249503 , ((�� 'ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �A��Q3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �� Lzc�vTsE ccr�m�rr� OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � June 30, �.970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Ma1t Beverage and Cigarette licenses, applied for by James Howard Hegerle at 755 :'Pa.yne Avenue, be and the same axe hereby granted on the condition tha.t within 6o days of this date said applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaua of Fire� Heaith, and Police, and the License Inspector pursa,ant to the St, Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. JUN 3 0 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �uN � �3 �:��o �oli � A provecL 19� Levine _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst �� Mr. President, McCarty �970 PUBLISHED �UL 3 �� . ° � �}� .� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �5 Q� Capital of Minnesots � �e a�tisce�t o a�`ic �a ct � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY. DeDnty Commledoner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inspeetor June 30, 1970 Honorable Playor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Na.dam: James Howard Hegerle makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�axette licenses at 755 Payne Avenue which. is on the k'est side of the street between Bush and Reaney AAvenues. This location has been licensed for a siYUilar business since 1934. Currently there is no one licensed at this location. The last licensee� Victor� Snyder, held�uch license,� from February 1969 and went out of business wh.en they expired in Februaxy 1970. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is across the street and the closest Of� Sale �,iquor place is about half a mile North. The nearest church is nine blocks and the nearest school is aboUt nine blocks. Mr. Hegerle is self-employed in the fence business. Very truly yours, ��,��- �`� License Inspector O CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTh'�NT �F' PUBLIC SAFETY LICI�NSE DIVISTON Da te �].g-�.�L�L.. l. Applica�ion for L�.c�nea 2. Nams of e�pplicant 3, Busines� address �'�",s- y � � denoe 4. Trade �ams, if any i * 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax �mp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp�11 be u�ed. 6. (hi what floor located���� Nurnt�er of rooams used � . �� 7. Betvueen wbat cros� etreet ,� 1Nh.i,ah aide af stree� /��1�� 8, Are premises now ocaupied� � busine�s Ho�r long 9. Are premises now un000upied��Iiotiv long vaeant� Previ.ous Uee3� ��� �.,.�� .,,,,,,,,,.. 14. Are you a new o�rner�%�Have you besn in a simi r buainesa be�ore �LR VPhe re 1Vhe� 11. Are you going to operate thia businesa personally v S' , .��� ,...�..-.._._.,_. If not, ydzo wi11 oper�te it 12, Are you in any other busine�s at the preaent time � 13. Have there been any complaints again�t your operation of this t oP plac� �o �hea �Ifhere 14. Iiave you ever had any lioenae revoked � TNha� reasan and date 15. A,re you a citizen of the United State�_7�Native``�T"'ldaturali�ed 7" 16. 1�Phexe v,rere you barn �` Aate of birth � 7 ,3,6 , Ph .� � � ,T.� 17, I- am����a�arried. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and addresa is 18, (IP married female� my rr�iden name is 19. �ovr long have you lived in. 5`E. paul�� , � .. ..,_,... 20. Heve yoa ev+er been arrested_YQ�Viol.ation of rovhat oriminaL la�r or ordin�nae ..�..�.... 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�, P�ul Yes Np. v i � (Ana�rer fu11 and oom letel . Theae a lica�ions are thorou h]. oheaked aad e►n alaification will be cause for denia . ��R) (o✓�R� 22. Number of 3.2 places within t�ro blocks . �- . 23. Closest intoxicati.ng liquor place. (}n Sals f Sa e � 24. Nea re e t Chur ch Nea re s t Scsn o ol�� 25o Number of' �booths a� Tables Chairs Stools� /� : 26. What occup�tion have vou follovued for the psst five years, (Give names of employers and date s s o empToy�ed.) , 27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residenta of St. Paul, lldinn,, ypho can give information concerning you, � _ , Name Address ���,�i.,e� , Name Address s,�'���� �,y���e � � i ture of pp iean Sta�e of' Ninne s ota� ss Cotznty of Ramsey ) �(y' bein� first duly sworn, deposes and says upon €�ath th t he has ea the foregoing statement besring his sigx�ture and knows the contents thereof, and �hat the sama is true of' his ov�m knowledge except as to those ma�ters therein sta'�ed upon information and belief and ae to those matters he be1.?�cues ther.i to b� ux�°��. na ure af Appliean Subscribed and sworn to bQfore me this .. . ._ — �� of 19� � Notary P 1ic, Rams ounty, escsta R ARD W. JONES M� C o�un1 s s 1 on e xp1 re 5����nuDlic�Ramsey County,Minn. , 975. (No�e s These statement forms are in duplicate. Both cop-a.QS must be f'ully f illed �ut, notarized, and re��rned to the License D�.vision.�� AFF IDAV 1'P B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER �R LIQUOR LICENSE Res �[�Sale��� Lia�nae Name of appiicant � . Bu�iness addiess Az°e �rou the sole owner of this business?/�� If not9 is it a partnership? corporation? , o:bher? Others intereated in buainess, include those by loan oP money, property or othex�ises Na ma Add re s s Ho�w If a csorporation, give its nam� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liqucsr business?__�� As eole omraer? partner? Stockholder? Other°tivise? (Through loan of money, etc� Explain) �4ddress of' such buainess and nature of intereat in same xt�ture of applicant St�te of' Minna s ota� �a s Caurity of l�msey eing first duly sworne depo9es and saya upon oath that h� has rea the forego g affidavit bearing his signature and Im�vs the contents thereo�; that the same is true of hi� own lrnawledge9 exaept a� to thase matters therein atated upon inPormQtion and belief and as to those u�ttars he belie�em them to he true. /' gnature of applicant Subacsribed and sworn o ef ore me thia ,. __ af 19� � . , Notary ublic, ey Co , Minnesota RICHARD W. :IONE�q �' O OIIlTt11 S S 1 OYL 87C��P��(jr� amaoy f:y^^i'.mIQD. �i�qrur►iss[on Expires Aug.22, 1975. . . . . � 3TATE i�' MINNESOTA SS CQtJNTY 4F RAMSEY � -= being first duly s�flrn, do�h depose and say thst he makea this �ffidavi� in conneQtion with applioation f or "�S��le" liquor lieense ("�Sala" malt beverage licen$e) 3n the �ity o� 3aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affisnt is a resident of the State uf Minnesot� and has resided therei.n for ��!�_��reara, :�— months, and 3.s ...--_ no�r and has b�e� for the time a�bo�ve a�entioned � bona fide resident of said State and that he now residea et � ` Aa , Mi�an.es ota. C i y or T �+m Subsaribed and a�rorn to before me t . y o uf 7� � � �tary b1ia, ey Count 'nnesata HARD W. JONES � Qouunisaion expir� p���Ramm�� (`nun r, Minn. �Ci0flYtii�iiiDn Explres Aug. 22, 1975.