249448 ORfOdNAL TO CITY CLERK 249 ! ��V
WNEREAS: Proper notice has been received as to change of an officer and
stockholders in the Phalen Park I,iquors� Inc., 1199 Payne �venue,
holders of On Sale Liquor L�,cense No. 7680, expiring January 31, 1971,
therefore, be it
RI=�SOLVED: That William G. Olson having resigned as Presidcnht, and disposing of
his stock, Emmet A. Yannarelly becomes the President and joins
Hasolcl J. a,nd Robert E. Yanriaxelly e.s stockholders �"rith the two
remainirig stockholders, John and Richard Yannarelly, making a total
of five stockholders, be and the sazne is hereoy approved.
On Sale Liauor Estab�ishment
Change Officers & Stockholders
Informally approveli by Council
June 18, 19?0
Ori�. Appn.L-732
�J�, 2 3 1970
COUNCII.�EN Adopted by the Counci 19.—
Yeas Nays �. � 2 3 197d
Butler ''�'�
Carlson rov 19`
Levine �
Tn Favor
Meredith J
Tedesco A Sainst
Mr. President, McCarty
�t1BLISHED JUN 2 7 j���
.�i �'
. ` Capital of Minnesota �
�e a�isce�t o a��ic �a et
� �
POLICB Tenth and Minnesota Streets HE�LTH
R. NIerrill Y, Depnty Commi�oner
DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieease In�peetor
June 18, i970
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Pa.ul, Minnesota
Gentlemen:and Madam:
Currently t�e Phalen P�rk Liquors, Inc. are holders of
On Sale Liquor License No. 7680, expirin� Ja,nuary 31, 1971, at
1199 Payne kvenue.
The officers of record are:
President Williatu G. Olson
Vice-president John J. Yannaxelly
Secretary-Treasurer Richard G. Yannarelly
The Stockholders of record axe:
William G. Olson
John Yannarelly '
Richard Yannarelly
Mr. Olson, resigning the office of President and disposing
of his stock to the Yannaxelly Fa.mily, the following changes t�.ke
Emmet A. Ya.nnarel�r becomes President with no change as to
tY:e other off icers.
In addition to John and Richard Yannaxelly being stockholders�
Emmet A. Yannarelly becomes a stockholder and. also Hasold J. and
Robert E. Yannarelly become stockholders� making a total of five
Very truly yours,
� P�=
License Inspector
• r .
, �or vA�u� rec�ived, th� undera�igned h��teby sella�, as�i�ns, and
.. ,
. �xA���fex$ to Pt,alen Pnrk I.lquorm, Iac. all of. th� praparty
rl�hta sx�d int�rest that h� has in outstandin� .stpck gf F2�al�n
� ,k:�: . ,.
. :.x
FQr1t Liquotrs� tne� a Minneaoz� corporsti�n.
; �- / /
� ''/,. �'1 �-!i <J-r 1"l.> .
Wi�lie�a G� �IBeiq
6�i tnc�s se�s s .;;%'
r_ �% /�,
. . � . . ..w��, i-'t... J . i J��"�'.'_..�,/ � � . .
. . /. �' , '/� ' ' ` . . .
f �� �'
_ . . 1r �/.1 ��.... � a.-^� .L.i"''b�.�,f:���'�— . � . .. . � � � � . . . � . . .
. � e��l 1 rw r� ilr.r rl�..wr�r��"! �r'�m���r—�- . . . .
�y� r' ,��
' . Su�scrib�d �nc� sr�o�n to
. b�fox� m� this �I ds�y af -
' Kp�r4.1, 1�7i?. %�f, , �
;�/ �, .,,,i: . �L�,�`x, ��
� � // �trKu!'� P6�l�IC �wr,�Y�f.}.� ����:O,D�.�..�^-•� _ � � . . .
. � � � \. ' I �:r��... L'1+�/4?((/'�• � . qN;W.'tiP� �WN . .
�" .�'���'� f� /, '�`' � . � .. . � . . .
�r � t
.�' � �/�
`: :
,�.,, '�„ , ; ,
. ,�!r:• ?��
• a
April 15, 1970
Honorable l�yor and City Concil members.
. We ask your approval to transfer part o�mership in a on-sale li�uar
eatablishment known as Phalen Park liquor ine. at 1199 Payne ave. William
G, Olson� now president and 50� atockholder, irill aell. all his intereat in
said corporation.
