251630 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ����!,1�
` , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��`.,
WHERSAS, Additions and Deductions which ■ight prove to be necessary in the
S�, Comptroller's Contract L-7087, City project No. 68-S-0991, Orfei & Sons,
Inc., Contractor, have been provided for ir� the Specifications, and
WIiEREAS� It has been found necessary to �ake the following Additions and
Deductions as per attached Schedule and attached Contract Change Agreeeaent No. 1
Total Additions $5879.67
Total Deductions 5827.83
WHEREAS� The total addition is $51.84, and the Co�issione�r of Fublic Works
has sgreed with the Contractor that the amount of $51.84 is the correct sum to be
added to said contract, therefore be it
R&SOLVBD� That the Citq of St. Fanl throngh its City Council approves the
foregoic�g additions �sde in accordance wi�h the Sp�cifications in the sum of
$51.84, said asotx�t to be added to the lump sam cor�sideration na�ed in the
contract, k�ncwn as Ccamptroller�s Contract L-7087, and which amount is to be
financed fro� T968 Capitol I�proveaent BoAd Fnnd, 9268-406.
.L � �0�� PROV D
� ,�� orpor �on Co�.a �I
� � AS .
DEC 2 21970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Naya �EC 2 2 l��a
Carlson Ap roved 19—
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka (� yor
A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED p�� 2 6 1970
4 � ��
PRCJECT I�'0.��_�`�_�rgl CONTRACT N0. �__7Uhi CONTRr1CTOR,�y f�t �. Snna_ Inr__
FROJECT DESCRIPTION a;+•-::�i-�.t a.1�F�:t�� ��i�s3E,�,Tr�i ��i4� '�< T� },tr ��?rt � � ;����`.r _
Ir. accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner
of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices
for items listed in the ch�nges described below, not otherwise included in the contract,
are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract.
E,a p@r attach�d Schadule� $5879.67 -
:�s �,er aCtsched Sch�dule ' �5827.83
N�7 TUT,�L �►UAIIYO�! � S1.8k
Tbia additioa�l �morant to be financ�d froa 1968 CapiW� Ymproves�ont Bond Fund�
-�1��, .�� � .����.��.,. � 19� Urf�i & ;Sar�sa, It�c. 19
"''`'` .' ': " '�':`: Engineer , Contractor
� _ � � � �
'��° ' � !; � �'`� �?y�,---� �t� �, 19� By � .�� � j=� �J 19 '7�
gln�- W � --�-1— �
,��_« _� ��-- /c� 19� 19
C �r.missioner �v�� ;,,,� C . roller
Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue)
To Contractor To Accounting Div. �o Com}�trc�l�.r�r To Cor��truntion Eng3neer
� " CIi1' Or ST. P�UL
� Project 69-S-991
� Randolph Avenue Storm Se�ver
1. l+DDI.IO:; - Ir.;prove boulevard in front of 2119 Hartford Avenue including:
�e�;ove coacrete curb 25 L.F. @ $ 0.30 $ 7.50
Replace concrete curb 25 L.F. @ 3.50 87.50
Removc manilole One @ 15.00 15.00
R�;�ovc siuc inlet One @ 5.00 � 5.00 �
Rcr,x�vc siclewalk 1.22 S,Y, @ 0.50 0.61 '
Replacc sidewalk 12 S.F. @ 0.80 9.b0
Class 4 backfill 3 C.Y. @ 3.50 10.50
Replacc sod 4 S.Y. @ 0.55 2.20
Rcplace topsoil 1 C.Y. @ 3.00 3.00
Total $ 140.91
2. ADDITION - Construct Extra Type 4 Manhole at Cretin Avenue and Randolph Avenue:
�xcavate and construcC Type 4 Manhole including casting assembly
Lump Sum $ 466.69
3. ADDITION - Furnish and install additional asphaltic concrete binder as follows:
Randolph - Cleveland to Cretin 143 tons
Fairview - SouCh of Randolph 11 "
Mt. Curve & Hartford Intersection 19 "
Randolph - Fairview East 18 "
Randolph - Prior to Cleveland 46 " .
