251609 ORI6INRL TO CITY CLQRK �����.�M
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� ��
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the 5aint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to
the following listed properties and as shown by the official
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated November 18, 1970, a
copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
89-70-H 1899 Marshall. Ave. Mrs. Patricia J. Jordan
92-70-B 678 South Roy Clair J. Eichinger
�E.�+2 2 1��_�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeas Nays
Butler ��� � � 1'�Q
Carlson Ap rove� 19—
Levine _� Tn Favor
� ay
Sprafka Against
Tedesco �ORi�I APPROV- 1
Mr. President, McCarty
Ass� Cor tion C nsel
, �
. �11/18/7f1
' ��-}����ec�tinc� N� , 42
; 1,
Wednesday, November 18, 1970
Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1 :30 p.m.
Members present: Lawrence Cohen, Chairman
Raymond Grove
Estyr Peake
Gale Rehnberq
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Others present: Frank Staffenson, Maynard Oster, Sam Blue,
Thomas Anderson, Dr. Paul Cox, Mrs . Patricia Jordan, Kurt
G. O. Pinke, David Duncan, Louis Bracke, Gail Oie, Ronald K.
Fletcher, Clair Eichinger. .
The minutes of the meeting of October 28 , 1970 were approved
as mailed.
89-70-H 1899 Marshall Ave. Mrs . Patricia .7. Jor.dan
SUBJECT: Letters dated August 22 , 1969 and June 19, 1970 from
The St. Paul Bureau of Health to Patrick Jordan, 1836 Marshall
Ave. indicating an illegal third floor occupancy, designat.ed
"Unit 3" at 1899 Marshall Ave .
APPEARANCES : Mrs . Patricia J. Jordan.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen read the appeal dated October 13 , 1970
requesting continued occupancy at 1899 Marshall 11ve. as it would
be a financial hardship to discontinue said occupancy.
Mrs . Jordan said the house was acquired in 1964 . There is pre-
sently one lady who is approximately 22 years old occupying the
illegal third floor unit. . . . It is possible that the buildinq
may be razed for new construction in a year or so.
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to allow continued occupancy of the third
floor dwelling unit, under present conditions , until the last
day of August, 1971 after which the matter come before the board
for review.
- 1 -
- � 11/1.8/70
, Meetinq Na, 42
Seconded by Voigt.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Rehnberq, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voiqt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none . Motion carr.ieci
seven (7) to zero (0) .
94-70-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando
Kurt G. O. Pink�
SUBJECT: Letter dated October 1, 1970 from the St. Paul Bureau
of Health to Anthony Orlando, 110 Charles , settinq forth a
number of Housing Code deficiencies on the property located at
112 Charles .
APPEARANCES: Kurt G. O. Pinke.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen read the appeal and accompanyinq letter
dated October 26 , 1970 . The letter explained that Mr. Orlando,
who is 85 years old, purchased the property to supplement his
retirement income. Certain tenants have caused much damaqe to
the property. . . . The Bureau of Health request is bein_q
appealed on the basis of hardship which would be created if_ Mr.
Orlando was required to have the plumbing and electrical work
completed as requested. . . . Mr. Orlando has recently r�plar.ed
the back stairway and repaired the second floor dwellinq unit .
. . . He intends to raze the garage.
ACTION: The board unanimously agreed to continue the matter
until after the reinspection scheduled for January , 1971 at which
time the matter come before the board for review.
95-70-H 2302 Brewster Flsie A. Duncan
David Duncan Jr.
SUBJECT: Letter dated May 6 , 1970 to Mrs . David Duncan, 2302
Brewster, indicating six Housing Code deficiencies at said address .
APPEARANCES: David Duncan Jr.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the appeal dated November 1, 1970
indicating that to make the required electrical improvements
would create a financial hardship for Mrs . Duncan who is
widowed and living alone. . . . David Duncan ,Tr, statc�d that
she is 76 years old. . . . A handrail from the first floor to
the second floor has been provided as requested.
