249404 , --� Oritinal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE ������4 , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �LA��'�Cp ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending the Zon�.ng Code, Chapters 60 to 6�, inclusiv� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Distriets and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended . THE COUNCIL OF T�iE CITY OF SAINT FAUL DOES ORDAIAT: Section l. Tha� the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 6�+, ineluaive, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, pertainin� to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the aame is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- aribed property from "B" Residence Distriat to "C" Residenee District, to-wit : A1l of Block 16 of College Place East Division, and th� south one-half of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ad�aQent there�o; Lot 3, Block i3, of College Place East Division, and the nor�h one- half of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ad- �acent thereto; and the south 5� feet of the west 115 feet of Lot 2, Bloek 13, College Place East Division, all aceord- in� to th� plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �he Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota; situate on property located on the north side of Engl�wood Avenue between North Hamline Avenue and ATorth Albert Strec�t, in the City of Saint Paul, sub�ec� to the eondition that property known as 824 North Albert Stre�t be dele�ed from the rezoning, to-wi� s The south 50 feet of the west 115 fee� of Lot 2, Bloek 13, College Place Eaat Division, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Offiee of the Regis�er of Deeds, Ramsey �ounty, Minne9o�a. Section 2. This ordinanee shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. J:U L � 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Carlson "� n Favor / Levine Meredith � U Against Sprafka T���° JUL 81970 r. President (McCarty) Approved• test: � . City Clerk - r � Form a�proved Corporation Counsel By • PUBLISHED JUL 11 19�� . • , � , . � ' ' • ' . . January 22, 1970 . i � � AMENDID PETITION ������ ' TO THE HOr10P�ARLE 1�,�YOR AT1D CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6lt,06 of the Legislative Code� we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the o�mers of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of College Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S�) of Hubbard Avenue� vacated� adjacent thereto;. Lot Three (3)� F31ock Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division� and the North one-half (No) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated� adjacent thereto; and the South fift.y feet (S,50� ) of the �ti'est one hundred fifteen feet (W,115' ) of Lot Two (2), Block Thirteen (13), Colle�e Place, East Division, all accordin� to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds� Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 821t Noo Albert Street, Saint Paul� Minnesota, from B Residence I7istrict to C Residence District� for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building o�` buildin�s to be used as Senior Citizen housing. 1 Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description ST:Fi� IBLE COLLEGE �- 1361 B� � ,���✓1��CYJEnglewood c�L ST. P BLE COLLEGE SOC gy � �; ,�. � � N, Albert • ST. PA COLLEGE gl6 BY: � /�U=e-� � /� N. Albert ST. PA COLLEGE 820 BY: " 0%r% N. Albert ST. P UL E COLLEGE 82� � � By• ' N. Albert ZONtNG FtLE �`..Z .�-. �v=9 � � . � �' � �,..� �,� �,� .�+ � . � .,;`;n ,�°� �'�n • -�"-�� � a ��.—":� �r± -s'u� s--� % � �y- � . ;''...Y� �11 �/�•� �/�� `' L/ � s . . , , • _ ., . . . ' ' � � January 22, 1970 - ����XXX}�X�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the Ci�y Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�4 .06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50f or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of College Place, East Division, and the South one-rialf (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ' adjacent �thereto; and the South fifty feet (5.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, Ea.st Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82� No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B ,Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment buil�ding or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description ' 777 North S . �1 ' of N. 81 ' of E. 60 ' � '� , 1��'�/,✓�� _ -�., Albert Street Lot �4 Blk 1 College P1 . � �;. ,V E. Division ✓ - ��� ,�iy-/.'-��.� .:-'� /.i.,-T/''-�!..�__:'i� � � O � 779 North N . �0 ' of E. 60 ' , Lot �, 1,/' �n �/� , �z F✓i�/ C C� � ;,�, E. Division � , „ , , , v l?„ , � ; � <<_�, �:.�_.:..J ' " �_ ?83 North Lot � Sandber � s Rear e- ���� C�-u .�•� /�1. � ���''�"-�'� Albert Street e ' g � r p ../Tl�:� 1 '.� V( Q/�C�.O.�C'Z.cJ 7a9 North Lot 3 g ' � Albert Street � Sandber s - � - 793 North Lot 2, Sandberg � s Albert Street Rearran�ement � , .��-- 803 North Except the W. 80 ' , Lot �, ���'/" ` L��� Albert Street . � n � � � � � � � � ��� �� ZO�NIN�� FlLE � �, �: : . , � • ' � �. . . ' ' r , � January 22� �970 f � T� HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN ��������� c% the City Clerk CZL City of Saint Paul' Room 386 City Hall , Minnesota Legislative Code Pursuant to Sec�ion 6�,p6 of �he the several descriptionseofnr�ealiestate wsitu �f �WO- feet of the real estate affected ated withinra00of owners of 50°0 or more of the frontaeeeby acquiesce • petition g to be reclassifiedWe' the your Honorable Body to rezone the followin property; g described Colle�ge' place All of Block Sixteen (16) of of Hubbard Avenues� Division, and the South one-half �3), Block Thirteen Vacated, adjacent thereto • �s'2� , and the North one-half3( of College Place ' LOt Three adjacent thereto• N•2) of Hubbard Avenue� Division, the West one hundreddfifteenufeetlf�y feet S ' vacated, Block Thirteen 1 W, � •50 ) of � � 3), C o l l e ge P lace ( 11 5 ) o f L o� T w o (2�� according to the plat thereof on fileandDofirecord i the office of the Register of Deeds � all ' Minnesota Ramse n � Avenue, ' above property also known y County, 806, 816_20 and 82� No, AlbertSStreetE�lewood j Minnesota, , Saint Paul, ' . from B Residence District to C Residence Distric purpose of installing, constructing and o er t� for the P ating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be as Senior Citizen housing, used I Owner Slgnature Street Address : Legal Description '�/ � � � , 807 North Exce t � –� Albert Street p W' 80 � Lot 3, �- - , Cushin �s 2nd Addition , , — , � � . �, , f. �, //'� �/.�: ____r 811 North ' � Albert Street �Cep� W• 80 � � Lot 2� � J �'2�c*�^-�� i=�C- ��c`%L-t ` ' � OTl � �— � . 819 North Except W, 80 � � � y Albert Street � Lot 1, -� Cushin 's 2nd Addition I . :���.z..�,� �` - ���.� J 797 North _ ��- � , �' Albert Street L�� 1' Sandberg ►S � ,, - j �./� - Rearran ement ;' � � � ���;!l�=G� l,��GcE�i ��/A/�, �� 1388 `� G���'JCv�%� �j'`Hewi.tt Except W, 13p � Lo 6 G=�a-�_ � B 1 k 1 L�. � t 1, ��� E. Division Ce' __ , . �-c>��.��..:.�. ��c.� ' 1380-82 , Hewitt W' 65 ' � Lot 2, Blk. 13, , ' vision -:: -_ �s"r"� � � M4 � ZONING FILE � r « _ . _ . ._-_.._ . . .. _�._ �: .—� _-- w _ ._�._. :,. ._. _ __ . _- ' � ' �, . . � ` r � ' � January 22, 1970 � �e����xxxxx�;g TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50/ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen ( 16) of College Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (S.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 824 No . Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B.Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street ,Address Legal Description 4 1368 W. 50 ' of E. 100 ' , Lot 2, Hewitt Colle�e Place. E. Division , � � � , , 1361� E. 50 ' of Lot 2, Block 13, ' �, 1,�,`�t , t� �� �y Hewitt Colle�e Place,_ E. Divisior, , � - . 136o Lot 5, St . James Addition Hei�r.i.tt — � ����/�C�/��,L� 1356 Lot �F, St . James Addition ��" Hewitt . - - - � 1350 Lot 3, St . James Addition Hewitt � , � - �!�-�lt�_, � �� <-�-� � � 1376 E, 5p ' of W. 115 ' , except ��4�-�;� ��_ ,��--.�..,�-� -�z� Hewitt t he � �0 ' T^__,_of.�2;Rlk . 13, College Place, E. Divisior �� � � �- � T : � � ZflNIf�G FILE 1;:�- � _ - _ _ . , _. , . � , � � - , , January 22, 1970 , �12����XXXXXX�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�+.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50f or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle�ge Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ' adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (S.50' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W. 115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82� No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B.Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description : ° ,, � 815 North S . 37 ' of N. 74 ' , Lot �F, `' � ..,� <�• �'�ti�� • Hamline Blk 1� Col e�e P1 ace, ✓�G� , p /G����. E. Division vZ• �6'I 819 North N. 37 ' of Lot �, Block 13, Ham�;n • Colle�e Place E Division __ � 823 North Lot 6, St . James Addition � ' Hamline ` . �_/� 1337 Lot 16, Block 8, Hersey- '�.�'�� .�-�L�� - ' �����- Semin Ave. Woolse Addition � ` ��� ��./ ^i v -, � i ��/ -f--_ 1g87 a`' , � / ) c�,�,', -� �/�-, !`+- � Englewood Ave. i- ��-___� `�',.-�,; ' , ,, /"�„`r�...��� , /, �� L� � � �� � ,� �� /_��'(t� --� '% j�i��--"�L-'��i �i'" �,';� 'f•�"C- :�.?.y`�.�� f. '� 1388 � Fxcept the S. �+0 ' , the �� En lewood Ave E. 85 ' o f Lot 1 , Blk . 1 , ollege 1 ., E. Div * S. 100 ' of E, u, Lot �; Blk. 15, College Place, - E, Division �"� _� � !f a� � zoNi�� Fi�f �= � � , . . . . , � . ��• f ` ' • ' � � , i . � , , January 22, 1970 ���XXX�Xx:�heX TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6� .06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50f or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: � All of Block Sixteen (16) of College Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (S.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W. 115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, Ea.st Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82� No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, , from B .Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: • a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description : �� ; y � � 776 North N. 50 ' of Lots 13, 14, & ,, ,�� ��L� ��� CL;;, ,���:%�����..�_ Hamline 1 Herse -Woolse Add 'n ,;�„�` '� � �, / r-*---- . .1<"_ �y_../ ;,.::ti, �;f: ? � / ,� ' 800 North S , L�1� �5 � of Lots l�,& 15, %/Z� `�d�.� C- ` C�'�-C Hamline Blk . $ Herse -Woolsey �o^�'�s h Addition � ' ��� �'y�y (�� ��--�����'"�'/ 803 North N. � ' of vacated alley r �. �� % Hamline ad,iacent to Lot �+ and ��''� 11 titi� C� : �. �c -�-�' - - � S . 33 of` Lot �, Blk. 13, College Place, E. Div. � 806 North Except S. ��+.25 ' , Lots �,4�°f��\ � Hamline 1� 8c 1 B1 o ck 8 � '- �, ; ' ./ � �� J Hersey-Woolsey Add'n � /� -� � � 807 North S , 37 ' of N. 1�8' , Lot �+, ��Y7. { �• ��' . ,�,�Ci Hamline 1 lace, � E, Division � , ' � ; 811 North S. 37 ' of N. 111 ' , Lot �, , � z ,�� c-P_- 1' • lace, � : � E. Division �. 7��) Z:arth �cept N. � � , N.2 of �� � �. ��, , 1Ia,:�line vacated Hubbard Avenue, , �,. J../y ./'l� ` ` I�I-C! ,�1���� , Block ��� �� , -, . 13, College P1 . E. Div. � ►NG ��� ,. � � . zoN :��:, . � � . . , � ' � � � . � , . , � , � January 22, 1970 X�����CXXXXX�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�+ .06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50f or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described � property: , All of Block Sixteen ( 16) of ' College Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three i (3) , Bl.ock Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, ' and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ' � adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (S.50' ) of � the West one hundred fifteen feet (W. 115' ) of Lot Two (2) , + •Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all ' according to the plat thereof on file and of record in : the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, � Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�+ No . Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, i from B .Residence District to C Residence District, for the � purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: � � � a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used � as Senior Citizen housing. i � Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description ti �� . ' 751� North S. 60.25 ' of Lots ,1��„�u� . �,' � �,sJ Ham i Avenu � � Hersey-Woolsey .�2� c� "� � Addition ;��, ��!..��..1 � � 75�� North \. ��' �`''�'' Hamline �i � , i; ; , 'L� 7b2 North S , 37 � o f N. 7�+ ' , ; ��r ,,;`'� �� ����, ' .,�( �� ,y2 '� Hamline Lots 16 1 & 1 f n ��� Hersey-Woolsey Additior / / �r J ' �� ' ;�r � ;, ���, �r �, ��,�`� ,`� ., � ; , 76l� North N. 37 ' bf Lots lb, 17 Hamline & 18. Hersev-Woolsey Addition > /� �/� 770 North S. �42 .25 � of Lots 13, �� // '� � % �C � Zti l��C���2,/ Hamline 1�F & 1 e - lse; , • Addition , � _ �� , ��. � �//� 77l� North S. �2 ' o f N. 92 ' o f Lo�� `�'�.� Hamline 1 1 - �� Woolsey Addition � ' � � ��1�fNG FlLE � 4:,�� , "` . . � � ���.v • • ' � r., . . �i;i1 � 6i J�� I t`i fl� ' � � � � . ClTY CLE�Z�'S G�FfC� ' ' - ' S I Pr'+UL� F11�di�. � STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY t �- �i7,��. being first duly sworn, deposes and states t at he is one o the �persons who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by the respective owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is one of the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respeccively of' the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by the respec'cive owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is one of the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; 'chat the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by the respective owners in the presence of' this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. being first duly sworn, deposes and s ates hat he is one o he persons who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of' the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by the respective owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and alI of' the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of r ' 1970' yO� � �NG �'�LE ,� ��� ./` Q.. ' . otar u lic, Ramsey oun y, Minn. Address : �s9q ��n;,,��►,., �. �✓� . , s�. �4/ My co ission expires: DENNIS iq, sowM,antTelephone No . �8y- t.,��6 � � y6 - ��s-s Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, h9inn. J My Commission Expires July 28, 19�1 ��� �'�!� <_°,�"� ,�`�;�; � . ,a' - � � �,. � . _ .. - w�.: - • ' ' � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � - . ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court Hou:e,66102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA,Dsputy Commissioner Phonr 223�4M6 February 25, 1970 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of the St. Paul Bible College, filed in the matter of rezoning, All of Blk. 16, of Collfge Place, Last Division, aad the South 1/2 of Aubbard Ave. , nacated, adjacent thereto; Lc>t 3, Blk. 13, of College Place, East Division, and the North 1/2 of Hubbard dvenue, vacated adjacent thereto; and the South 50 ft. of the West 115 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 13, College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record ia the office of the Register of Deeds, Rs�sey County, Minaesota, above propertq also kno� as 1361 Snglewood Anenue, 8U6, 816-20 and 824 No. Albert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, The property is located north of Englewood Aveaue betWeen North Albert Street and North Hamline Avenue, from a Class "B" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence Dis- trict, and find that said petition is insufficient. Yours very �lq, # , �� ,� ;.'` ,.' �� � ��� : ,/r'James J. lg is ., t-�' f Commissi ner of nance Re: X-865 cc: Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden ,�'� '.�, �, Froatage: loo� ��- , � Parcels Eligible - 35 ��..�`�' � <J ' Parcels Signed - 21 or 60x Needed - 24 or 66-2/3� ZONtNG FiLE � .��' � � . , �J, � � � � �,��7� . . . January 22, 1970 �' �' '�CL � . � , . ����xx� �.� - �r � r� � �. • � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIZ � / ,-'� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall � �� � City of Saint Paul� Minnesota. Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code� we� the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected� hereby acquiesce; and we� the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified� petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: ` All of Block Sixteen (16) of College Place� East Division� and the South one-half (S.�) . of Hubbard Avenue� vacated� adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3)� Block Thirteen (13) of College Place� East Division� and the North one-half (N:�) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated� adjacent thereto; and the `5outh fifty feet (5.50�) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115t ) of Lot Two (2), Block Thirteen (13), College Place, East Division� all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds� Ra.msey County� Minnesota� above property also known as 1361 Englewood Av�enue� 806, 816-20 and 824 No. Albert Street� Saint Paul� Minnesota, from B Residence 17istrict to C Residence District, for the � purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building of buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature 5treet Address Legal Description _ ST. IBLE COLLEGE 1361 g ; T✓��Englewood ST. P LE COLLEGE $06 � BY ` d� N. Albert • ST. PA COLLEGE $16 BY: � N. Albert ST. PA COLLEGE 820 BY� ' N. Albert ST. P UL E COLLEGE 82� � BY• N. Albert !