249532 ORf61NAl�TO CITY CLBRK ��9�'...1� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �''� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO , Cfe�UNCI ESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �• COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the Council f�ereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of May 27, 1970 , pertaining to the property located at 241-249 West- ern Avenue South, owned by Edward Weger and described as : 241-243 Lot 23, Block 3, Watson and Rice 's Sub. C 243-1/2 - 247 Lot 22, Block 3, Watson and Rice 's Sub C 249-251 Lot 21, Block 3, Watson and Rice's Sub C. waiving the requirement of Section 54 .11 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code that each dwelling unit be equipped with a water closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower on condition that a total of no more than eleven occupants shall share four bathrooms; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such waiver be granted until such time as the property at 241-249 Western Avenue South be sold or any other right, title or interest be transferred at which time said waiver be nullified; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to send a copy of this reso�ution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. ��RM APp p�E : CORppRA710 covNSE�� JUN 3 0 197:0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���i 3 g ���� �._ A d 19� Levine _�n Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor T�� A gainst Mr. President, McCarty 'P�IBLISHED ,��J� 3 ���� � . s � , . . � * � , �. � STATE OF MINNESOTA � Countq of Ramsey es. !� � CITY OF 3AINT PAUL � �"i I--------------------------------------F�sx�.xy_--�.....N.f�x�h�l.a.�------..........-----....City Clerk 0 �" � of the City of Sa�nt Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have � � compared the attached aopy of Council File No....._...?�1��? � . ..................... � as adopted by the City Council-------�'.la�te_.3Q,............................19....�Q...._.. G° and approved by the Mayor---------------June 30, ......._....19...7�------- � ---------------•-•-•-------- � � with the original thereof on flle in my office. -------------------------•--._.......-----------------------------•-------------._..._......................---.....--•--••---........-- e—i -----......-•----...---•---•-----•-------------------------•--•---------......---•--..........._._......----••-•---------...---------... C'� '�J W .........."""'-"•"""'•""._........."""••--"..._.."".....-"""'-"--........""-'......"""......"'-".._...'-'..... � � � .«......""......""""--'-""........""""-'•'--°""•"""'...............'•""""""""-""...."""...__..."'...... �M V ✓ � ...............'-"""""•""'..."""""""""""-"-'-"""'•'-"""""""......."'-........"'•"••-'•"""••--"'...._ � O .._.....""""""'.._........""""" . """"'..._........"""-""•""""'._.....""".......""'...-•'-"......----" O m •"'•""•"....""'......-'•"-•--�.............."-'.........."'•-'---.....----'--...........'•-"........._................._...° ..'---°-°•'°-----'-°'-'•---...._..--"'--"--'--°•"-'-•'-'-._...._..'-'----°'--..._.."-°-----....--"-.......-'-'••--'•'-•'•"- »�--"..........................'-•--...--"'-•'-'-"•---°•'-'•"'•--°'-"---..__...--"'....__......�_..........-"..._._....'•'-- ._......."•".......'--"---°----"-"-....'-••'-'-'--•'••""-•'-°---'....""--'••..............................'-"•-'--•'-"'--° I further certifq that said copq is a true and conect copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Faul,Minn.. �,�`j� this...._.....2nd:.............day of ...... Ju3'�, ..._.A. 19_.70.._.. �,., ;� „ , . �O .. ...._. . .... ..------ -•--.... . ... . .. � . ...... . .. i Clerk. ; �:� s s ',, $ I3b � O4.OQ SA°E � o�.�,��.��. , ��9��2 cmr oF sr. PAU� FCOE NCIL No � " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P��� Rosslie L. Butler � M COMMISSIONER A y� � � RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratities and approves the � aation of the Saint Paul Board ot App�als and Reniew �or the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codea at its meetinq of � May 27, 1970, pertaining to the property located at 241-249 We�t- Nern Avenue South, orrned by Edward Weqer and described ae: '� 241-243 Lot 23, Block 3, Watson and Rice's Sub. C ° 243-1/2 - 247 Lot 22, Bloek 3, Wataon and Rice'e Sub C 249-251 Lot 21, Block 3, �iatson and Rice's Sub C. �aiving the r�quirement o! Section 54.11 0! the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code that each dwellinq unit be equipped vrith� a water �loset, � lavatory and bathtub or eha�er on condition that a total of no mor� than eleven occuparite �l�tail -share !'ot�� bathrooma; and be it FURTHER RBSO�VE�,�`that such waiv�er.b� qranted until such tiare as the propert� at a41�249 Westeris Avenw� South be aold or . any oth�r right, title or interest be tranaferred at which tin�e �`� said waiver be nullifiad; and be it _ . �''� FINl�iLLY RESOL`TED, that the City Clerk ia: hereby authorise8 � , M ' and directad to sena a copy. ot this rdsolution to the R�amsey � J fY,e County Register of Deeds. � r%--' �i 1UN 3 0 �70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler J U N 3 0 ��id �. Approv� 19` Levine 5 Tn Favox' Charles P. McCarty %eredith Sprafka 0 ��r �_ A gainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��