249399 OSiGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �[j!♦`. •�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � i�•� +� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � OU �RESOLUTyO —GEN FORM �i ' PRESENTED BY v COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul , by its Resolution, Council File No. 2490'73, approved May 28 , 1970, did protest to the Interstate Commerce Commission against the relief requested by the Chicago , Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway Company relative to discontinuance of passenger trains No. 1 and No. 4, and hearing is being held before the Interstate Commerce Commission in the City of Minneapolis , Minnesota, on June 19, 19'70 to consider the said pe tition, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reaffirm its position taken on May 28, 1970� and asserts that the granting of the petition for discontinuance is contrary to the public convenience and necessity and contrary to the best interests of the citi- zens of this City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to transmit copies of this Resolution to the Interstate Commerce Commissi=on. and to the Public Service Commission of the State of Minnesota. FORM APPROVED �C�1� . Asst. Corparation Counsel JUN 1 `� 191Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ,���! 1 � �9�� Carlson � e 19� Le�ine Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka (� Tedesco Against Mr. Preaident, McCarty 'p(�g��SHED JUN 2 71970 �� o,��,�,T�,��,� 249��9 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED{T COMMISSIONE� DATE lIBEREA3� the Counoil oi the City of Saint Paul, by it• $eeolution, Counail File No. 249073� approved May 28, 1970� did protest to the Interstate Co�uterQe Coaiesion a�ainst the reliei requested by the fShioago� Milw�ukee� S�. Paul & Paollio Railt+ay Co�apsnq relative to disoontinuanos oi passenger trains No. i and No. k� and hearing is being held beiore the Ia�sr�tat• Co�merve Comeieaion in the City oY Minneapolis, Minna�4ta►, on June 19, ig�0 to oonaider the ssid pe tition, Now� Thereiore, be it RES4LV'LD, Thet the Counoil o! the City of 5sint Paul do�a he rebq reallir� it�r posi�ion taken on May Q8� 1970, and asserte that the grantia� oi the pstltion tor dieoontinuanoe is contrary to the publio oonvenienoe and aeoe,sity snd oontrary to the b�at iaterests ot ths oiti� zens o� thir City; and be it FUBTHBx RE30LVED, That the City Clsrk is ha�ebq direoted torthMith to transmit oopie� oi this Be�olution to the Interstate Com�seroe Co�tsission and to the Publio Serviue Co�ieaion oi the 3ta�e ot Minnesota. ;�{� 19 1910 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � But�er A��Q� JUfV 1 �1 1970` 19._ Caxlson ��e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ,O �� A g81IISt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� June 19, 970 State Public Service Conmaission State C�'fice Building St. P�ul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The City Council direct� e to �e ou �nclosed eopy oP Council Fil� No. 249399, dopted tod , rea f'irmin� their position tak�n on May 2 , 1970� in t enclosed Council File No. 2�g073, in appasiti to di�cant ce of passenger trains No. 1 and N�. 4, e�titi for by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Faci Co. ' Very truly yours, � City Clerk � June 19, 1 Mr. E7.mer B�rglund Brotherhood of Railroad Clerks Upper Midw�at Building Minneapol.is, Minneeot�, Deer Sir: The City Council dix� t d me �to se you the enelosed copy of Couneil File No. 2�+93 adopted t , reaPfirming their pasition taken on May 1970, i he enc�aeed Council File N�. 2�9073, i i�i tinuance o�' pa.asenger trains No. . �+ as oned for by the Chicago, Milwaukee, . Pau1 & PaciPic Ra3�a►a3► Go. V'ery trttly yours , City Clerk n8 June ig 970 Interst�te Commerce Conmsission Z�Tash3ngton, D. C. Gentlemen: The City Council direct nd the enclosed copy aP Council File N�. 2�+939 adopted_ ay� firming their position taken on May ,1970, i.n enclosed Council File No. 2�+g073, in apposi on to diaco �nt�nae o�' pae�enger tra,ins No. ]. and No, a� p�titi 8 Por by tY�e Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & �'ic R Co. Vexy truly youre, City Clerk ng