�� � � � •-c 4 _.... — _ _ ___ -- -- -- ___ _— - -—-- -- - � � . War'-° ' �� �/ ,�G—�C��Z.�-...-�-Tv/' , . � C `'-� � J .. { ..._. .. . ..... _ ...... _ . ..� r-'__..�_. __....._...._ � , DENNIS A. BOWMAN ������ ■ ��� �� ATTORNEY AT LAW � I Tc�e�HONC �-a�� I AREA CODE 612 1616 PIONEER BUILDING � 222-0575 ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 � -------..._ � � . • � . � � � , � January 22, 1970 . ����XXX�X�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c�o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle�ge Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (5.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�F No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B .Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description 777 North S . �1 ' of N. 81 ' of E. 60 ' „ , � � ���..��c Albert Street Lot � Blk 1 •College P1 . , E. Division " v � l ' / ` " 779 North N . �0' of E, 60 ' , Lot �, ce, ;,� - E. Division ,/ . � z ;" 783 North ✓ /. Albert Street Lot,��, Sandberg ' s Rearr�e- ✓✓�� � Y� � ����. � ,- ?89 North Sandberg ' s �� �J �j Albert Street LO� 3' �e��,�,��,�,���,�.� 793 North Lot 2, Sandberg' s Albert Street Rear�an�ement ✓��� �,��- 803 North Except the W. 80 ' , Lot �, �'lJ��'/ Albert Street . � ' n � �,� .. � ,�' �"' �,.� �, � �� _ - . � . , . �, � January 22, 1970 - ��b�'XXXX,Xx� `_ 0 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�+.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle�ge" Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ad�jacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � ad�jacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (5.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, Ea.st Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�F No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildin�s to be used as Senior Citizen housing. - � Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description / 807 North Except �T. 80 ' , Lot 3, �' Albert Street Cushin 's 2nd Addition ,^ � �, ' '" � � ' 811 North Except W. 80 ' , Lot 2, _ � Albert Street � ' on � ,.,y,..e� . 819 North Fxcept W. 80 ' , Lot l, � � ~ Albert Street Cushin 's 2nd Addition v '� �j _ � �� � 797 North Lot l, ; Sandberg ' s " r,�,�,,_� Albert Street Rearran�ement � � ^ � v'' / ✓� �i � , � o � o���J��,� ,/ 1388 Fxcept W. 1�0 ' , Lot l, � ;��uf �j°Hewitt Blk l�F 11 ce, �� G��- . � , ,� E. Division � v -- ���`� � � 1380-82 w. � 65 ' , Lot 2, Blk . 13, Hewitt Go� l ege Pl .c�P�; vision ZONING FILE � 954,� � � � � � �� � . _. , ,. .,,,...,�.....,,,,-.. . .—_. ___._�... _ _ . _____._ . __ _.r... —_-,.—.------_..._ , ._ .. . . : _s . .� .. .. � � ' January 22, 1970 � ������XXXXX� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�+ .06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle•ge Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3), Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (S.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W. 115' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in . the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82� No . Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description � 1368 W. 50 ' of E. 100 ' , Lot 2, Hewitt Colle�e Place. E. Division � l , 1361� E, 50 ' of Lot 2, Blo�k 13, �, � - ,.� � , �, � ,���. �'` Hewitt Colle�e Place, E. Division . 136o Lot 5, St . James Addition He.j+�.tt � ___,'�,��u�i� 1356 Lot �, St . James Addition Hewitt �� � � 135� Lot 3, St . James Addition Hewitt ✓ _ __ • .�-�.�v - 137� E. 50 ' of W. 115 ' , except �- /' ' Hewitt � lk. 13, College Place, E. Division ZONING flLE � -� "� � ��..d: � . _ � ' � ' January 22, 1970 - �x���xxxxx�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle�ge Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � ad�acent thereto; and the South fifty feet (5.50' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, Ea.st Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�F No . Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B .Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Si�nature Street Address Legal Description : , 815 North S, 37 � of N. 74 ' , Lot �-, 'G � :� . <2t,,,,�,1�; Hamline B 1 k 1� C o 11 e�e P 1 a c e, �� E. Division 819 North N• 37 ' of Lot �-, Block 13, HarrLine • Colle�e Place. E. Division ✓ -- _ . 823 North Lot 6, St . James Addition a'� � Hamline � � 1337 Lot 16, Block 8, Hersey- � � � Semin Ave. Woolse Addition � _ � � lg8? � En lewood Ave. v� ��.�., � � -�- �� 1388 � Fxcept the S. �FO ' , the J En�lewood Ave. E. 85 ' of Lot 1, Blk . 1 , o3�ege '1�1., E. Div , �flNING FILE ��� � B1k1005'°CoElege Place, E. Division �� ,� �/ �' �`'� . . _ , ' � � ' January 22, 1970 • ���xxxXxxl�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�+ .06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described , property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle�ge Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, ad,jacent thereto; Lot Three (3�, Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � ad�jacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (S.50 ' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�F No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B .Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing . Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description : � „ , 815 North s, 37 � of N. 74 ' , Lot 4, �,�,� :� . �2t,,,�,Z,�; Hamline B lk . 1�. C o 11 e�e P 1 a c e, � E. Division � 819 North N. 37 ' of Lot �-, Block 13, Ha.rr�ine • Colle�e Place. E. Division ✓ -- _ � 823 North Lot 6, St . James Addition �� � - Hamline � � 133? Lot 16, Block 8, Hersey- � i Semin Ave. Woolse Addition � � � _ 138? � En lewood Ave. � ��.%�-c-� � 13gg ' Except the S. �-0 ' , the En�lewood Ave. E. 85 ' of Lot 1, Blk . 1 , ollege �.,E. Div. �O���G ��LE '�� � � � B1k1005'°CoElege Place, E. Division ��, ,�°"�, �eaw/ �✓ '��'� � . � � . . � . �. ...1 +. . '� 1 . . . ' • � . ' ' r , � � ' January 22, 1970 ��$���XXX�XX�i TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50/ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of Colle�ge Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13� of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � ad�jacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (5.50' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W.115' ) of Lot Two (2) , Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�F No . Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B .Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description : � � �� 776 North N, 50 ' of Lots 13, l�, & � �E,,,,� J �: i�vrt.�_ Hamline 1 Herse -Woolse Add 'n � ✓ �{�,u�� ✓ X� ? ` � 800 North S , 1}1} 25� of Lots 1�,� 15, � /!Z-�c%1 � Hamline Blk . $ Herse -Woolsey ��,�y' Addition ' . ��..✓�y (� �-�� 803 North N. � ' of vacated alley " Hamline ad 'acent to Lot and ''�'� s . 33 ' of Lot �-, Blk. 13, College Place, E. Div. ✓ � 806 North Except S. �F�F.25 ' , Lots ,:���'°�, ��� � Hamline l� & 1 Block 8 '�� Hersey-Woolsey Add' n � . 80? North S . 37 ' of N, 1�8 ' , Lot �, v 6i�. Hamline lace, � E. Division ,/ - ' 811 North S. 37 ' of N. 111 ' , Lot �, � � � lace, � E. Division ✓ �, � ,,,Q��� iamlrinet� �cept N. � ' , N.2 of �� vacated Hubbard Avenue, , Block � U��� G'% ✓���„� 13, College P1 . E. Div, . � �'�� � �'" � #LE ��,� . ' . • -. � A , • . _ . f � � � � . . ` . ' , � January 22, 1970 X������XXX3�X:�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 6�+ .06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: All of Block Sixteen (16) of College Place, East Division, and the South one-half (S.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, adjacent thereto; Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the North one-half (N.2) of Hubbard Avenue, vacated, � adjacent thereto; and the South fifty feet (5.50' ) of the West one hundred fifteen feet (W. 115 ' ) of Lot Two (2) , •Block Thirteen (13) , College Place, East Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also known as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 82�+ No. Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, from B Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and operating the following: a multi-story apartment building or buildings to be used as Senior Citizen housing. Owner Signature Street Address Legal Description � � � - , ' ?51� North S. 60.25 ' of Lots � Ham i Aven , � � Hersey-Woolsey ����n � ��_ � �� � Addition � �,te�. 