249500 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK �V�oo , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICr��SE COMMITTEE OUNCIL OLUTI -G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY June 30� �.9�]� COMMISSIONE DAT� RE�SOLVED: That applic�.tion for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License issued to the Midway Liquor Store, Inc. at 1944 University Avenue to Jimtom, Inc. at the same address, and their applic�.tion for Foodstuff-0ri�inal Contain��r, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�;arette licenses at the same location, be and the s�ne are hereby granted on the condition that within 6o day of this date said Jimtom, Inc. shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� FIealth, and �alice, and the License Inspector purauant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and l�ws. ,uN3Q19�a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya sut�er �q�� � � �,970 ,�- ove� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka or .�Against �ec�esco_.. Mr. President, McCarty �g��$HEp JUL 31970 �� � • � �' . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, Capital of Minnesota � //��� r �eart�ne�tt o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ror.ic� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERBILL,Depaty Commissioner DANIEL P.bIcLAUGHLIN,Licenee Inepector Ju�ne 30, 1970 Honorable D�yor and City Council Saint �ul, RTinnesota �entlemen and i��dams Jimtom, Inc. i� joined by the Midway Liquor Store, Tnc. in makin�; application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor Iioense No. 2415, expirirtg January 31, 1971, fram the licensee, hiidway Liqu�r S�ore, Inc. at 1944 ITniversity �,venue to Jimtr�m, Inc, at the �amd addreas. Jimtom, Inc. also makes application for Class D� Ori�ina,l Container, OfP Sala ��alt �everage and Ci�arette licenses for the same looation. The licensee has held this lioense sznce 1961 and thas location has been so licensed since 1935. The officers of Jimtcxn, Inc. are James R. GorIISn, President and Treasurer; and Thomas R. F'arrell, ��ice President and Secretary. The stoakholders are James R. Gormsn and Thomas R, Farrsll. James R. Gorr�an is an off icer 3n the widtRest Federal Savings and Loe�n .'e�ssociation. Thamas R. Farrell has been the clai.ris adjuster f'or Crane Supply Company, P�rinrieapolis, P�"innesota. Very truly yours, ��� �� ` �� �,� License Inspector Gc�' O 4;'{ :' • . ��` a •� r • �, .� h ." s��.�� � � � � �:': . June 22, 1970 :; ' ' E'?, . The �Ionorable The Cit,y Council City of Saint Paul Court House st. Faul, Ma.nnesota 55102 Attn: Mr. I�,niel McI�aughlin, License Inspector � l�ear Mayor McCarty, Mxs. Butler and Gentlemen: Please be advised that the sole shareholders of Midway Liquor Store, Inc., Geraldine M. Rigali and the representative of the estate of Frank A. Rigali, deceased, have determined to sell their corporate stock, bein� al1_ of the corporate stock issued and oustanding in the corporation knowri as � Midway Liquor Store, Inc.� to James R. Gorman and Thomas Farrell, pur�uant to a written agreement of sale, and request Your Honorable Body to approve and recognize James R. Gormen and '1'homas Farrell as the officers and directors of Midway Liquor Store,, Inc., replacing the present officers and directors who no longer wi11 have any part in the management of the corpora�e affairs. Very truly yours, , � i;7....����f`t,....c,- t li �;.t ���.L,1..'.; GERALD2NE M. RIGALI President o� Midway Liquor Store, Inc. t : � • . . . St. Paul , Minnesota June 26, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ef ths C�ty cf �t. Paui Court House St. Paul , Minnesota Gentlemen: • The undersigned, Jimtom, Inc. hereby requests the transfer of the On-Sale Liquor License at 1944 University Avenue from Midway Liquor Store, Inc. to the , undersigned. Very truty yours, JIMTOM, INC. �______ �����:�.