D001203• - CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. + �- . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: Date: GS #: 32251 ADMIlVISTRATTVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departmeni of Puhlic Wnrk� to arnend the 19 97 budget of the Public Works Equipment Fund fund, the Director of the Depar6nent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CurreM Nnended �t Change 6 �9� 1 250 - 12202 - 0344 Parts For Vehicles $444,442.00 ($5,000.00) $439,442.00 2 250 - 1220z - 0517 • Refund of Prior Yr. Totals $0.00 $444,442.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $444,442.00 To transfer spending budget in Municipal Equipment Fund to refund the duplicate payment received from Fire and Safety for the sale of vehicle #2577. ���S�.dQ�,,;,�- Preparetl by Aclrviy Manager �� eq by. Department Directo/ �� � Approverl :Mayor �� � ��� �f - �f - 1 �-' Dffie d� oo � �a�s3 �— c�--`I7 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED � c�o i�� Public Works �, ,� � 3�1g�9� GREEN SHEET NO. 32251 I AVDATE INITIAUDATE— CONTA iPcRSON&PHONE EPARTMEMDIRECTOR � � CfiYCOUNQL Larron A. Mundaih 488-8348 �� � � cin nrroaNer � an c�aK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AC�ENDA BY (DAT� ROVi7NG �q BU�GET DIRECTOR O FIN & MGT. SERVI DIR ��� Q MAYOR(OR ASSISTANi) O q�h µ�� AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIJP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNANR� � ASSOCIATE O OEPAR7MENiACCOU /.$ 1S '� ACTION REQUESTED Approve the adminisuative order revisina the 1997 Municipal Equipment fund budget to account for a refund to Fue and Safety Services for overpayment of a vehicle sold to them. RECAMrofENDA710nlS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONIIiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES'fIONS: � _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ QVIL SEAVICE CAMMISSION 7_ Has ihis personttirtn everworketl undera cornract forthis departmenC? qB COMMmEE ` YES NO STAFF 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO — D1SZR�Cr CAUNC�t _ 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any wrtent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH WUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO F�cplain ail y¢s answere on separate 5heet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The Department of Fire and Safety Equipment Services purchased a vehicle from Public Works Municipal Equipment for $6,000.00. The Department of Fire and Safety was billed twice in enor. Interdeparhnental invoice number 043886 was issued for this purchase on December 15, 1994. On January 24,1996 intetdeparUnental invoice 049606 was issued for the purchase of this vehicle in the amoant of $5,000.00 not knowing that the original purchase price was already paid. Both invoices were paid and this error was discovered during the 1996 financial statement prepazation process. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The second payment will be refunded. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None �ISADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVED' The Department of Fire and Safery will not be repaid for their overpayment. ��"'Gr��-/ LAMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ Net 0.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) ES no DMG SOURCE Public Works MuniciQal E�ment Fund ACTIVIiY NUMBER 12202 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) V V �/