Replacing Mr. Olson as president will be �nunet A, Yannarelly, Mr Olson'a
stock along with the othe_r, stock now owned equally by John J, Yannarelly.
Richard Yannarel�y, and Harold J. Yannarelly will be divided equally. �
1�5 of corporation to e�ach of the following.
Emmet A.Yannarelly Pres.
� John J. Yannarelly Y. Pres.
Richard G. YaYmarelly Sec. Treas.
Harold J Yannarelly atockholder
Robert E. Yannarelly Stvckholder
ionr apprrn►al ia reapectt�lly requisted.
John J. Ya arelly
ice Presi ent
Phalen Park Lia�uar Inc.
��,�h,1�61920����;� ,
b � �.r
^ �F/r �J �
�, -
�� �
� ' � � !f N
.- •.,y`r.D F� v
� � ., ��/'!`'c ��ty �
v�`9 ����
, CTTY C� �A�N'.� P,�UL
1. Appliaatian for C oPfYa�n sand stockholdu� Licea�e
2, Nams of app�,ioan,t Fha,len Park Liquors, Ir►c. by E�mn�t A. Yarsnarelly, Pree. dc Stookhold�]c
3, Bueineas address sidenoe � {/� /,y/J /�(+/
.��� ��� nr�^ w` 1��.���r.ww
4, �rsde n��, if �z�y �:�I �� t S ,V
_ ,
5. Retail Beex Fedex�al Tax Stamp�R�t�,il I�i.quur Federal Te,x Stamp�l�. be �eed.
6. (�i what floor located f 'S'�: NWaber o�' �roomia: used
. �.. ..,.,,.... .� � � ,..�.�,..r
7. Betvuqen vvkaat aross etreet� ��J�1Nh3oh aide of stree�� ��P-�?�"°
.�r ■ rn
8. Are premi.ses ncmr oacupied .� �ih�at bue3aa��s -a:� ,� HoRr lang �j '7�"'
.... ...,.
9. Are prem��es n�w tuioe�au 3ed.T�Hov� long vacant Previou� Use
10. Are you a xtew o�mer .op F.�ve you been �� a aimilar bueiueas before `�,�d
Whe re �Ithou
11, Are you go3.ng �o operate th3s busins�a pex�one►lly �
If not, y�o will operate it .o
12, Are qou in any other busa.ness st the pa�eaent tia�e �
� .....,.__..
13, Have there been any oomplaints againat your operati.on of thie type oP pl,aao�L.�..�.
�1hen 1l�horo
14. ITave you ever had any lioertsv re�vokedr�Wh,at reason and date
15. Are you e� citizen of the United S'�atee . N�tiv�� Naturalized ,.e�
.-.....-,..,..'. .,,.,,,.-.._-,.
16. 1Nriere w+�re you bor� � De�te of bixth -r
... ..........�.�.,.._...
1?. I am�marr�,ed. My (wife �� (husbandte) name and addxese is
� _ _ _ _
_ ���.�•- ..�..---_�.,...
18. (If married female� my den n�am� �.s
19. �c7w long hav� you lived f�a St. P�ul
20. Have you ever been arreeted �'J� '�3.c�„a�ion of v�hat cri�ninal la�r or ordins►noe�+���,Qj
21. .�re you a registered voter a.n the Ci.ty of St. Aaul Yes � No,
(An.swer Pu].1 aad oom ],ete7, . The�e a ica�tions are �horou hl Qheakad and aa
aifivation ar,Ll.l e �use Por �n .
22. Number of 3.2 placea within �►o blocka .
23. Closest 9.ntoxicsating liquor plaoe. �n Sale . #3fP Sa1�
24. Nea re e t Chc�reh ldes res t Saho csl `
25, Number of booths Tables Chair� Stoola
26. '�tha� occupatian have vou followed for �he p�st fi�e y�eare, (Give nam.es oP employer�
and date s s o empl�y�e�i i�
2�. Give names and addreases of ��ao peraons, residents of St. Pau1, J�Qi.x�n,,, v�►o c�a�, g3v�e
inform�tion ccmaerning you,
Name Address �S�J C�
Name � addres s �� � �i
igna ture o App i
3ta te oP Min.n.e s ota� -
Cotanty of Ra�nsey )
being first du].y s�rorn, cieposea and esye
upon oath t a he s res he fo oing statement bearing his signatu�e and knows
the contents thsre �, an.d that the same is true of his o�rn. l�awledge e�tcept as to
those ma�ters �herein sta�ed upon information and belief and as to those ��ters
he bel�.a�res them to be �rue.