�y� • Its Presid t ,. ' � � • � • � . • � Cii� LAC �11V1 �Vy . D�pAR�NT � PUBLTC SAFETY L�G�1SE DN�S�OTT I�te���=l-�,'� 1 g�� 1. Appliaatian for �f� 5�a�� _�3�uQ�'� Liceaa� 2. Name of applicant ��es R. Gorman 3. Bueine$s address 1944 tlniversity Avenua Residenoe 112 Eneter Placa. St. Paul , Minn. 4, Trsda na�, i.f any Midway Liquor Store 5. Retail Beer Federa]. �ax S�amp�tail Liquor Federal Tax $tamp� w317. be uaed. 6. t�i what floar locsated �i rst Ntunber oP roam�;e ue�d � . 7. Between w�a� aresa streats Prtor 6 Lynr�hurst �ich eide of a�reet south 8. Are premiees now ocaupied Yes'Yahat businesa same g�. �ong 38 years 9. Are prem,i�e;e now unoocupied �oIiaw long vaQant Prev3,oua Uae _,.._... 10. Are you a new o�aer X�� Have you been in a aimi]�ar busineas before no Whe re �Ilhea 11. Are you going to opers�e this business persozLally no � If not+ �o wi7,1 operate it Thotaas R. Fsrrsi l 12, Are yot� in any other busineas �t tha present tim�e no 13. Have there been any oomplaints againet yaur opsra,ti.on of this type of placq no .._.._........_. �ithen Where 14. Ha�sre you ever had any license revoked �O �Phat rea�on and d�te 15. Are you a citizen of the IInited States Y�s Nat3.vo Yaf Na'�ure4lized _.....,.._ _„__._..,..._ 16. qPhere w�ere you born it. Paul , Minnesota Date of birth October 6, 1931 17. I- am a�rr3ed. �dy (wife 's� (jp��,��t��q� name and address is Ma� Ann Gormsn, ' P S Paul Mt�nesota 1Q4 18. (If married female� my msi.den x�ame S.s - 19. Sow ].ong have you lived in St. Paul 39 Years 20. �ve yoa ev�ar been arrea�ed �o Yiola�icxi�, of what csriiain�l. ].aw or ordinanca ........... 21. Are you a reg;is�ered voter in the City of S�, Pau7. X Yea No• (Ans�nrer Pul�. and oom letel . The$e a 1ioa�3.ona are thorou hl ahaaked und a� lsifiaatiun viriil be caas� far ena.a . ��E�� . , , 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks _ Q ' inger's - next d Sharrett's (1/2 mlle) 23. Close�t a.ntoxicating liquor p7ace. �hi SaI�� �f Sale 24. Neareat Chureh �_���` Nearest Scnool lAnsfRi 1nw�1.����,�, �1/2 n�i la) 25o I�Tumber of booths � TabTes � Chairs � Stools � 26. What occup�tion have vou f�llo�ved for the p�st fxve years, (Give names of employers and dates so employedol � _ 1-w:-� . � y � � 2l, Gige names and addresses of.two peraon.s, residents of St. Paul, �inn., �rho can give inf or�tion c oncerning you. St. Paul � Minn Name y������m F� �r� Address_ �400 Northwastern N�ttonal Bank Butlding� / Na,ms Pete� M. Gavin Address 1926 Fairmont Ave�ue, 5t. Paul , Minn. i� ture o App can �tate of Nt�.nnesota� _ ss County of Ramsey ! being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s upon oath that he has rea the foregoin.g statement bear3ng his signature and I�.vws the contents thereo�', and that the same is true of his o�m knawledge except as to those �tters therein sta�ed upon infoz•me,tion and belief and as to those mattars he bel�.e�*es them to be txt��. ture of Ap ioant Subsex��.bed and sworn ta befo�^e me this� da 19 d Nota�y u 1ic, Ramsey County, M° a WILL!A^A F. ORME Notary Publ::, ;;�;.,,s2y County, MinrY, My ConIInission expires . io, 19�6. (Notes These statement Porms are in duplicate. Both capic�s mu.st be fully filled out, notarized, and returned to the License D`avision,�r � • . - + ^ AFFIDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: Sa1e �/��Jv�Q Licenae �`/�Es. ����' �q� Name of applicant James R. Gorman - as Office�. DirectoY�nd S�arehoider of Jimtom. Inc. Bu��.neas addree� 1944 University Avanue Are you the aole owner of this business? No e If note is it a partnership� No corporation? Yes , o:bher? - - Others interested in buainesa, inelude those by loan of money, property