249390 ORIOINAL--- � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL 249 •� � -GITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION �j�NCIL Na . �� NO FOR �,,, AUTH IZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. '°� DAT� 19__ � i RESOLVID� That the Council her oi�curs in the award of the Contract , Coaimittee therefor and hereby awar ontract for farnishing all necessary labor material and equip�nent necessary to the Grading and Paving of THIRD STREET fro�n White Bear Ave. to McKnight Road for the Department of Public iilorks, to the ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. for the contrsct price of $185,586.15 (Plns Engineering and Inspection 14X -$25,982.06; Water Dept. Charges - $2,100.00; Val. 8 Assess. Serv. - $1,685.00;Collection Charges-$945.00;Parks -Treea - $650.00) in accordance with the plans and specificaticns and Fozmal Bid #4175 of said Alexander Construction 60., sach bid being the loi,iest and said Alex- ander Construction Co. being a responsible bidder and the Eorporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to 'draft the proper forca of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are suthorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. � CONTRACT PRICE - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 183,586�15 • pgp'�',�',pp(7',�O�POL�7 ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION_ - - - : : - - 1L�x- - � E 25,982�06 WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS ' $ 2�lOO�OO ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: va�un'rioN AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - • - - - - - S 1�VSS�OO : ��1o4'4f,'0•oo OTHER CITV SERVICES -p�r�$- ��'ee.g ' " " ' ' " " $ 65���� L .7 FORMAL BID NO. �1175 COLLECTION CHARGES �M�.8Cr - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 945�Q� � TOTAL - - ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - E 216�94H.31 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLi SY COMPrROLLlR QEFOR6 Mt�ITINCi TO COUHGL FOR ADOrT10N. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF T�5 IMPROVEMENT A8 FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ H4�ZSO�W 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-481 $ 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT No. 64-206—OS (1970) s 132,698�Z1 � 4. APPROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE-CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' S 8. MINN. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT NO. . � � s TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � 216,948�21 CAPIES TO: 1 NER�Y C�tTIFY TNAT TNQti If AN UNOtCYM�1t�D BA1-- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILA�.6 IN THB ABDVB STATiD ARIlOPRIATION6 7'O �L �MAROV6MFM NO COMPTROLLER RBIMBURfE THQ PfRMM{a1T IMrR01l�A�iT VIN�i fUNG PUBLIC WORKS IN/T1�i(y}�A,B,�O�VE A ��H��� (/"'���` DAT6 FINAL ORDER AOOPrELL COMP'1'RO(1 C BY COUNCILMEN ��N 19� 1970 • t I ' ADOr'RD BY TH6 COVNCI� YEAS Bi�C1EL� NAYS `O �w FAVOR Levine �UN 19 1910 Sprafka d ��,.,�� . sc�- -awuur �� i�h, Mcearty pUBLISHED JUN 2 71970 M�~oR � p