251647 6 TO CITY CLBRK �/51 Lj 1� • Y CITY OF ST. PAUL CF.OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED 8 COMMISSIONE � � ATF / WHEREAS, a new airport is being planned for the Metropolitan Twin Cities, and WHEREAS, the citizens of the Metropolitan area as recently as November 10, 1970 reported in the Metro Poll that 65% of those polled are not interested in any more freeways being built after those in existence are completed and would rather have new funds spent for mass transit, and WHEREAS, the Federal Department of Transportation has promulgated and funded studies for access and egress to and from airports from downtown Kansas City and down- town Los Angeles using 180 per mile air cushioned vehicles and has also funded a study in Washington D. C. which would include fast vehicle transfer from Dulles airport to down- town Washington and a further comprehensive study of mass transit has been completed for the City of Houston using air cushioned vehicles; therefore, be it RESOIrVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul urge the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Transit Commission to study rapid transit linking the proposed new airport to the downtown area of Minneapolis and St. Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of St. Paul shall join with the above groups in proposing such a study with the hope as has been shown in the other cities, that a rapid transit system to the new airport could become the first leg of a comprehensive rapid transit system to serve the combined cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. � VED ' ��C 2 2 19i� Asst. Corp atiari Counsel` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Xeas Nays D��C � 2 1�J7�# Butler Carlson Appro 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � �u��isHEO DEC 2619�A �� �.�� (.� �- �M��l C���O f�� aG°��Q f�il L��G°30O G°�O���Q ���(�n���i �0������O�n 904Capitol Square Building,Saint Paul, uv U Uv Minnesota 55101 Phone 612/227-7343 December 29, 1970 Mr Harry E Marsha 11 City Clerk 386 City Hall St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr Marshall We acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 22, 1970, transmitting a copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council urging the Commission and the Metropolitan Council to study rapid transit linking the proposed new airport to the downtown areas of Minneapolis,and St Paul. Your letter will be presented to the Commission at its next meeting scheduled for January 14, 1971 . Sincerely �,� ����� R L Federman Operations Administrator kw ou�uewn To�R�wme 251��� � . ; ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uaa� N� ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—fs�ENERAI FORM PR�4diTED!Y COMMISSION�II �/►� � wRER8A8� a seM •irport i� b� planned for the Metropolitan T�rin eities, aad �RE�►8, the �itizeaa oi the Metropolitan area a� reo�atly as Noveaber 10, 1970 reported in the l�etro Pell tbat 6g�i o! tho�e poiled are not iater�oted in �nq �or� i�reenay� beina built aitsr those it� �oz3�tanoe are ooapleted and Mould ratber heve new ivads spent ior �aes traasit� eud W�REAS, the Federal Dep�t�usat ot Z`,ranogorte►tion has pro�ui6a�sd and twtded stadie�► ior aco�oe and earese to and iro� airports tro� down�toMn Kanw►• City snd do�+n- to�n Los Ange2es n�in� 180 per �il� air oaahioaed rrabi�lo• ead bas al�eo tnnded a stndy in Wa�hi.a�toa D. C. �rhich �nonld inolude ta�t veLiels tran�ter tros; Duller sirport to do� town Wsshisiton aud a iurtber oo�prehen�ive •tnd� oi �sor tranoit l�� been oospleted ior the City oi Houston using air cushiarned �ehicle�= thereiore, be 1t RE80LVED th�►t tha City Cvm►oil oi the City oi 3sint Psul ur�e �be Metropolitan Council and t2te Mstropolitan Tranrit Cos�ia�ion to •tndq rapid �ransit lintiag the proposed aew sirport to the doMato�rn arsa oi Minneapoli• and St. Paul; aad be it FUR�'IIER RE80LYED that the City Counoil ot St. Panl �hall �oin rith th� above sroups i� propo.i� suob a �tndy with tbe hop• as hss been a�oxn in the other oitie�, tLat s r�pid tran�i� systes to the neN sirport oould Decoae the iirot le� ot a coaprehensive rapid trsasit �►�te� to ierve the 000bined citie• oi Minneapoli�r aad 3t. paul. DEC 2 2 1�7�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ConnCil 19— Yeaa Nays Bu�� �C 2 2 197� Carlson Appmv� 19_ �°�e T� Favor � Meredith Sprafka �r Tedesco ��t Mr. Pregident, McCarty �� Dec• 22, 1g70 .���troFolitan Transit Co�.asicmn �50 Cedra,r St. :�t.• i'c`l.,i,lZ' �.1131E.'.�O'�`,Et C�n-cle n�n: 1�t�n.ched fc�r your information is a resolutian c�f the St. Paul City Gouncil, ur�,i�z� the M�tropolitan Transit Commission ar�l. the ��i�tropolitan Council �o ��udy ra�pid transit linking the p.roposed new airport ta the dow,n.town ar�a of Minneapolis and �t. Paul� for reasons as more fla.7.ly set out in the r�solution. Very truly yours� City C1.erk AO�ng D�c. 22� 1970 ��trapol�ta.ta Couricil �5Q Ced�cr S�. S�. Paul, rR.inrieso�a �ent,lemen: Attach�d ior your ir3faraatian i� �, res�lution of �2xe �t. �'su7. �it;f Couric�l., urgin,� the P�tropol�t�ri Council and the Metro- politan ^1r�n.sit Carrmai�s�.an to study rapid transit lin.k�.n� the �?ropasec? nei�r airport to tMe do�antown area of riiinzie�n��3.� e.nd St. Pa.uZy f'or re�,sons as more flzl�y set cut in the resolution. Very truly yours� City Cl�rk 40�ng