or othex�riaea N�ma Mani pnn (:�,r�naQ Address 112 Exeter P1A �. H� Direetor " S�G, Thomas R. Farrel l 102 �Exeter Placc:______,_ �����cs.er�, Di r,�, Shareholder Geraldi�e Rigali 35S Edar_���� R�ad �ecurit� fnterest in fiX- tures for purchase ori ce If a o orporation, give its na� J i mtom, I nc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? No 9s eole owmer? No Partner? No Stookholder? Na Othe�.se? (Through loan of moneya etc� Explai:n) No Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same i ture of appl' ant State of M:lnnasota� �9 9 C OUIl't� 0� �2Il66Y James R. 6orman being first duly av�orn9 deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and ]�o�s the conten�g thereof; that �the same ia true of his oam l�iovpledgea except as to those rnatters therein. atated upon infox°mation and belief and as to those matters he believea them to be true. ` - na ure of plicant Subsoribed and sro�orn , o bafo e me thia ay o 19 Notary ublic, Ramaey ounty, Mx ta WILLIAM F. ORME �� aExin2tL13Sion expire$_ Motar�public, Ramsey County, M1nn, `'`�r►►rrriesion Expires Aug. 10, Ig76, '. ^ , sTA� � �nvrr�SC�rrA� C(7t�ATY OF RAMSEY � s$ � James R. Gorman being firat duly aworn, doth depoae and say that he makea this af fidavit in conneotian with application f or " Off Sale" liquor lices�ae ("`�_Sale" malt beverage licenae� 3.n the �ity o� $aint Paa1, Mianesota; that your aPfiant ia a raeident of the St�,te of Minnesota and hae reaided therein for 38 year�, $ months, and is no4r and hae been for the time �ba�re mentioned a bona fide reiaident of aaid State and that he now resides at 112 Exeter Place ` Aaare�s St. Paul , Minnesota. City or To�,ra $ubaoribed �nd a�rorn to bePore me this day 1.9 �� 7^' otary blia, Ramaey o , ]f�2.3.nnes Idy c3o�mti881ori Axplre8 WILLIAM F. ORME "—'7Q�t�'1�'uT ic, amsey County, Minn, My Commission Expires Aug. 10, 1976, ` C TTY ('� SA INT PAtJI, DEPdR�NT pF PUBLTC S�FE�Y I,ICTNSE D1V�SIt�T Date��� 19��^ ���- 1. Applicatian fox Off Ssle Liquor L3cense 2. Name of applican� Thorr�s R. Farrell 3. Buein�as addre$s �944 University Avenue I���idenoa 1�2 Exeter Plac�� St. Psul � Minn. 4, Trsde �ame, if aay Mtdway Liquor Store 5. Reta31 Beer Federeil Tax Stamp l�tail Liquor F'edereil Tea Stamp��i,11 b� u�ed. 6. Cai what floor located Fi rst Number of rocaas used 1 � 7. Be�vueen vrha� croas streets Prlor S lynnhu�st y�hiah aide pf �treet S�uth 8. Are prem3.ses now oaaupied yes 11Yhat business sams $a� long 38 yea�s 9. Are premise�s �ow unoccupied no Ho�w� long vaQant Pxevioua Use 10. Are you a ne�v ovrner yes I�ave you been in a ai�n3lar buaines$ be�ore no ....._....._ �ie re �Ilhes� 11. Are you going to operate thi� buainess pereonally Yas t If not, �o w:i11 operate it 12. Are you in ar�y other buaineas at the present t3,me no 13. Have there baen any oomp].aints againat your operat3.on of �his type oP plaee no ,.._..._....�_.__ �hen where 14, Have� �rou ever had any lioenae revoked no 1Rhat reastm and date �_ 15. Are you a czitizen of the United Statee yes Native yes ldature�I.�.�ed �....�.,,... ...._._..,..., 16. �h.ere w�ere you born St. Paul , MI nn�sota Aate o� birth Saptemba� 9�, 1937 ,�� ,�. ..,.,.. 17. I ams i^��. My (wife 's� (husband'a) name �nd address ia 18. (If msrried female� my m�iden �aame is � 19. Sc�w long have you l�.v�d iu S`b. Pau]. 