249499 4 ORI6iNAL TO CITY CLERK •)A�j] �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO. '�' �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LlCnvsE Corn� NCIL RESO T� ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY June 30� �.970 COMMISSIONE AT RESOLVED: That application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor I,icense issued to Mrs. Ida L. Greenberg at 876-8 Grand Avenue to D. and G., Inc. at the same address and their applic�tion for Confectionery, Off Sale Ma1t Bevera�e and Cigaxette Licenses for the same location, be and the same axe hereby granted on the condition that wi.th.in 60 days of this date sa,id applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� and the License Inspector pursuasit to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordina.nces and laws. �UN � a1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler � �� � ��. A � 19— Levine �Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka or A gainst �e�essa— Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUL 3 i970 �� � • � , � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota '���Q ( ` p,n / �f' � � eUe a�tvner�t o ub�CC'c �c� et � � ADMINI$TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PAOTECTION por.ics DEAN MER,EDYTH,Commiasianer aEer.Ta RALP'H G.MEftRILI.,Depaty Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector June 30, 1970 Honorable P�ayor a�.d City Councsil Saint Pa,ul, R�tinnesota Gentlemen and P�fadam: A. and G., Ino. is joined by A�rs. Ida L. Greenber; in maka.ng application for the tranafer of Off Sals Liquor License No. 2410, expiring Janua�ry 31, 1971, fro� the �licensee, hirs. Ida L. Greenberg at 976-8 Grand Avenue to D. and G., Inc. at the same address. D, and G., Inc. also ma�ass application for Class s- Confectionery, Off Sale r���a1t Beverage and Gi�arette licenses for the same location. The presant licensea, P1�xs. Ida L. Greenberg, h�s held this license siz�ce 1965. The officers of the applioant corporation are Louis P. Ge�rdner, Presid�nt; Dorothy I:�. ➢eGidio, Vice President; Theresa A?. 'J7alsh, Searetary-Treasurer. Z'he stockholders of this corporation are Louis P. Gardner, 'j'heresa �`. Y�alsh and Aorothy �4. DeGidio. Louis P. Gardner is employed by the Gity of St. Paul in the �rater Depart�ent. �orothy Ri. DeGidio i� a hou�ewife a�d Theresa P�f. �"Ta].sh is employed by the Prudential Tnaurancse Co. This loaation has been licensed as an Off Sa1e Liquor place sinae 1934. Ver truly yours, � ��0� Lioense Trispecstor O . , . � June 23, 1970 . Hon. I•�ayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul - Courthouse Saint Paul, T•7innesota 55102 Gentlemen: Tne undersigned, B. and G. , Inc. , who pro?�ose to engage in the business of off sale liquor at g76 Grand �venue , Saint Paul, P%linnesota, respectfully re�uest the approval of the transfer of the off sale liquor license noUr otvned by Ida Greenberg, located at 976 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, IYIinnesota, to B. and U. , Inc. Respectively yours, �i. and G. , Inc. BY � �a-�a �' �7a�.c�. � � Its President � By : �Q�C_•-1,,J ts Secretary The foregoin� request for approval_ of the transfer of the off sale liquor license at 976 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, rY?inn- esota, is hereby consented to by the undersigned Ida Greenberg, licensee. � Ida Greenberg June 23,1970 �onorable Mayor and Members of th� Ci� Council, I hereby request your approval of transfer of the Vif-�ele Liquor liser�ce o�ned and operated by Mra. Ida �reettberg at 976 �rand ave. to the L� a�d a. Inc. �e furtber etate e mutual agreement of terma of consideration b� both parties tiwte been agreement upon. Yours trul�� !