- 2 -
� , � 11/18/70
Meeting No. 42
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to waive all electrical requirements as
cited in the letter of the Bureau of Health dated May 6 , 1970 .
� Such waiver is to be granted for as long as Elsie A. Duncan re-
sides at 2302 Brewster and until such time as she no longer resides
at said premises or the property be sold or any other right, title,
or interest be transferred at which time said waiver be nullified.
Seconded by Tieso.
. THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake,Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried
seven (7) to zero (0) .
93-70-B 1246 Prosperity Ave. Louis Bracke �
, PRIOR HEARING: Meeting No. 41, October 28, 1970 .
SUBJECT: Letter dated October 21 , 1970 from Glenn Erickson,
Assistant City Architect, to Mr. Louis Bracke, 1246 Prosperity
Ave. , indicating that a permit could not be issued to construct
, the proposed attached garage as it would be in variance of the
, four foot side yard setback requirement.
APPEARANCES : Louis Bracke, Gail Oie.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Oie, owner of the adjacent property stated
that to grant the waiver as requested may interfere with any
� future construction on his property. It might also have a
bearing on the sale of his property. Mr. Bracke explained what
r he was attempting to do. Mr. Oie was shown a plan of the pro-
' posed construction. Considerable discussion ensued.
� .
� ACTION: Moved by Voigt to grant the waiver as requested.
; � Seconded by Tieso. ,
. THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove , Peake", Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried
seven (7) to zero (0) .
, 98-70-H 419 Beacon St. Ronald K. Fletcher
SUBJECT: "Order to Vacate" and "Notice of Condemnation" dated
, November 19 , 1970 from the Bureau of Health to Ronald Fletcher,
1508 Van Buren, regarding an illegal cellar occupancy at 419
� Beacon St.
APPEARANCES : Ronald K. Fletcher.
- 3 -
� . � Meetinq No. 42
� •
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the appeal dated November 16, 1970
indicatin_q that it would be an extreme hardship to comply wittl
certain demands as set forth in the letters from the Bureau of
�Iealth. . . . Mr. Fletcher said he is cur.rently rebuildinq the
second floor. . . . He has owned the property for eiqht to nine
years .
ACTION: Moved by Cohen that the premises be reinspect�d by the
Bureau of Health and the Bureau of Public Buildinqs and that the
matter be reheard at the next regular meeting of the board.
Seconded by Tieso.
THE UOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion car.ried
seven (7) to zero (0) .
92-70-B 678 South Roy St. Clair J. I;ichinqer
SUBJECT: Building inspector's report dated October. 2.1, 1970 in-
dicatin_q that a fence at 678 South Roy St. is 1-1/2' too high.
APPEARANCES : Clair J. Eichinger.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the request for variance dated
October 20 , 1970 indicating that the fence at the present heiqht
gives the privacy which is desired. . . Mr. Eichinger pres�nted
photographs of both his and the neighbor� fences . FIe explained
how and why the fence was built as it was .
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to waiver Section 6 paraqraph (a)of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow the fence to remain at tlle
present six foot 8 inch height as requested.
Seconded by Voigt.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove , Peake , RehnbPrg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried
seven (7) to zero (0) .
Meeting adjourned at 3 : 30 p.m. .
� -�''�� '� Q�-.�....__
Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 4 -
_ • CITY OF ST. PAUL �Nd� NO._ ���
RESOLVSD, That the Counail hereby ratifie� and approve$
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Buiidinq and Fire Prevention Code� pertainiag to
the follawing listed properties and aa shawn by the official
minutea of aaid Board of Appeals dated November 18�, 1970, a
copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" i� attachad hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property A�pe�llan_t
89-70-H 1899 Masshall Ave. Mrs. Patricia J. Jordan
92-70-B 678 South Roy Clair J. Eichinger
�22 19�0
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeaa Nays �C 2 2 1'�
Butler �
Carlson Approv�l 19_
�°�e �*+ Favor
Spraflca `� ��r
Mr. Preaident, McCarty