Szgr�ture of AppliQan
Subaeribed and sworn to efore me
this���',_day of 19�
otary Public, Ramsey County, Minnescrt
�y Comnnission expires ��"`�'�- -����/_?l
(Note s Theae at�tement forme are in dupSicate. Both eopies mus� be fully filled out,
no�arized, and returned to the License Division.T� .
�aiy p�blic, Ramsey County, AAintl:
My�pmR�ssicn Expires Mar. 31, 197I:
� ' FQR
Res f J ,
��( Sale ��jj�,L,.ta-�•._ I,ioenae
Name of appiicant F�met A. Yannarolly. Pres. & Stookhold�r
Busir�ess addx°ess � �t,�
� Are �rou the sole avner of this business?�s If' �aots is it a partnershi.p�
corporatian? ,.y� , ot�her�
Others intereste in busi.neas, include those by loan of money, property or othere�r.i.sea
Nams ddress��� ' Hoa�r �,�.�V
r �� � �i�.''-�t.
4�..,� - - .
,.�_.t c�/' l�s..-.�`_G. �`�"� � �__..<c-.1..-..�� �/
�- �'-., f/��- ,�J'�-�!J,v ' ` 1�
�- �-
, � . /�2,
If a a orporatio , give its _�.�d� ,, ,, � . ,,� (�t.-�,
Are you interested i.n any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buaineas?�
$s sole awner? Partner? Stockholder?
(?thsravise? (Through loan of money, etce E�plain}
Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same
Sig ture of a ioant
State of Minnasota
C ounty of l�msey
�r���'1 /!'��1�' LL being first duly sworne deposea and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affi avit bearing his signature and lmows the contents
there�f; that the same is true of his own laiowledgaa except as tp those matters therein.
stated upon inforn�ation and belief snd as to thase �ttars he beliaves them to he true.
Notary Public, Ramsey CountY, Mlnn. ,
�h' �on Exp�Mar.31,ift7l; 3ignature of appl° ant
Subsoribed�nd s�ro�rn. o before me
this,1�ay of 19�(�
Notary ublic, �?amsey County, Adinnesota
�y a c�nn�i.s s i on expi re s �'!/"l.�i� 3j 19�
s�a� � ��so��
� � .
Emmg* A. Yanntts�lly. being #'ir�t duly av��rn, doth depose
and say that he makea this a�ffidavi� in conneation �rith applioation for
" �t.� Sale" liquor licenae (n Sa19° malt beverage license) in the City of
$aint Pau1, Minnesota; that your aPfiant ia a resident of the State af 3�innesota
and hae resided therein Por � year�, manths, and ia
n�r and has been for the �ime �bo�re m�antioned a bor� fide rssident of said State
and that he now residea at S d - Cu..u-� �-`
� Addre a s
� , Minne s ota.
Ca.ty or To�m
Subsoribed an.d aworn. t before me
thia l�� day of 19 7(�
�tary blia, Re�msey County, Minneaota
I�y cs o�i s s i on expi re a_������7�_���/
Notary Put�1lc, Ramsey County,b11nt�.
MY Co�un�,ssbn Expires Mar.31�197I
C ITY (�' &d TiUT PAUL
Date lY 19� �
1. Applioation for � otfio� de stookhold�s�s Lioex�,ee
2. Nams of applioant Haro J Y
3, Bueineas addrese�� //��� �� ���� / _� �8�denve
,T„�,�,` r__.,,�., � .��,_
4. Txe►aer �aa�e, i.f any
5, Retail B�er Federeil Tax S�amp�R�tai1 T,iquor eder�l Tax 3tam����ci11 be uged.
