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` ;�t st.� � :�;� �s�rra �r it. t� �L� �..# #a �s t� �r : _
+�fr�r i�t. �► � �rr., �1 t+�r i� � � � '!�.�► lf'�i� �-1� :
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� .under Freliminary Order � appro�+ed, Ya� �. �f
,intermediary Order : . app�auP� �'
` A pu}�li+e h�aring having been h�d upon i�e abo�e �nprovemeat upon due noface,rand the Cou�cil �
liaving heard a�l persons, object�ons and reaeomrnendations relative thereto, ancl havi�g;ful�y co�tsi��r�ed
_ the same; therefore, be it _ . -` . �
_ ��SOLVED, By the Co�n�3i o! ttie City�f�. P�1 that the preeise �t#�e, ext�t and ki�d=�i�n- --
Construction of a public storm sewer in ADA ST. from Concord St. to Robie �' ' ' '
St. ; in Ai�ITA ST. from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in BANCROF7 AVE, from �
Winifred St. to Robie St. ; in CONGRESS ST. from Robert St. to Clinton Ave. ; �'
in ISABEL ST. from Robert St. to Greenwood Ave. ; in CLINTON AVE. from Isabel I
St. to Delos St. ; in ROBERT ST. from Isabel St. to Concord 5t. ; in DELOS ST.
from Robert St. to Wabasha St. ; in WABASHA ST. from Delos St. to Congress
St.; in WOOD ST. from Robert St. to vacated Starkey St. ; in ROBERT ST. from
Wood St. to Colorado St. ; in COLORADO ST. from Robert St. to Clinton Ave. ;
in ANOREW ST, from Winifred St. to Robie St. ; also construct public sanitary j ;
sewer in ROBIE ST. from State St. to Qrown Ave. ; in BANCROFT AVE. from ! "�
Concord St. to Robie St. ; in STATE ST. from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in �; ;
BROWN AVE. from Page St,. to Rob�e St. ; in RO41E ST. from Andrew St. to Kansas ' �
Ave. ; all to be known as CONCORD TE�tRACE - 1970 - S-1394 (with P-0517A) and
------ -_-1971 - 5-1395_ (w i th P-o518) .
,° and the Council hereby orders.saic� improvement to be made.
FtESOLVED FUR;THER, That the Commissioner.of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and,specifications for sai d improvem�nt�and subxnit same to the Council for
approval; tha.t upon sa.id approvai, the proper'city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the znaking of said 'unprovement in acc�o�dance therewith.
� �� Adopted by the Council ,UN 2 3 1���
Yeas BUTLER Nays
cnR�sorv Ap�a�� J U N 2 3 1970
SPRAFK^ � Favor
TEDES' J ayor _
McCA� Against �uB�ISHEU JUN 2 7 1970
8-68-SM �� �1
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: � , Apri1 2 19 70
To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul:
The Commissioner of Public Works. having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 247793
approved March 10 19 7� relative to
I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cos� for the construction of a �
--- public storm sewer in ADA STREET from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in ANITA
STREET fran Concord St. to Robie St. ; in BANCROFT AVENUE from Winifred St. �
� to Robie St. ; in CONGRESS STREET�from Robert Street to Clinton Ave. ; in
ISABEL STREET from Robert St. to Greenwood Ave. ; also construct public ,
sanitary sewer in ROBIE STREET fromnState St. to Brown Ave. ; in BANCROF7
AVE�vUE from Concord St. to Robie St. Ail to be known as CONCORD 7ERRACE -
i970 S-1394, (with P-0517A) , under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 247793,
approved t•tarch 10, 1970.
an d h The lntermediary Order should be changed to read as follows: Construct re by
public storm sewer in ADA STREET frorn Concord St. to kobie St. ; in ANtTA
repor STR�ET from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in BAI�CROFT AVEPJUE from 4Jinifred St.
