249375 ' � �' 249���5 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF R'�BOLV�D� By �e Couacil o�' tlu 6ity �f 3aint Pau]., tl�at p�1rs��ant t� tlu g�rnrisi�ns �t' Elydinaace lf�. 138�� app�v�d Fetiruary 27s 1�68� the pr�p�r City offiaers are l�ere'�y a,utl�rized and dir�atad to execut�, a�n bel�l,f �P sa3.d City, an asre�ant laet�neen tl�e+ City �f 3t. P�,u]. aud tl�ee Villa,�e of II`[ata].e�rNd autlurizin� th� tnteraosneeti�n ot' �ublic se�wers, a c�py of suah agreesent l�ein� attached la�rat� and incerporat.ed herein by re�erence; be it F[� R�B�L�BD, Tbat sueh ex�cution by tke prciper City •�Picers as previded eY�ressid sl�a1�, bs sub�ect te t}�e requir�xent�a of the prc�vis3ons ef Section 18 of said a�reeaer►t. ( ;�OR PPROVED A s Corporati ns JUN 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er JUf1� 1 � 1910 Carlson � Approve� 19— Levine �ln Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor --��Sainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JU'N 2 O 1970 �� o���,�,T�.��„� � . , 249��5 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM .����r COMMISSIONG* DAT� ��� � tr� � � �N �r�.�iy� � � �� �tr pursuant te tbe pe�nri�iv�s a l�ritnwxe Y�. 13840� aPl�w�d reb�w�ry �T, 19b�, 'tibs p�p�r Cit�► �t`ia�ac� er� �ttrby art�roo�ised rai dir�t�d to �oo�ut�, oa� b�lral! d �aid Citars �n �p�e�y bs�n tlr City d 8�. P�il aad t� Vill�e vt lts]al�ew�od w'tti�aris3a� tlr inl�rc�cti� o�t p�tbllo �ras a aop�► o� �ruah a�r��a�t �ia� �tt�cl� 1rrr�� �M inao�po�'wd }�ria by r�?rs�tj bs it l�C� l�OLYi1l� ThaL nueh �aeution by �l�t p�opRr City , e�ffc� as parc�vill�d st�sa3d sM�11 bt �ul�� t►o tL�s z��quis'�nts eR' t,h� pro�visioecu e! Ss�lou 18 0� said �. JUN 1 l 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coimc� 19� Yesa Naya �U IV 1 7 ��O Butler Caxlson Approv� 19_.. Levine Tn FAVOr Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco � A��t Mr. President, McCarty �� � . � . AGREEMENT � _� �� � � ; THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the , day of , T967, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a '� municipal corporation in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, hereinafter '� � for convenience of reference designated as the City, and the Village of i , ;��' , Maplewood , a municipal corporation in the County of Ramsey � ; � — , State of lylinnesota, which for purposes of convenience of reference l� , �; `± will hereinafter be designated as the Suburb, � E �.�'� WITNESSE'�H: �i ,I' _ SECTION 1. PURPOSE. ;��� ;t; The City of Saint Paul and the Village of Maplewood , .; �„ have heretofore entered into an agreement (agreements) reflected by concurring r � . {,,�" ordinances heretofore adopted by the City and Suburb pertaining to the inter- '�. � connection of sanikary sewers. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this � � ,I�� agreement shall supersede all prior agreements between the parties except as I'u �' ' herein otherwise provided. It is the further intention of the parties hereto that ,�� ,�: the permission and a�thority lieretofore granted by the City to the Suburb to �-� construct and thereafter o erate and maintain a suitable connection or connec- P `� tions to the sewer system of the City, which connection or connections must be j made in accordance with conventional engineering standards approved as to � , � -�- construction, location and elevation by the Commissioner of Public Works of ,��J the City of Saint Paul, is hereby continued under and pursuant to the provisions � of this agreement subject to all the terxns and conditions hereinafter expressed.. �.. � � ' -1- • � � SECTION 2. DEFINITION OF TERM5. 1. "Adjusted dry weather volume" of sewage contributed by the suburb � � means the total measured volume of sewage recorded by the sewage meters (or �" ' otherwise estimated where sewage flows are not metered) adjuated to reflect Minneapolis-Saint�Paul 5anitary District apportionment practice ag provided in � Subdiviaion 2 of Section 7 of thie Agreement. Where the adjusted dry weather � volumea vary by five percent (5%) or less from the actual measured volumes recorded by the meters, the volumes recorded by the metera ehall be used in lieu � � of the adjueted dry weather volumes. � 2. "Chief En ineer" of the City meana the Chief Engineer of the � � ' Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul. 3. "City conveyance sewer system" is defined for purposes of this � ' the Cit ublic sewer s stem 36 inches or larger agreement to be all sewera in y�p Y in diameter (or having capacity equal or greater than a 36-inch diameter sewer when on the same .slope if the section ie other than circular) except that only those � � . • � sandrock tunnel sewere having dimenaions greater than 2 feet 6 inchee wide and 6 feet 0 inchea high shall be considered as pa�t of the conveyance sewer system. � � 4: "City" means the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. • ' 5� "Combin.ed Sewer" means a eewer receiving both surface runoff and sewage. - . � 6. "Construction Cost Index" shall be the U. S. Public Health 5ervice. Sewage 'Trestment Plant Index compiled for the Minneapolia area vvhen uaed in ' _2- � _ � connection with sewage treatment plant costs and shall be the U. S. Public � Health Service Sewer Conatruction Cost Index compiled for the Minneapolis � area when uaed in connection with sewerage facilities constructed after I930. For sewerage facilities constructed prior to 1930, the Engineering News Record � st Index shall be em lo ed to calculate costs at a 1930 level and Construction Co P Y � the U. S. Public Health Service Index shall be used to update the 1930 costs to current levels. � �' iation" shall be com uted on a straight-line basis with no 7. Deprec P � allowance for salvage value and a forty year life for sewage treatment works and an eighty year life for aewers. The depreciation rate is two and five-tenths percent � and one and twent -five one- (2. 5%) per year for sewage treatment works Y � hundredths percent (1. 25%) per year for sewers. 8. ' "Existing M. S. S. D. Sewage Treatment Works" means the treatment � eriod November 1, facilities of the M. S.S. D. constructed or acquired during the p � 1933, to December 31, 1961 . � 9, "Jointly-used City Sewer Syatern" or "Jointly-uaed Syatem" meane ' . all of the eewera and appurtenancee which are a part of the public sewer aystem r�t of the City of Saint Paul and which receive or co�vey aewage from the public � sanitary sewer systean of the Suburb. 10. "Maximum allowable rate of discharge" is the maximum inatantane- r�� ous rate of flow that the Suburb may discharge into the City syst�m at a specified ;� point of �connection. . _3_ � • . i..� . �� '* 11. "M._S.S. D. interceptor sewer" means the existing interceptor '. �1 , sewer of the M. S. S. D. which runs through the City from the City of Minneapolis, �� Minnesota, to the M. S. S. D. sewage treatment works. "� 12. "M. S. S. D. " means the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District J� organized and existing under the proviaions of Minnesota Statutes (1965), �% Chapter 445, and as said Chapter may be amended from time to time. �� 13. "New M.S. S. D. Sewage Treatment Works" means the treatment facilities of the M. S. S. D, constructed or to be constructed after December 31, rr;■ 1961. � 14. "Original cost" of a facility is the total contract cost plus direct expenditures for engineering, inspection, legal and administrative work directly E� connected thereto, less any amounts paid with money received as a direct grant � from the United Statea Government. Where the contract coets are a part of the historical record but the engineering, inspection, legal and adminiatrative costa � an amount not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the contract are not s o itemized, � cost may be added as a reasonable estimate �thereof. 