6. C�i what f�oor loaated � ,yL.- Numbez� of rocmie used
7. Between v�at aroas otreets "yyl, . Whioh sidq uf s�xeet ��
8. Are p�rem�.ses noro�r oacup�ed � bue3.xtQ8���L� e �_. Hpar lo�,g
� ov��*„��"""'_"
9. Are prem�.sea now� uri000upi ��o�ar lrnng vaQaat !J Prev�3.ou� Us4
.,��,....�.w.- -
14. Are you a �ew o�an.er Rave you been in a s3.mi.lar bu$3nesa before�
1Yhere �Vhen
11. Are you going �o operate thi:e business per�ozLally ,
If not, t�o will aperate it
12• Sre qou in aay other buainsas a� the greser�.t tiara /�^7
13. Have thare� been any camplaints agains� your operation of this �ype o� plaoo��
�Yhea 'Where
14. Have you ever had any lioer�ae re�vok�d���t resson a�d date
15. Are you a citi,zen of the Uni�ed Ststea^�//�►� .Native atuxalized
16. Where �nsre you born � �_ I�t�e o� irth
17. I� am marri,ed. My (vrife�'s� (huaband'�) name and addres is �
.r__ �
18. (If married female) m� ma3.den, r�axne is
19. Horw 7.ong have you livad �n. St. Pe�u1 L
20. Have yoa ev�r been arre�tedw��:.�,.,..Vialation o wha�t crim.inal la�r or o�dixLAUCe
21. Are you a regist�red voter in �he C�.ty of S�. Paul Yes ' No,
(Ar�aruer fu17. and oom letel . The�e a l�.aatio�,s ara t orou h]. cheoked and etn
lsif iaatiaa vri],1 be oauere for eni.a► .
22s Number of 3.2 places �vithin �nro blocska
23. Closest �.ntoxioating liquor p]acse. �n. $ale QPf Sale -
24, Neare�t Chureh Nearest Sc,hool �
25„ Ntambsr of booths Tables Cha,irs Stools
26, �that occupQtion have vou followed for the p�,st fi�ea y�ears, (Give names of einployer�
and date s s o employ�ed.�
G���R � cl:,L c Gf�
27. Give names and addreases of two peraons, residents of St. �'aul, ]�3.r�n:,, a�io c�a� g3.vv�
in.forma�ion conaern.ing you.
Name Gvl/y Address �c��� � Gf `c/1 --'-+" �
Name Addre s s ��S �..��R�[ af �
. ._.....
� G�G�
igna ture o A i n
Sta te of' M3.nn.e s ota� _
County of Rarn.sey �
being first dul� s�rorn, deposea and saya
upon aath tha he as rea the oregoing statement bearing his sxgnatu�e and lrnows
the contents her of, and that he same is true of his o�m l�owledge eac�pt ae to
those mattere therein s-t�ted upon information and belief and as to tho�s �ttera
he bel;_evss them to b� �ru�.
C'� - �f'Ge�-�
ig� ure of App an .
Subscr3.bed and sworn to efors me
this �- clay of 19�1� .
Notary ublic, ��esy Coun y, M3nn.esa�ta
�dy Cc�nisaion expires '�Qit- f�,��� .
(Note s These atatement Porm,s are in dupZicate, Both eopias must be flxlly filled out,
nfltarized, and re�urned to the License Divisicm.�—
Notary PubNc, RA111�y County, Mina. � _
�Y�glon RKpires Mar. 31, 197Y'
Re g � Sa1e ` Lioense
Name of applicant Hasold J annarrel kh --
B u�ir�e a s add x°e s s �� ��'C
Are you the sole crumer of this business� �'"b(/ If not9 is it a partnership�
corporatian? Y , oiaher?
Othera interested in business, include those by loan of mone�, property or othere�rises
Name ddress���X � � ��+ How � ��,
33 � ��+�,�'��e�c�� ��
y7� �-v-� �, ��.K, .
f/•/'J1.c� ,
If a a o poration, ive its nama
�,re you interested in any wsy in any other Retail Beer or Liqursr buainesa? /��
As sole oamer� ✓ Partner? ✓ Stoekholder? ,�
Otherv�ise? (Through loan of money� etce Explai_n.)
Address of' such buainess and nature of intereat in same
Signature of applioa
State of Minnesota
C ounty of I�msey
��/�p�,� �/,��j(.�/��f�jC�L[�being first duly swarne deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and 3sn.a�ra the contents
thereof; that the same ia true of his oroun ]�.rnrrledgea except as tp those matters therein.
at.atsd upon infox°mation and belief an.d as to those matters he beliavas them to be true.
