249451 ORIGINALrTO CITY CLRRK � +�J�,:�1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO LICE.I�SE CON''�i..zm�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.� � .T11T12 23f 197� COMMISSIONER t QR�. DATF RESOLVED: That Application L-318q. for Pool H�11 (6 Tables), Fo�:dstuff-Ori�;inal Container, and Ciga.rette Licenses, applied for by Raymond Turner at 613� Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. NE�I Informa.11y approved by Council April 14, 1970 Old Lodaticr� !UN 2 � 197.0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naqs �� ? 3 ��7 0 Butler Carlson ppro 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, M�ca�y JUN 2 7 j��� �uBUSHEn _ �� c � , G7TY OF���IN� PAUL � Capitsl oi Minneeots � ����� . �" / �e at�ircus.t o a�lic c�a et � � roL�ca Tenth and Minnesota SLTeCLS HEALTH FIA�PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammierioner POLICB AND FIBE ALARM ROGEIL M. CONWAY, Deputy Coa�Jwiawer DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Llee�rs Imaetor �'�.pri114� 1970 Honorable Ntayor and City Council Saint Paul, Niinnesot��, Gentlemen: Raymond lu�ner makes applic�tion for a Pool H�,11 (6 tables� ��o�:dstuff, Original Conta.iner, ,�nd Cir�,7arette licenses for 613� Selby rvenue which is on the North side of the street bet�.�een Yent a.nd D�le Streets. �.Chis locati�;n has been licensed for � similar business since 1924. The last licensee, Glilliam Anderson, held such licenses from October 1967 until October 1969. At present the establishment is closed. From 1965 to 19E6, T�s. Turr.er worr:ed for the Northern Paciiic Railway� then for a ye�,r (1g66 to 1967) for Faxwell Ozmun Kirk � Co. c:nd since October 1967 for jdaterous Cor�:pany ery truly yours, � c , ./�� License Inspector ,l 'vti/" � � � J �O � � C ITY +�P`�SJI IN� PA�IL , DEPART�NT �' PIT$I,IC SAF$TY LICBBTSE D�VISIdN _ Da te /��r.r c� ,��y 19�_ 1. dpplioati� Por ��� ¢.��CZ�� - Lioex�e 2� Na�e of e►ppZ3.oant ��},`�M r;n;�n. � ��/yIA�,�. �l�rL�✓i1�/�' 3. Buainess �ddreae '� � $esidenae���i� j}��-� �;p, 4. Trerde r.iame, if any e. - � � /50 8etail Beer Federal T�ax 3tamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p�11 be usedo 6. C� �rhat �loor Iooated �y�,,�,,,,,,,�„�— Number of roaans used`�_ / . . . ...- _ . _ .. . . .... . .. .... . _ 16 7v Betwisen �at crosa etreat� I e�� ; _ ���r-�G, f ilhioh side of atreet 8. �,re premieee no� oQOUpied�'YPhat businese Ho�r long 9. �re premiaes novr un000upied�Ho�r long vacant (9ne ' r Prev'iou� use `, a/ _ __ __ __ �.�.��,....._. 10, �re you a new oemer ��5 He�ve yuu been in a eimiliar bu�ineas beforer /UU '�Phere 'Khen 11. Are you goiag to operate this buaineas personally �'e s If' not, �rho �ri.11 operate i� 12. Are you in an� other buain.ess st the preseat ti.m�e ,-, 13. Have thsre been any c�mplainta againat your oper�tian of thia type of p�aQe�� l�'hen` llhere � _ ,.. ... 14. H��e y ev+er had �z�r liaenae revokied�� 1�hat rea+�on axut date , - - 15. �re ou a Qitizea of the IIr�ted Statea � Rative X N�turaiized Y � ��.,�. _ _ _..r___..__ 160 #here �re you bo=°a�v�.�« �.�, -k���,s,v� Date of birth ,�-/l� -y0 17. I am married. ldy {wiPe's) �"� name and addre�s is (� , ��,�,��r � _��!'�� h � � �n> -fa I8. (If married female) my maiden name ie 19. Hovr long h�ve you lived irs S`t e Paul � � � � �Oo Have you ev�ar baen arr�ated�i'V3olation +�P what criminal ].a�r or esrdinancse�� .—� , 21e Are you a regiatered voter in the Ci�r af 8t. Pau1 Yes Noe (1�1ne�er full� an�i ao7ap2etelye These a �lioations are thorou hI �heolflad axxl aa fala3.fication. x�.11 ba cau�e for denieila� . __. .. _ . ....�r; . `i � � � �2,1 Number of 3.2 p]aaes �rithin taro blook� � Z��, � Cloaeat intox3.aating liquor plaoee � Se�le �ff Sale �4./Neareat Churah Nearest Sahool 25✓Nwaber of bootla.a Tables Chaira Stools 26. '�Phat oocupation ha�e you Pollowod for the past five y�sarso (Give namea of empl��x°� and date s a o emplo�red.) (`' 1 � � _ — �Q.,:�J, ��. a�� ;-�-;�: u,1�;��,,, /y�G �-� i9�� � 27, Gi�v�e� �aetmea and addreesee of taro persons,, rosiderita of S`�q P�uls ��S.nn,s �rho aan gx�e iaformation cu�cerning qou, Nama Address Name 1 / . �dd - > �� � re of icQn 3tate of Yinr�a sota� _ �sa C oun�y of �maey _ '��-��,`J . being firat du7.sr a�roi^n., dep�aee ar�l say� -�� upon c�e► � re� e forego atate � ring his aig�natui^e and laaaar� the co�nt ta thereof� and-�hat-the bam� ia �� e- of h' oroPn lazoev ge oept ae to thoae me,ttera therein af.a��ed upan in.foz�m�t nd b ief and as �o t ae m�ttex°� he believ�ea them to be true. ;' ; . ,� .. of Applio � Subsaribed and s�rox^n tu before me ' thie � day of � 19 7` '�!���`'Q = �-r-d..�'�: � ��-����:�.� : o ry Publi ey OUY�,�►'�TW K�LWIT7. L� 3G'q Ccr�unisaion 9X 1TA8 NQ�ary Public, Ramsey Cou�ty, P�1inn: p Mv Cemmission ExQires Oc�25�1,�Z4 (Note� Theae �atatement forma are i.0 duplioate. -Both csopies must be Pully filled outa n�tarized, aad retur�.ed to the Lioense Divisiono�r April 14, 1970 Hon. William E. Carlson, Camsr. of Public Safety, Tenth and Minn. Sts., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Danial P. McI.e�ughlin Dear Sir: Tiu City Cour�cil todqy informally approved the application of $aymond Turner for a Pool Hall (6 tables), Foodatuff, Originnl Coritainer, and Ciga�cette licenae� at 613� Selby Avenue. Will you please prep4re the custo�ry resolution? Very tru].y yoetrs, City Clerk hp