15. "Peak design rate of diacharge" is the rate of flow through a given � facility under instantaneoue peak flow conditiona when the contributing areas { � are developed as assumed in the design criteria. Unlese otherwise indicated � in this agreement, design rates of discharge ahall be based upon estimated � , condition of fu11 development or probable saturation development. � ' 16. "Preeent depreciated value" of a facility is the reproduction cost � of that £acility ae defined in thie aection, leas an allowance for depreciation . J . based on the age of the facility. �� � � k . � . . . , . . � . '. ..,. . . . . . � � .. .' � �. .. . � . . � �. . . . .. : � '4" u i � � ' , 17. "R.eproduction cost" of a facility is the total estirnated cost r � of reproducing the f�.cility at the level of prices prevailing at the time of , � ` purchase or appropriation, including engineering, inspection, legal and 1 � � administrative cost directly connected thereto. Where the original cost of � a a matter of histor- � � a facility or the contract cost of a facility are available s g � ical record, reproduction cost shall be calculated by trending the original 6tcost to current price levels through the use of an appropriate Construction � i' � Cost Index. Where the original cost of a facility is not available as a part � �� of historica: recox°d (the f3r.ilar,y hav�ing been part of a lump sum contract !` � � containing other `facilities not applicable hereto) the reproduction cost shall � G i � be estirnated dirsctly using methods conforming to current engineering ' ` � practice. For this initi�.l agreernent, repx°oduction cost shall be based on : � price levels prevailing on December 31, 1964, and for any subsequent i; � +� appropriation of capacit}r obtained through supplemental agreement as herein- ��� after provided for, reproduction cost shall be based on price levels prevail- jr, �' ing at the time of �aid suppleme�tal agreement. � �` 18. "Sanitary Sewer" �neans a sewer which carries sewage and �, � A � to which storm, surface. and ground waters are not intentionally admitted. ` � 19. "S�xburb" means the Village og Maplewood j � �0. "The total anr.ual dry weather volume of sewage from the City � � and its connected suburbs" is the calculated or theoretical volume used by ' � ex enses between the Cities of the M. S. S. D. in apportioning M. S. S. D, p � Minneapolis and Saia:t Paul. In determining this volume, it is the present � . -5- � • � � practice of the M. S. S. D. to average the daily measured sewage flow from � the City and all of its connected suburbs on dry weather days on which no meter � difficultiee are experienced and which are otherwise determined by the M.S. S. D. to be representative days and multiplying this average by the � number of days in the year. „� SECTION 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1. In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein set forth, � � the City hereby grants to the Suburb permission and authority to construct � and thereafter maintain and operate certain connections, as hereinafter spec- � ified, joining the public sanitary aewer system of the Suburb with the public sewer system of the City, subject to all of the terms and conditions of this � agreement as hereinafter expressed. � 2. The aewer ayatem of the Suburb to be connected to the sewer system of the City ahall be constructed and maintained as a sanitary sewer � system and shall convey only sanitary aewage consisting of water-borne � wastes from residences, institutions, and industrial and commercial estab- � � lishments. The Suburb shall, by the adoption and employment of suitable '` � methods, effect acceptable standards to exclude rain water from roofs, � yards, lawns, foundation drains, parking lots, streets and alleys from its . sanitary sewers and to exclude cooling, refrigeration and air conditioning � � er unfouled waste water from its eanitar aewera and shall wate r or oth Y `�. effect minimum acceptable standards as to the amount of infiltration of �..� . � eurface and groutzd watera entering ite sanitary aewera. ' �� . � . . � �� . � � w�- '. . . . �i ► ; . i � 3. The Suburb sl^.all, by the adoption and employment of suitable � methods effectivel rohibit from its ublic sanitar sewer s stem wastes , � 9 YP P Y Y iwhich may directly or indirectly impair the structural durability of the sewer I � i syste:n or its hydraulic functioning and wastes which may have a deleterious � effect on the sewage treatment pla�t structures or processes, and wastes i ' i whose pollutional ef�ect is not mitigated by ordinary sewage treatment plant , ' � processes and whosg presence in the receiving stream would violate state � � or interstate standards of water quality and wastes whose presence in the sewers could create a hazard to �ublic health and safety. In determining the � � � ,� Suburb's responsipilitv u�nder this subdivision, the Suburb shall be subject to i . , ' � the saane requirement� that the City now or in the future may impose on the i � , users of the City systemy and the Suburb shall be further subject to any such � s�andards or regulations as may be imposed upon the City and its users by the � M. S. S. D. � � 4. The Su�urb shall not allow any extension of its sanitary sewer system ' � or an extension of sanitar sewers connected to its s stem beyond the authoriz�d Y Y Y '� `� limits of service designated and described on Exhibit �-A which is attached to ,i � and is hereby �nacie part of this agreement. The Suburb may allow sanitary sewer � � � systems outside its corporate lianits to be interconnected and drained through its � ,� system provided th�.t all areas served by such system are wholly within the � � authorized limits specified on the above described Exhibit MA-A and further ' � provided that said systems and areas shall be fully subject to all of the provisions, I � terms and conditions of this agreement which are hereby made applicable � thereto, with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said areas were situated � within the corporate limits of the Suburb. � � -?- i�. � 7. The Chief En ineer of the Cit , or an em loyee authorized by g Y Y P � the Chief Engineer of the City upon reaeonable notice first given to the Suburb, shall be permitted, at the expense of the City, to inspect the con- � struction, as well as the ogeration, of the sewer system in the 5uburb at � any time to see that the same is being constructed and operated according to plans and apecifications and operated in compliance with acceptable � munici al ractice and that the agreement herein contained is being complied P P � with insofar as it is reasonably necessary to protect the City. The Suburb, � upon reasonable notice first given to the City, shall be permitted, at the � expense of the Suburb, to inspect the construction, condition and operation �,� of any sewer within the City used by the Suburb at any time to see that the same has been constructed and operated according to plans and specifications � • and operated in compliance with acceptable municipal practice and that the � agreement herein contained ie being complied with insofar as is reasonably � necessary to protect Suburb. 