249485 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK M��� ,�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO CI OLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� WHEREAS, The Counc�l of the Cit� of Saint Pa.ul vacated a portion of St. Peter Street by its �esolution C.F. No. 248989, approved May 26, 1970, sub3ect to certain condltions and reservations, including the requirement that the petitioner comply with all such conditions and reservations within 30 days from the publication of said resolution, and the petitioners request that they be given an additional 60 days within which to comnly with such conditions, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the request made on behalf of the petitioners, Consolidated Foods Corporation, and the time to accept and comply with all conditions and restrictions imposed by Resolution C.F. No. 248989 is hereby extended to August 28, 1970. �'0"`�,t A F'RQV�Q pss rporation u JUN 2 5 197d COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��i � 2 � ���� Carlson AP 19� Le�ine ' Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED JUN 2 71970 ��� r r / � � . �. �� q y� � . St. Pau1, Minr�esota , June /� , 1970 The Honorable T�J�ayor and Counci 1 of the City of Saint Paul Court House 15 ti'l. Kellogg Boulevard St. Faul, h�innesota 55102 Dear �dayor and Council Members: . By Council File No, 2l�89�9, the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul resolved to vacate and discontanue as a public street a portion of t,he w�sterly one-half of St. Peter Street lying southerly of the southerly line of Kel.logg �3oulevard. The thirty-day period within which to meet the con.ditions af the vacation resolution expires June 29, 1970 (the thirtieth day being a Sunday, June 28, I970). F3ecause le�;al questions have arisen as to �rhere the fee ovmership of the land in -che street �rill accrue upon the v�cation of the street, an ext�nsion is needed of the time `vithin whi.ch to accept and cot�ply with the conditians and terr.�s of the vacation resalution. Accardingly, it is respectfully reque:�ted that the time within which to accept and comp].�r� �itn the conditions of the said vacatx.on resolution be extended -to August 28, 1�70. Youxs very truly, STRIPJGER., DQI�NELLY, ALLr.�AI & SI',�iTt00D (Attorneys for Petitioner, ConSol.idated � Foods Corporation) ' . • By �, /� / ��� � t'._. ,; � , ` jl ;l� . .- • � `�;q�' `;�' �-� ����:..,� ;/ � �.-;f ne 23, 1970 � 'Tr. Daniel A. Klas Corporat3_on Cot.tnsel ?3�.�i].dintC 1�7ear S.;.r: T'�:e Ci t,y Co�_rncil. .reques that y repa e the necessary r�s�lution to gr�,rit the extension f time to ply itt� the conc�itions of Resol_v.tion 2�+��?���, l�ei . ; t}�e vacati. of a p�rtion of St. Peter St. s�uth �f f,e11o�;� I3aul.e rd. Ver,y truly y'ours, C3.�}F C?.ex�k AO�ng r.i .r._,��,.:_� t «` St. Paul, Minnesot�� '�d, June /�► , 1970 The �iorv�rable Mayor and Counci 1 of the City of Saint Pau1 Caurt House 15 �', Ke1:�o�g Boulevard St. Paul, ?�Iinnesota 55102 llear 1';�3y02' ar�d Cauncil �Jtc�rnbers; By Council File No. 2l�89�9, the Gouncil c�f the City of Saint Paul re�o�ved to vacate and di.scontinue as a public street a port�ora of the we�terly on�--ha1f of St. Peter Street lying sautherl.y of' the southerly line of Kellogg F3oulevard. The thi rty-day peri od Yal�11.11 W.YL1 CYl '�O mee t the e ondi ti ons of th� vt�cation resolutian e�cpires �une 29, 1970 (the thirtiet2a day being a Sta.nd�.y, June 2�, 1970). Because legal questions h�ve arisen as to where the fee oti�m:er�hip of the 1�nd in the street will accrue upon the vacation of the - �treet, �n extension is needed of the time w:ithin which to a.ccept �nd comply �ra.th the conditians and t��s of the vacatior. resolution. Accordix�ly, it �.s respeetfully r�ques�ted th�t the time within wh:ch -to accept and cr�mp�.�' �.th the conditions of the said vac�tian r,esolution be extended Wo Au�?u.st 2�, 1970. Yours very tru].y, STRINGF.•R, DONNELLY, ALLE7d & SHAROOD (Attorneys for Pet:tioner, ConsoJ.i dat,ed Foods Corporation) � . f� / . Y L/� � t' � t.,� .. � . ..-. J.�I.,.,y E,_.II. U � �� 1 »f