NOtarY PubNc. Fiamsey Count�, itis�u.
1My Cwnmissfon Exprres Mar. 31, �:�it Signature of applic
Subaorib and sv�orn o before me
this�+ y c�f 19�
Notary ubl c, sey County9 Minnesota
M�r es oan�ni s s i on expire a ��e.�. 3� 19 �/
s�� � ��so2A)
� �
_ �arcic�.J_,YA�,g�iv being firat duly sworn, doth depose
and aay that he makea thia aff idavi� in connection �rith applioa�ion f or
" Sale" liquor licenae (" S�,le" malt beverage licer�se� 3n the �ity o�
� Paul, �tinnesota; that your a'Pfiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesot�
and haa resided tharein for _�reara, mariths, and is
�'� ��
n� and has been Por the t�me abe o�fe 1�entioned a bor� fide raeident of said State
and that he now resides at
� /I�J�� 8
, Mi�nesota.
�" C�?4P�
Sub�aribed and a�rorn to before me
this�day of 19�
otary blia, Ramaey County, 3�inneso�a
�r c�rr�niseion expirea���L-�i(, 3f7�""''
Natary i-uLlic, �an,sr;, i:ou;;:y, l�,G.t�i.
tMy Cornmissfon Expiras Mar.31, 297i
Da te�� j 19 7 V
1. t4�pplioati,on for Change 0lfic� dc S�ockholdors • L3.cenae
2. Nams of appliaant Robert E. Yannarslly, Stockholder
3. Bus3,nea� addre�$a �''J�� Re�idena� �,�.d � �- ac.-c-c�-�ti.�--`
4. �rsde na�, if any fx,...�,�:_ . -` r t ���. .� ,.�
.�� ���__l� � ,
5, Retail Beer Federe�l Tax Stamp � kt�tail �iquor Federal Tex St�►m���ip3.],1 be u�ed.
6. C�i what floor looated /'� Number of rocm�;s u�ed �
. J� ' � �� . .. .
7. Betvueen, wk�at cxose atraetis � ��y� .��+��ioh aide of stroet �..�h-�"�`
-,--��-----------� �
8. Are pxemi�ea now occup3ed�l�t busi.x�ese �- �!i' � Ho�r lvng o�o � '�"'
.w.r..,....�.�Z�"_...,.�,�, ._
9. Are prem3s�� now unooaupied �ov� lflng vaoant Previoua Uea
10, Are you a ne�r o�er���^~�ve you bQen in a eimilar buainess beFore /�--e�
Where � �{then
11. Are you going �o operate �hie busineea per�or�ally ' p�.- ,
If not, v�o wi11 operate it -
12. Are you 3.n any other buaineas a� the p�esont tim� >'L.�O
13. Have there been any oomplafnts aga3.nst your operation of thia �ype oP plaae�
9�hea� Rhere
14. Have you ever had any 19,aenae reeoked���wh�at reason and date
15. Are you Q ai�izen of the United State Ne�ti�vel��Natu��.ized
16. 1Nhere w�are you bo���� Dei�Ee of birth , r..� U �%.��'
. .,._._.�.. � .. �,... .�.....,.
17. I s��� m�rried. �dy (wife's� (hu$band's) name �nd �ddreas is
18. (If' mt�rxied fem�►�.e� my meti.den nsme is
19. �o�v long have you lived iz�. 3t. Paul �(p
20. Have pou ever baen arreete�� �iolation of ro�at crimi.nal �.a�r or ordina►nc
__�....� .,,....�....
21. Are yoa a registered voter a.n ficha C3�y of S�. P�ul Ye� � No.
�Anawer full and ccm letel • These a �.iaations axe tharou hl oheoked a�nd aa
lsifiaation wi11 be oauee Par ena.a .
22. Nwnber of 3.2 places �vithin two blocka :
_._..._�. -__._:.._..
23. Closest intoxioating liquor p]aoe. �n Sale t3Pt' Sa1e
24. Nea re s t Chureh Noa res t Scsho ol
25o Number oP booths Tables Chairs � S�taol� _
26, �ithat occupe�tian have vou followed f or �he past �ive y�s�rs, (Give nsmes of �emploq�ers
and date s s o emplo3'e3+�
� , ���
27. Give names and addre�sea of t� peraon�, residents of St, �'aul, I�i.]an,,, wt�o oan givg
inf'or�tion con.oerning you.