8. During the construction of aew�rs within the Suburb special care � shall be exercised not to allow any gravel, sand, dirt or any other heavy , � material to be washed or carried into the sewere of the City, and no grit, � � , dirt or heavy substance of any kind shall be permitted by the Suburb to be dumped into its sewers. When expense is incurred in cleaning the sewers � ' of the City due to any auch subetance being carried into them from Suburb eewera, �uch expenae ehall be paid for by the Suburb. � . � � -9� � � � � 9. Before any extension of its sanitary sewer system is commenced, the Suburb shall submit plans and epecifications therefor to the City for its � information. The 5uburb shall have the right to extend and connect addi - � tional sanitary sewers provided such sewers are within the authorized limits of service. Suburb must also submit to the City on or before January 31 of � . � each year, a statement of the total number of connections to the 5uburb's � sanitary sewer system existing as of January 1 of each year, together with such supporting data (e. g. the number of connections in various aize � classificationa) as may be required by the City or the M, S. S. D. Suburb � agrees that no impounding devices or impounding of s ewage will be permitted � in its sewage collection eystem or in those systems connected to it, except as required for proper pump operation, or as expressly authorized by the � Cit and approved by the M. S. S. D. Impounding devices provided for in Y ' existing contracts between the Suburb and adjoining municipalities or im- pounding devices presently in existence and authorized previous to this � a reement ma � continue in use; however, .no expanaion of such facility S Y , � or prolongation of detention times ehall be caused unless authorized by the City and approved by the M. S.S. D. � rea onable obnoxious odore or ases ahall 10. In case any un s g � develop in the jointly-used sewer eyatem due to discharge into the sewers ..� of the Suburb of any aubetance caueing obnoxioue odors or gasea, such � `"'' nuisance$ must be eliminated by the Suburb at ite own expense, upon � notice and when requeated to do so by the City, and a failure to comply � � i� :1 ,"J � -10- � . � . 4;.� ,� with such notice within a reasonable time shall constitute a cause of action � under Section 6 of this agreement. � t SECTION 4. MEASUREMENT OF SUBURB'5 SEWAGE FLOW. 1. To measure the volume of sewage discharged from the public � stem of the Suburb into the public sewer system of the sanitary sewer sy � City, an accurate sewage metering device ahall be constructed and main- tained at each connection point. The metering device shall be equipped � rdin mechanism housed in a suitable with a remote registering and reco g � structure which indicates and continuously records the rate of flow, and �''� • which measures and totalizes the quantity of sewage passing through the 1�.1t � meter. � 2. The sewage metering device shall be provided by the Suburb at � its own expense. 3. The type and location of the eewage meter and al.l plans, spec- j� ifications, and details pertinent thereto shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Engineer and the Commissioner of Public Works of the City. � 4. The operation and maintenance of the metering device, including � the reading and recording of results shall be done by the City. The City shall keep an accurate record of aIl materiala, labor, replacement of � equipment� supplies or other expense incurred in the operation and mainte- nance of each metering device, and the City ahall be� reimburaed for the � full coat thereof ae provided in Section 5 of this agreement (Subdivision 10). v , � -11- � , I � f � � 4 i��° with auch notice within a reasonable time shall constitute a cause of action � under Section 6 of this agreement. ....,. � SECTION 4. MEASUREMENT OF SUBURB'5 5EWAGE FLOW. 1. To measure the volume of sewage discharged from the public � sanitar sewer s stem of the Suburb into the public sewer syatem of the Y Y � City, an accurate sewage metering device shall be constructed and main- tained at each connection point. The metering device shall be equipped � e re isterin and recordin mechanism housed in a suitable with a remot g g g � structure which indicates and continuously records the rate of flow, and • which measurea and totalizes the quantity of sewage passing through the � . meter, � 2. The sewage metering device shall be provided by the Suburb at � its own expens e. 3. The type and location of the sewage meter and al.l plans, spec- j� ifications, and details pertinent thereto shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Engineer and the Commissioner of Public Works of the City. � 4. The operation and maintenance of the metering device, including � the reading and recording of results ehall be done by the City. The City ahall keep an accurate record of all materials, labor, replacement of � equipment, aupplies or other expenae incurred in the operation and mainte- � nance of each metering device, and the City ehall be reimburaed for the I� full cost thereof ae provided in Section 5 of thia agreement (Subdiviaion 10). � , � � ( -11- i � � 5. The Suburb shall have the right of acc'ess to the metering d�evice - R � and recording instruments and may make any accuracy test or other inspec- � j rb ma deem necessar or desirable. However, no changea tions that the Subu y Y � or adjustments shall be made unless the Chief Engineer of the City or his designated representative is present. , � 6. The City may make calibration or accuracy teats of the metering � device at such times as the City may deem desirable. Any time it has been determined that the sewage metering device has not properly measured the � volume of sewage cont*°ibuted by the 5uburb, an adjustment of the measured � sewage flow shall be made. If the City and the Suburb are unable to agree on the calibration of the metering device or on the adjustment of the • � measured sewage flow, an impartial registered professional engineer, � mutually satisfactory to the City and the Suburb, shall be selected as an . arbitrator to supervise the repairs and calibration of the metering device � and to determine the proper adjustment of the measured sewage flow. � The services of the arbitrator shall be paid by the loaing party, or one-half by each party at the option of the arbitrator. Adjuatmenta of ineasured � eewage flow shall not be retroactive for a period of more than six months. � ?. Notwithstanding any of the provisione of this Section, wherever � it ie determined to be impractical to construct and maintain a aewage metering device at one of the points of connection, said metering device �rT may be omitted�and the volume of sewage contributed by the Suburb at � that point o# connectioa ahall be eatimated by the City, provided that the �' . � -12- !' � !� omission of the metering device and the basis to be used in estimatin g � ��T the volume of sewage are fully described in Exhibit MA-B which is f i attached hereto and is hereby made a part of this agreement. ;� , I I SECTION 5, CHARGES. i� 1. For the' privilege of. connecting its public sanitary sewer system � and discharging its� sanitary sewage into and through the sewer system of � the City and through the facilities of the M. S. S. D. , the Suburb shall pay � to the City the anr}ual char es hereinafter rovided in this a reement. g P g � 2. The Suburb shall pay the City a capital charge for those portions ' �- of the M. S. S. D. interceptor sewer, which the City is entitled to use, which i "• are used to convey the Suburb's sewa e to the sewa e treatment lant. g � p , � The Suburb's capital apportionment in each segment of the M. S. S. D. inter- ceptor sewer shall be that percentage of the segment's present depreciated ��� value that the Suburb's eak desi n rate of di p g scharge through the segment ;,� �� bears to the total capacity available through the given segment. Credit � � shall be given for federal grants in the same proportion as the amounts � � � of such grants were to the original cost of such facilities as shown on . ` Schedule N1A-12 The calculation of the Suburb's capital apportionment for each facility applicable under this subdivision is set forth in detail in � Schedule �-5 which is attached hereto and is hereby made a part of this , � agreement. The total apportionment shown thereon may be paid by the � � ` Suburb as a lump sum; or it may be paid in 120 equal quarterly payments : � � i � -13- � � ;� which include interest on the unpaid prineipal balance at the rate of three � and five-tenths percent (3. 