03-754Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To i z 3 4 s 6 � 8 9 10 ii iz 13 14 15 John O'Halloran - term expires May 1, 2006 Valentine O'Malley - term expires May 1, 2006 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � /�/�i!/ �B�ir'Si/.� Committee: Date Requested by Department o£: Form A roved by City Attorney B • Approved by ta or: Date �_C�+� � � 7 /�, � RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. APPOINTMENTS Thomas Kayser - term expires May 1, 2006 Peter Phi Pha - term eapires May 1, 2004 REAPPOINTMENTS �3-�.�L �UU�-1 l l'-� Adopted by Council: Date `,� Approved by Mayor for Submission to �reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green d3�'15`� Sheet Gr� DepartmeM/�ce/cou Date Initiated: Mo -�ay�s�� 73-AUG-03 Green Sheet N� 3004114 COntact Petson 8c Phone: Deoartmen Sent To Person Znitial/Date Kurt SChultz � 0 a r' ASSign 1 or's Of&ce De arMeoT ireMOr Must Be on Council Agenda by (D Number 2 .� For ROUtiIIg 3 voPS �ce Ma or/ stlnt Order 4 uocil 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk ToW I# of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for 5 Action Requested: Pazks and Recreation Comwision appointments of Tom Kayser and Peter Phi Pha. Rem�tlmcMpvrewarBe�ectum Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Quest — �°��°�° LAasitlsperem/(FmBYerWMcetl�a�traetfmitlstleB�dmM17 _ fBCa�[lee Yes Ib _ �rl8avlm�m 2�emisue�/r�meverhrnadhmeYa4m'e Tea No — aumsmere'sm/irmoaeseaeaskimtim�lr�braro — a17�ttltYeu�OMe6? — Yes No Explain aff yes answere on separate sheet and attach to gre Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why) Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of CosY/Revenue Budget Transaction: Funding Source: . Activity Number: Financial Information: � , 03-Z5�4 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The Minnesota Govcr¢ment Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chaptcr 13) govcrns the City's use of thc information contained in tfiis application. Some of the informa[ion sought in this application i: private data u¢der [he Act. The requested information wiil be used by the appointing authority to carry out the City's official appoin[ment responsibilities. You are not required to provide any information. However, failure to answec th< applica[ion questions may cause appoi¢ting authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained in this application arc public, including name, address, employment, skiils, training and experience, and are therefore availahle to anyone requesting i[. The remaining items on thc application form are classified as private. The private data is avaifabte only to you and to other persons in t6e City who, because of work assignments, reasonably requirc access to che information. Name Thomas C. Kavser Home address ?66 South Plississippi River Boulevard, Saint Paul, ?�PiI 5 5105 street city state z�p Telephones 651-698-1240 612-349-8275 612-3?9-0936 PleaseincludeAreaCades home work faz E-maii address tckayser@rlrnic.com - Planni`�ig District Council 1 4 City Council Ward 3 Preferred mailing address 2800 I�Salle Pl�za, 800 I�Salle Avenue, n,inneapolis, P'IlV 55402-2C15 strttc city state zip Occupation Attorney Place of employment Robins, Kaplan, Dlill & Cire L.L.P. Employment address 2800 LaSa11e P1aza, 800 LaSa11e Avenue, NlinneaFolis, MMii7 55�02 Committee(s) applied for Saint Paul Parks ancl Recreation Con¢nission What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? For approximatell� 30 years, I ha.ve worked harc? to maintain the parkland. auality of the Mississi P.iver Boulevard against attempts to widen the street, re�:ove trees, e:nd increase siqnage For several years I was an elected r.�ember of the District 1a Communitv Council and served two terms a.s President. page 1 of2 03-Z5� Personal References Name Randy Kelly, Mayor of Saint Paul Address 390 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, D'iN 5510 Telephones 651 -266-851 0 Please include Area Codes home work other Name Howard R. Orenstein, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of t he Mz.yor Address 390 City Hall, 15 L9est Kelloqq Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102 Telephones 651 -266-8530 Please include Area Codes home work o[hzr Name Pat Harris, City Councilmember Address 310-C City Hall, 1 5 West Kelloqq Blvd. , St. Paul, t4DT 551 02 Telephones 651-266-8u30 Please include Area Codes home work other _ L� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee I would like to be a part of a committee that seeks to maintain, if not enhance and upgrade, the city's parks and recreational facilities. I think that these are important livzbility issues in ain au . Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? I believe that on at least one occasion, and possibly two or three, I have testified before this comr�ittee with respect to proposed chanaes to the DlississiAni River Boulevard, the removal of trees, and other green space issues. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects [he makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x❑ White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo x❑ Male Female � Date of birth 20 March 1937 Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? page 2 of 2 03 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The Mian<sota Government Data Praceiccs Act (Miaaesota Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use of thc iaformation coataiaed ia this application. Some of thc iafotmatio¢ sought in this applicatioa is psivatc data ¢ader L4e Act. The tcqucsted iafoxmatioa witl be naed by the appoiatiag authority to carry out the City's ofFiciat appoiatmeat reapoa�ibilities. You a:e aot cequired to provide aay iaformation. Howevet, failure Lo aaswec chc appticatioa questioas may cause the appointing authority to rejcct your applicatioa. The majority of items coataiaed ia this applicatioa are public, iacluding aame, addtess, cmployment, skilts, training and ezperieace, aad arc thetefore availablc to aayoac requestiag it. Th<remaiaing items on tfie apptication form are classiFied as private. The private data is available oaly to you aad to other persons ia the City who, because of work assignmeats, ceasoaably ttquire access to the iaformatioa. Name �C��✓ �� ���� Home address b�.� /�'/�f" �1�� 5���cvr /'%/(� .� �"T rtro« a�Y .o.m rip Telephones �5�� ��.r � 7.�.3 �3 PleasaineladeAraaCodee _ , home vnrt r.,. E-mail address - �,SS 5 � Planning District Council �/ �la�vr � City Counci( Ward Preferred mailing address ,SCt�nRi p cisy scn[e atp Occupation ��Qcv�'�ir- �.�,�. Place of employment ��j(�t.v� /.�SOT�i��(� !/� � �l,ji n Ci'�jr� Employment address �Po.z��%//e . ri�/ s�"1�.� Committee(s) applied for .�T• !'p,u.� t�.,,P /rp,�LC.�.t`i'py1 �p»�/�zvyYj ON. What skills/training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? T /rinu+,✓ 7�-� T G�i�i/� � ��t- � � �..� T � /�Ri ..SirE.�l�J 7�0 /++.e�'� OLw � a. ���c. ��� /� az�i S� /�� G�i f� �� k, l 6j`.�.liv lOhim-�ri„�f%Yir . � %/�ur.E 74�-T� �y �r7��/"7 jh �� �ernm� � G� �- �� oz�..� ���c .S Q� � � ��� � _ /`wLC,�T�4h S � �O rz u�t'� `eu�� �- /cu�J page 1 of2 03-�i5�! PersonalReferences Name �i�4J'! Address p��. Telephones �s/- aaa �dll 6 Pieaseiaclnde Area Codes home Name �O � Address .5�� .� work a3� �Sf � other Telepfiones �SI' ���`" 7,5�07 6s� ro3-6�3s Please iaclnd�e Area Codes home wock othec Name �, JB ✓ Address Telephones �6jaZ' �.1 �7 j`� 6 Ytca�e include Area Coda home work othcr Reasdas for your interest in this particular committee TU'�y..�, „� j�i J�> C0 o� T �iOt✓ � �,,, l�.F� w J, i� i � _ ., _ ,_ _ v ._ - � - '- � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? � e A In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeug of our commnnity, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (AFrican-American) ,{�/ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo /� �Male Female � Date of birth �0 �3�� � 7 / Disabled: � Yes No� If special accommodations are needed, please specify /(/�I1/ How did you hear about this opening? %Jq f7Y�,.w ����yi �� �,✓a�y % h � �Orr�r+�-i �° a� �e /�-ek/ l�e SiSh . /7� �k /�� i� .1 at,.�-- ih��e.tp� `�•�( T �O Pa � 2 in �a �: � 03 �I sa„r vnc� � IIlIAl1 CTTY OF SAINT' PAUL Randy C. Kel[y, Mayar To: 390 Ciry Halt IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Pau1, MN SSIO2 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Date f'.7�1 August 13, 2003 Parks and Recreation Commission Telephane.�651-266-85T0 Facsimil e: 657 -266-8513 Mayor Kelly has recommended the appoinhnent of Thomas Kayser and Peter Phi Pha to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Kayser's term will expire May 1, 2006 and Mr. Phi Pha's term will expire May 1, 2004. Mayor Kelly has recommended the reappointment of John O' Halloran and Valentine O'Malley to the Pazks and Recreation Commission. Both of their terms shall expire on May 1, 2006. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as their applications for appointrnent. Please remember that certain information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding these appointments and reappoinhnents. Attachments ca Cindy Monison 0 