Cleveland - South of Randolph 28 "
Total 265 tons @ $10 $2650.00
4. ADDITION - Insulate 16" watennain at Cretin Avenue and Hartford Avenue includ-
Remove 14 S.Y. of bituminous surfacing and concrete base, expose 16" watermain
using bacichoe and hand excavation, furnish and install 96 S.F. of 2" styrofoam
insulation, backfill and compact trench, and replace concrete base and bitumi-
nous surfacing:
Foreman 18Z hrs. @ $ 7.5b $ 139.86
Pipelayer 182 hrs. @ 6.77 125.25
Pipelayer-Helper 11 hrs. @ 6.72 73.92
Crane Operator 7 hrs. @ 7.95 55.65 ,
Oilcr 22 hrs. @ 6.12 15.30
Truck Driver 32 hrs. @ 6.62 23.17
Air Compressor . 14z hrs. @ 2.32 33.64
Tandem Dump Truck 17Z hrs. @ 6.90 120.75
3/4 C.Y. Bacichoe 7 hrs. @ 9.50 66.50
73omac Compactor Roller 3� hrs. @ 2.32 8.12
96 S.r. of styrofoam insulation @ 0.41 39.36
2� C.Y. concrete base @ 15.45 38.63
S Gal. tack coat @ 2.27 11.35
3� Tons of 2351 bitumir►ous mix @ 8.22 28.77
Total $ 780.27
. • . , .
� Pa ge 2
5. .�D;)ITIO:; - Re�lacement of e�:isting damaged curb, wallc, and dripstone
includin�; i5 L.:. of curb, 20 S.F. of sidewalk, and replace dripstone, all
loca�eu .zt th� northeast corner of Kenneth Avenue and Randolph Avenue:
itc;,�ovc anc: replace curb 15 L.F. @ $ 3.80 $ 57.00
Remove and replace walk _ 20 S.F. � @ 0.86 17.20
Replacc dri�stone for existing
catch basin and adjust One @ 75.00 75.00 �
• Total $ 149.20
6. ADDITIO:I - Replace existing damaged curb on south center island radius and
on southeast corner radius of Mt. Curve Boulevard and Hartford Avenue:
Remove and replace curb 20 L.F. @ $ 3.80 $ 76.00 �
7. ADI)ITION - Add extra length to catch basin lead along west side of Fair-
vicw Avenue south of Hartford, related boulevard resto.ration, and connect
existing catch basin to new Type 2B catch basin:
Adjust existing catch basin One @ $ 25.00 $ 25.00
24" R.C.P. 105 L.F. @ 6.10 640.50
�xcavation 105 C.Y. @ 3.50 367.50
Remove and replace curb 75 L.F. @ 3.80 285.00
Remove and replace concrete driveway 15 S.Y. @ 9.50 142.50
Remove and replace 4" walk 100 S.F. @ 0.86 86.00
� Sod and black dirt 70 S.Y. @ 1.00 70.00
Total $1616.60
8. DEDUCTION - Change restoration of St. Catherine's College Easement from
sodding to seed and mulch:
Lump Sum $4000.00
9, DEDUCTION - Delete one Type 2B catch basin, 60 L.F. of 18" R.C.P. catch
basin lead, and related street restoration on Fairview Avenue, located 130'
south of Hartford Avenue: ,
18" R.C.P. 60 L.F. @ $ 3.16 $ 189.60
Install 18" R.0 P. 60 L.F. @ 0.90 54.00 .
I::ccavation 30.3 C.Y. @ 3.50 106.05
P.emove and replace street 23.3 S.Y. @ 8.25 192.23
Type 2B catch basin One @ 340.00 340.00
Sod and black dirt 6 S.Y. @ 1.00 6.00
Remove and replace curb 4 L.F. @ 30$0 15.20
Total $ 903.08
� � t .