Name GY-G�f' Address �
Name 1�ddress � .� a �i� ' �
�. .
igna�urs o Ap
Sta ts of' Nlinne s ota� ,
Co of Rarnsey �
being first duly aworn, deposea and esys
upor� �ath t t he ha rea e fo ing statement bearing his sig�aatu}-� and lazo�ra
the con�ents thereo�, and that the ame is true of his ovvn. knoarl�dge aaaept aa �o
those mattere therein sta�ed upon information and beliaf aad as to thflae �tt�rs
he bel�eves them to be �x°ue.
Szg�ture of p 1l a t
3ubsex°ibed and sworn to be ore me
this � d�y oP 19�
otary Pu lic, Ramsey ounty, Minnesota
My Cesmniasion expirss yir`� � /
(Note s These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be t'ully filled �ut,
r�otarized, anfl returned to the I.icense Diviaion,T�
Nota►y PuWfc. Ramsey CountY. Mlnn.
MIt C�bn ExpN'as Mer.31, 197X
• ' FOR
Re s � Sale c� �Gzs�c� Licenae
Name of appiicant Robert E. Yannarelly, Stookholdez
Bu�iness address
Are you the sole owner of this business?�( IP not,� is it a p�rtnership�
corporatian? �,�?� , otsher3
Others interested in busiriess, inelude those by loan of�money, property or othere�iees
1 � �
Na��'�.,�.� aa���_!��_ xo� .�--� � ,(,�.�,
i, —�
��" bv�_�.�; "c�_- �,�,� ' �- ,r;u.-1-r�-..-e �_` �� /I�e
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y! /7�G�C�•t-'Q'� � � �l� /l�f�`�(/�l/ �I U r/'�
If a aorporation, give its na4r�e _��.- � �, � C.�_a--� c�'�--c.. .
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? /�
As sole awner? Partner? Stoekholder?
Otherv�ise? (Through loan of money, etc� Explain)
Address of' such buainess and nature of interest in same
Sig ture of appli nt
Stat� of Minnesota
C ouxit� of I�msey
�0�� �. �/,(/ �,L bezng first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing aff�davit bearing his signature and l�o�vs the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his awm �owledgea except as to those matters therein
atated upon information and belief and as to those mattars he believes them to be true.
EDWRR� R. EBERHAR^" $i natt�°e of appl' t
Natary PubN�,Ramsay.�ovnty, �'��u�n.
My CommNsbn Ekplres Msr. 3I, i97t �
Subsoribe�an.d swprn o bafore me
this�iday af s� 19�
— � �
Notary ublic, Aamsey County, Minnesota
My oarnmzssion expires��19�
� � ^
s�� � n�n�rrr�so��)
� �$
RobeSt T. Ysnaerel�y being firet duly �worn, d�th depose
and say that he �kea this �ffidavi� in canneQtion with applioa�ion f ar
"C�YL S�le" liquor license (" Sa1e" malt bevera�e license� in the �ity of
Saint Paul, Minneaota� that yoar affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesot�
and has resided therein f'or �� yeara, � Q manths, and ia
now and has bsen for the tiu� abo�e a�entioned a bor� fid rssident of aaid State
and that he now resides at �� - �:�..o-�-
Addre a s
, Mit�nes ota.
Cit9 or Town
Subscsribed snd s�orn to before me
this �� day of 19 ��
Notary blia, Ramaey Caunty, 32��nnesota
I►�y commisaion expirea �j��
EDWARD R. E�'-';;;.;;":`-`� ivliro�-
N,p�ry Public,Ramsey County,
�Y Ce��o� Ex.pires Mar. 31, 397�
June 18, 19
Hon. Dean Meredit�i
Cornsr. of Public Safety
P�blic Sa�ety Bldg. .
Dear Sir: At ention. . Daniel McLau�;h�in
Tlze City Council today orr�ally a prov change oP officer�
and stockholders in P.� en Park Li u r�, InC• , holders of On
Sale Liquor Z3.c. No. 7� 0, ex�irir an. 31, �.971, at llq9
Payne Ave.
Will you ple e re ary resolution caveri.ng
this matter
Very truly you.rs,
City Clerk