03-763��!?�i�/ .D — j�S��D.3
Presented By
Refened To Committee: Date
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and
reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage
Preservation Commission.
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16 Susan Bartlett Foote - term expires December 31, 2006
18 Gar Hargens - representing Registered Architect - term expires December 31, 2006
20 Lee Meyer - representing Registered Architect - term expires December 31, 2006
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27 e e � ✓ Form Approved by City Atto .
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2 ' 9 Adopted by Council: Date /� �"I`—�� BY �
3 � Adop[ion Certified by Council Secretary Approved b,�I �r Submiasion to/ ounc}I ' A
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By:_-<���1�11���51�- Hy�
Apprwe by M or: Date �
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Council File # � ���
Green Sheet # � �
�reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gr�
Depa�tment/ot£ice/cou Date Initiated:
Mo -�aY�s�� 19-AUG-03 Green Sheet N� 3004413
Contact Pefson Sc Phone: Denartmen Sent To Person Initial/Date
Kurt SchulT2 � 0 r's �ce
ASSIgn 1 a or• �ce De artmentDirector
Must Be on Council Agenda by (D Number 2 �
ROUtiny 3 a or's ffice Ma dAssi nt
Order a unc:t
5 ' Cle k C' Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Lowtions for S
Action Requested:
Appoinunent of Tixn Fuller and Richard Nicholson to the Heritage Preservation Commission.
Rem�datlmcAp�meWa�l�ect� Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Quest
—��° tBasmsPd'sWrrmerer walceG um�a cmu�ectfm tllsAepa'LOmt4
_ �CmrNttee Yes Ma
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_ Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gre
lnitiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why)
Advantases If Approved:
Disadvantages If aporoved:
DiSadvanWges If Not Approved:
Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budget
Funding Source: Activity Number:
GL3- 76.3
Randy C. Ke!!y, hlnyor
October 3, 2003
Council President Dan Bostrom
320 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council President Bostrom:
390CiryHa11 Telepl:orte:651-266-SS70
JS LVest Keltogg Bot<ternrd Facsimile: 651-266-851 t
Sabu Pn�d, NIN 55102
.` ��. - �f`�� ,, `u' , : :x<' - .. � _,_ "";t
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This is to notify you that I am withdrawing the appointments to the Heritage Presexvation
Commission that I previously submitted to the Council for approval. The appointments I
am withdrawin� are Susan Bartlett Foote, Gar Hazgens, Lee Meyer, Tim Fuller and
Richard Nicholson.
In making those appointments, I worked hazd to strike a balance of expertise and
perspective that would help advance the important mission of the Herita�e Preservation
Commission. Unfor[unately, the Council chose to approve only some of my
recommendations. While the Council is certainly not legally mandated, under our sysfem
of government, to approve my appointments, neither am I compelled to let the Council
overturn my intent in making appointments by picking and choosing only certain people.
I am particularly concemed that the Council failed to approve one extremely well-
qualified person, Mr. Fuller, after receiving an inaccurate and unauthorized letter from a
lower-level functionary claiming to speak on behalf of the entire Minnesota Historical
Society regardin� Mr. Fuller's qualifications (See attached letters). I will not allow the
appointments process to degenerate into unwarranted attacks on the qualifications of those
who �vish to volunteer their time and expertise on city boards and commissions; to do so
risks having well-qualified people refuse to volunteer for city service rather than submit
themselves to such attacks.
T stand ready, as always, to work with the Council to advance the mission of the Heritage
Preservation Commission.
aui c�y,
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Mary Enckson HPC A_ppnonCs _ �° .. �. � „ . _. .. p � 9 � �
�J3- 963
From: Kathy Lantry
To: Cervantes, Manuel;
Date: 10l14I03 11:03AM
Subject: HPC Apprionts
Hendrickson, Jerry
After speaking with Jerry this moming regarding the Mayors action of withdrawing HPC appointments, I
have looked more closefy at the charter and am still completely befuddled as to where it says the mayor
has the power/authority to "withdraw" a resolution.
This morning Jerry quoted Section 3.01.8 saying, "the mayor shail, with the adviCe and consent of the
council, appoint members of boards and commissions and such advisory committees as are. .." However
if you look at Section 3.01.7 it says, "The mayor shall approve or veto ordinances and resolutions as
provided herein." I don't see a thing that gives him the authority to withdraw. Also, if you Iook Section
6.07, "Every resolution shall be presented in writing and read in full before a vote is taken unless the
reading of the resolution is dispensed with by unanimous consent. Unless otherwise required by Iaw,
resolutions shall become effective upon passage by the councii and approval by the mayor or council
override of a mayoral veto." Section 6.o8, "Every ordinance or resolution adopted by the council shali be
presented to the mayor as soon as practicable, but not later than 5 business days (after) its passage, for
the mayor's approvai or rejection. Within 5 business days after presentation, the mayor shall either sign
the measure or return it to the council with a communication in writing stating the disapproval and the
reasons therefor. ifi the mayor neither signs nor vetoes the measure within 5 business days, it shall be
deemed approved." Section 6.09, "Any ordinance or resolution shall be approved or vetoed by the mayor
in its entirety, except that any item in a measure appropriating money may be approved or vetoed."