5%) per annum (computed quarterly). The first such quarterly payment shall be for the quarter ending September 30, 1965 � . Payments shall be made quarterly thereafter until principal � and interest are fully paid. Suburb shall have the right of prepayment of the unpaid principal balance, or any part thereof, at any time without penalty. � + If the payment of such sum is paid in 120 equal quarterly installments, each � such installment shall amount to one and thirty-five one-hundredths percent (1. 35%) of the total apportionment. �. By paying such charge for the M. S. S. D. interceptor sewer, the � '� Suburb is acquiring the permanent right to use a portion of that capacity which the City is presently entitled to use, said capacity rights being equal �, to the peak design rate of discharge used in computing the capital appor- � tionment, all as set forth in detail in Schedules MA-4 and �-5 of this agreement. � T e r al 3. h Subu b sh 1 pay the City a capital charge for each City `� sewer used to convey Suburb's sewage from the point or points of connec- tion to the M. S. S. D, interceptor sewer. Some of these sewers may con- � sist of combined sewers which were designed and built for the primary � purpose of collecting or conveying sanitary sewage and storm water from � areas within the City's corporate limits. Therefore, there is no substantial � capacity thereinwhichis inexcess ofthe City's present and future capacity � ..� .� ✓ -14- . � � � ' � requirements, and whereas for water pollution control and other reasons � tihe use of combined sewers i5 regarded with increasing disfavor by regu- latory agencies, ' it is not possible to ascertain how long in the future each � segment of comb�ned sewer will continue to be available for the conveyance � of sanitary sewag;e. Consequently, the use of said coanbined sewers by � the Suburb for conveyance of sanitary sewage is regarded under this � ; agreement as a te�nporary expedient exercised for the convenience of the ; � Suburb in the int�rest of preserving the public health and welfare. For r � the temporary u�e of those segments of the ,jointly-used City sewer system � ;i , designated as cdmbined sewers, the Suburb shall pay the City an annual � ; rental charge based upon a depreciation charge of one and twenty-five one- . , ` hundredths percent (1. 25%) per year of the reprdduction cost of the Suburb's � a ortionment in each se ment as calculated in Schedules �-? and PP g � �-8 of this agreement plus a financing charge of three and five- tenths percent (3. 5%) of the current depreciated value of the Suburb's �-J MA-? apport�onrnent as calcxzlated in the aforementioned Schedules � � and MA-8 which are attached hereto and are hereby made part of , � this agreement. No equity or ownership rights shall accrue to the Suburb � . '`� in any facility rented under this paragraph; however, in the event that � such rented capacity subsequently becomes permanently available to the � Suburb, and is purchased by the Suburb, the amount of the depreciation , . � charge paid the City by the Suburb as rental under this subdivision shall � . �� � ,; � -15- �... � ',� be �redited toward the purchase value. Inasmuch as combined sewers � are rented on a temporary basis, the apportionment of reproduction cost to the Suburb shall be based upon the percentage that the maximum allowable � rate of discharge;bears to the total capacity available through the facility � wherein the maxin�um allowable rate of discharge for the �uburb in this instance is based upon estimated capacity requirements of the Suburb ten ;� years from the datQ of thi.s agreement as calculated in Schedule MA-b , ' � Where the City sewers used to convey Suburb's sewage are separate , r sanitary sewers, or are otherwise designated or determined to be of such � ,� ` nature or conditian that permanent capacity rights are available to the , � Suburb, the Suburb shall pay the City a capital charge as hereinafter � specified. For such sewers, the Suburb's capital apportionment in each � se ment of such 'ointl -used Cit sewer s stem shall be that percentage g J Y Y Y � of the facilities' present depreciated value that the Suburb's peak design ..J rate of discharge through the segment bears to the total capacity available � �-- through the giv en segment. The calculation of the Suburb's capital � apportionment for each facility applicable under this paragraph is set � forth in detail in Schedules MA-9 and �-l� which are attached �-+ nt. The total a ortion- hereto and are hereby made a part of this agreeme pp � ment shown thereon shall be paid to the City in the same manner as pro- �.� vided for the M, S. S. D, interceptor sewer in Subdivision 2 of this section. � `°' Except as above provided for combined sewers, the Suburb, through pay- � ment pf this capital apportionment, is purchasing a permanent right to � � � i _16_ .� • . � � � . 1 use each segxnent of the jointly-used City sewer system which it , uses in the proportion that its peak design rate of discharge through ' � the se ment bear's to the total ca acit available throu h such se ment. g P Y g g � � The Suburb's shar�e of the present depreciated value of each segment of ; the jointly-used City sewe� system is shown on Schedule MA-10 � of this agreement. The Suburb's share of capacity of each segment of the , ; � jointYy-used City sewer systexn is shown on Schedules MA-9 and � - MA-10 �f this agreement. ; � 4. T�'e Suburb shall pay the City a capital charge for � � i � existing M. S. S. D. sewage treatment works which the City is presently ,' entitled to use. The present depreciated value of the existing M. S. S. D. � sewa e treatment works has been calculated for ur oses of this a ree- , g P P � i � ' ment on Schedule MA-12 , which is attaehed hereto and is hereby made a part hereof, and is determined to be $3, 880, 520. 00. In J � � determining the present depreciated value of this facility, land purchases � �; � and the program of research and investigation prior to December 31, 1961, { shall be included as shown on �the aforementioned Schedule MA-12 � Credit shall be given for federal grants in the same proportion as t � the amounts of such grants were to the original costs of such facilities '� as shown on Schedule MA-12 , The•existing M. S. S. D. sewage ;' � � ' � - -17- . � . �� ' treatment works, being incorporated into and made an integral part of the ;;�� expanded treatment facility is considered for purposes of this agreernent n 7 ��� to have an annual average capacity of 218 million gallons per day. The � Suburb's capital apportionxnent for the existing M. S. S. D. sewage treatment ;� � � ; works shall be that percentage of the present depreciated value that the '� Suburb's sewage treatment plant capacity requirements bear to the total � annual average capacity of 218 million gallons per day. The basis for ' � determining the Suburb's sewage treatment plant capacity requirement is ,� � set forth in Schedul�e MA-13 and for the purposes of this agreement � �� � said requirement �s agreed to be an annrxal average capacity of 4. 260 •;�. �` million gallons pe� day. The Sub�xrb's capital apportionment shall be paid �: , : �' ,, in the saane manner as provided in the first paragraph of Subdivision 2 of � this section. . � �' 5. The Suburb shall pay the City a capital charge for the new � -�� M. S. 5.D. sewage treatment works which the City is entitled to use. The i;;� Suburb's capital apportionment for this ,facility shall be that percentage of � I,! the total expense to the M.S.S. D. in providing th.:facilitythat the Suburb's sewag� ��� treatment lant capacity requirements bear to the total annual average P � • plant capacity as provided by the M.S. S. D. The Suburb's sewage treat- .