249513 'r (�►yy�. �161NAL TO CITY CL[RK ����{. `��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ���'''` OFF{CE OF THE CITY CLERK HLE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT Rob.rt F Sprafka onrF COMMI 5 . � �� APPROVAL OF PLANS In tMe matter of constructiag c,�nc�ete curb and gutter on the south side of SIMS AVENUE fran Nendota Street to Forest Strmet, C-0504, under Preliminary Order No. 248532, approved April 21, 1970, and Final 0�der No. 249296, approved June 16, 1970. RESOLVED, That tha pla�s and specifications for thm above nar�ed improvement as sub�itted by the Co�nissio�ar of Public Works be and the s�ae are hereby approved, and be it fURTHER RESOLVED, Th�t the Parchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise fo� bids on this i�np�ovement. Ro� ° ' Ppp e1 • �o � o st. CorP° , JUN 3 0 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler � �`j�{ � u 1970 son � ed- 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith /� Sprafka �� � A gainst co Mr. President, McCarty '�t1sHEn �UL 31�70 �o •.D�IPLICATt TOIRIN'RR � s� � ,,,,--�'" CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� ;�r��,�"�t3 � -�"''' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�r��r RoiKt F. Spratka COMIAISSION� sA*� ���AL � ��� 1� t1N w�tt� of aonstruati� oon��t� curb aAd �rtt�r o� tM south s t d� of f IMS AVENUE f roai M�adola �t r� to Iror�st it�t. G-OSO4. unal�r l�hl l�iniry tk�� li�. 2485�4, �provM Apri i �1. 19'f0, ana Fi n�1 Ord� No. 249Q96. aPPr'o�►�el .� 16. 1970. RE�OLV�O, Thst th� plans a� sp�ciftcattons to� tM a�ov� n�el i�t +�s subaf tt�i by tl�t Coawi ssion�r ot hibl i c Morks bs aar th� sa� ar� h�nb�r aPProwd. u�d be i t l�ItTNER REiOLYIED. That th� rurehasin� A�nt IN and is h�r�by df r�t«I to �wrtls� fbr bid: on this i�provw�ht. � --,f., - ��, _ �- .,, ��,; � ,.. ��� :.�a ��: -��'e+ —� �� Y. - I � t __ . .. w.,� � � ._..._ ._�.r J U N 3 0 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_. Yeaa Nays Butler JUN 3 a 1,70 .�, Approv� 18— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith �r Sprafka v Against .T.edese�— Mr. President, McCarty ��