751��z North , t Hamline . c � 762 North S . 37 ' o f N. 7�+ ' , ✓n,,��s�� � r � ,� Hamline Lots 16 1 & 1 ;; Hersey-Woolsey Addition � ✓� � � c�k .. / �- Z_�z. 76�t North N. 37 � o f Lots 16, 17 Hamline & 18, Hersev-Woolsey Addition r -��, 770 North S. �2 .25 ' of Lots 13, k /-' � Hamline 1�F & 1 He - 01 s e y .i � Addition � �f/�.4. • � 774 North S. �2 ' of N'. 92 ' of_Lots � Hamline 1 1 Woolsey Addition Zt7NiNG FlLE � 5� . .� � � �� ..� . y � . � .,� ; . . � . . . , A . . � . � � , . ,, . STATE OF MINNESOTA) - ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) _.7 • ���� , � being first duly sworn, deposes and sta s that he is one o the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of __� pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of�e�ots placed immediately followi.ng each name; that this petition was signed by the re- spective owners in the presence of this affiant� and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ,�� � bei.ng first duly sworn� deposes an states that he is o the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of ��ages; that �, the parties described above are the owners respective y of t e lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by the re- spective owners in the presence of this affiant� and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �� � �i�� �. . being first duly sworn, deposes an states t at he is one of the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respec ve y o the lots placed immediately followin� each name; that this petition was signed by the re- spective owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so � described. � . being first duly sworn� deposes an sta es t at e is one o the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the ots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by the re- spective owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2� day f -; 19 7� . � � ° /� � ��� � N tary Pub c� Ramsey County� M nn. A ss: � � �� My aommission expires: Telephone No. �¢ � � V1RON 0. MiLLER /�� ��Z� Notary pubfic; Ramsey Count�i,ll�i ro t�iy Commissio� Expires Dec. 27. 197t: � �� '`� ��^, s � :���f�l�G �ILE ...�.��2 i BOA�RD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION April 16, 1970 nlat Map ��27 , 8y , -- Acting under Leg'islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as ameaded to April 6, 1970. 6957 1� r??'i'Ll�Atd'C"5 NA'�fE , St. Paul Bible College 2o CL,!1SSIFICATION s L Amendment � Appe�l ❑ Permit I._lOther X-865 3, PURPOSC ; Rezone "B" to "C" Residence to enable construction of a multi-atory elderly apartment bldg. or bldgs. 4, LOCATION % North side of Englewood Avenue between North Hamline Avenue and North Albert Street 5� LE�AL DESCRIPTT�PJ : See file 6, PRESENT Z�NTNG: "B" Reaidence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zonin� Code: Chapters 64 Section; .06 Farat?raphs 3 , STAFF INVESTIGATION � REPORT: Datet 4/10/70 Bys CLS A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated Merch 18, 1970, the Commiasioner of Finance declared the petition suffici�at. B. HISTORY: None for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: The petitioner� propoae to use the property for a multi-story elderly apartment building or buildings. D. AREA AND FRONTAGES: This site totals about 5.2 acres aad has frontages of 230 feet on Englewood Avenue, 674 feet on North Albert Street, and 404 feet on North Hamline Avenue. E. AREA ZONING: This entire a're'� eouth of Pierce Butler Route is zoned "B" Residence with the exception of three corners of the Hamline and Minnehaha Avenues intersection which exe toned Cammercial. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: In recognition af the St. Paul Bible College the Comprehensive Plan recommaends that the majority of this eite be in semi-public use. The surrounding area is recommended for single-family and duplex use with public recreational lands to the south. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The northwest portion of the site is occupied by low-density residential structures. The bulk of the site is occupied by three college buildings, one fairly new. The,property is level and slightly above the grade of adjacent streets. H. AREA CONAITIONS: The eurround�,ng residential area is primarily single-family structures in good condition. Occasional duplex uses and two 6-unit buildings are-also included in the adjacant blocks. . The block�. to the south is a City park providing passive recreetional �pace. 9e BOARD ACTION: To Recommend a Approvel �X Denial Council Letter Dated: , Moved by . McPsrtlin Yess Nays 6/3/70 x Gadler Seconded by: Maietta Gauger x Date of Hearing x Maietta 6/4/70 Secretary's remarks: Mansur Council Action Ames - Ch. x 4/16/70 = Layover. x McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt.) MTNUTES OF THE P�TB�ZC HF.�,,RING BET�'ORE THE B(h4RD OF Z�'N:�I3G on T_hursday, Apri�. I6, 1970, ak 2;(30 PoM� PIt�SEI�l°T: Messxs. McPartili.n, MaYetta, �ian.sub, and Rutzick of the Bo�rd and �lessrs, Brc�wn a�iAd Sor�nsor�, Mrs, Frantzee�, and A�Iiss Sperr �� Lk4e s�af.�� ST�, PAUL �IBLE COI��E: .A petition ��a rezon� from "Ii10 to "C°t Resida�nce to allo�a construc�ion r,f a �aulta.-storS� elc�arly �partment building ar basildings property ltac�ted on the nor�h side �f ��gle�ocac3 Avenue betwpe�x North H[am�.�.ne A��enue and North A:tb�r� Str�et. Mr_o Sorenson passect arae�nd a :;heet af. ph��.o�rc�phs shawin� th� are�e H� �h��x gave ehE st�ff r�port CY;�ti�a;� �hat Che si�e aot�ls �bout S.2 acres nc�d tr,�,s front�ges of 230 �Ee�C on Eng�ewooci Aeaenu�:, 674 feet on Nor4� Alb�rt St�ce�, and 404 feet o�x I�orth tl�xz��in� A�enue a �.'4�,3 s entire ���� so�.th of �ierce Butle� Rou�e is zoned 1°B" Resid��ce with �F�e exception of three corners ef the �!amline �nd Minneh�h� A�en�aes ias��xsect�an whicl.� �re .r,nzaed S��erciul� T� ���.�agr�.iti�.�a�. of the St, Paul J3ible �a�lleg�, the �ompr.ehensive Plax� r��o�uanends that �he ma jority of t�is site be in �emi-•p�ablbc use. '�'he ac�rrounding �re� is rec�aamner;ded for sin.g3e-family EYtt� (Itip1P.Y us� wirh publi.c �ecrea4:ional lands to �he saa�the Th� northwest portion ot Li�e �a.re is C7CCCdp�L2d �'J}� J.OG7-densf.ty xesiderati�l st�uctuz�es. The �SU1k caf th� sz.ce i.s S��P�api��i I�y tchs°ee college Uli7.1.�"CIl�Sy o�e fHirly naw� Th�: propertp �s F�vei r�z�� slight�y �abave the gxade of ad�ac�ne stxeets. 7'he scarroundil�g r�sadenti�s sr�a is pri��ily single«fami�y �t�uc��res ix1 g��d cor�,di�ior�9 Qc��s;.azs��. dnple�. 1{st�s �nc� two 6aunit huildfngs sre �l�o iz3clude� i.�. �rhe «d j�cea�t blase,?�s r `Th� b�.�ck t�ss the �south is a �ity �pa�:lc pr.oviciing passive recre�i�ianal spac�. Y[Ya. conclusion, t1r� Sore�san notpd tEa��: �:he site is located n��r the �ntersectic��n o.: tcao co1le+�tor s�atns �tre��cs. Limf.t�e3 sexvice-•co�erc3.a1 use �rea is c�ne bi.ock sra�y. The propos�l r��xe�erats spot zoning snd multiple-f�mily encro�cnmerat ireto �n establi�h�d res�.de�a��.��. are;a c�?�i�h t��s b�en mairat�ined �n g��od c���d:Lt�:a+�> Ii: grantedg the prope�sal sr�y l�ad to �thax rezon3.ng attempts irt �he vicinity. i�NZOning would a�low le�s--�3�.sdr�b�.a m�;.1L-iple-f$mily than n�w nr�pas�d. F�n.ali5, he noted ths� var.io�s �pp�e�ls w���.d b� inv��.ved later ��f t.ais pntit#.oM is grant�d. Mro Sorenson no�ed that � �arl�is�g lot spp�icati�►n will. be be;�or� the Bo�xrl �f Zoning in the fu�ure �f this xezon#�ng fs granted. �Ir, Maietta questioned �.��:�o w��u�.� be doir►� �he buildi�g on ehe sifie. Rever�aad Y�eo Berreth, flistrrict Sa�perix�tenden� nf �1�� �hristi�n Missionar,,� Al�,i��.ce, 1475 �Test �Iinneh�t�a .Avenrn�� ��at�d chr►t �Y��* �roperty w�s �or sale for o�►er � year, and t?�2� was Y'��CFf1 U�f tts� n�ar�se�„ 7.°tiey feel �ta el�eriy ��ig;`n--r�.s� �o�,Ic� be heZ�fu� fes� �t�e �i��. �t ca�a�.cl ha�a2 ��e�e �old i�>r � �chdnl, bu� �i-�ea �t�_sfre to come u�; wr�tlx a�i efforet �.tz�a�: saod=lc3 ;�r�.serve the br:suty o� ��i�e sitP, sa�ri.ng a� many �re�� �nci si�r�►l�s �� �o�sit�leo �'�e �yoposed huildi�g would be �ix stor:�.e� high, whicka Iae sz��d is Iess �:hav. wh�t i�; oa tr�.e si�E: now. As og Chzs timem he wr�s n�t aw;�re af �7oQa rnany r��.ir.s ca�r�e�d �e �nrompassec i�a �he bui:�ding; �:.he� wou�E�3 ga along wttt�; the ��.ty ts�aild•ing car3� :in ���a�t �especte ��_ . , S`�, �AU� BIBL� C���:.�GE �4i i�,�la`� {��nti.nu�ev}: �lttoz��� fax the get�t�.one�-, T��nn�.s $vwman, $aid the pr.o�pnsa�L is f�r senio.r cf.tizen h.o+asing unc��>s� g federally�t�inance;d housing k;ra�r�m_. The church me:mbership� w�i11 el,���t Lhe �.rust�es fax the M�.z��esott� n�n-p�af.it carpar�txc�yn �r.at �aJ 11 b� f�rm�a� �.`h�: 3�i;h-xis� w�.1.L �� "�yr�z�d" 3�y tt�e �!�►urch$ ,9nd wi.�.�. p:�y hslf the normaZ reai estate t�x��s. A� said the ��ixsity nnd siz� af the ��its will d�pend on wh��: c:?