��,�,o U..��'`f'�„�-t. I.oui� P. aardner rres. of y. �nd G. Inc. I ' _ �� .��� 2 � �� � � ����� ��� � � � � � �ti� � � � �,� �,� ���'� CITY UF' 3AINT PAVL DTPARTMENT OF PUBLZC SAF$TY LTCENSE A NZS I�ON I��8 J..�! 2;�._.......�9--.2Q., 1. Appliaation for Licsnae 2. Name of appl�.cant 3. Busineas address 976 arand Ave. 8esidexiae 291 €�o* Sarato�a 4. Trade x�azne, if any . 5. Retaa.l Beer Federal �ax S�mp�Retail Liquor Feder�l Ta� Stamp� „��v3,1], be used. 6. (� what floor loe�atQd_��fr�t Number of roo�s u�ed �„e Ana „��r„e.,,�„{�,,,hesement . 7. Between rophat cross atree�$ , � � .on � .h�,t�rre �itsh aide uf a�reet����t�, ,��l.�� 8. Are prem3ses now oocupied��Iha� bus��.neas � i i;,,y^.^ ,T Horv 1°ng ap. y��s 9. Are premises now tt�ta.oacupied�.Iiovv long vac=ant Pxeva.uus Use 10. Are you Q new a�rner ,�� Have you been in a aimilar bueineas before� „a 1Nhere When . 11. Are you going to opexate thia buaineas persorLally � „ ai} „ m , ` , x�.l� #.,...��.:h. ...,aoan g�+�x If not, v�io vvi11 operate it _ .,�nn L.rzia;., eaii .���a�or . 12. Are ynu in any othex business at the present ti�e n„ ..., 13. Have there been any aomp7.aints against your operation of thi� type of pl.aae �o 9flhea none �Ifhere none 14, N�v,e you ever had any licenae re�okect no What reason and date 15. Are youu a is3,tizen of the United Statee J/��Native ,ee Naturalisvd -.-_.- -,..._..,,.._ 16, W.�iere were you �barn �t. :aul Date of birth `i � � � � � � ��` � ..,----�*— 1,7. I� ac�a.Y�� married. My (wife 's) �husband's) name' and addresa is Gertude C3ardr�er 2�� �. Sa��tbga, St. Paul, Minaeaota 18. (If u�arried female) my m�iden nama is 19. Haw long have you lived 3n St. P�ul 35 ye+��'6 20. Have yoa ev�r bsen arreeted no Viol.aticm of what oriaiina], lavr or ordir�noe ,_.....,.._.._ ._.._...� . ,� .. ._ .. 21. Are yau a regiat�red voter in the City of S�. Pau1 7t Yea No. (Ans�ver Pu17. and oom letel . These a ].3c�tions are thorou h1 cheaked r�nd an laification � 1 be cause for enia . . Co V ER� 22. Number of 3.2 places within �wo blocka �on� 23. Closest �.ntoxicating liquor pl.ace. �n Sale 3B�o��s !(3ff Sa1e 1 �slocks 24. Neare�t Church 4 Blocke Pdearest School 4�locka 25o Number of booths ,,,�Y Tables .;��� ehaira g�tXXXX Stools =� �6. IIYYiat occupaticm have vou follo�ed for the past fxve years, (Give names of employers and d�te s s o emplo�red�1 . Cit of St. k'4ul Water Departmeat 2!. Give namea and addresses of �wo �rsons, residents of St. Paul, E�i.nn,, who oan give infor�ation concarning you. Name �ohn H. God��ut Addresa �97 �. �+�rato���a I�ame Sam c;ohen .E�ddress 600 Lafayette RL�. �, �-G'..u-t7 � ignature o Appliean � State of �i'i:innes�ta j �sa co t� of ��ey 3 � �- ��Cc. -(�-�L.p-�/` being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath tha� he has reac�t-�ie foregoin.g statement bearing k�is signature and l�.ows the contents thersoP, and that the same is true of his o�m ]�.ov�ledge except aa to �hose �ttera therein sta-�ed upon inf'ormation and belief and as to those matters he bel�_e�es them to ba t.r•E:E.