�' II and Cook II. . - a � / b �� STATEN�TT TO CITY COUNCIL By: William 0. White Executive Director Saint Paul Urban Coalition REt Cit� Counci,l. File Nos. 251679-84, specifical� No. 2 168 a�� � � .r��..�..r.� r w � � � I roquest -tha,'� the City Council give serious and immediate considera� tion to the use of "the administrative ordinance procedures" in filling poaitions with the City. I believe that the procedure has been, and aontinues to be, a, mechanism whereby minorities are excluded from the "professional group'� in City government. With regard. to the general difficulties minorities have with respect to employment opportunities, the provision in City Council File No. 251683 is especially disturbing. The provision reads as f ollo�ns: "An employee hired. under the title of Assistant Safety Ceerdinator shall be appointed t"rom organized labor". I believe that the prevision is highly restrictive with regard. to minorities and it would be extremely difficult to convince minorities that they do in fact have equal access to �ob opportunities in City government. The typice7. argument has been that "we can�t find qualified minorities". H�re the Council has created a position that carries' no qualifications, The point is that positions can be created for ethers but oomparable efforts are not made where minorities and women are involved. January 17, 1971 lhp 0 �.Ne�aW +uepisa�d '�W �Ne��W +uapisaad '�W /", o�sapel �, o�sapal e�}e�ds.. . e�}e�ds `r: i1 y��pe�ay� �,. ' � y�iPa�aW auine� ����y auina� �l D I � � uos��e� :7 �,.,�,�,�,v�� �a�}n8��, ��L}n� 1 s�(eN � �'�'� °� sea� s�(eN j � seaA i C '�i�'� � 'L"� / � pa�dopy— �,� dde pue p�£ o{ �ano pie� C' � P�z � �� ! +SI