�C ment plant capacity requirements shall be as specified in Subdivision 4 �: � of this Section. The sewage treatment plant capacity requirements of � the Suburb as determined under this Section and as shown on Schedule � J � � MA-13 of this agreement have been determined on a relatively Y �M1 , 1 + � W.J r _�$_ . . � , � � short range basis and are less than the total future capacity requirementa of the Suburb. At such time as the sewage treatment works are to be � enlarged by the M.S. S. D. or at such time as the volumes of sewage orig- � inating in the Suburb may neceseitate, the City and the Suburb may enter into a supplemental agreement increasing the capacity requirements of the � 5uburb and increasing the Suburb's capital cost apportionment for sewage �` treatment works. The Suburb shall not permit the "adjusted dry weather volume" of sewage discharged into the City system to exceed the capacity � . : for which it has been apportioned capital charges in the new M. S. S. D, sewage � treatment works. � The Suburb agrees to participate in proportion to its capacity � requirements in any additional capital expenditures required to be spent � by the M.S. S. D. for additional degree of treatment or other future capital expenses which the M.S.S. D. may incur for the use and benefit of the City � and the Suburb. �.3� � The costs of preparation of the "Comprehensive Sewage Works � Plan" prepared under Chapter 882, Minnesota Laws 1963, shall be included t.'�` . as part of the coats of the new M.S.S. D. sewage treatment facilities as � r f uch Cha ter 882. � permitted by the te ms o s p Federal, etate and other grants for anynew District or ,Cit.y.�facili- , tiee, received after December 31, 1961 (including new District treatment � • � . facilitiea) shall �ccrue to the benefit af all municipalities which use the � particular facilitiee for which the grant is given. ti..� � u . : -19- . ;, ,� The capital cost apportionment to the Suburb for new M. S. S. D. `� sewage treatment works as of the date of this agreexnent, and the basis of its calculation, are set forth in more detail on Schedule MA-14 hereto t� a.ttached. The Suburb's capita: apportionment shall be paid� in the same "� manner as provided in the first paragraph of Subdivision 2 of this section. 6. The Subu;rb shall pay the City a charge for the Suburb's share ,.�� of the operation and maintenance expenses of the City conveyance sewer f� system. The total �.nnual cost of operating and maintaining the City con- veyance �ewer sys:tem shall be divided by the "tota.l annual dry weather `� vo�ume of sewage;froxn the City and all of its connected Suburbs", as deter- �� , mined by the M. S, S. D, in apportioning M. S. S.D. expenses to the City, . �i yielding a unit cost per million gallons of sewage. This unit cost shall be ` applied to the "adjusted dry weather volume" of sewage contributed by ' f� the Suburb to compute the total charge to the Suburb under this subdivision. 7. The Suburb shall pay the City a charge for the Suburb's share of '� the o eration and maintenance ex enses of the M. S. S.D. which are appor- P P rI tioned to the City and its connected suburbs by the M.S.S. D. The Suburb's t � share of expenses shall be computed in the same manner as described in � the preceding S�abdivision 6. � 8. The City shall from time to time obtain analyses of samples of �- sewage collected froxn the public sanitary sewer system of the Suburb at �� � the point or points of discharge into the City s sewer system. In the event r� that this program of sampling and analysis should demonstrate that the � � _� -20- • � I � sewage or waste contributed to the City sewer system at one or more of the connection poir�ts consistently has extraordinary strength charac- � teristics considerably in excess of the strength characteristics of the � overall composite waste received at the M. S. S. D. sewage treatment . works; then the City may direct that the Suburb at its own expense shall � perform such pretreatment of the sewage wastes prior to discharge into , � the City sewer systern as may be necessary to reduce the strength char- acteristics to conform generally to those of the composite waste received � at the above-said sewage treatment works. For purposes of this subdivi- 1r� sion, any waste for which the five day, 20°C Biochemical Oxygen Demand � exceeds 350 parte per million by weight, or the total suspended solids � exce�ds 400 parts per million by weight, both as determined in accordance � ,with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examinatio�i of Water � and Waste Water shall be considered to have extraordinary strength char- acteriatics and the City may direct that the Suburb shall provide for the � , pretreatment of such wastes. _ � Wherever the City may determine that such pretreatment of . aewage is neither practical nor desirable, then said sewage or wastes of � . extraordinary.strength characteristics may continue to be diacharged into � the City sewer system; however, the Suburb shall pay to the City an addi- . tional charge to compensate said City for additional costs involved in the � nve anCe treatment and dis oeal of these stronger waetea. The amourit co y , P � of the said additional charge shall be determined by the Council of the � ' � -21- ' � � City and a separat�e determination will be made in each instance depend- ing upon various pertinent factors involved. The additional charge under � this subdivision shall be fair and equitable and shall, as nearly as prac- � ticable, be designed to fully compensate the City and all other users of � : the M.S. S.D. facilities for the additional costs incurred due to the par- ticular atrength characteristics of the sewage or waste involved. � In the event the Suburb disagrees with the determination of � charges by the Council of the City, the parties shall arbitrate their dif- ' ferencea by the procedure set forth in Section 4, Subdivision 6. � The present M.S. S.D. Act, Section 445. 09 of Minnesota Statutes � Annotated provides for such pretreatment or charges for wastes that are unusually concentrated. � � burb shall a Cit a char e for Suburb's share of the costs 9. Su p y y g � of extraordinary repairs of jointly-used sewers serving the Suburb. This charge is to reimburse the City for Suburb's share of those expenses � ' h under acce ted accountin which the City incurs in makzng repairs whic , p g � practices, are not embraced in the coet of current maintenance and repair under Subdiviaion 6 of this section. Suburb's share of such costs shall be � computed by dividing the total cost thereof between the City and Suburb in � the proportion which the total volume of sewage discharged by Suburb in � the particular eewera repaired bears to the total volume of sewage in such � eewers. The volumee to be uaed in thie computation ehall be computed by the '� � ; -22- � � � � �' City over a 24-hour period during average dry weather flow at approxi- � mately the time of such repair. Such flow shall be determined by the installation of a weir or meter. � 10. Suburb shall pay City a charge for Suburb's share of the costs � ' incurred and recorded by the City for administration and billing under thia ' agreement. Such costs include record-keeping and preparing quarterly � � bills to suburbs and City engineering department expenses incurred in � routine meter reading and testing of inetering facilities of suburbs and for routine sampling and analysis of Suburb's sewage. Suburb's share of such � costs ahall be determined on the basis of sewage volumes, by dividing the � total annual costs by the total "adjusted dry weather volume" of sewage from all contracting suburbs, and applying this unit cost, expressed � as a rate er million allons to the "ad'uated dry weather volume" of P 8 J � sewage from the Suburb during the year. Such charge to 5uburb, however, shall be a minimum of Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) per quarter. � The City shall have the option of charging non-routine meter . � readin� and teating; sewage sampling and testing, and other similar special coets directly to Suburb where such costs are attributable to Suburb. � 11. Suburb shall also pay the City an overhead charge equal to (� twenty-five percent (25%) of the operation and maintenance charge submitted � • by the City to the Suburb under the provisions of Subdivision 6 of this Section. tti.