To me this is very very clear. I realize the mayor would like to have a different option but I cannot find
where that is in the charter. According to your iogic, if the council decided to vote down the 2
appointments of Nichoison and Fuiier but pass the rest, then the mayor could just withdraw them all. Even
though the charter gives implicit control ot approving appointments to the council. What exactly is the role.
of the councii if this is true?
I understand that you will disagree with my logic and request that your opinion be put in writing so that we
can discuss it at tomorrow's council meeting.
CC: Blees, �reg
Randy C. KeZly, Mayor
390 Ciry Hall
IS West Kellogg BouZevarJ
Saint Paut, MN SSIO2
Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers
Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmemher Kathy Lantry
Councilmember James Reiter
From: Kurt Schultz
August 20, 2003
Heritage Preservation Commission
Telephane: 651-266-8510
Facsimile: 651-266-8513
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Tim Fu11er and,
Richard Nicholson to the Heritage Preservation Commission. The
terms of these individuals will expire on December 31, 2006.
Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Susan Bartlett
Foote, Gar Hargens, and Lee Meyer to the Heritage Preservation
Commission. The terms of these individuals will expire on Aecember 31,
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well
as the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that
certain information on the application is classified as private and should
not be released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you haue any question regarding the
appointrnents and reappointments.
cc. Amy Spong - Staff Person, Heritage Preservation Commission
D 3- 7�
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-$513
The Minnesota Government Data Prac[ices Ac[ (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13) govems the City's use of the
infotmation contained in this applicatiott. Some of [he information sought in this application is private data under the
AcL The requested information will be used by the agpointing authoriTy to caicy out t6e City's official appointment
responsibilities. You are no[ required [o provide any information. Howeveq failure to answer the application questions
may cause the appointing authority to rejeM your application. The majority of items contained in this application are
public, including name, address, employment, skills, training and experience, and are therefoxe available to anyone
requesting it. The remaining items on the application form are classified as plivate. The private data is avaitable oniy to
you and to other persons in the City who, because of work assignments, reasonably require access to the in£ormation.
Name � � WL l�. . �"'U��ef
Home address
vQ.ts. #I
Telephones ��j1�2��'Z.Z� 'j(�'�'Z.3D'�fol! �0 �
PleaseinciudeAYeaCoEes home werk fax
E-mailaddress —���y,�V��Qt'�01 ��5�,t��-r
� �
Planning District Council ty�,��- .���(i,�'S�'�(J� City Council Ward �
Preferred mailing add
Occupation �U�Yi'
Place of employment
Employment address
Committee(s) applied
s ( 'SNQ
What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
� 1 �l(�L
— �Yk��s�ye_ P�.�er�e�e.� �;+e. tc�e�.l c�c��rerv:uwe.�..�' -�a�lc.�an.�
03- 7�3
Personal References
Telep..,,..,,,, �o7��inuG -
Please include Area Codes home work other
Pleaseinclude Area Codes home
Telephones �5�/513 �p$� —
Please include Area Codes home _ work other
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee }d, �S ��V�L�, 11l� aT • ���
'tor 10�1t- 112af'S•Z �i��. ik. Q9�N�y `tLt.�� � �`f ��F� �3 Gi.S�'Qf(1�
'�t9� t Wl �.� C' �SEL1f' i � �S Q 0 vl C C7�1'�i/� C�
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serd'c,�„ .
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? _
If so, when, and under what circumstances?
N OY��.
In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
�White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
d Male Female � Date of birth �p—t� -��
Disabled: � Yes No y�
If special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you hear about this opening?
page 2 of 2
work other
��, 7/2�iEDOZ 15:31 FA3 651 290 0719 PdN Inc & DraPtco
� 002
D3- 7� 3
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
klease resutn to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd_, Saint Paul, MI�i 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513
76e Miunesoca Go.e+nmen� Detc Practicea Aa (Mienesoce Stacutos Chaptcr 13) governe ihc Ciry'n usc oFChc
iniotmation contained in ckisappli<a[ion. Some of the informs�ion sougfi[ in this app3ieation ls private da�a under [he
AcL Thc�reqoexted informotion will be uccd by chc aDPo��tiog suthofiry to carry out the C�ey'S officiel appoiotmanc
responsibilities. You arc not roquired to pmride any inPormation. However, fnilure to nnswcr tAe applica[ion quesaons
mey cauec the appoincing authoricy to ce}aes your appl(caeion. TM1e majoti[y af iteme containcd in rh�a epplicaeion are
public, Sncluding name, addrcse, �mployment, Sk�lla, trs�n�ng and uperience, end ere tberefore u�a�lebla [o anyone
rcque9ring i[. Thc remalnin6 items on the applieeeion form ere classificd es pe�vnte. The privaec dnca �n available only [o
you and to other penops+� the City who, becau9e oPwork asRignmenta, sea6onably rcqu�re acccas to �hc informa�ion.