�� ��c��r���. gove�'cun2:z�t c�uggest fs�r a propc�salp 3�5-35�3 uni*s is t�n appr�ximate numY�er; the s�.te do�sn°t l�nd zts�Zf g� singl�:pfsmi.Ay dwel�.in;� +�r dc�y�le.:�e�. A man i.nteresCec3 in abt�ini�g mo:�� in�aztna�iceu asked wheCher the petitics�.er in��uds t� stbb��;�ide or �ell off an�t of tt-.� nr��pErty . Th.*� pe��.tio�.e� an:s*.aer�e� if AO91 n M�� Wil_L�am Her.�-y, 138� H�wftt �ve��±ue: #ra_els the pet��:fo�gr sh�+�sid h�v� a concrete zan.l.�g �a�.a� r�the:. ��,�re �ust a p��n with no de�i.r�ite �ar�pos�is�, Ta c���r�.fy the Yezo�►ixs� prapasal, Mr. Sorenscsc� expa.�ined �.hat �� 4:tnis is rezorned to "C" F.�sic3�nce� t`z� �oning �nard c�anot d�.ctta�e �ah�� will b� c�ns�r�acted or� ��he p�opertSr,° any�:hi�g unde� "G" Resirl��nce zanz.ng cguld be built an the l�aaa Oi[YC4'. i� is a�n�on��l. �Ir. �3oa��n�ar_ said +the co;.1��g€� f.ts�enc�s tr� �.ea�ve the lft+rary bu�.:.da.�g r�n k�� pr.op�rty, �ie has te�sibili�y sC�d�..�s c�f th� subject �i�e, and xndica�te� draw��g� to the Bo�rd 7n�znb�:��. Sin�:.� ��ie p�'opo5sl �t�� Xecei�ved l���l iTiS�1I.1.C�.�� "I.Yl th�. nesaspapesrn t2E��re*�� B�rr�rh said he doe��a't �=e�1 tk�e ch�.�rs;ta ��hou�.d �p�nd � lar�e �u�!mun+t of mc�r.ey or. ��n� pro�ect until tt�� l.<a�� i:� r�zoz�ed, 1Tu�-i�.:g further s�isca���i.ar:� 1'�r„ �is�sei; s�xd L-.h� petitzonex• ahe�talu ca�Ye ft� wi�h t�: mars defi�ite pro�a�c�sl� Because ��ie ���mbex c�f un:L�s �.s n�e a:l�reae�:?y p�.anned, rlr< Bowe�an �e�uesteu t�►at tkie l�a�z�d suggest hcs•�a m�ny dan�.ts sho�:I.d ts� �:x �here. JNir„ �i�s.���.a rvu�idec? aff ti�e figure to �tioext 200 uatx�s, rt�th�r th�it 3�5-350e Sever�al neighborhood ie��c��ent� spak� an tEre� :nat�e�: � wc�na.� sai�d ttovs�� �ar�.r�,c�t ex:e th�i� c�+;� �:.�a�� ya�xds, a�d wai�h a t�.ew buila:��xgp �i��y woesld s�t�.11 be tx°ca�.i��.ed wit�. �xa;fi.c p��ab�.enis� �r, Ar�thur .Jo�ar�ston, b3G�. L:nglec�ood ,���ra�e, i�x'�sa.��r..t• of the S�� l�au:� �3ib1>� Ccs�le�e� ��id they d�esir� to keep �:i���r arac�ra�. couaz��.tment �o the cc�aesnux:itty; �ixey do gaot wish to bring �in an und�si.��,'�le sa.��aa�ion�-th�y war�� L�o m�intain tr.e �niri� and atnt�sphex�� o� t�.h� �re�a. Ma-. Lea Spruncic, �,3�95 �n�;�.��w�od ��weue�e, cca���sla�xnQCS about s'�udents ��aa�t arrive l�te £o� �c3.a�:ses r��:d ps�:?c ��r�ss dri�°�w�;os r.:nd si.deG3�1��, �•;�� A:cPak��i:� �r�i� t�is :nar��er y.s r�at �ert3raen�� .��: the m�t���: i;�:�or.i ��te B��rdy snc� shc�e�ld ?,e refera°�d to th� Ci�y ,A�c.arra�ey�s a.fF:�.c� L;, r,_�mp2y w�ith Ioc�? o�rdinr�ncc��o _.��. ST� PAUIY BIBL� CCtL��GE �4/16J74} (�o��i�u�d�: Mr� Mer�ilJ, Rubit�son� repr�:yextting the ��. Yau� Assoc�.ation t�� �anmiuctitf��, �ated they have bQen concQ�-��ed with �n�irzt:�ining th� neighborhood a� �a sing�e-family ate�. He cc�ia:,��nted zhat St, P'�u� Ba.ble C�1Ze�� ��s �i��n an exc�ellen� a�eigh�or, ;ynd the p�ople sr�.cs represent Che co3.�,eg� �r� pe�plfi of the �igl�est qualitr�. �i� came �o tl�� �onix�g Boe�rd mee�irig on an inf�rm-xti�nal b�sis, and urgea all to 1��2p an open mind on �he sub,jECt. �za or��r to obtain. a fii�rn pr.apo��� i=�am the �aetitianQr, t� find �ut� G�ho wi�.i he subsid�zir�� the ��8n, to stud� t��e tax, b�s� for the si.e.�, and �� recez�e s spe+cific land use, Mr, Ru[r_ick mQ�red fox � lsyover te �he May �0 1970, 13oard t�f Zc��in�g meca�i�.,o The n�nL-ion was ��c�n3e� by r1�. Mm?ptt�¢ �r�� ^.�r:�°,..c�� �a�x8nimotzs 1y. Su.bmit+.�ed by: C�al�nel �a Sorenson Robert Z,o �,mes, ^'hairrts�� �9_ DENNIS A. BOWMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW � / �� 1616 PIONEER BUII.DING SL PAUL, MINN. SS101 T�L[�HONE 222-OS7E ��� ARlA CODL a�z 2����R� June 11, 1970 Mr. Joseph Cartwright Off'ice of the City Attorney Room 316 - Saint Paul Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: St . Paul Bible College Rezoning Dear Mr. Cartwright: Pursuant to our telephone conver- sation on Wednesday afternoon, the following is the legal des- cription of' the premises commonly known as 82� North Albert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota: "The south 50 f'eet of' the west 115 f'ee'c of Lot 2, Block 13, College Place East Division, according to " the plat thereof' on file and of re- cord in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota" . Said premises are to be dele'ced from the property which was approved f'or rezoning by the St . Paul City Council at its meet- ing on June �-, 1970. I trust that this is the information your office needs; but if I can be of any further assistance to you, be sure to let me know. Sinc ely yours, , .l�Jr-r`�, , Denni A. Bowman DAB:dz . . , �, , ,� ��' �� Y . . �F���iti�, � ' _ _ _ • , , ��'a Co6e, rs`Zoninet; btc.. b�a�aded.so��apay�to rezcneprop 18�ol4C t�e�e P1aee.Eaet��on,$a�nd B O A R D O F Z O N I N G, C I TY O F ST. P A U L ����3 �q g�b�Ape.,vacated, �.t t#�ESetb;`I.at 8, Blbck 18 04� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-41!� �e lFa�t'`Divisien, and ttie �3b of Hubbard Ave., vacated, ad�acent theretu• and,th�5outh 50 feeL of the West 115 t�et of Lot 2,Block iS, College Plaee �itgt Ai�!i�3o�. the yrnp- erty bsin�1oca�ed North o!1Cnglewood �Hemlino Ave� to'�I�asae�C I�esidenCe June 3, 1970 ��trt�t we s�a pZo�e�tY t��ng xncwx, as 1361 Englewood•Ave.,$06,&18-20 and 824 N. �lbert St., the Council af the Gitq o! Safnt Paul has Sxed the 4tri d�y of June, 1970, at ten o'clock in the tOrenoon in the Couricil Chamber Mr. Harry E. Marshal l in the. City Eiall of safa city, �gna at said time and place, the Council wi11 C i t y C 1 erk r�ec ommemaationsaielat#ve°��o s�aifl°�d Ro om 3 8 6 C i t y Ha 11 porect ame�,ament. �°" �48tea a�ay zi, is�o. HARIiY E. MARSHALi,, D e ar S 1 T: City Clerk. (MaY 23, 1870)' This is written in response to the petition of the St. Paul Bible Col�ege to rezone from "B" to "C" Residence to enable construction of a multi-story elderly apartment building or buildings�'�roperty located on the north side of Englewood Avenue between North Hamline Avenue and North Albert Street, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was first considered by the Board of Zoning at its April 16, 1970, meeting. The staff report noted that it is proposed to construct a multiple-story apartment development for the elderly on this site, if the rezoning is granted. The property, consisting of about 5.2 acres, has frontages on Englewood Avenue, North Albert Street, and North Hamline Avenue. The surrounding area is zoned "B" Residence and is occupied primarily by single- family residences in good condition. The block adjoining to the south is a City park and beyond that are neighborhood service commercial uses. The staff explained that the Comprehensive Plan recommends that the majority of this site be in semi-public use in recognition of its present use by the Bible College. Staff conclusions noted that the site is located near the intersection of two collector status streets, that limited service-commercial uses are one block away, and that the proposed use could be located on this site without presenting a severe detrimental effect on the residential character of the area. The rezoning, however, may represent spot zoning and multiple-family encroachment into an established residential area which has been maintained in good condition. The staff also noted that the proposal, if granted, may lead to other rezoning attempts and would allow less desirable multiple-family uses than now proposed. Reverend Leo Berreth, Dennis Bowman, and Dr. Arthur Johnson, representing the petitioner, noted that their organization hopes to develop the property with 325-350 units, preserving the beauty of the site. They stated that the proposed elderly housing would be helpful to the City and would be developed under federally- financed program. It was noted that they do not wish to bring in an undesirable situation but rather maintain the spirit and atmosphere of the area. The college intends to leave the library building. After the appearance of several area residents and additional discussion, it was determined by the Board to lay the matter over to obtain a firm proposal, to study the loan subsidization and tax base, and to receive a specific land use. This matter was again considered by the Board of Zoning at its May 7, 1970, meeting, and the staff report was summarized. � � �y"� �f �' � �R� ,� -1- ��� � U �� , . , ' , Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) June 3, 1970 Mr. Dennis Bowman, attorney for the petitioner, outlined the plans of the St. Paul Bible College. The College itself will be relocating to St. Bonifacius, Minnesota. He noted that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority agrees that their proposal to built a high-rise for senior citizen housing constitutes fulfillment of a