• Pa�c 3
iG. :�:;:�;:�;':�v:: - i�c ic�c o;�e Typc 2� ca tcn oasin and relatcd boulcvard
. . . ;:,;i,�; iocatcd at the northwest corn�r oz Fairview Avenue and
;.:.n<;�i�t; ,•vcnuc o:, itandolph �venue: .
;�;,c 2i: c.�tc;� basin One @ $340.00 • -.$ 340.00
;'.c:r��vc a�c: rc�lacc curb 4 L.F. @ 3.30 15.20
::�.r.,ovc cxisti�� catch basin One @ 10.00 10.00
;tcnovc <<nd repiace street 1 S.Y. @ 8.25 8.25
�lack dirt and sod 6 S.Y. @ 1.00 ___,G_.00
Total $ 379.45
11. D;:DL'C:ZON - Delete one Type 2B catch basin, catch basin lead, and
rclaecd boulevard restoration located at the northeast corner of �
Clcvcland Avenue and Randolph Avenue on Randolph Avenue:
12" R.C.P. 20 L.F. @ $ 5.75 $ 115.00
Rc,;,ovc and replace concrete walk 25 S.F. @ 0.86 21.50 -
Remove and replace curb 4 L.F. @ 3.80 15.20 ,
Type 2B catch basin One � @ 340.00 340.00
Remove and replace street 6.7 S.Y. @ 8.00 53. 60
Total $ 545.30
Total Additions $5879.67
Totel Deductions 5827.83
. '
�, V� � '
, . , f .
, CITY OF ST. pAUL couNa� ����
iiRREl1�. AdditioAa and DNuetiona Nhia1� �isht pt�o�� to b� u��t�asry in tiw
I�ro�et d�scsibrd u t� R�ND13Lt8 AYEIRIE • �lISSI�SIltI �IVS1t TO D�YERl1 �1�0�![
S�R. CMpts+ell�r's CoAtraat L-7tfe7, City Pro j�ct !b. 68-5•0991, Orl�i b soaa,
Ind.� Coatraatos, lia�t b�� pro�id�d ter ir t1N Sp�ci�ications. sad
YI�EAB, It lias ��n foand n�a�srasy to rt� tlr l�11wiA� A�iditi�ns aed
DNa¢tiows sa p�r atta�6ad 6@l�dal� aad atta� Cowtraat C�p �s�e�■�at lto. i
� Total additi�na ;SS79.67
Tatal D�duationa Sit7.a�
i�L3, � t�tal �diti�n is �Si.i4. �d tL� Co�issiowr ot Znblic iioska
bas �rNd Mt� ti� Coi�traatos tLat tl�e s�ut ot ;Sl.i�► is tL� oors��t s� tA b�
�d to aaid �oatraet. eiura�er� b� it
Rz:OLVED� 1'Mat tlu Cit� e� �t. tanl tltserd�l� its Citp Conuail apps�s��s th�
tos�pi� additi�a sad� in acessdaea� �rl,kb tl� ip�aili�►tf�►ns in tba s�r oi
=Sl.i�. sai� �ouwt to b� atd�d to tY� lwip s� c�sii�ntio� srr�� iA tiN
ao�atsa�t. irn�Ma as Co�troll�r'� Conts�at L-70iT, a�d �iel� a�onat ia to b�
�1Ai1lN�I �=Ow 1�� C��LO 1 L�rOr�NAt a011a �M� �Z�•�•
Vt� 2 2 1�� ,
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�1 19_
Yeas Naya
Butler � , ��C 2 2 197�
Caxlson Approve�� 19—
�°�e Favor
Sprafka ��
Tedeeco �inat
Mr. President, McCarty
' CONTRACT CHt1NGE AGREE'i�'iENT N0.__t_____
PRCJECT I�O.__„__��_y__(;q�i CONT�CT N0. L_7�2b? CONTRACTOR�}rgs;i c Seng� tnr__
Ft�OJECT DESCRIPTION r,,:t.��L-��t r:t;F►'?;F _ •t1::�ts�1^ S �:YVLr< Ta ��;v �.a*a �T �R?4 5,��,�,r
Ir. accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner �
of Public �r]orks has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices
for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract,
are the reason�ble costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from, the contract.
aa par attacb�d Sc'hadul� $5�79.67
:�s �,Qr atCached Scbettula $5827.83
NL�T TUT�1L XAAITIO�i $ 51.84.