Name ��L' ��.D NICl/�P�l�OY1
Home address
Z/o D '
�'elephones (�S/-2.g2-�709 65/-ZZ7-l778 __InSl-�-ti0-o7/C�
Pleet<IneludeAree aCOe /� ,,( oA� w°�k f�
�-ID811 2ddiCS9 Y'VLVL R� U.I/�Q�I C.� �'1 �
Planning District Counczl
Preferred mailing address
Occupation f2�✓i
� _
Place of employment _
Bmptoyment address _
Committee(s) applied for
City Council Ward
page 1 of2
What skills/tzaining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
07i2d/2o0J 15:31 FA% 651 290 0719 PAN Inc � DraYtco @J003
---�''-- '--
Os- 7� 3
Namc ( ��/LL� /JTdWGt'
Address � ��
Telephoaes �.�7.`
Please laelude Arc� CoAe9 home
Telephones e�-a-�} 99%5 �96 - a���
Pieeee iaclade Arca Codes home wo�k o[her
Telephones �pyo2 — �g�� a°Zb' S � �i6
Please inclaae Area CoEae homc work other
Reasons for your interest in, this particular committee
� , `LtUiiJL An t ✓� �PJa 1 !''� (/��+•4 ��G ,
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application?
I£ so, when, and under what circumstances?
1!�� m,r�_ 7a 2�wracti O�.fGvcu��nti on �-v �/'dr/��/
ln an attempt to ensure that committee represeatation reflects the sakeug of our community,
please check the box applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntary.
�Wbite(Caucasian) �Hispanic �Black{African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islandec � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
� Male Female � Date of bizth
Disabled: � Yes No�
If special accommodations are needed, please spccify
How did you hear about this opening'?
G�li I i. _/ i • • � • •
page 2 of 2
�f � � �,�;s�i'r.a r���•rc3f;� c;�, . ��u:t t�,7•s�
Ortober 3, 20Q3
The Honorable Randy Kelly
City of Saint Paui
390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, NIN 55102
Dear Mayor Kelly:
I am writing to clazify the Minnesota Historical Society's understanding of the appointment of
members to heritage preservation commissions around the slate. In making this clarification, it is
important to note that the State Historic Preservafion Office is a part of the Minnesota Historical
Socicty and, by Minnesota stafule, lhe State Fiistoric Preservation Ufficer is the Direcior of the
Minnesota Historical Society. Beyond its role as defined in Minnesota law, the State Histozic
Preservation Office has a number of federal responsibilities inciuding the Certified Locat
Government Program.
In 19? l, the Minnesota Legislature developed and passed law relating to heritase preservation
commissions (MS 471.2 93). This statute specifies the qualificauons for membership on fhe
commissions (a copy of this statute is attached for your review). Note that the law does not
specify a role For the Minnesota Historical Society or for the State Historic Preservation Office.
Accordingly, the Societyhas not, as a matter ofpractice, commented on fhe appointments of
specific individuals as they have occiured over time on heritage preservarion commissions
around [he state.
T am aware that members of the City Council received a letter from an employec; of the State
Historic Preservation Office. In its summary of the qualifications for commission mernbers the
letter accurately reflects Minnesota law. However, in commenting on the qualifications of
spccific individuals, the letter neither reflects the law, nor is it consistent with the Society's
As part of its mission in serviee to the people of Minnesota, the Miruiesota Historicai Society is
responsible for identifying structures that are significant to the peoples' history and for
advocating thcir prescrvarion. We share this responsibility with local heritage preservation
commissions around the statc. For the appointment of appropriafe persons to serve on these
commissions, we depend on the good judgment of local officials.
_�-� ��✓" ttr—v ��
Nina M. Archabal
Di! a�d State Historic Preservation Off cer
�3- yG3
24 September 2003
Saint Pzul City Council
c�� x� "
1S West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Deaz Saint Paul City Councilmembers,
�Ve ue �vriting to you about the St. Paul Herirage Preservarion Commission (I�'C) end the
qualifications of inembers appointed to the HPC. We aze a��are that you aze considering several
new appointrnents and ieappointments, and our office was asked to offer our insights.