much-needed use in St. Paul. The project that is contemplated would need a large amount of funds; therefore, they have applied for federal funding. FHA terms state that a project must be non-profitable before federal funds are allocated. Regarding the proposed development, Mr. Bowman stated that the present men's dormitory and the library would remain. They desire a park- like setting for the land. Mr. Bowman stated that 406 units including about 156 efficiency apartments and 241 1-bedroom apartments would be built. The FHA requires that eligibility requirements include residents who are at least 62 years old with incomes under $3,000 per year. It was noted that three of the four residences at the northwest corner of the site would remain for staff personnel. Mr. Jerrold Sullivan, attorney, noted that a neighborhood meeting was held to explain the proposal and that area residents are now in favor of the development. Mr. Merrill Robinson, President of the Hamline Community Association, concurred with the petitioner's claims of neighborhood agreement, and wanted it known that the College has been a good neighbor for many years; he feels the management of this project will be of the same high caliber. Mr. Robinson noted that his association has not taken any action as a body, but their Executive Co�nittee is in favor of the project. He stated that 50-60 area residents were present at the May 4, 1970, meeting agreeing with the developer's idea of a park-like atmosphere around the high-rise. Following a question, Mr. Robinson replied that the various variances that will be needed later were thoroughly explained to the residents at that neighborhood meeting. He said the proposed type of building would not change the character of the area since the old red brick structure will be �emoved and replaced with a modern building. After some discussion, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the petition represents spot zoning, that variances would be too great, that the proposed use would change the character of the area, and that it would not pay 100 percent of taxes as would a private development. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning, by a 3-2 vote, recommended denial of this petition to rezone from "B" to "C" Residence. Very truly yours, ,� � ' ����;z.�..-� , -���� � PETER J. MA� ETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z.F. ��6957 -2- LEGAL DBSCRIPTIO� F0� Zt�NII�G �'IL� tt�. 6457: St. Paul Bibl• Calleg�s All of Block 16 cf College Place, l�ast Divi,sion, and the s�th ane-half nf Hubba�d Av�ue� va,ctt�d, edgac�nt therata; Lat 3. �lock 13, af Coll�se Plac�, �st Diviaia�,� aad Che ma�rth oaa�half of �nbbard Avenus, vacae�ccf� �td�aa�nt thereto� snd tha �a�h SO fa�t af the �est 11S f�et of Lot 2. Slock 13, College Place, Bast Divisicm, all aecording to tha pl�t ther�of on file �nd af record ia th� offic� af ths ��ieter of Daeds� �str Cous�ty� Mi���oCi. . F�a��y E. Ma�shail �,TY ��, Albert B. Olsoa 4 - G`ity Clerk and �°� � °, Council Recordeir r.�7ommissioner of Registration o � , �;�m; , :�� . ^� a OPFICE OF TNE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 City Hacll St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� March 18, 1970 Zoning Board Commerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you Por recommendation the attached petition of St. Paul Bible Colle�e fbr rezoning to Class "C" Residence District the following described property whieh is located north of Englewood Ave. between N. Albert St. and N. Hamline Ave.: Al1 of Blk. 16 of College. Place, East Division, and�the South 1�2 of Hubbard Ave., vacated, ad�acent thereto: Lot 3, Blk. 13 of College Place, East Division, and the North 1�2 of Hubbard Ave:, vacated adjacent thereto; and the South 50 �t. of the West 115 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 13, College Place,� East Divis�on, also deser.ibed as 1361 Englewood Ave., 806, 816-20 and 82� No. Albert St. ;` Very truly yours, ,_ ...... � �- , � C Clerk � ng ZC�NING FILE �� �� " ' �. . ' ' � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' . � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA ' I 13 Court Hou:�,65102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiasioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Dsputy Canmiuionsr Phona:223-4M6 March 18, 1970 To the Conncil City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have re-checked the attached petition of the St. Paul Eible College, " filed in the �atter of rezoning, All of Blk. 16, of College Place, East Diviaioa, und the South 1/2 of Aubbard Ave., vacated, adjacent thereto: Lot 3, Blk. 13, of College Place, East Division, and the North 1/2 of Hnbbard Avenue, vacated adjacent thereto: and the South 50 ft. of the West 115 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 13, Collese Place, Last Division, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, above property also kno�ra as 1361 Lngle�ood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 824 No. Albert Street, St. Paul, Hinnesota. The property is located north of Englewood Avenue between North Albert Street and North Aamline Ave�ue, from a Class "E" Residence District to a Class "C" Hesidence District, and find that ssid petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, B � es J. glis o�iss o er of Finance Re: R-865 cc; Mr. Ames 1�. R. Aeiden ZONING FILE �� � ' •, � • • t/� .,_.. ,, + � ! }I ._��* J' .. ~ , , , ,,.,,c. , �...�,,��.�.��-�' . , . " , � DENNIS A. BOWMAN _ ATTORNEY AT LAW 1816 PIONEER BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 � TELE�MONE 222-0575 � '�-�� AREA CODE 612 '� � �� ��� U� March 5, 1970 �' �" c-1%' �``} i r-�r,�. � o _o� c�` "� --c� � -,� �::,: �� City Clerk m �;::. Room 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find a photo- copy entitled "Amended Petition" of the original Petition filed in your office with respect to the rezoning of certain property owned by the St , Paul Bible College located at 1361 E�glewood Avenue, St . Paul, Minnesota, and property adjacent thereto . The Amended Petition contains additional signatures in order to comply with the requirement that two-thirds of the owners of the property located within 100 feet of subject real estate consent to the rezoning . I have reviewed this matter with the Department of Finance for the City of Saint Paul and have the following additional information to supply in connection with the amended Petition: A, 78g N. Albert Street; the co-owner of this property, Mr. Frederick B. Stocker has now signed the Petition. B. 803 N. Albert Street; Flossie A. Chuyrek has signed this Petition as the owner of subject property. C. 1356 Hewitt Avenue; according to the records of the St . Paul Abstract Company as related to m� on the telephone, James E. Elms is the owner of said premises . The office of the Department of Finance indicated a Mr. and Mrs . Purdy were the owners of subject premises . I have made a telephone inquiry to Mrs . Raymond Purdy, who indicated that she and her husband formerly owned said premises but had sold it to James E. Elms . D, 815 N. Hamline; Elaine F, Glomski as co-owner of said property has signed the Amended Petition. Z4N1�1t� Ff � � � �-' l.E -.��� ,� ��� � . . . • . � City' Cl•erk -2- March 5, 1970 E. 811 N. Hamline; Mr . Edwin H. Raymaker, a co-owner of said premises, expired on December 8, 1g63, and a certified copy of his death certificate is affixed to the Petition. F. 77�+ N. Hamline; Margaret Morrison, a co-owner of said premises, has signed the Amended Petition. It is my understanding that the above additional signatures and information will more than satisfy the two-thirds requirement for signatures of adjacent land owners . If I can be of any further assistance to you . regarding this matter, be sure to let me know. . Sin rely yours, . ,��� Den is A. Bowman DAB: cd Enclosure . c> '-��. �� � ~� c..� -o� b r�t c:- � r�c �� r. �� � � =� � �� "t7 f7 R7 �"`"', c--. �'� ��� �/ �� :..� ZONING ��LE �� � � �� . , 1��ZNUTES 0�' TI� �.JIiI,Id: H�AR�I�� BEFOItE THE Bt�RD 0�' ZO�VIf�FG oa� T`ht�rsd€�y, �1�y 7, 1970, �t ?:00 PoA:a PREGENT: P��ssrs. Ames, Ga��.ex; ��uger, �1tcPartyin, �nd Af�re��a �i �he �oar�3, �nd P;�S4�5. }i;�o�a and aor�ns�sns �irs. �rantz�:n� ard�d A'.��SS Sperr e�f tl�e aE:�t£. ST, PALtI� BiB�L+ �AT�aEG�; t� pet:i.ti:i.an �o r�zone froPn `�B�s to ��C„ Re��_der�ce to all�ca cc�xi:TMruc�.i���. m� ;� �:I�l.g,:��staxv �?d�:r�.g� ap.��t�r.etxt. '�a��.:�din; or.• buildings property ?�c�t�cl oci �Y�S� nrar�:h side o� Englewfl�� �,v�entB€� bet�*�e� �Torth ki�aml�n.� �venu� A�d N'o?