to Rob ie St. ; i n COPdGRESS STRCET f rc:n Concord St. to C 1 i nton F�ve. ; i n
� ISA6EL STREET from Robert St. to GreenwQOd Ave. ; in ROBERT STREET f rom �0
Isabel St. to Congress St. ; in DELGS S7ftEET from Robert St. to 1�labasha St.; ` -
in WAQAShr1 STREET Trom Celos St. ta Congress St. ; in '•lOaD STRE�7 from Robert
St. to vacated Starkey St. ; in ROEERT STREET from l�lood St. to Colorado St. ; "--����
in COLOftADO STREET from Robert St. to Clinton Ave. ; in At�lOREW STRtET from
""""- tJinifred St. to Robie St. ; also consti-uct public sanitary sewer in R081E
STR£ET from State St. to arown Ave. ; in EANCROt=T AVEtSUE from Concord St. to ea ;' �
Robie St. ; in STATE STREET from Concord St. to P.obie St. ; in 3ROlJiv AVEi�i1E
from Page St. to Robie St. ; in R031t STR�ET from Andrew St. to Kansas Ave. ,
all to be known as CONCORD TERRACE - 1970 - 5-1394 (with P-0517A) and �
_�97�..=_5��395 �with_P-05176) .- -- ----- -- - ------ - -- - --
4. Improvement is asked fo� upon petition ��
Commissioner of Pu lic W
. .
� RICNA�:D A. SCHtiARR �r/ (/'\j� * Q H '
' � C•u�..r' L!..:!.GCIt C I � i \J I S A � � � � / 1 U L TY UM ,:i ER
Capital or Minneso�a
DLP�4R�"�Y E��� �: c'�9�a;� �;�J��ttS
234 City Hall & Court House 55102
~s"�;._J�� � . .
April 2, 1970
Hon. James J. Dalglish .
Commissioner of Finance
City of Saint Paul
Re: Concord Terrace-1970 S-1394
(With P-0517A)
Dear Si r:
I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a
public storm se�ver in ADA STREET from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in ANITA
STREET from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in BANCRO�T AVENUE from blinifred St.
to Robie St. ; in COPlGRESS STREET from Robert Street to Clinton Ave. ; in
ISABEL STREET from Robert St. to Greenwood Ave. ; also construct public
sanitary sewer in ROSIE STREET from State St. to Brown Ave. ; in BANCROFT
. AVENUE from Concord St. to Robie St. Al1 to be known as CONCORD TERRACE -
1970 S-1394, (with P-0517A), under Preiiminary Order C.F. No. 247793,
` approved t•larch 10, 1970. �
The Intermediary Order should be changed to read as follows: Construct
public storm sewer in ADA STREET from Concord St. to Roaie St. ; in AN17A
STREET from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in BA�JCROFT AVEf�Uc from Winifred St.
to Robie St. ; in CONGRESS STREET frcm Concord St. Co Clinton Ave. ; in
ISABEL STREET from Robert St. to Greenti�lood Ave. ; in R08ERT STREET from
{sabel St. to Congress St. ; in DELOS STREE7 from Robert St. to l•labasha St.;
in WABASHA STREET from Celos St. ta Congress St. ; in ?dO�D STRc�T from Robert
St. to vacated Starkey St. ; in ROBERT STREET from �Jood St. to Colorado St.;
in COLOftADO STREET from Robert St. to Clinton AVe. ; in A�DREI! STRtET from
Winifred St. to Robie St. ; also construct public sanitary sewer i� RO�IE ���
�TR�ET from State St.. to Brown Ave. ; in BANCROFT AVENUE from Concord St. to
Rob i e St. , i n STATE STREET f rom Concord St. to Rob i e St. , i n 6ROIJI�t AVEi�UE
from Page St. to Robie St. ; in ROBiE STREET from Andrew St. to I:ansas Ave. , �
all to be known as CONCORO TERRACE - 1970 - S-1394 (with P-0517A) and
1971 - S-1395 (with P-05176) .
� � . �
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It is cxpected at this time that the Concord Terrace renewal proJects wiil
be done in the years 1970 and 1971 . in 1970 both storm and sanitary
seWe�s (S-1394) will be incorpo�ated into the Paving plans (P-0517A).
This repo�t to Finance includes the sewer assessment hearing for both 1970
end 1971 construction. The paving report to Finance included only the 1970
construction. However� we request that the sewer assessment hearing for 1970
end 1971 be held at the same time as tha psving assessment hearing for
1970 1s held.