Tl�e state enebling legislatian £or Heritage Presetvatian Commissions (471.193) provides .
guidznce regazding the powers and respnnsbiliries of heritage presuvation commissions in
Minnesota, Subdivision 5 deals spec�cally with membership:
Commissinn members must ba persons with demonstrated interest and
expertise in historic preservation and must reside wzthin flie political subdi�isinn
regulated by the ordinance establishing the commission. Every commissian shall
include, if awailable, a member of the county historicul society of a county in
which the municipality is located.
Our office defines "demonstrated interest" in historic ptes�ation tather broadly. For example, a
resident who lives in a hisEOric building and has experience rehabilitating old houszs would
cert�inly have a demonstrated interest in historic preserntion. A realtor who speci�lizes in
mariceting ond selling historic residences, or a deve]oper who has experienee acquring and
rehabilitating historic commercial properties accatding to xccepted stzndards, would qualify as
hatiing 2 demanstrated interesf in preservation. On the other hz�d, a registered professional
architect may not necessazily have an interest in tustoric preservation; that interest would need to
be demonstrated.
Tn 1435, nine yeazs afrer S�int Paul enacted its historic presecva�on ordinance, the city becarae a
Certified Local Government (CLG). The National I3istoric Preservation Act, tl�e fedr,al law
which e;taolished the CLG prograzn, contains five broad stndzds, all of which �ust be met by a
local government before it may be certified. One deals specifically with corrunissioa memberstup,
ststiug thai tt�e "local govemment shall har�e established an adequate and qualified hisioric
preservalion review commission by State or local legis?afion." lz the Minr.e>ota Certified Local
Goverr. ,r,ent Procedures Manual, the follou�ng is stipulat:d:
All commission members must ha�'e a demonsh2ted inte;est, competence o:
kno��vledoe in historic prese:rarion. Ii availxble in �ne ca*nmunity, 2t Ieast tx'o
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03- ���
members of the HPC shall be dra«n from professionals in zrchitecture, histary,
archit�chual history, planning, prehistoric pnd historic azchaeology, folklore,
culturalanthropology, curarion, conserntion,andlandscape architecture orrelated .
disciplines. Other related profession9 might inciude the building �ades, real estate or law,
One of the appoiniments you aze considering fnr the T�'t'C is from hs. Tim �llet. Ir. reviewing
h1r, Fuller's applicarion, it is not cleaz that he has a"da:nonsttated" interest, competence or
lrnowledge in historic preservarion. His underst�nding of policies znd regulations �:zd his
e�perience with local govenment are clearly benefici2l. A quest:or. you mir as.L' of him is
exactly how his es.tensive experience supports an interest in his!oric p: esetvuhon. L� addirion, we
edvise cauLion in considering his application because of a potential conflict of interest due to Mr.
Fuller's maniage to Martha Fuller, D'uector of the City's Departmem of Planning ar.d Economic
There �e three odier observations we hnve abou; the current m�:e-up of the HPC as you consider
new appointments. First, of tna 13 members of the con�'nission, anly tu'o are u�omen. Given the
popvlation of St, Paul, it is surprising that greafer gender balance cannot be achieved. $econd, the
geographic distribution of FTPC membzrship is weighted heavily to«�ard Ramsey Hill. It would
seem to be preferable to have members who represent x greater number of neighbozhoods and
�Vards, especially the Easi and West sides, do�vntown and the Nortn End. Third, the T�?C eould
benefit &om ha��ng a professianal histosian on its toster. The stten� of the commission is '
dependent, in lazge part, on the qualifications of iU membrrs. If the HPC is asked to comment on
the potential signifcance of a historic site, it would be essential to have a member with
ea;perience or education ia history.
Nationwide, there aze over 2,000 FIPCs and more than 1,200 CLGs. Dozens of smaller
communiries in hiinnesota have preservaHon commissions comgrised of local residents without
specialized degrees in pteservation or related pzofessions. As n ixrger city, however, St. Paul is
fortunate to have a weslth of people to choose from who could serve on flie HPC and repiesent
one of several professions.
The ability to preserve St. Paul's historic properties and the sscce:s of the Iieritage Preservatian
Commtssion depends in large measure on the members of the corunission. With commitment,
work, resourcefulness and diplomacy, the St. Paul HPC has tne potential to m�ke nzjor and
lasting contributians to the preservation of the eity's cultural s+nd tustoric zesources, to the
revitalization of once-deteriorating azchitectural treasures, and to fne overall quality of life in St.
Paul. •
S�r'e urge you to caiefully cnnsider the qualificarions of all futtirz appointments to uie Heritage
Preservation Commission.
Michz K
State Histori Preservation Office
cc: Mayc�r 12xndy Kclly
Amy Spong, Herita�e Presen�atio� Co�n.*nission