�t�� l�Jbetr_ S�reet. Tliis rn,�t�:er w�as �ai.ci over �.ros� t'1x� Apr.il l�i, 1970, maet:�r�� �� er��'t�l�: t:ce pe�i����.e� �c� sisbmit � i�7:�r p�•ic>�asQl for t�►d F>rop�r��y . Niz'„ BY•oUrn brieEly sur,¢�,�rized Che sL-a�f �:c����;���:, tYOtin� ths�t tt�te siZ� tcei:��.s at�ciE� ' S.Z ar_x�s, the. C�aeuprehc��iv� ��:�r. c�co�r�s�a�:lds �.lx�t th� mr.t�ori�:.y �>.f �:'a.i:� site I�� i�s semi-pabl�c use�;, raxxd ,-i�;� surrounc3ing �re� is �•�cor�xne�d�d fs�� singZ��-�a��i�.y �nd ci�pl�aac �xF� l,�iL-h Pab�.ic decresZi�na�. land:� t:e� th� s�s�°:.tx. St�f.f cc�t�eJusia�� rac�t�� �h,�t ?:h� :�.s.t� �.e� 1c�c:��.E�c� �A�,�;: [:�:� i��ter�t:c�:i_c��. of tw�a collec�or st��t�� �er€:�ts a.nd r.esr � 1�.m1.t�d npight�ochr_Fotl cammeicxa2 center. ?'d�� :�tazf na��d �h�t the site cc�u�.d be OCCl1jD2.P.d by a mu°t�zpte-s�ory elderly ��sR.ci�rat�al s�ructur.e ca��r.taa�s� �res�nQing a s�rinces cietrimental :;�r�flca�rc� ur `�ie resi�34antia4 cla�rx�c��.=_r c�� �:�ie area. I� wms �lso n��e�, hcwe�e�r, �hat �h� prnposal may ae s.ons{.dere�l o�spo'� �onir�g"� th�t i� r�rsr�s�r���.�`:� r::ulr.i�ale-f'smi.�y encrra�cEame.�t- ir��o �n establ:�;�h��i :�esidenty.�:� ��.D� t,,�3ic�h3 has i�ee�. ma�n��ined in �ood ccr��i4�ior� and th�+:� :�.� r.a.ap lead t� otf�er �:��,c:,rcir�� e��empts i�1 t4�� �rea. ih� a�a�� conclud�d t�at �he r�zc,nir��„ i; �;r��-cr��1, ���uld �Ilc�. Ies� ����.r�k�le multipi�-family uses tt�an �h�� �a.za�ren��.y proposed. Air. pe�niF �o*.aman, a�Ctox`ri��� �'c��~ t�e peti�woner, out�.�.necl E:he p,.��s of the S�. FsuL Bib1� Cc7�.�.€�g�. �t'1-��:: �e:s.�.ege �.�self �ai r�. be r��.or�gting tv St. Bc�r�ifm�ci�as, Minr.�sc�i-a. I�:� n�,f.s�� Lhat the Hc�using �tnd Rec;evelopm�ni. �utho��.ty �a�;.r.�es 6��:��� �h�ir• pr��r:�Fs�� to build � htgh�r.s.�� fa�r �eniox° citizen ]�uur�,r�g cr�rxsti.t.ut��� ruR:k�f..�.'�.�r€��t csf. a m�.c�.-r�eeded �a�� �.x� ��;� P�i��.�. T'ne pr���ct �h�t is cc���tern�l��Ed ;�cs�;�.d arEed � 1mr�� amc���n� o� furt�s; there�'ore, tney °n�9-a� app3.{�3 i:rs�:• rF�ci�x���. �unt3ing. :l'�d.A t�trns �t:ste �hM�t a pro��ec� t:nu�?� b� r��+n�pro�:i.Ya�[��,�; b��o�< �ederal. f�cnds ��r.•e rz1:�z�cz�ti;ed. A f�a��bi�.��ty �i���uy ta�� m�de l�5n �.r, Kez�net:h �r�.cksdn, �ho proceedr.sl �o �+xer��siC; ��� 4�� �c�Tr.d ��a� r:z.c�d: ;1z,;;s�. a:� �-?�� ^�.C�; Cia�y <3;:�. �ts:;;Y.a�� to re�:�ti�� glg� ch�r.a�¢:�.r nf ���re� *��•r�;., :�nd T7a�.*� �.racorUara�e,=� �a m�s�.l effect. ge��z�cii€a.�; i.�Ze �ror:ogcsse� c�ear��.�����e��*x.S ?�i.;°� �'�wrr��. st�a4:�� t�a�s�,: k?�,�� t,r.�ar�nt: nien°s c?cs��:al�c�r,y z�nu �iae A�?ar�rra c,�=•;�;�d x��mai�. ihey nesirP � ;��rk-iit�� settin�� �:ur �`n� Aend. k'';�c��:.�r�:�.z�Iis c.��' t�?� �x�r�a we,:ca rass�d ar.�ax�ar' �or.• --?_ , , ,. , ST, PAUL BIBI.,E C�LI�G�: (5/7/7q� (�ontiaued) th� B��ad members tt� stu�a,ye T4: ��r�; xaa�ed ti��� °'G�.d M8��2" wc��ald �Se repl�cEd by a building �.awer �han: c`,hat of th.� pre�r�nt un�. Senio:: citiz��.s TdauZd not ��Q�a�.rc z`�� :�.�� a� u�t�.vs �kir�� �L1IIli��.�5 �ac�r�2d need. '�he petitic�ner fe�?� �?:� uer�s�.ty fs qui_t� lc+�; whe ���z.Idin� wou.�d co��r �bout �+5,0�(3 �q�aai�e feet, the p�r�.Ing lot ab�L�e 45,O�U sqeasre fc�eC, �nd the remai.r�c��� �� r.ta� areA �a�ruld be gr�ssy �F���e. Thes� �:E;�ures ir_di�ate i.t�a�. less �.t�a�. 25yo c�f til�� lanel �r�� E�r�;u1d be occupi�d �3r s btiildf�g. 'a�s� �bs�ild�.rg �rouS.d be 5�i �eet higT� @,s•�x stories}, b� �'ixeproof, la�Je m�sc�n:i�.e constrcac4:ionp t�nd ti��y pe�i�.�_c�?r feels �h�s •Ls a per���t l.oc��ic�i: f.o�: senior �itizen ta�ou�i�.:�o '�h� Coll.ege cont�inds this is �h�� �ti���t Imnd use ��� the ±°�ef�;t�i��zr�soa�. As f�r as traffic is co.�c��x-a.i��r z i� wi?1 be noraina�.; the •vA1R�me eNil.L be much 3ess than now with. �:k�� cu._leg� on �h+e si�e. �e.ibi`�c trans- portaCi�ax �:a�r the �2d�:r1y c���.:,�w�n.; a� fln3.y s �lmck �s��y �� ire�� i�fzanelaaiia Av�enu�e, Staf� �n���aers �nc's vi,�t�es witi� cmxs sail.i ��;.LpY �he ma jox���y af tkae p�s4,ing �pace� a°��ilable� sin�p most �en.ant� � wiZl no�t cvez� at�ru autnm�bi�.��. 1� �3as noted ttsat �11S.,ClQO �Ti�.� be �aiv in i:axer per year �cor �€�� �'i�•s� i5 y�srs; tz�xES �fter i:�.��: woul+d �� cq��.4J�1ent to any �t,;�ie.r ;�<��tmet�t �S;sild�.ng. '�"he t�.;a���� th�t wau�.� �c paid b�� �h� p��.:�r_��c3xa�r would be identic�l to 4�Q� �i�m+�� �n t�� xc�ig�i��y[zomd. ,A� �:re�t�zat: �;��re �re no rc��a. �st�t� CS�.t�� �,��d on this propextp. Mr., &�wma�i r.frn�irued t4 Yxplsi.n tt�a�: �a��hc�u� c:hil�:ire�. ;;.n t�se high-x�i,� t€! c�•.wwd �eighbc�z��aod schoa�.:a, �k��_s �� � desi��bZ� praject for thc. ar��. HY noeed, ho:�ever, �hat varianc�s will t�e re�ues�ed �+£ diff�x�nt; �,•�rd�: d€�nsitY, t�ar.k:�.�;, ?tr.., T?�c� FHA re�i�±�.r�:c� �a tt:fn3.me�ua c�f atle F�rk:�ng spr�ce fe�r eac[� fceur �.irs�.ts ; a comparisa� wm� �.o�ed tha�� mo�� L�o+.:si�g snd l�e�ievelopment Au�hor�Cy high-r�sas ha�ve one p�xk�ng s,,�ce �o� every t?��ee unit�. 2't:e p�etiC�ozn�r doesn`� f��2. �hi� kna.sch �s nec�sse�y. As f�r. ,�s t�,e�,���ut dif£er�.n:�w, 3 stc�ries �s rsrd�._rz��-i1� perm�t�ed; this �3eveZopment c�a�l�i be 6 s�or�es hi�t�. �hel tia�7h t�a ncyt-e, ho*aever= t��t ev�t3 tt-_t��z�;l:, �:h.e ne�a building would b� 6 stor��s hi�h, it wouic3 stiY�. be 2� feez ��elo�v t�.e pr.e�ent �uilding`s r�efgh�, �'ta��e �aa� a �ni:igh�ortac3od m�*���tx�a� P2Gnday n-.;.gtit, ri��y 4, �974, t,ria�rr� t�.� p�oi�osal e�aa ex�Z�in�d �y thQ petitione�- to th� arer� �c��.c?�xiv:,, �„ha subsec�u�ntly ere ix� f�vor Qf the pro��ct. Mr. �otimnan �i:a�t�+� i:��t about 15fe efficiency a��rt�E�tc, and '24�. �.�bed�oam �p�artxn�t�.k:.: u;r�x�?.d be �u:�lt; t.h.�: �Tr� r�.�qu�re� ¢�;.�s�: eligibi`s.:.�y r�quf,r.em,ec�ts ix�cle�d�� i�s�.a�rats whr� ar� �e le�•:� b� ye�ars ol.d wi9:aa incor.�es undeL $3a0QC! �e;r �;rQ�r. T�t w�z agreed thet af�Fr t��� loan �: �za�d t:��f �/+�1 y�ars`) *�-ie s:�?•� coulc3 be solf ��r s a-�g�i��� �partme�zt bui:tdi�a�,2 i:z�scnuctx �a;: i� �-�ou�d be °tt"' Rrsid�:�ce zeara_4e:.�� Referr�xs� �� �h� �I.cs� pl.s�$�. p��.��a>�r�.�.�acs, �ixo �zadler as'�ced wt�e�s:,�r �.�y c�� the han��s cxa �Y�e na�th �:���� c�a E�L;�w ;:�;:�perL-y �are ta t�p rLmav�s.� ; rir. Bo�ra��. 5t�t�d i:t��t � c.�:� ��:�:�� G,. J,:s�ld re:nais�. Rev����tci ��::z��ett� of ��e �ol��r�ga� ra.�t�:+� �'h�t s�.�:':'t� p�:-sfiannel wru�ci lf.ve Are �1�� � 'i�+orrF�s; oc�� razl� ?:re :°��noved to ��_s:sr,;rr;zczz��Le a driveway. ��_ � • - . . STe PAUL BZRLE CO�LEGE: (5/7;7(�� (Contin�sed) Mre Gauger �sk�c� �xo� m�n.y 4n3.�s jr�r��.a?.c� �� germktted ��,�e:� �h� r�,-�cT Ganing Ca�e. rir� So,rr�:��csn sa:�_c� ���:� ;aou�.d deper�d upon the b�c?r�<nn layout--there is a €or^�«�la i:t�at �a�a�.d be fol�.owed, buF� it �aoald be much Iess than ��;e pr.op�ss�� �•fJ� �ni;:s�. Attorney fog tEx� NortYeweste�~cx ?�t:�.��i�nary A21iuAa.ceA Mr, 3er.v:f�7.� S��rliivan, r��it�xt�ted ��±�±� a� 9�t��: I�.�dy 4, I970, m�eting o� th� ��I3.c:�;� and area �-esic�x�rs, alI cae�-e ir� £�a�r�x of the dev�logmeni:4 I��. .�.oted �hmt sev�ra�I �z th.� pecan�.e ar� ;�.��c ;��;-��nr�ance �a� i:fiis me�L-�.ng tr� �.��xxd support. Mro Merxi�.Z ��Qbf�.�o:n� I�ri-er:�d�r.�� �s3: 4.zte Etaml.ine C�:uraitiy fi�,�o�{:.n.t;:�.�at�,� concurred �;�.t:� �he g�tizic���ez�`s c:��aim� of n�ign.borhoo� agre�manCk and wanted it Yu�c��v�x that t�e G�;1�e�� ���, been � goocl neighbcrr t�ur. n�•ny years; he f*�eZy the rnan�gefliezat Uf rli?s proj�ct will be �s� �ixa:� s�rr:p high c�sAih�r. F1r, Ro�insc;r� nat:c�a ;�x�s� his s�soc,.a¢:xon t�:n� nct t�k����1 any �cti.or. as a body, �.,ur theis° Ex�cutive C'cnnmittee 3.s i:s ���roY, s�f the �rojzc��. �€e s�.�at�f� tha�. 50-6i1 �re� rgsi.d�n�� were pre��n.�t �,t �l�e r:�y �a; �.97Q, me��3.33g :��;r����.� w�.th �he develoger'� idQa rdf �a park-Ailke ��:r�o:phere �roaud t�� hAg'�A-�?°fs�r Follotaing t� qex�s�ican by Mr, Gadi�;r, �iro Ro�ai�2son r.ep�.:e:r� that �he v�rious vAZ�ianc�s �h�� wil� �e n�cd�d l�t�� were thc,r.�i��h�.y ��tp1.a3.n�d to the resid��ts at that iae�at1�3f3?"�aoad ueeti�.g. Rir, T.�1�:I.�:�ta a,l�ed whes�h�a� th.i� r.vp.e €at buildin� wcs*ax�� ct��rig� the chs�r���tnz �o�: �Y:� ar�a; Mro Kobinson s�id it would r�ot$ �t�nce tne o�d reci �wi,c?� strucCure iai.11 be remov�d �nc� repla�ced ti�°+�h � mod��ri bui�.di�:�b. ".C��e �i�mlin� Gao�r�aiity A�s�c7.a�foc� has confiuenc� tha� L-hr� Cc�l}.e�;�: wri�.�. fcs�.�ow the p�.an subm�.t.�e:l ta the resi!�er�Q, �shich siir�ui.d i�Q�� te��� Gar��i� d�Y:riII-��t��1 e€f�cts. Mr� Dale Freemt�n, 1.0�9 t�o�th Ht�m�.;.tx�:: .��renu�, st�te�d �hat he Yvrsul.ci �� even more xn ¢�vor a� �he proj�ct_ ±F L-h� buildiaa� would hsve ax�.1.�r 4 stories, zg��<a� tta.an 6, P.re Su1L�.�an r.nk.�u �:�^a� if t�?is pro.:s�r.t daesx�'�: ��; 'througinA �he i�����e°-r:y wi7.1 pxo�rabZy }�e sc�Id �o H�mlixaca ��,�.i.c:ge L-o us� �or an ath�.etic fie1�, which woul.d x�o� prmdc.xc� ar►y ����c�� f�x� the ��ty. Thfs would d�finiL-eZ}* ch�mge tlie character o� �he ar_e�r , 'r'h� �ol�.