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R,esdl�tttion R.atifying Ass�ament By '
In the matter of the asseasment of �slits, �ts �11 itqtllllMl�lt �' �IIrM�#�Mt�1t � �wlMt• : j
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E l.0. i�44333 - Caa Ave., aorth s ide l��tart Ca�wo�nw�al th �iri�. � ?
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on the •outh sid� of C�o �►�►s. frc� Xna�p lXi+ct �a .�ri1t} �. �� �; ,� ,
F.O. �243866 - Taylor Ave. , nosth side fraa �Ic►;� Pri4r Ave. to Claylaii� 8�=:
F.O. f2442S0 - Hendon Ave., bcth sidas frw� sranston 8t. to Ersnsto� �t. �
1�.0. *244123 - Valentiue Ave., both aides fs�aia Leatan St. to ara�pton St.
F.p. �24438b - Shields Av�., both sides fra� Fairvi� Ave. to Aldise St.
F.O. �244333 - Co�o Ava., north side frao Cw■��mraalth Ave. to uaapp 8t. and
on the south side of Coa�o Av�. tros Rnapp Plac� to �uapp St.
: i�:!l:.:°���6�2��=Ta*2o� Ave.; narth s ide is�t*�Ao: l�io� �die. `to C 1a�2anA S t. ,
1�.0. #2h4123 - Valantin� Ave., both sides Era■ilGeston 3t. to Erc�pton St.
. _ . .--, :.:, -. ,; , .., , . . , ..�. . . , , . .. ,. . . ,
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A public hearing having been had upan the assessment for the above improvement, and said asseas-
ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
be it therefore
RESOLVED, That the said asaeasment be and the same is hereby in a.11 respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Diatrict Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER R�ES4LVF3D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby detesmined to be
payable in � equal installmenta.
Y�� Ca,rlson N�v$ JUL 1 1970
�h���� Adopted by the Councii
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$P.� APP� 1 19�O
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Tn I+'&VOT
V' y�r
Against AUBLISHED JU� 31970
Form R-2 2M 10-65 8a�a
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� � � �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL ����-�� � �C�
2491 ..�,
� Iteport of Completi,on of Ass�sssment �
In the matter of the assessment of �q� i��M +� � � ii1�l��i �"' �•
�i�� +r! ���r�;#� #�1 ir�Mt ��l 1�r�rN►� � �+�It�►�,� �t�t��lt Mlt. �,
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� .' p.0. #24�43$6 - 81�i,a�ds Ave.i both sidss fra■� Faiswia� Ava. to Aldisa;3t. {
� � -��F.O. #'244333 - Ca�o Ave., aorth side fro� Cc�c�sslt� Ave. t� Hn�tpp S:t, a�� (
� on the south side of Caao Ave. fro� 1C��p PLace te T,�app �t. 1
F.O. #243866 - Taylor Ave., north side frv� No. Prior Ave. to Claqlaad St.
F.O. #244250 - Headan Ave., both sides froffi Branston St. to Branston St.
F.O. #244123 - Valentia� Ave., boeh sides froau KestOn St. to Bronpton St.
I�.O. #244386 - Shields Ave., both sides from Fairview Av�, to Aldine St.
F.O. #244333 - Camo Ave., north side froo Commonwealth Ave. to Knapp St. and
on the south side of Cono Ave. from Rnapp Place to Ruapp St.
F.O. �24�868 - ?aplar A��., nortla aid�..�rvs !b. Frior A,ve. to Clayland St.
F.O. #244123 - Valantine Ave., both sides from Keston St. to Bro�ptoa St.
:. - --- --- ___ --t-
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To the Council of the City of St. Faul:
The Com�nissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a statement o� the ex-
penditures neceasaxily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impro�vement, viz:
Totalconatruction costa ... .. .... .. ... .. . . .. .. . . . .. $ » � � 4�
Engineering . .and..Inspectiaa... .. . .... .. .. . $ 1,.944 L
��d�f . .Q81waz�.a�.1�.ASS��.�ti .Ser�►��.R�. .. .. . $ 243 0�
Postalcaxds . . . . ... . . . . .. . . .. .. . . ... . . .... .... . $ � .�
Publications . .. .. .. . . .... .. .. .. ... . . .. .. ..... $ 78 Q�
Collection coata . . . . . .. .. . . ... ... .... .. .. .. .... .. . $ 156 Q(�_
Court costa for canfirmation . .. .. .... .......... . .. $ �
Comptroller cost 78 00
TOTAL EXP�ND3TURF�S . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . 14,669 87
��ge .t,o ...... ........�Non-Assesaable .. . . . � 781 59
. .. ...... .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .0920-701.. .. . .. . .. .. .. $ 2,751 32
Net Asseasment ..... . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .... .. .. ..... $ 11,136 96
Said Commisaioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as abov�ascer-
tained, tawit: the eum of g 11,13 6.96 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the aaid improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,paxt or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammiasioner, and made a part hereof, is the sa.id assesament as
completed by him, and whieh is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
conaidered proper.
DatecL lune 3,, 1970 Commiasioner of Finance.
Fo� R-z 2M iasa s� ���