This additional �unt to bs �inanced �ros� IS68 Cspitol �mprnv�sent Sond Fuad�
� - �
�s���,, �� .� �� �19� �r�si & �ana. Inc. 19
�^ r
� .`'�'"'` '' `°y�'"� Engineer ����� Contractor
��`�.;" � �;,J + ;� '� '� .�-T ,
�,,� , �`~'' �;_ � �x 't2 � 19� By � .,� � �.,� �_ 19 ,
-�--�,�;°"'.-,' - =�- ,�-
�gln � �'',
��.�-��--��._._/� /� 19� _ 19
C .ir.issioner , � ;;„� C . `�roller
Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue)
Tc� �'z�r,+racsti.or �'�, Acsnni��t,i.n� ��v. T�+ �c,m�±�rrlle� R'�t �anntr«r.C�ean F,�E;�t��q�
' , CITY 0: ST. PAUL
Project 69-S-991 �
Randolph �venue Storm Sewer
1. ADDITIO:v - I,;,prove boulevard in front of 2119 Hartford Avenue including:
Re;�ov� concrete curb 25 L.F. @ $ 0.30 $ 7.50
Replace concrete curb 25 L.F. @ 3.50 87. 50
Rem��vc mani�ole One @ 15.00 15.00
R�r,iovc sicic inlet One @ 5.00 � 5.00 �
Removc sidc�oalk 1.22 S.Y. @ 0.50 O.ol
Replacc sidewalk 12 S.F. @ 0,80 9.60
Class 4 backfill 3 C.Y. @ 3.50 10.50
Replacc sod 4 s.Y. @ 0.55 2.20 �
Replacc topsoil 1 C.Y. @ 3.00 3.00
� Total $ 140.91
2. ADllI'LTON - Construct �xtra Type 4 Manhole at Cretin Avenue and Randolph Avenue:
L•'xcavatc and construcC Type 4 Manhole including casting assembly
Lump Sum $ 466.69
3. ADDITION - Furnish and install additional asphaltic concrete binder as follows:
Randolph - Cleveland to Cretin 143 tons
I�airview - South of Randolph 11 "
�it. Curve & Hartford Intersection 19 "
Randolph - Fairview East 18 "
Randolph - Prior to Cleveland 46 " ,
Cleveland - South of Randolph 28 "
Total 265 tons @ $10 $2650.00
4. ADDITION - Insulate 16" watermain at Cretin Avenue and Hartford Avenue includ-
Remove 14 S.Y, of bituminous surfacing and concrete base, expose 16" watermain
using backhoe and hand excavation, furnish and install 9b S.F. of 2" styrofoam
insulation, backfill and compact trench, and replace conerete base and bitumi-
, nous surfacing: '
Poreman 182 hrs, @ $ 7.56 $ 139.86
Pipelayer 182 hrs. @ 6.77 125.25
Pipelayer-Helper 11 hrs. @ 6.72 73.92
Crane Operator 7 hrs. @ 7.95 55.65
Oiler 2z hrs. @ 6.12 15.30
Truck Driver 3z hrs. @ 6.62 23.17
Air Compressor , 1�2 hrs. @ 2.32 33.64
Tandem Dump Truck 172 hrs. @ 6.90 120.75
3/4 C.Y. Bacichoe 7 hrs. @ 9.50 66.50
33omac Compactor Roller 3'� hrs. @ 2.32 8.12
96 S.F, of styrofoam insulation @ 0.41 39.36
2i C.Y. concrete base @ 15.45 38.63
S Gal. tack coat @ 2.27 11.35
3� Tons of 2351 bituminous mix @ 8.22 28.77
, Total $ 780.27
� Page 2
S. ��:���iTIG:; - P,e�lacc�ent of existing damaged curb, wallc, and dripstone
includi��; 15 L."r. of curb, 20 S.F. of sidewalk, and re'place dripstone, all
