251678 o�sm.i co cis,c�� �ORDINANCE b COUNCIL FILE NO �5���g PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � � An ordi ance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regu.lations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and s af ety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SALNT PAUL DOE5 ORD.AIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out subsection C of Section 35, and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the following: "C The head of the department shall grant leave of absence without pay to enable an officer or employee to take in the City service an elective or appointive position exempted from the classified service. Such leave may be granted for a period ext ending over the time of actual and continuous service in such position or positions. At the termination of the elective or exempt service such officer or employee shall be reinstated to the classified service in his former position or in a position in the same class and grade as e siti held him t the time of appointment or election tou�e�e�xemp�o�i�� �i� �i�o�i���her, that such reinstatement shall be without oss of seniority. " Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservati.on of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from � • N and after its passage, approval, and publication. c � 0 � U y� c � ° Approved: O R � o s. n 1 p Q U Z N � ¢ Servi e Commissioner O � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council FEB 2 5 19T�1 Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine ' Meredith� � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President McCarty) Approve F 2 5 197� te i Clerk Mayor a�� Form approved Corpor�t;ion Counael By �j�Llsf�D MAR 619 � j � �� � STATEMEl�TT TO CITY COUNCIL By: William 0. White Executive Director Saint Paul Urban Coalition RE. City Council File Nos. 251679-84. specificallv No. 251683 �"��w��w�.r.+-�.-�..s,.�,�+.���w �.rnr i ir�r�� I request that the City Council give serious and immediate considera-� tien to the use of "the administrative ordinance procedures" in filling po��.tions with the City. I believe that the procedure has been, and cox�tinues to be, a mechanism whereby minorities are excluded from the "professional group°� in City government. With regarc3. to the general difficulties minorities have with respect to employment opportunities, the provision in City Council File No. 251683 is especially disturbing. The provision reads as follows: �'An e�zployee hired. under the title of Assistant Safety Coerdinator shall be appointed from vrganiZed labor". I believe that the provision is highly restrictive with regard to minorities and it would be extremely difficult to convince mi.norities that they do in fact have equal access to �ob opportunities in City government. Th� tqpical. argvment has been that "we can't find qualified minorities", Here the Council has created a position that carries no qualifications. The point is that positions can be created for ethers but oomparabYe efforts are not made where minorities and women are involved. Jenuary 17, 1971 lhp STAT�'T TO CITY COUNCIL By: William 0. White �ecutive Director Saint Paul Urban Coalition REs City Counci,�. F11e Noa. 251679-84. specificallv No. 251683 .� . ......_ �_._ __ I request tl�,t the City Council give serious and immediate considera-» tion to the use of "the administra.tive ordinance procedures" in filling positions with the City. I believe that the procedure has been, and continue� to be, Q mechanism whereby minorities are excluded from the "proiessional group°1 in City government. With regard to the general difficulties minorities have with respect to employment opportunities, the provision in City Council File No. 251683 is especially disturbing. The provision reads as �ollows: "An employee hired under the title o� Assistant Safety Coerdinator $hall be appointed from organized labor". I believe that the prevision is highly restrictive with regard to minorities and it would be extremely difficult to convince minorities that they do in fact have equal access to �ob opportunities in City government. The tqpical argvment has been that "we can't find qualified minorities", Here the Council has created a position that carries no qualifications. The point is that positions can be created for ethers but oomparable efforts are not made where minorities and women are involved. Januar�r 17, 1971 lhp .� ,�r�rvt r�r�- �=_._��r - -- . � -- I I �-- • _�_ � - � ` .�- . �;�:.� _- -�T- - - ----- --�----_ . - �-------�!--- ---- -- --- --- _..--- - - Ii -------�- -----._---- I - � , , -. �-.-�- I, � - - i -------- - - ---------- - - i ------- --- ------ -- i� - ---�� -- - - - ---- - - ---- �i iI - ------�---- ---- -- - -- - -- ------- --- ---- - ------- - --------- ------ ------- ---- �,....� � - �' -- ---- ----- ----- ----------- ------- °�..... i I _,_ ���� - ------at-- _--- - - ------_---------�--- ------- I -� --_ - -�+--- -- -- ----------- -- _ ,� ... ----- +�- --------- ------ --------- -- ,} � - , --I� -t------ ---- ---_-------_____------- --- - --- � --- ---- � --- --- . --- ------ _------------------- --- -- ----- � - � --------- -------- ----------- -- Ist °?-� � 2nd /�� � Laid over to 3rd and ap 3 _Adopted � � � � , Yeas � � ` Nays Yeas ������ � Nays Butler �\, Butler .'\. Carlson �5����i Carlson L��� Levine �Levine ���� Meredi+h \[vleredith U� � �'-� <_. , � � Sprafka prafka (�� [ / 7 Tedesco r �edesco U \ % ,y_� � Mr. President McCarly Mr. President McCarty � O