249489 �
' COeJNCIL FILE NU. �,�q����
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In the matter ot cond�n i ng and taki ng sn mase�aent i n the i and necessary for the s 1 opes, cuts
; and filis, including right of r�noval t� lateral support frcro subj�ct land or re�ainder
thereof, occasioned by excavations thsreof or construction of alop�s in the grading,
surfacing and constructing sidewalk on WEi�E STREET fran HaNthorn� Ave. to H�racinth
� Ave. (G-1890)
under Preliminary Order 2�� , approved Ma rCh 26, 1970
Intermediary Order 2�728 , approved May 6, 1970 �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereona, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the eame;
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul thet the preciee nature, extent and kind of im-
• provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie
Conden�ing and taking an ease�nt i� the land nec�ssary for th� slop�s, cuts snd filis,
i nc 1 ud i ng r i ght of re�wva 1 of 1 at�ral s�pport f ran aubJ ect 1 snd or rea�a i nder thereof,
occasioned by excavations th�reof or construction of slopas in th� g�ading*"a�rfacing
on ME I DE STREEI' f rom Hawthorn� Ave, to Hyac i ntfi Ave. (6-189�)
and the Council hereby ordere eaid improvements to be made. ,
RE80LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the eame are
herebp ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid improvements, vis.:
Condanning and taking an easen�ent in the land necessery for the siopes, cuts and filis,
including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or re�sindg���thereof, '
occasioned by excavatio�s thereof or co�stre+ction of slopes in the gradin�"�"3vrfacing
on WEIDE STREET fran Nawthorne Ave. to Hracinth Ave. (G-1890)
R,E90LVED FURTHER, Tbat the Commiaeioner of Public Works be and ia h�eby inatructed and
directed to prepare plane and epecific$tione for said improvement, and the proper city officiale nre hereby ,;
sutbori�ed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
Adopted by the Counc�l �N �b ��0 ��,
� _9 r
J U N 2 6 1970 c�tY c
Approved—_ , 19
i� ayor.
Councilmen: j L
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X�FI6XD��F�dc S rafka ' , ,
Me red i t h�,��;p�i�£r '� � �
�°T'— PUBLISHED JUL 31970 �
Mr. Pres i dent, �e��CCti' Y
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way 5> 19 70
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui :
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�� approved
March 26, 19 70 relative to condeau�ing and taking an dase�ent in ths
land n�cessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, iACluding right of reaaval of lataral
sup�ort fro� subJect land or �ea�inder ther�of, occasioned by excavation thereof or
coastruction of slop�s in the grsding, surfaciag aq� co�structing sldewalk on
MEIDE STREET from Hawthorne Av�. to Hyaciath Ave. 6-1890
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports:
i . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile o� sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
ma de a pa r t he reof.
3. Initiated by the Commtssioner of Public Works X
4. improvement is asked for upon petition
Commissioner of Publ ' Wor
C' %`« �ti��t.
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, � BOBERT F. PETERSON ,i�< �, � � ` .� K�
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April 2, 1970 ;
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Honorabie James J. Dalglish . �,�y
Cor�missioner of Finance � ���.,�r���t,��:�`�,� ��
City of Saint Paul �`-�°°���
Re: G-1890
Dea r S i r:
Transmitted herewith are the slope plans for WEIDE STREET from Hawthorne
Avenue to Hyaclnth Avenue under Preliminary Order No. 248088, approv�d
March 26, 196g,
The preliminary costs for grading and surfacing were included in the
letter of estimate sent to your office on October 29, 19b9, under
Preliminary Order No. 247156, approved .)anuary 27, 197p.
This street was never previously graded and will require slope
condemnations. Wi11 you �l�ase schedule the hearir►g in this matter?
ery tr ly yours, .
Robe�t F. Peterson �� �
Commissioner of Publ Works
RFP/JD/b� C,I�
Attach. �
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� � +� ''' ! "' ' ' SUMMARY OF EN�iNEERIl� RECOMWENQATION v �
�,. ,.�._�
, � �
1 Friday, .tu� 26, 1970 ���j
OP WEiOE ST., from Nawthorne Ave. to Nyacinth Ava. (G-i890)
Postp�oned b/4/�0
The order to acquire aiopes for this street is befora the Cou�+cil
on ths basls of an order by the Canmis:ioner of Pubiic Works.
This ordar oa�dernns and takes tha ea�sn�ta tn the taad necessary
for the slopes, cuts and fi11s, including tha right of reawvai of
lsterai support from subject la�d or the remsind�r thereof for the
excavatio� fo� and ths cor�struction of stdewalk on this proJect.
The improvement for this streat is psrt of Contract "B" of the
Fedaraily Aided Neighborhood lmprovement Program, Mie�sota E•2 in
Census Tract 9 and 10.
1. The construction of stdav�iks at the property iine, which
utilixes the full 60 ft. right-of-way wi11 cause conside�able damage
to several properties sdJoining Weide Street.
2. By constructing tha stda�lk five feet from th� property li�e
seversi trees now loca�ted on st�eet ri�t•of-w�y wiil have to be removed
and th� top of the siope wil.l lntrude on� to two feet beyo�d th�
property line in several inatai►c.�s. This wi11 reduce the effsctive
right-of•way 50 feet.
3. If the construction of waiks are eliminated f rom thts project.
excavation of the siopes adjacent to th� st�eet curb wiil be required
to provide for s five foot berm batk of the c�rb for snav storage. The
slopes ao constructed will bm located tn the aocisting right-of-way.
Two thirds of the cost of constructtr�y walks in this srea is financ�d
by federal funds under tha Census Tract 9 and 10 proj�ct cosLs. if
the wslks are con�tructed at a future date, the totai constructia�
costa may have to be assassed,
The Engine�ring �ecam�endatio� is for approvai of the slope order and
to construct sidrw�slks five feet from the propmrty line.
Respactfully submitted,
Richard A. Schaarr
Ch10� Engi�eer
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,Tune , 1970
Hon. R�bert F. Sprafka.
Comsr. of Public Warks
Dear Sir: enti ?�r. Sdalter Hurtley
The City C�uneil tod laid aver June 26th the Final Ord�r in
Condemnation Proceedi s for cond ing and takin� ar� easement
in the ].and neeessary or �l�rpes� te and �il].�s in the �cadin�,
surfacing and construc sid� on WEIIIE ST. f'rom Hawthorne
Ave. to �ya . ( put the matter on the view
list �ar J 1 h.
Very tru�y yours�
City Ct�rk
J �
NIr. J. Wm. �7onovan
Valuation Engineer
Dear Sirt
The Cfty Counci today d ove June 26th the Fin�l Order in
Condemnatio ings emn�ing and taking an easernent
in the lan ece�sary for slopes, aute and Pilxs in the gradin�,
aurYacing d aonetru ng sid�lwalk on WEIAE ST. Prom Hawthorne Arre.
to Hya,cin Ave. (G-18 ), AND put the matter an the view liut f�
June 1 h
Very truly youre,
� City Clerk
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