�o , � Sig�ture of AppliQant Subsc�ibed and sworn to befo�°e me thi s�� da y of �1 y�-Qf 19 �� ��ti� � � ���� Not�r�r Public, Ramssy County, Minnesota My C�nnission expirss � � {No�es These statement forms are in dupZicate. Both cep-i.as mus� be fully filled out, notarized, and re-�urned to the License Division.�� EARL A. ROCKENBACH, �ry prpk, �y County, Minn. I�ly Connniaiom Expires March 9. 1976. AFFID�V IT BY APPLICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR L2CENSE Re s Sale Liaen�e Name of applicant Louie t�. Gardner �- �jl�� Bu9iness addres� 976 Crand wve. Ax°e you the aole owner° of this business? noe It' note is it a p�rtnership? corporation? D. andG. Inc. ' o�he�°? Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or other�rises Nama None Address Hc�r � l�IG�.����' (�'!��� .������ � �,, If a oorporation� give its na� �. and ti. Inc. A,re yotx interested in an� way in any o�her Retail Besr or Liquor bueinesaR no As sole rn�+mer? partner? Stoakholder4 Othe�.se? (Through loan of monsya etce Explain:) None Address of' such buainess and nature of interest in same S3gnature of applicsant State af Minnasota ea C ounty of l�msey _ ^ v . �CL��Q,n,f��,be�.ng first duly awarna deposea and says upon oath that he haa read the foreg�ing affidavit bear^ing hia signature �nd lm�vs the contents there�f; that the same is tx°ue of his own �owledge a except as to '��1D9� matters th�rein atated upon infox°matiom m�d belief and as to those matters he beliaves them to be �rue. /�- Signature of applicant Subsoribed and sro�orn � a before me �his c� .3 day of 19 � �i ��"7 T 4�'l �" " "17�� EARL' A. Notax°y ublic, Ramse�t County, �innesota N �CfCENBACH, �Y PuDlk, Ramsey Couoty, Minn. / MY Commission Exp;res March 9, 197f �y aommi.ssion expires � 19 �i� s�a� � ��soTA) ) S8 CO�UNTY OF RAMSEY j �+.c a. �� � �,f`�Y-�in-�-,r being first duly awnrn, d�th depo�e and say that he a�kea this affidavit in connecstion with applicsation for "��Sals" liquor license ("p�� Sale" malt beverage license� in the �ity of $aint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the 3te�te of Minnesot� and haa resided therein f4r �� years, mon�.ths, and is nc�ar and has besn for the time abo�e mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State and that he now reaidea �t ��/ (J'�, V'.���',¢ + �Addreaa � , Mirin.e s ota. City or Town ��� ` � Sabaoribsd and a�rrorn to before me ` this .� 3 day of 19� �� � �� � otary �ilirs, Ramaey County, �1linnesot� My co�uniesion expires � EARL. R. ROCKENBACH, �k�Ir PYb1iC,R�nioy County;Minn. 1AA�r ConwOhtlau Dc�fn+ MKCA 9. 1975 .i: CITY � 3ATN'r P�UL DEPARZ'�NT"OF PUBLTC S�FE�Y LICENSE D1V�SIQN De,te June 23 19 ?0 _..�..... 1. $ppliaation for Off-Sale Liquor L�.ce�,�e 2, Name of applicaat Dorotl�r M. De(31dio 3, Bueines� add�eas q76 cirand Residence___ 1�F Fairmount 4, Trade na�,� if any Chataworth Li uor 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp ye�tail Liquor �ederal Tax Stamp T„� ee�.11 ba used. 6. C�i what floor lucated r'iret Number of roo�na used one and etorage in baaement . 7. Between wha� oross streetsr�ilton-�hatswortl Wh3.ah aide of s�xeet South 8. Are premi�es now oacupie8 eeRhat busineas liquar Hpw long 20 f�ars 9. Are premises �ov�r tui000upied no Haw long vactan� Previpu$ Uso 10. Are you a nex o9mer �s Have you been in a aim�.lar bueinesa bePore ee ��w Where D�(3idio Inc. ilihen Co-owned stk but have trensf�rred it 6/22/90 � 11, Are you going to operste thia buainess per�onally no � If not, vdlo wil]. operate it Louia �. t3ardner and John DeGidio 12. Are you i� any other buainess a� the present t3.