loca�ed zt th� northeast corner of Kenneth Avenue and Randolph Avenue:
Re;�ove and replace curb 15 L.F. @ $ 3.80 $ 57.00
Remc�vc and replace walk 20 S.F. @ 0.86 17.20
Rcplacc dri�sCone for existing
catch basin and adjust One @ 75.00 75.00 �
� Total $ 149.20
6. ADDI'i'I.ON - Replace existing damaged curb on south center island radius and
on southeast corner radius of Mt. Curve Boulevard and Hartford Avenue:
Remove and replace curb 20 L.F. @ $ 3.80 $ 76.00 '
7. ADI)ITION - Add extra length to catch basin lead along west side of Fair-
vicw Avenue south of HarGford, related boulevard restoration, and connect
existing catch basin to new Type 2B catch basin:
Adjust existing catch basin One @ $ 25.00 $ 25.00
24" R.C.P. 105 L.F. @ 6.10 640.50
� �xcavation 105 C.Y. @ 3.50 367.50
Remove and replace curb 75 L.F. @ 3.80 285.00
Itemove and replace concrete driveway 15 S.Y. @ 9.50 142.50 �
Remove and replace 4" walk 100 S.F. @ 0.86 86.00
' Sod and black dirt 70 S.Y. @ 1.00 70.00
Total $1616.60
8. DCDUCTION - Change restoration of St. Catherine's College Easement from
sodding to secd and mulch: •
Lump Sum $4000.00
9. DEDUCTION - Delete one Type 2B catch basin, 60 L.F, of 18" R.C.P. catch
basin lead, and related street restoration on Fairview Avenue, located 130' .
south of Hartford Avenue: ,
18" R.C.P. 60 L.F. @ $ 3.16 $ 189.b0
Install 18" R.0 P. 60 L.F. @ 0.90 54.00
I::ccavation 30.3 C.Y. @ 3.50 106.05
P.emove and replace street 23.3 S.Y. @ 8.25 192.23
Type 2B catch basin One @ 340.00 340.00
Sod and black dirt 6 S.Y. @ 1.00 6.00
Remove and replace curb 4 L.F. @ 3.80 15.20
Total $ 903.08
. • . , ,• .
� , '� .
. Pa�e 3
iG. :%::.�::C::G:: - �uie;:e o:�e Type 23 ca;.cn basin and r�lated boulevard
. _.,.:-,:..tio; iocatcd �t the no:thwes� coraer of Fairview Avenue and
::.:�c:oi�;7 �,vcauc o:, it�ndolph Avenue: •
T f,� 2� c.�tcii basin One @ $340.00 • -..$ 340.00
;'.c-ovc a;�d re�lacc curo 4 L.F. @ 3.30 15.20
;:c„�ovc cxis�ino catch basin One @ 10.00 10.00 �
itcnove and repiace streeC 1 S.Y. @ 8.25 8.25
�lack dirt and sod 6 S.Y. @ 1.00 _, 6.00 .
Total $ 379.45
11. 1)i:DUC:Z0:1 - Delete one Type 2B catch basin, catch basin lead, and
rcla�ed boulevard restoration located at the northeast corner of � ,
Clcvcland Avenue and Rar►dolph Avenue on Randolph Avenue:
12" R.C.P. 20 L.F. @ $ 5.75 $ 115.00
i.c;nove and replace concrete walk 25 S.F. @ 0.86 21.50 -
Remove and replace curb 4 L.F. @ 3.80 15.20 ' ,
Type 2B catch basin One ' @ 340.00 340.00
Remove and replace street 6.7 S.Y. @ 8.00 53. 60
Total $ 545.30
Total Additions $5879.67•
Total Deductions 5827.83
1 •
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. �
. �