32 years , � � r i i r � r � . r� � 20. Have you ever besn arrested no �iola�ion of what crim3.r�a,1 la�r or ordinanoe �� 21. Are you a regiatered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul X Yes 1�A. (An.s�uer fu11y and oom letel�r. Theae a lications are thorou hl ohoaked aud an f'alsification wi11 be cause for ' enia . (n✓ER1 22. Number of 3.2 pl.aaes within two blocks 0 - 23. Closest �.ntoxicating liquor p7ace. �n Sale Sltnger'� - nex�,�o�a1e �harr�tt's (1/2 atila) 24. Nearest Church 5 blocks _ Nearest School longfesl low Elemsntary (1/2 mi ls) 25. Number of i�ooths p Tables 0 �hairs 0 Stools 0 26. What occupation have vou �'ollovu�d for the past five y�ears, (Give names of employers and date s s o emplo�re�.l Appltcant was claTma ad�uster for Crane Supply Co. , Minnaapolis, Mi�nesota 2!. Gi�e names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St. 1'aul, lV[i.nn., vd.10 ca�. gi� infor�,tion concerning you. St. Psul:� Minn. Name Mtl�tam F. Orme Address 1400 Northwestsrn Natior►al Bank Buildi�g� / Name pRt„r M_ [;wvi� ,Address �q26 Fairmnnt Avwn �•� St. Pe�l � Minn. � Signa�ure of Ap e Sta�e of' �iiinne s�ta� � _ S S J ,. County of Ramsey ) �, Thon�s R. Farr�ll being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon c�,th �hat he has rea the foregoing statement bearing his aignatura and knaws the eontents thereof, and �Uhat the same is true of' h.is own, knowledge except aa to those �tters therein atated upon information and belief and as to th�se m�tters lze bel�_e-�es them to be -�r���o �� i �Signa ure of App io ' Subsc�a.bed and sworn. to before me f this� day o 19� Idotar�r P 1ic, ey o y, a WILLIAM F. ORME My ConunS.ssian 8Xp1.Y'88 Notary Public, Rarnse County, Minn. ommission Expires Aug. 10, 1976, (Note s These s�atement" �orms are in dupZicate. Both cap-i.os mtast be flally filled out, notarized, and returnrd to the License Divisicm.�� '..� » ' � . - .' AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER flR LIQUOR T;ICENSE Re s y�'��Sale . �� �` v o n2 Liesenae Na� of applioant Thomas R. Far�el l - asP���icer�D�rector and Sharoholder of Jtmtom�lnc, Bu�ix�.eas addiess 1 44 Unive git Avenue Are you the sole dwner of this business? N�, If not, is it a partnership`� p�o corporat3.un? Yes , ot�her? - - Qthers interested in business, inelude those by loan of money, pro rty or othert+�rieei �i5. �R4lS. Nam� James R. Gorman Address � 12 Exeter Place Ho�evOfficer, Dt r. � Shareholder Mary Ann �orman 112 Exeter Place Q1 rector Geraldine Ri9a11 2355 Ed9cur�e Road Secur(ty interest in ftxtures for purchase price If a Qorporation, give zts name Jimtom, lnc. Are you intsrested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bua�inesa? No As eole rn�rn.er? No Partner? No Stockholder? No Otherar�.se? (Through loan of rnoney, etca Explain:} No Addresa of such buainess and nature of intereat in same igna ure of ap ' a Sta,te of Minnesota s s �, C ounty of �msey Thomas R. Farrall bei.ng first duly swarn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and laiows the eontents thereofg that the aame is true of his awn l�owledgea exaept a� to those matters there�.rs atated upon informQtion and belief e�ttd as to those �tters he believes them to be trus. � � � ' $ignat e af app ic nt Subsoribed and s�ro o be�ore me : thia � d af 19 j�� Notary ublic, Ramsey Co �y, eso WlLLIAM F. ORME Natar.y Pub'. ttarnsey County, Minn. b�yr a�ssion expirea ■..,r�......_:_��„E,Xp�reS Aug. 10, 1976, . ..� • � � , . � s��E � �n�soTA SS CUtIATTY OF RAMSEY Thomas R. Farrell being first duly aworn, doth depoae aad say that he makea this affidavit in connection �+rith applioation far " Off Sale" liquor licease ("�rS"ale" malt benerage license) 3.n the City of 3aint Pau1, :Minneaota; that your aPfiant is a re�iden� of the 3tate �f �innesot� and haa resided therein for �� years, g mor�.ths, and is noar and has bee� for the ti�roa e�bo�re mentioned a bona fide reaident of said State and that he now resides at 102 Exeter Place � Addre a s St. Paul , Adiruiesota. City or To�+m / I � / Subacaribed and a�rorn, to before me l�� , this�, ,_ 19 �� J-�-- � 1io, Ramaey ounty, �63.n.ne ta Notar p W�LLIAM F. ORME �r oo�ission expirea Y ublic, Ramsey County, Minn. xp�res Aug. 10, 1976.