�a no 13. �ave there boen any aomp7ain•ts against your op�ration of this �ype of plaoo no �.....,.,._ 9�hen no�! iNhere 1�4. I3ave you ever had any liaense revoked no iPha� reascra and da�e ---�---- 15, $�� you a cit3zen of' �the United State� ee Native es Naturalized 16. :�(here were you born St. raul Deite Qf birth 11/7140 _ .- � .. .........�....,..� 17. I=ani 1t marr3ed. My (wife 'a) (husband's� rlame and addresa is Joh� ueG�dia� - - . 1966 Fairmount 18. (If ine�rr3.ed female) my m�3.d�n namQ is Dorotiv.� M. �alsb 19. �c�w long have you lived in St. Faul 3o year�s 20. Heve you ever been arrestedap Violaticm of wha� oriminal law� or ordinance�M .�_....___... 21. Are you a regi�tered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul �e8 Yes �o. (Anawer �ull and oom letel . These s licata.ox�s are thoz�ou hl ahecked and an sificat3.vn w311 be cause for eni.e� . 22. Number of 3�2 places within two blocka pott� 23. C�,us3st �.ntoxicating liquor p7ace. �n. Sa1e 3 �ilock� �3ff Sa1e 1 Blocks 24. Nearest Church b b3ocks Nearast School 4 blockr� 25„ Number of boflths X.tXXX . Tables XXXYX �hairs XXXXg Stoola gxX �6. 'Wha� c�ccupe,�tiari have vrou fvllo�ved for the p�st five y�ears. (Give names of employers and d�tes s� empla�ro3„1 �Hou�ewif• 27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St, pau1, �inn., who �an gige in.fnr�,tion cancerning you. �dame� nrB �aaimes Tho�as Address_ 1876 La_vtoAe ?`:am� Louiae I'alumbo .Address 423 �`. '7 th �treet , � ` � i ure of A� iean S�a t� of �dl�.nne s�ta� � �ss � tznt� of ey ' C., � eing first duly sworn, deposes and says upan o�th th he has rea e foregoing s�atement bearing his aignature and lrnows the contents thereof, and �;ha� the same is true of' h.is c�,m lrnowledge except as to those r�tters therein �ta-�ed upon inf'ormation and belief and a$ to thosa matters t.1e be1,�_e-sras them to be �Yt:��. "�x.�.�:�� Y�� . 'gnature of Ap"liQant Sub�cr:ibed and swos�r,. to before me th1s � � da� of �19� �R�: �,. ROGCENBACWo ,p` � � I�atery �'ublic, Remsey County. Minn. (�� MY �:'�mm�ssioo FxDires Met<.h! 9, ?.9%� RTotar�r Fu�ii�, RamSSy County, Ma.nnesota My� Cc�a�s�i.on expires , � �� � (Pto�e s These statement forms are in duplicate. Both capias must be f'ully filled out, not��°ized, and r^eturned to the License Divisicm.�� AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE Re t Sale , LiQenae Name of applioant Do� t M. DeGidio //� � Bu�x�.eas address 6 vrand Ave. Ax°e y�ou the sole owner of this business? npe If not9 is it a partnership? corporaticm? D. and G. Ine. , ot�her? Othera interested in buainess, inelude those by laan of money, pr�perty or other�riae� Na� ,Y�� Address Ho�uv . � ,�.� � �, �.. 1��� w-� .�.�� u?�.Q.,� ',�.�P. � . If a oorporation, givs its naa� D. and (3. Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liqu�r businesa? no .As sole aa�m.er? Partner? S�tockhfllder? co-owner Othex°�i.se? (Through lc>an of money, etc� Explaisi.� 1 his stock is owned by m; hue- band but has been transfer back to the cor�oration ( DeGidio Inc.) Aaareas of s�.ch buainesa and nature oP interest in same � . . � Signature of app cant State of M:lnnasota 99 C ty Of' � A�/ �-'(_ '' + � Q �i�l�6e�.ng first duly avPOrn, deposes and says upou oath that he has d h foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrn.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own lrnowledgea except a� to those matters there3.n atated upon informati�n and belief Qnd as to those �tters h� believas them to be true. � �u `� . � , ; �___ �� gnatuz°e of applica Subsos°ibed and sworn bef�re me this� day of , 19� � FJ1RL A� IiOC1GENeACH, iia�efy PYb1iC. 3�n�seY Co��1Y. Niw. ./f � ln M�r Commbsion ExDires Lrrcd 9, 197i Notary ublie, Ra,maey County, Minnesota �y oomm�ssion expires --�/ ��+19_� �r-��- sTA� � �nvrrESO�A ss CQUPITY OF RAB2SEY ��/P-�T� ���<° � i8 being Piret duly aworn, doth depose and say tl�t he malcea this affidavi� 3.n conneetion xith applicsation f or " �wSale" liquor licenae (n�LSa,le" mal't beverage Iicense) in the �ity of Saint Pau1, ,Mianesota; that your affiant is a re$ident of the 3tate of Minnesota and haa rasided therein f Dr �,n year�, m�ths, and is noar and has bean for the time abo�re rnentioned a bona fide rasident of said State and that he now residea at /f�'` �G �,aj2 %J2dv�T � �Addre�s a.J T. .�. , Mirin.e s ota. City or To�i � , �— � � ;' , . � Subaoribed and a�rorn. to before me thia c� 3 d�y of 197 � � EARL'q, ROCKENBACH, Nutery Publie, Ramsey County, Minn. � � /J2,� My Commission Expires March 8, i�76 �tary lics, Ramsey Gaunty, �3nneao�a D� cso�iasion expires � � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DEPART�NT pF PUBLIC S�liF'ETY _ LICFNSE DTV�'SION �� .T»w� ?'� �.S�..i�f... 1. �,pplicat3.on for Licease 2. Name of app�.�cax�.t g 3, Busine�s addre+se q�6 drand Ave. Residea�oe 848 Dodd�.Rd. 4, Trade �aame, 3,� any 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp���R�tai1 Liquor Fedez�al Tax Stamp „���ri11 be u�ad. 6. L�i what floor loeated �•.�s� Number of r00�t18 used ��iand „}„�n��i�,�dse�ent . ?. Between vvh�t orosg streeta M�1��„ _ ��,,,���,,,1�3.ch aide of street Gr„��, 8. Are premises now oaaupied�Y�hat busineaa y�„n,. Haav long , 9. Are premises no�r ura.000up�.ed�'Ho�r long vaQant Previoas Use 10. Are �rou a r�e�v o�ner�Eave you been in a aimilar business before �� � SYhe re �flhea 11. Are you gaing to opQrate this business person�ally � If not, �o wi.11 operate it 12„ Are you in any other bugi.neas a� the preaent tim� �a 13. Flave there been any complaints ag�inst your operati.on �f this type oP plaae no ._�_.._.�.,�.� �fihen 1Nhere 14• Iiave you ever had any lioense revoked ,,,, �Phat reasoti and da�te ��� �--- 15. Are yva�a a3�izen of the United Ststea��Ta^tive��Naturalized 16.- �sers �rexe you_born �� � �� ��,�,t Date of birth �— �'I — � � 17,�� I am ,,,,,� raarried. My (wife's) (husband+s) name and �ddress is widow , i•-�---� 18. (If marri.ed �emal,e) my maiden n�ame is Thereea !f. U�orman 19. �Iow �.ong have you livod in 3E. 15au1 25 Jea�e 20. Heve you ever been arrea�ed�n�o�iolatio�n of' what oriminal l.aw or ordinaaoe�p 21. Are yoa a registered voter a.n the City of S�. P�ul �es Yea No• ��sa ($na�rer �ull and aom 1ete1 . These a licata.oaas are thorou h7. � aheaked and e�x� laifica�ion wi11 be cause for ena.a . 