�' Such charge ie intended to compensate the City for expenaee incurred by the 1.T . � � -23- � , �'�' City in administrative costs for 'which the City is not otherwise compensated � � and for City's coats incurred under such items including, but not limited to, w + � pensions, health and welfare charges, unemployment compensation paymenta, Workmen's Compensation paymente, Severance Pay charges, vacation, sick �''� leave, and holiday charges and for the servicea of City departments which � - �'' are not directly charged to aewer operation and maintenance including, � • but not limited to, Civil Service, Purchasing, Corporation Counsel, City J' Clerk, Finance and City Comptroller. This overhead charge shall be 3� added to each quarterly billing from the City to the Suburb; and it is ex- � pressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that such charges are a i fair and reasonable amount to reimburse the City for services and is not �,� nor is it to be considered profit. �� 12. In addition to the foregoing charges, and for as long as it con- tinues to discharge sewage into the jointly-used City sewer system, the � � � uburb will im ose u on and collect from all users of its sewer system S p P �'c� any and all additional charges which the M. S. S.D. may impose directly upon users in the City, other than those charges in effect on July 1, 1965, � so collected in accordance with the rules of the and will pay all sums � M.5.S. D. and any statute or statutes now or hereafter enacted to .regulate ar�d govern the same. � � SECTION 6. REMEDIE5 FOR VIOLATION. � In the event of any eubatantial, continuing violation of the terms and � conditions of thia agreement on the part of the City or Suburb, the aggrieved � � ' � , -24- ►..i� ' �` paxty, after first giving reasonable notice and affording reasonable oppor- � tunity to correct such violation, may institute such action or proceeding, at law or in equity, as may be considered by it upon advice of counsel to � be most effective for the enforcement of this a reement, whether in the nature g � of mandamus to cornpel the proper officers to perform duties imposed upon ' the partiea of this agreement, or for such other relief, without limitation, �, as ma be deemed necessary or proper by any court of competent juris- Y � diction. � It is further mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that � there shall be available to the Cit an additional remed and that in the Y Y � event the Suburb should allow sewage or other liquid to be discharged into the City's aewer system at any of the deaignated points of connection or � owable rate of dischar e otherwise at a rate which exceeds the maximum all g � specified in Subdivision 5 of 5ection 3 of this agreement that a charge against . the Suburb shall�be incurred which shall be payable by said Suburb to the � City to compensate the City for damages directly or indirectly suatained . � by said City by reason of the Suburb's.unauthorized appropriation of the L -, City's retained apportioned share of capacity in any auch sewer. A charge � against the Suburb hereby provided shall be operable and in effect against � the Suburb in each inetance where the maximum allowable rate of discharge L � � ia exceeded, whether caused by reason of excessive sewa�e flow or by excessive aurface and ground water infiltration or a combination there- ;�, , of; and eaid causes are recognized by the parties hereto as being subject "� : � ,..� , .25- � :� to the reasonable control of the Saburb. A separate charge as hereinbefore r � described shall be made against the Suburb by the City for each calendar � day or portion thereof in which the peak xneasured rate of discharge exceeds I� the maximuxn allowable rate of discharge. The amount of each such charge ' � payable by the Suburb to the City shall be in the sum of ONE THOUSAND � � SEVENTY-------�,-------------- Dollars ($ 1, 070. 00 ) per day. The � Cit sha�l notif th,1 Suburb in writin of each such occurrence within ten Y Y � g '�;:;. � ; (10) days after the occurrence is noted by the City. The charges hereby provided shall be separately itemized and identified by date and shall be � included with the next uarterl billin from the City to the Suburb occurring 9 Y g � thereafter and shall become due and payable with such quarterly bill. � SECTION 7. USE AND ADJUSTMENT OF SEWAGE FLOW VOLUMES. 1 . Whenever costs are apportioned to Suburb on the basis of sewage � volumes under this a reement char es shall be made and based u on the , � 9 b P � unit costs actually experienced during the previous year, until an appropriate adjustment can be made. Adjustments for the prior year shall be made as `�' a ar or as soon as the nec- necessary, in the first quarte,rly billing e ch ye , � essary informaiion is available, to reflect any differences between the unit . costs experienced and the unit costs used as the basis for billing during � the prior year. � 2. Ln computing the Suburb`s share of operation and xnaintenance ' � expenses as provided for in Subdivisions 6, 7 and 10 of Section 5 of this � -26- , . � . � � a reement the measured volumes of sewage shown by the meters may ' g � � be adjusted to obtain the "adjusted dry weather volume" of sewage con- � tributed by the Suburb. The Suburb or the City may, by application to the � other party, apply for such adjustment based on the same days used by the � M.S. S. D. in determining the "total annual dry weather volume of sewage ' from the City and its connected suburbs", if the Suburb's total volume of � sewa e based on such da s varies more than five percent (5%) from its g y � total volume of sewage when based on the actual measured volumes shown by the rneter readings. �"' . Any application for such adjustment shall be made within one � year of the calendar year to which the proposed adjustment would apply or �.. the application will have no force or effect and no such adjustment need � be made. � The Suburb shall not, however, at any time on any day, dis- r� char�e aewage or other liquid in excesa of the allowable rates of discharge f ■ � specified in Subdivision 5, Section 3 of thie agreement, said allowable . � rates of discharge representing the extent to which the Suburb has pur- chased capacity righte under this agreement and providing the basis of capital chargea payable by the 5uburb, and said allowable rates of dis- � char e shall govern at all timea regardlesa of the above provision for � g � adjuatment to dry weather flow for computing operation and maintenance, , :.�i chargee. '� �.. '� , �..! -2?- :� � SECTION 8. BILLING AND PAYMENT. For the privilege of dischargin�; sewage into and through the jointly- � . , used sewers and M. S. S. D, facilities and for the treatment of such sewage, � Suburb shall pay the City the charges provided for in Section 5 of this • agreement. Payment for such charges shall be due and payable on a guar- � � terly basis within thirty (30) days after the bill is ren�lcred. Payments � due the City under priur agreements between the City and the Suburb shall � be dve an�? payable as of the effective date of this agreement. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that after the effective date of this � agreement, every billing by the City which shall become and remain the � subject of delinquency in reference to the payment by said Suburb shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum to the extent and � � for the eriod of sub'ect delinquency, and such interest shall become and P J � be payable to meet auch case in addition to the principal of the subject � billing, by said Suburb to the said City t:hereunder. � SECTION 9. CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS CAPITAL PAYMENTS. � nder this a reement for ca ital The Suburb shall be given credit u g P � cost payments made to the City for sanitary sewage aervices rendered after July 1, 1963; said payments having been made pursuant to the then � exiatent contractual agreement of concurring ordinances. The amounts :� to be credited ae capital paymente ehall be all of the second or incremental � sewer rental payment as credited to City Account No. 0930R, plus , � � � -28- ' � two-thirds of the sewer maintenance pa ment as credited to Gity Account Y '' No. 0249R . The specific amounts to be credited are set forth on Schedule MA-15 ,� The Suburla shall also be iven credit under this a reement for an � g g . Y ' 'r direct payxnents made to the City as the Suburb's share of a sewer con- struction contract to build a part of the jointly-used City,sewer system or i F, � - to provide capacity for Suburb in the jointly-used City sewer system. '� Suburb's contribution to such construc�ion contract shall be trended and � depreciated to its present depreciated value in the same manner as were - the sewer facilities under Section 5. The specific amounts to be credited � are set forth pn Schedule MA-16 Suburb shall receive these credits by subtraction of the total amount , � `" of credit as shown on Schedules �-15 and MA-16 from the � total capital apportionment determined pursuant to Section 5 of this agree- . :.. � ment. These capital apportionments and credits are shown on Schedule --� MA-17 � `"' SECTION 10. EQUITY�PAYMENTS. Any payment xnade by the � Suburb under this a reement toward ca ital outla for existing and future ._. g P Y ,' M. S. S. D. facilities shall be deemed to giveJthe Suburb the same kind of � legal or equitable interest for permanent use as the City has in such ' � M. S. S. D, facilities to the extent and in the proportion that the Suburb has !� from time to time paid for its share of such facilities. .,.. � �.� . i _29_ � - ..: � . � SECTION 11. SUBURBAN PROPERTY DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO CITY 5YSTEM. � t ' hereb a reed b and between the arties hereto des ite an thin : I is Y g Y P P Y g � , herein to the contrary that in each case where real property located in said Suburb has been connected immediately with an abutting or adjoining public � ewer of said Cit or an extension of an such ublic sewer under the con- s Y Y P � trol of said City for sewage drainage purposes under authority heretofore granted therefor by any resolution of the Council or by any ordinance of � a a ree ent hereafter ado ted b said Cit and substituted said City or ny g m p y y � in lieu of any such resolution or ordinance of said City for and during the operative period of such authority, the provisions, terms and conditions '� . `�' of such authorizing resolution, ordinance or agreement shall govern and � apply in respect of charges, fees, rates and advance assessments payable � . and to become payable on such account to said City in lieu of any otherwise � applicable and comparable provisions, terms and conditions of this agree- � ment. � � SECTION 12. SECTION TITLES. .� . The titlea given to the sections of thia agreement are for convenience � of reference only, and ahall not be conatrued as having any other effect upon � the provisions of thie agreement. ,� LA OR ACTIONS FOR � SECTION 13. RESPONSIBILITY FC1 R C INiS � DAMAGES. ..� The Suburb agreee to eave said City of Saint Paul harmlees from � � . . , . . .. . . . _. ... . . . w�o- . . . . � i�� � an darnage, cost or expense and fully indemnify said City against any Y f"� and all liability sustained by reason of the connection or the maintenance i.�� of the connections hereunder between the said public sewer system of the � Suburb and the�said public sewer system of the City or by reason of any damage, cost, expenae or loss that may be sustained by the Suburb, its � ' , inhabitants, or any other person or persons connected with the use of said � uburb's ublic sewer s stem or by reaeon of the diversion into said Suburb's S p Y � public sewer system of roof water or storm water drainage. � SECTION 14. EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES. All exhibita and schedules attached to and referred to in this agree- � reof as full and as completely as if set ment are hereby made a part he y � forth herein verbatim a.nd in the event of a conflict between any provision of �, this agreement and the text material incorporated on any schedule or exhibit � ` ` ' including any covenant or provision between the parties thereon expressed, j■ the provision, material or data on such exhibit or schedule shall prevail. � A list of said exhibits and echedulea is as follows: f, t , � � � 'A � � ; i � -31- ,� , �: . � ; � Exhibit MA-A Limits of Service and Designated Connections � Exhibit MA-B Basis for Estimating Volume of Sewage ' Schedule MA-1 Trend Factors, 1930 to 1964 Schedule MA-2 ' Trend Factors, Prior 1903 to 1930 ' Schedule MA-3 Weighted Average Trend Factors j Schedule MA-3a Condition Percent, MSSD Treatment'Plant Schedule MA-3b Condition Percent, Sewer Lines Schedule MA-3c Flow Variation Factors ' / Schedule MA-4 . Peak Design Rate of Discharge in MSSD Interceptor Schedule MA-5 Capital Apportionment in MSSD Interceptor Schedule MA-6 Estimated Peak Rate of Discharge in 1977 ', , Schedule MA-7 � Apportionment of Reproduction Co�t, City Combined Sewers , Schedule MA-8 Rental Charge for Use of City Combined Sewers t Schedule MA-9 a' Peak Design Rate of Discharge in City Sanitary Sewers Schedule MA-10 :' Capital Apportionment in City Sanitary Sewers � , Schedule MA-11` Value of MSSD Treatment Plant Capital Additions, 1938-1961 Schedule MA-12 Capital Apportionment - MSSD Treatment Plant , Facilities Constructed Prior to December 31, 1961 Schedule MA-13 Suburb's Sewage Treatment Plant Capacity Requirements ; ' Schedule MA-14 Capital Apportionment in New MSSD Treatment Plant Schedule MA-15 Suburb's Credit for Certain Capital Payments Schedule MA-16 Credit for Direct Contributions Toward Construction , of Jointly Used Facilities Schedule MA-17 Summary of Total Capital Apportionments and Credits I � , 1 . , � � � , � � � , --32- �� .. . . . . . t .� �� � SECTION 15. OBSERVANCE OF DI5TRICT RULES. � � Suburb agrees to conform with, abide by, and enforce all laws, rules �� and regulations of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District which apply � to the City and the users therein. � � SECTION 16. ADJUSTMENTS OF BILLINGS RENDERED IN 1967. All charges previously made by the City against the Suburb for any � period after July 1, 1965, shall be computed and made in accordance with � this agreement. Any billings made for any period since that date shall be � adjusted so as to conform to this agreement. SECTION 17. AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO REDETERMINATION. � . -- This agreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Laws 1963, Chapter � 874, Section 10, and shall be effective for a period of thirty (30) years subject to a redetermination of its provision after the expiration of five (5) � , years from the date hereof and thereafter as provided by law. � . SECTION 18. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT. � This a reement shall take effect and be in force after the date of � , � execution of the same by the City Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul, which execution by the City Comptroller shall not be made until after � a roval as to form and content of the a reement by the Board of Trustees . PP g i � of the Mi:sneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary Diatrict, a resolution of the govern- � ing board of the 5uburb accepting as�d agreeing to abide and be bourld by the � . ' ' , -33- � terms, provisions and conditions hereof and authorizing its proper � officers to execute said a reement, and the assa e of a resolution � P g � by the City Couneil of the City approving said agreement and author- izing e�ecution of the same by the proper City officers. � It is furt$er a reed b and between the arties hereto that g Y P � � this agreement is �ubject to all of the terms, provisions and con- ditions of Ordinance No. 13840 of the City of Saint Paul, approved the � 27th da of Februar 1 68. y y, 9 � Dated this day of 19 . � In Presence of: : CITY OF SAINT PAUL � BY Its Mayor � Its City Clerk Approv as to for . � Countersigned: , � �A sistant ~ C.orpor inn Caun el Its City Comptroller � Approved as to form and execution this day of 2967. � First Assistant Corporation Counsel � In Presence of: / `�� �- — ' --�Z�� . . `�f�t/ !"