Estimated Construction Cost for
S-1394 in 1970 , $121 ,286.00
Engineering 8°b 9�708.88
Inspection 2% 2,425,72
Finance Dept. Charges 4,500.00
Urban Renewa) Bonds R-37 , 75,620.60
Assessments 62�300.00
In 1971 both storm and sanitary sewers Nill be incorporated into tha
Paving pla�s under sewer project S-1395.
Estimated Construction Cost for
S-1395 in 1971 $ 65,200.00
Engi�eering 8�', 5,216.00
Inspectton 2°6 1 ,304.00
Urban Ren�al Bonds R-37 71,720.00
Yours very truly�
Robert F. Peterson
Canmissione� of Public Works
RFP/DJD/kw •
cc: J. Schwartz, Dept. Accountant
J. Mitcheli � Canptroller
R. Wheeler� Asst. Chief Engineer
D. Dunford, Sewer Engineer �
A. B1 ock, Hous t ng and Redeval opnant �,�� .y =`. �
� :��j °
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a ,�� ;� ��
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7he Intermediary Order now reads: Construction of a public storm sewer in
ADA ST. from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in ANITA ST. from Concord St. to
Robie St. ; in 3ANCROFT AVE, from Winifre.d St. to Robie St. ; in CONGRESS S7.
from Concord St. to Clinton Ave. ; in ISAB�L ST, from P,obert St, to Greenwood
Ave. ; in ROQERT ST, from Isabel St. to Congress St. ; in DELOS ST. from
Robert St. to Wabasha St. ; in WABASHA ST, from Delos St. to Congress St. ;
in W00D ST. from Robert St. to vacated Starkey St. ; in ROBERT ST, from Wood �
St. to Cotorado St. ; in COLORADO ST. from Robert St. to Clinton Ave. ; in
ANDREW ST, from Winifred St. to Robie St. ; also construct pubiic sanitary
sewer in ROBIE ST. from State St. to Brown Ave. ; in BANCROFT AVE, from
Concord St. to Robie St. ; in STATE ST: from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in
BRO'�N AVE. from Page St. to Robie St. ; in ROBIE ST. from Andrew St. to .
Kansas Ave. ; all to be 'known as CONCORD TERRACE - tg7o - 5-1394 (with P-0517A)
and 197i - S-1395 (with P-05176) .
The Final Order should be amended to read:
Construction of a public storm sewer in ADA ST. from Concord St. to Robie
St. ; in AN(TA ST. from Concord St, to Robie St. ; in BANCROFT AVE, from
Winifred St. to Robie St. ; in CONGRESS ST, from Robert St, to Clinton Ave. ;
in ISABEL ST. from Robert St. to Greenwood Ave, ; in CLINTON AVE. from Isabel
St, to Deios St. ; in ROBERT ST. from Isabel St. to Concord St. ; in DELOS S7.
from Robert St. to Wabasha St. ; in WABASHA ST. from Delos St. to Congress
St. ; in WOOD 5T, from Robert St. to vacated Starkey St. ; in ROBER7 ST. from
Wood St. to Cotorado St. ; in COLORADO ST, from Robert St. to Clinton Ave. ;
in ANOREW ST, from winifred St, to Robie St. ; also construct public sanitary
c sewer in ROBIE ST, from State St. to Brown Ave. ; in BANCROFT AVE, from
Concord St. to Robie St. ; ' in STATE ST, from Concord St. to Robie St. ; in
BROWN AVE. from Page St. to Robie St. ; in ROBtE ST. from Andrew St, to Kansas
. � Ave. ; all to be known as CONCORD TERRACE - 1970 - S-1394 (with P-0517A) and
1971 - 5-1395 (with P-0518) ,
The Deletions from Intermediary Order are; !n CONGRESS ST, from Concord St.
to Clinton Ave. ; in ROBER7 ST. from Isabel St. to Congress St. ; and al ) to
be known as CONCORD TERRACE - 1970 - S-139� (with P-0517A) and 1971 - S-1395
(with P-05176) .
The Additions to the Final Order are: In CONGRESS ST. from Robert St. to
Clinton Ave. ; in ROBERT ST. from 'sabel �St. to Concord St. ; in CLINTON AVE.
from tsabel St. to Delos St. ; and all to be known as CONCORD TERRACE - 1970 -
5-1394 {with P-0517A) and 1971 - S-1395 (with P-0518) .