�ge is �►ot try�.ng, �c� sc�amp�.,i�h s�2f#.s� erb�s ro �hey wiai� ro be c�K ��we�<a�it k:o t�se axQa. �I�r, Sc�r�nson :�eted th�?� the :tz�.c��rsst �uestf+�n �nd t:h� v�srl�anc� qu.�7stian desexve �.a �i+� ��eat:e�i �ep��°��ei.y--�t�s� qez�stic�u tod�y is ttie t�z���.� �.a�d--s,�sE< r:r. Gau���: fen�s Yti is a xc�asc,�..��3.�� �z�ojece l�u� �:lic nexmber of unfts i� n,ot reasv�.;�b1�. 5peakiii� �n ir�var; ��~�� resic�L�.t: ;r,.s�..e �'se���,z�x?. sa��a� +the �o�.l�c:� h�� ����� a good ne�"�►bc�r w�-eo �S��ps thc� �;ra�.tiaacls �ae�t ���c� o..de�ly, �.�.. . � � � ' - ST, PAUT� BIBLE COLLEGE: �S/7/!0) (Contiraued) Since he feeis this is the worst type o£ spot; zoning and that tl�e varia:nc�s wo�a�d be toc� gr�at, rir. McPartli�. m�,ved icar de�,�ial s�� �he petitivze. Mra M,ai�tta second�d t�.� �notion, r�citing �hat origfnally the �ttez �a�s latd over �a seudy the proposa7. and the rax base. He feeZs the city co�uld profzt more if t�is was a private enter- prise th��: would pay l�� perc,��a�: oi the taxes. He further sti�ated th�t; this projer� would chang� ttze characeer af th� neighborhoo� desperately and thaC a �aaxdship is not evident in r�gard �o den�ity. The mption carried by a vnte of 3-�y with plessrsa Ames and ��uger voting �eg�iast the d�nialo Submiteed �i}�. Golonel I.,; 8or��ason Robert I,o Ames, Chairman -6.� � City Clerk , CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 riay 22, 1970 Ffle X865, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambexs of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on Jnne 4, 1970, on the petitioa of the &t. Paul Bible College to rezone fran a "B" Resfdence DisCrict to a Class "C" Residence District on property located aqrth of $nglewood Ave. between North Albert St. and N. Hamlfne Ave. and described as follaws: All of Block Sixteen (16) of College Place, Sast Division, and the south one-half (S�) of Hubbard Ave., vacated, ad�aceat thereto; Lot three (3), Block thirteen (13) of College Place, East Division, and the north one-half (N�) of Hubbard Ave., vacated ' adjaceat thereto; and the south fifty feet (S50 feet) of the west oae hundred fifteen feet (ii115 feet) of Lot two (2), Block thirteen (13), College Place, East Division, all accordiag to Che plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, R�sey County, Minneaota, above property also knowa as 1361 Englewood Avenue, 806, 816-20 and 824 N. Albert St. , St. Paul, Minneaota. For further 3nfora�atioa contact the Planning Board, Rootu lO1Q Comnerce Building or telephone 223-k151. JAI�:S J. DALGLISH Co�mnissioner of Finaace O ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � ��<J�'�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 hereby concurs in and approves the appointment by the Mayor of John F. Nash, 332 S. Mississippi River Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as a member of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, effeeti�e July 1, 197�, to fill the unexpired 6-year term of Harold L. Rutchick, which term expires August 18, 1970; and the reappointment of said John F. Nash to the full 6-year term expiring August 18, 1976 . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�� 2 3 �97 0 19— Yeas Nays .;�,� 2 � ��70 Butler Caxlson rov 19� Levine '� ` � �In Favor v Meredith Sprafka U yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUN 2 '� 1970 �� • T � .�F V ��''_ �. i ' � r a ::.a7 � �� � j��� �� � ! � `�� ..� � C� ,..: � - --�o----- - - - -- -_ _ _ y��;ys�- _ �_ _ — - ---_ --- - -_ -- -- --- __ _ -- ____ - __ __ _ -- --- ___._ --- - — -----+��!-�-_-- - - -- --t��-�t� _ - -- _ _ --__ __ -- _ _ __ _ - - � __ _ _ ___ _ _ . � /� � � � -_L� -- -_�_ _ _ _ _ --- _-- __ - - _._ _ _ .__ -- � ------ - � _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ - - _ _ __ �;�1�.-1��- _ - - _ . - _ _ _ � _ -- - - - � � --- -__ _ _ f _ _ _ - - - -- -_ _ ._. . _. _ - - - _ . _ - - --�--- - _. -- -- - - _ _ _ �' _ ----_ _� ___. --- __ - __. _ __ _ _ ^ �__� r --------- --- � - -- - �2� -- __ - -- _ f ----- _ __ ___ _ _ ._ _ _ %��� _ _ -__ _ , _ _- - - -- - _ _ -- _ --- - _ _ -. .�.�- - �f't� _ / _ _ �i"� - - ^_�^ _ . � _ _ . �- _�i_ _ �,y� t _ ___ _ _ .. _ _- -- . - - ___- --_ ___ � �'�'� � d _`?'�t�:� �Z � �- -- — --- _ _ _ ___ __ - 1��� s��..�_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK o . � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO�% - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF R&SOLVED, That the Co�►eil of the Ci�g of Saint Pa�al hereby approves the public z�otice which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by refere�ce, and clixects the City Clerk to �rablish the same forthw3.th ia the Lega1 Ledger, the official ne�rspe,per oP the City cf Saint Pavl. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci`�N 2 3 1970 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��.1� � 3 ���� Carlson Ap rove 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty 'PUBLISHED JUN 2 7�197A � � �`3��''J� ♦ RTBI�IC Nt)TICE Parsuant to direction of the Council of the City of Saizrt Paul, and pursuant to Qrdinance No. 6�6, as amended, of said City, public nptiee is hereby �iv+en that the Council has set a hearing on July 8th., 1970� at it� regular meetiag on said date, for the purpose of consideririg a rev3.sion of salaries of eertain titles in Grot�p F of Seetion II oP Ordi�a.r�ce No. 64�6. Dated J�ane 23, 1970 (June 27, 1970) PUBLlSHED JUN 2 71970 � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH _ , s.�no�o►v�w wew� CERTIFICATE OF DEATH � 1'1��A�(-Qr�A1Fl S1AIE O�MINNE50� li Y.USUAL RESIDENCE (Wh���d�ces e i���e� u nq�tunon�.reudt b�lor� I . � COl1Nh' . • Si,1TE b.COUNTY dmnf�on.) Rnmsey P4innesotg Hamsey —�r. — �< <er.�crH a < orv,u�x«r- STnY�n 1 b. � St. Yaul 50 vrs.'' st. Paul , i � �.a,.Aew�W«�mma�ee.n.e�.ea�.ddra�) � d STREET ADDRE55 vosr ovviee i �ru� 811 No. HAmline 811 P1o. Hamline �, � A M 1 C A E IIMI e.I RESIDENCE INSIDE CORDORHTE LIMIiS� ',1.IS RESIDENCE ON A f,1RM� �� rts y ,.,o:. I'� Z vES �No i vES � No� � I1.DATE-"-Month--D--- Ye� �°E�N�, Edwin Y.. Raymaker � �°TH 12 8 63 S�(x 0 CGLS���/�CE i MA IED NEVER MHRRIED ^ B.DHTE O�BIRTH 9.HGE(In�un��If UNUFR 1 YE.�R If UNDER Y�HRS. '�, I� b�nM�v) �MeMM� D�n Hours i Mln. ' Male � lahite � w�oovv�o o avoRCeo❑ �5/13/1888 7� � i � j � 10. A I ( n�Y�M d we.Y i 10b.KIND BUSINE t1.BIRTHDI�CE;Si.0 or 1e.e�m w���.v) 14.CITIZEN Of�WN/1T � �ry l,r.M r a1 wyYrM IAe,even d reured) INDUS RY COUNTRY? � �� Yrinter St,Panl Dispatc West DePera,wis. � U.S.A. °� D 11� IAfN�F�NM�M— 13b. H 'S MMpEN N/�ME I 1�.$DOUSE'S NAME � N Henry Reymnker Anna Maas , Johanna R�aker_ � � 1Xro'WR�ASFDT���N U.S—MM 6T6ICHNKe�i 16 5 C NO ii iNFORMAN�S OWIJ SIGN 7URE A� �ESS n��'rtinn� � i Yes `�"°� Unknown ,1 i( l's r r�� f6 �, ` '� nm w we pe.I�M •.( .�nd(c.) � IN VAL B N �MT I p(ATM WA$�AUSEp!Y: � �I ONSET AND DEnTH � j v.N�Ep�TE UuSE c.) "s.. ^-,rr1�al i��-rcti on ---- f � cw.wi.. �«.. p�J�� _ , r.. � +Md�w.ro. ���� — �s.� �wr u). � ( )�� � �—_S____� i b y Ny r�M�• ��/�� � I (J �DUE TO(c �� � ' —� p; � ��� AN �N LH O H IMMEDIn E UUSE GIVEN 11 1v.WAS AUTp05Y � � MI�AfT t(J � �� DERFpg�tMED� I YES ❑ NO ❑ i T�ON � A I I � ' I I J 14 ;�}..N 4. IOF MIC�DE. i50EClfY1. �p0l.�RIBE MpVr/INJURY OCCURRED. (Emer n.�„e ol�niu.r�n D�tt I or D�n 11 0l�i<m 18) � � ^�l : . voa.nr.�t a /+w, r.�o�. D.., v..� , �NAXY o� 9Q1 W1WY�CC���MED �Wh RACE Of INJUQY lr!. �' r�be��I Y(Y.CI ,�QQ iOWNSHIG COUNTY $iATE WMRf A1 ; NOf WHILE :_ ��. I��n. IK�o.i. �irert oflice bldl, e�c.)', WOk /1i WQP[ ', Y \ 4� ��nb r�rM E d ___ —' - . . .. . � 1 c...ed I,o� __ . ..__ ___,�o ._...._ ..rd�h��I lari iew ih<d�c<es�d�I v<on _19_. - 'b r"��'^� 4 � - ._ n h d i si�a abo i ard b�he btu of mv L�owl<d9�I.om�hi c�usn 44t�d. � Pq��ipr,ni� r'!p.!k ��k' __ .. . . 44b.nDORE55.. . . . Y4c.D.1TE SIGiNED 1 ��"L�'�-"� � � ''�� t�': . .. � - .., �. ,,,,�A �, ���,1 2 j ]1-'-1-63 � _ .. � IyN ���� p�� A Yic NAMk CfMF1iVY F(.RLM/�IOkY .7d LOC/�il N�C . �'eg�o.co�n�y) (St�tt) Fiurial � �1? ��,� I' iona� CemeterY �, f�'ort Unellinr, ,Iinn. .s f+DwfE Ilr Br— Ps St np;SiGN�pF�.. -_-___. -- _ - � - - ; lOC�1L!FG 46 SIGNHIURE O�MOPiCI�fJ Ok{��1N P IRECIOk .1DDRESS —�- �,� " "hze7ler-.�ies m �'��--�-?_-__—__ -- ` �st.Psu11 Nlinn. " - I hereby certify that [he above is a true and correct copy of the official record on file with the Bureau of Health of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Any alterations shown were made under the authority of the Minnesota Statute 144.172 anci the regulations of the State Board of Health. (Signed) ___�_���`, this��day of� 19�Q. , � Deputy Registrar Ist � �J ' '� 2nd /' �� Laid over to 3rd and app _Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson Carlson � Levine Levine Meredith ��n� Meredith �1�� � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCari�y Mr. President McCarFy O