251662 � .� Y .. , . .. . - ;'t%' .. . . I . � . . . ' � �� � .. � � M � . . , .. , . . � . . _ .. � � COUNCIL FILE NO ' - GTTY UF ST. PAUL R�dl�itio�t Ratifying As�esament By � In the matter a€ the aaseasment of ���� � �[ � � ��f,� � �+► . e�rArs�t#+� �t+� +� r�wic �witliwita� �r�t� � ���s �rr�' �. 1!s ��k '�. '!�, AS3 �iLE: ' t.0. 4�i3 -,Mar�land Aw., north •id� tro� Clartac• Aw, to Etw 8t. ! �.a. �?A�41�►1 - Marplat�d Aw.� itorth �t�e lsos 1Ltas St, to Eizaiash+� 8t. l.0. �23h29$ - E. Galifornia Aw., •oath sid� froa 1C�ard at. �ta�� ap*rmc. 314 tt. and on th� north side o! B. Calit�ornia Aw. lyd� iCennud t�t. esst appros. 95 ft. 8.0. #244859 - �h�rireod Aw., south side froa �ror�p�rity Ave. to H�ualMOOd Av�. l.0. #243924 • Oraqge Aw., both ei�es fres Lu�lla l�t. to Rirth St. 1►.0. f2�i4767 - M�s�2.and Ave., botb aidea irra� Van D�ke St. te� Ha��l St. l.0. *246303 - Oraas� Ava., be�th sidea fram Has�l St, to I.nella St. - ;�t.�: i�4+1c�3 • 11r�� An., i�t�t sieUes ftes�qtfi'tt �tsir Ain. to 1/an < � $t. _ �.�. �242191 ��Magnolta A�re.� north side fras sarctay St. to Ha�elxood St. � i s�All�: 8.0. 2�►863 - t�rylaad Av:., aorth side frav Clas�ne• Av�. ta �tw St. F.O. #244161 - ?jaxyland Ave., twrth tidt tros Etn�e 8t. tv lli�ing6am St. F.O. �244859 - Sber`►ood �ne., south aide fram Prosperit,y Ave. to=Hast1� Av�. 1�.0. #244y67 - ZSaryland Ave., both sidas f�co� pitn D�ry� gt. to $asel 8t. F.O. #�42191 - l�gnolia Aw., north sids trom Barclay 3t. to Hsae�ixood 8t. 8.0. #?�r4►303 - Oraas� Aw., bath �idss fraa Bas�l St. to I.�ella St. . ....... iya,;wjvri��.a:+�Q� a�aaau 4nG aAtCt�ZLDilGOalilGll4 iJC 7�.LfQ"Z/l!ti.�tuC�au a�a-v..,T=a �. _,....r��-�_�.'.��..:______ . _.... same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I}istrict Court of the County of Ramsey for eanfirmation. BE IT FURTHER R�4LVED, That the aaid asseasment be and it ia hereby dete,�mined to be payable in —� equal inatallmenta. covxcua�Ex DEC 2 3 1�7� Yeas Nays BUTLER Adopted by the Counci� CARLSON� p�C 2 3 1910 LEVINE NlEREDITH Ap SPRAFKA � M�VARTY Tn Favor � F� �.� 2� I�$ $� Against PUBLISHED JAN 2 1971 , t " �� ^ ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMLSSIONER OF FINANCE � ��: Report of Completion of Ase�essm�nt � In the matter of the asseasment of ���, � � � � �1�� � �I•► ;�,.:; �� r� +�r� +�c la�r�'� �� !� +�irMl�. �► M�• '��� .' ; �Ml� M!. �� 4 � � 1-0�. Z Si3 • f�ee�l�d Aaa., north eida fsar GLaranc�e M+�. to tl�t 8t. l.4. fZ�416I - IEa�►lasrt /1t�., �ortti �id�t l�rw Etsa 8t. �o Eis�das�ha� =t. ?.O. f�42�+4 • �. �Call,�f�t �irr., •outh �ida lta� 1C�amasd 8t. rast apparo�c. 3I4 it. aad es the nortb sid� oi 8. GItl�s�aia A�n. �r�as �aard �t. eaa! appr�s. 9S ft. a.0. t3�3! - ih�a�d A�r�s.,� soatlt sid� l�s�aa� P�rwptYity A�nr. ta Has�lt�ood Mrs. l.0. #2A►39Z4 • 4rae�a A�nr., b�otb �id�s lroM Lwlls St. to Rt�tb S�. ?.s. #?44767 • Marplaad Mn., bath sidu trar V� Dyk� St. ta H�asai �t. 8.0. f�4430� - t?ren� Aw.. l�otb •id�es lrow �as�l 8t. to Iu�12a �t. 1�.0. �#4��dl. • �i�e J1�n.. bvt�r :i�s i5ra� 10'l�iti �r A�s. to Yan 1�rk� Se. �.0. f24Z191 f.�►lia A�r�s., u�otth sida i�vm EsrElsp St. t� �lwerd 8L. I`, i� � : , _ F.O. 2�4�i3 • baae�►3.asd Aw., �auostb sidt ir+ou Cl�qneaa� A�n. to l�teu� l�t. F.O. �A'�44t61 • baz�lsad Aw.. nouth sidit irooi stu St. Lo al�.ia�t�ar �t. �.0. �244839 - Sbarw�od Aw„ soutb sid� froe Prorparity,dve. to ass�liroat A�rs. F.�. #�i4767 • M�s�►laud Aw., ba►th sid�s firo� Yat D�ke St. t� Hasrel Rt. l.0. t2421l1 • M�nolia Aw., o;ortb sieb fraa �uYl�r St. te �t�lvoa! St. �.0. iZ44303 • Oran�e A�ne.. botl� aide� lroon Ra�al �t. to Lwella St. -t�otaiconszracLian cvstis . .. .. ... . . . . .. .. . . ... . ::.. . W Engineering $nd Inspection, . .. . .. ,. . . , . � 2,086 26 g��� Valuation and.Assessment,Serv,ices, . � 247 30 Postalcards . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .... . . ... . . .... .. .. . $ 11 70 Publicationa . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .... .. . .. .. . . .. . ... . $ 117 00 Collection coata . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . $ 234 00 Court costs for canfirmation 11 70 Comptroller Costs � � � �� � � �� �� �� �� �� ����� � 7 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURF.S .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . ..... $ 16,088 53 Chaxge to . . . .. .. 0920-701.. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ 285 56 . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .Non-Assessable . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. � 241 08 Net Assessment . .... . . .... . . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . $ 15,,561 89 Said Commisaioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to-wit: the sum of � 15,561.89 upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the sa,id assessment h�as been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a hereof, is the said assessment as com;pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to th uncil for such action t ereon as may be considered proper. Dated November 24, 1970 ommiasioner of Ft� Fora, x-z zM lo.6s S�o