22, Number of 3.2 places �i�hin �ro blocks Hon• : 23. Closest �.ntoxicating Iiquar pIace. �n Sale 3 bl�cks Uff Sa1e __1 blocks 4 blocka� 4 block� 24. Nea rest Church Nea rest School 25o Riumber of booths �XZXX Tables xX�� C�.air9 �� Stools XXX 26. What occupation have you followed for the p�,st five years, (Give x�ames of employers and dates so empla��„1 Prudential Ineur�nce Co. 2?. Give names and addresses of twa peraons, residents of St, paul, ll�.nn„ who can give in.f'ormation concerning you. 1�1a�.e �� \��� .���4� Vl h S Address__� (��,yv��� , r�ams � I °- Address � � Q� 3 .. .� � Signa ture of Applican ` Sta t� of N.7.x1ne s ota� . ss Count of Rarnsey } being first duly sworn, deposes ari.d says upon �ath that he has rea the foregoing statement bearing his signature and l�ows the eontents thereof, and �hat the sams is trua of' h.is o�m. l�.owledge except as to those matters therein sta ted upon inf'orma�cion and beliaf and as to those matters ne be].�_e��es them to b� -�r:i�o Sig�ture of AppliQant Sub�c��:bed and swoi°n. ta before me �his� � 3 day of � 19�� �L A. ROdCENBACH, -�"l l/L ►lotnli PoWk. R�Y CGountl�. NNen. �G hry Codfmbabn �cpires M�rch 9, 1978 Notax�y Pu�lic, mse� CountV, Max�nesota My� Corrunis�ion expirss� �j �p (Note s 2hese atatemsnt forms are in duplicate. Both cep:ic�s must be ftxlly filled out, notarized, and returned to the Licansa Division.�� AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA]Z BEER DR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s (� Sa1e � Liaenae Name of applicant lheresa M. Walah _ ���- Business a�tdiess �6 G��ad Az°e y�ou the sols owner of this business?r�e if' n.ot9 is it a partnership? corporatian? „ s„a R TR���, o�her3 Pthers interested in bus�.neas, include those by loan of' inoney, property or othex�riset Nam9 n„ng Addl"AS�S Hc�w it�d �� �O � Q�, Oif�.1 f ,�. 4�-�:�- ���..� - � � P�.,�. If a csorporation, give its nams D. and G. Inc. Are you intarested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liqu�r buainesa? no 9s sole au�mer� Partner? S�ocskholder? Othe�se? (Through loan of money, etce Explain) �� Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same ' G� Signmture of applicant State of' 2Jl:lnnasota 93 C ourity of �msey be9.ng first duly avvorn9 deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and knows the contents there�f; that the aame is true of his awn lalawledgem except a� to those matters there�.n atated upon inforr�tion and belief attd as to those t�ers he believea them to be true. / $ignature of applicant Subsoribed and sro�ro to bsf'ore me thia n�� day of _19 " d ,�R�. a_ Roc�Etva;,��r� ��/�(. Ytrt+�ry ?ub!'rc, RemseY �nL^ty, Minn. A�f �ommissior �p�res Ma.r�n 9, l�%6 Notary ublic, Ramsey County, �.nneso My ooRnmission expirea 19� � , , , . , � . , STATE i�' MINNESOTA S$ Ct�UNTY flF RAB�SEY being firat duly s�orn, doth depose and say tha� She makes this affidavit in oonneetic�r� vrith applicsation for " �,�.Ssle" liquor license (" D��Sals" malt beverage license) in the �ity of Saint Paul, Minneaotat that your affiant ia a resident of the State of Minnesota and has rssided therein for �7�� Yeara, man.ths, and is noa� and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide reiaident of said State and that S-he now resides at ��� �o�� �� � Add 93 d/� a 1l'3 �-; �,sr�-,� , Mit�nesota. Citq or To�+m Subsoribed �nd a�rorn �o before me this c� 3 day of 'W�— 19 ` � EARL A. ROCKENBACH, �� �.�"� Mlal�ry PuMic. Remsoy CowriY. Minn. otary 'b1 a, Ramaey Cuunty, 363nnesa�Fa �' � �roi Merch 9. is�s �6,y csoum�isaion e�pirea � �' �r