/�/.i�� B � � ee � It S �(, � _ � � ; � � Its ����.-�� _ A ro��d as to ' r ` ` � � � Attorne � Y -34- � �. .._._.. .,��__ ... . . -._R 22W- -. . . _ . ....___.... _ _.. _..._—._.._. ..i _.__. _. -R 21W-...__ .J'. i � .,, .. .____. . � � -..r__..--_.--..-.._ ._ I � .... . I �-""_' / �, �\ ._ ..6.._. � 'i �I + Lonpl SPP�d � I �.-t i � i i ; . °� , � i, _ � `,, �, � � 6 5 _.- 3 — I2.E.. .f. _ .. _J! , x,�oo � ��a�r/ 6 . _. p�N /" rt- i i. . 2py I .....N3 M1.. t ` \ _ . .� �,'F.wroh� . -� " I � I � ___. ' _".'_ _' : ._"__._... �.. ' I . "_ ( L�/ '." _"-__1 .. ..�._ _' ' . . . _'- _�—'_ _"'___"_ "-'_. .-"'__'". � . ,. a � -�'�� � i� ^�` d �L � � i � 7 8�`�j � 9 ��, 10 � I I ', 7 8 I S o , __ � ��.K �,� � �..� _ _� _ _ � _ � �,, : • „ , ... , , ; - : ' �, . ` e __ + � . N Nm . �,.., . - -.- _ ; ,.�..-r .-— . _. i i I �"." . .� . ....•-•-•'~'"'.�»... � � �� W I� ,�,..,�.m� a ' ii3 � re �: n is --- � ie I i� � i ! � � . � � . •�,e,-. � ;� �`,xwsr,w ..__: "^ � ! i , ,,,..-�. . �� �� � �, _ � i� � � � I a c ci.r '� ' iwn �� I I .. ....» I � sz u,wrs .._. .. �, �_ ..... _. ___ .___.._..._ M-623 �� T� ' . M-411 ~�' t M-219� M-218 -M-21'/ P � M-622 µ�2.. M�611 �M-410 I, i M-213� f I M-216 ~� s�pi _ .r lM-621 M-610 M-a� ) M� \���'T• w / M-620 M 408 .\ � `� M-21V !_M-215 �"�c { M 619 �--M-609 ��-�M-407 � i --M-406 ,Z7 � �9 � 2+ � --M-618 I J�.�. .. � �M-617 M-608 ��� \616 I M-40\ IM-� i � � j (_ M-212 � � �� M-��� �M-304 M�fil5� M�405-�:, M-607 I M�303 M-520� '� . .�� M-2II ...-__. . _..__.. ` _.._.... _._. IM,� M-902� `-MQIO ...' . hM''+� /M409 AfSA- BsovN � � M-901.T �- �' LoAs 1 M-��•^r•20B M 5B� k 1jA-gpy M_yb M-97� � —L•�•"-' 25 30 2 M-207 M-Si5 � jjj�� , / N M312��M513' Mi04 M 206 M-� �� M 91�� � � rM-509 . :... .... ..._.. .... ' !T'���. .-M-507, _...—�_ M-603 �T'� M_�4�.y_f��,.M.6pB M�50A•..r. ��M�502 `M-510 M-602 �M-701 Ty�yi I � [a1r � ��- �._-�300-3004 .M@OS �e� �•`I 3i 3I2 .. �--'1--zoo-zoon �:.� i ' � �\ M-204 � ; � ��. �\ .._ P�� '' � \�\I20 1 �.. .� J �b� EaSr . � LE i T ."-�//niSNAo!~ `�\ /M�20i w �:."��� WL`(��B'FY //OWNSN/P L/Mii.S � . � � � "� ``�� �M'� r-M-106 ?? �__ \��\ � .. w / ` ' r1��M 201 �� -Ip_�IA 1-�� � �% I /, ` Y _ iie \ / I /�/��J ..�.� r-IIO-IIOA M�105 »MiOB R �\� �'�•-�� � �:[./ �., `..s\... \` �M-109 v��.� J rj ___"".. I Wb I y ` N ���- �M-103 M-104 �� J� I ;, i � ORIOINAL NRV PII�RINED �� �a �� .� . I NOV. N D67 �`�I00 iewo� nne x �urxo�unrox .\ "IIO . ..._. ._._..o ...._ ..._ .._.. .__.._..__" __. xo avea I M-102 �. �.. I � _'..__. .. ."'_. ..._ . .. . _ �� I� � /N•�13 M-III 8 1 M•101 I I ' ' `_� °E W" ' � _ ! • M-iw\ N°a I2 g _ .. �'r �� . \M�I16 ��� MWa-51.POUI3W1arYDithid � �. �, I I 9�wOp OYW�oI PIaM - ��� \MJI6 �� �� � sr v�u tirr u,wrs .__. _. _ _,._ � ' ■[sr s*wen u*r cewrs �,., tq i.;. �� �N-117 �5 /�:, ', r, R'Ct E!+,. �� [de �'� M-IIB � M.12p � . '. ` \. �. - M.119' µlll 13 �u 18 .. EXHIBIT MA-A ' � � �, + � , ��: I '�_„ ; PMRT OF AN AOREEAIENT BETWEEN THE !` M•i23` ��, C� � � CITY OF ST.PAUL AND THE VILLA6E OF N O� � MAPLEMqOD AUTHORIZqYG TME INTERCON- .�: M-�2a1 _._.. ._. _ - 7_e�nuaaaa.weorrmeadm.r-a..4.ar.+..nsa..�ua.r,rn. NECTION OF PUBLIC SEWERS. e�y a s..raw s...an�•m•�*M�.on�b�.u.�.ae.b..niw u.�.a �rr TM Yaaiws MIwNM Rm q Dbclwr F �.,� LEGEND Vy E `�, M-��\ T �.6 0 ` � .... MITnW�SED PdNT OF LdlNECTION CONNECTION TO IGTE OF DISCNGRGE FpGLITY N0. LaqM�ur qvenue B Xica 31r��t IR623 0.862 >`� "�`„a'� AUTIIORIZED LIWTS OF $EMICE 4 Lar�mwr Pv�nua 9 pyo�Str��r 6r61� O.MJS v pnm S�r�N M-613 O.ni(Yr1WO yon 5�.) • • CITY OF ST. GRU{. SEMER USE� LaroMeurnrenu�B W�a�miniq�rSnM I,f611 1.3i2 S �\ LarpenleurPrenue B Gorkvoy Dri.v 1f610 0-IW IYiWOp1MiM�.) 9Y TME VLL4ffE OF M�P�EWOpp. Lwoemerr�renueB We:.bSnxtyFOEUCW) M-111 0.016 M-000 FAULITY CODE MA6ER -'-� �v0ameur Rrenue e YcWw SveN N-J06 6.122(�+cl.Fx�Yew) , •--_--• e0C 9m 5tao LoNameur4venue�M[a�a�MoWB.FYI 1FlOB OBBO MSSD JdNT MTERCEP117R $EWER RAM EY C N f �^•�'°w�"�"�e B Nmnwe SMa IF213 0.009 000 LSSD FACLRY CODE NII�BER �F WASHINGT01 CWNTY Larwroxv�•�nw B Flmarau 51n�� IF219 0.022 � t� �� O MIiiN6a<renwBN.3tPwIROaG Y-21B 0�000 �ppo V L>pnwurRwnwOW�mBrorlYww Y-218 0.{62(W�MQ02Y1 � ILerqM�urRVanwSRi/M1S�rW M-216 126i1�O68�0i93) Lrpmwr<renwdNO�EpMMiMq3�. M-ill i.O6fi , MclFipltl Roa! S MaryWN M-9Y0 0.038 26 I 25 w�pay1 neoa a snnwa�.r n..�w. u-ein i.irz � � ' �. . .1 . I . .. .' M1n1�rW Slrpl 0 M�rNr�l Sha�1 M-510 1.130 t� I NclniqMROaE pLOrrY�MOrir� M-i0B 299/(N�i.Iqqrtl�enMJ � 4NnfpMFaoE BUDOMNMnROOE M-109 2082 WininraDSin�t BLOwrMlmROaE M-�13 3.16♦ -RZZW. {-. McNniplilPeaE BXiplwooUGVewe M-121 1.�19 IPanl Daplos Rw! B Gwwr�r1�xn M-123 2.31! � � EXHIBIT MA-B BASIS FOR ESTIMATING VOLUME pF 5EWAGE � The Villag� of Maplewood connects to the City of St. Paul sewer system at 21 authorized points, tabulated and shown on Exhibit MA-A. At one poi.nt, ,�, Larpenteur Ave. and McAfee 5t. , the flow is measured and recorded through threE metering devices located as follows; (A) at Larpenteur Ave. and McAfee 5t� (B) at pumping st,ation near Clsarance St, and Gervais Ave. , flow to White ,� � Bear Lake force main (G) at purr�ping station .near Fitch St. and Kohlman Ave. , flow to White Bear Lake force main� � Eight points, Larpenteur Ave. and Ado�phus St. , Larpenteur Ave. a.nd Westminester St. , Larpenteur Ave. and 440 E. of Winthrup St. , McKnight Road � and Stillwater, Winthrup St, and Margaret St. , McKnight Road and Upper Afton R oad, Mc M cKnight R oad and Lowe r A fton R oad. , and McK.night R oad and Highwood Ave. , require measuring and recordi.ng devices. These devices shall � be designed to meet the existing co.nditions at each location and to accurately record the rriaximum allowable rate of discharge at that point. Approval of the metering locatio.n as well as of the final plans and specifications of the installatio.n � shall be secured from the City Engineer� City of St. Paul, prior to construction. The np.Eters are, as a part of this contract, to be placed in service on or before December 31, 1970. Two points, Larpenteur Ave. and RicE St. , and Point Douglas � Road and Carver Ave. require measuring and recording devices, but installation . ahall not be required at the$e points until some time in the future. � � The Village of Maplewood� in lieu of ineasuring the volume of sewage from the other 10 points of connectio.n shall $ubmit to the City of 5t. Paul all i.n- ,formatio.n necessary to ascertain the total .nt�mber of indxvidual connectio.ns to t.he � sewer system that are not tributary to a meter. The total number of unmetered . individual connections shall be multiplied by 400 gallons per con.nection per day. The amount so estimated shall be added to the measured volume of sewage to -�'" determine the total adjusted dry weather volur�e of sewage contributed by the � Village of Maplewood. � At any time that the Gity or the suburb i.ndicates that , in their opinion, the above described�method for estimating the volume of sewage from unmetered areas no longer approximates, with xeasoMable accuracy, the true and correct � usage made of the system, the.n a temporary measuring device of a type agreeable to both parties shall be--i.t�stalled and periodic measurements taken. These measurements shall form the basis for estimating the volume of sewage tributary � to that connection. All costs involved i.n this operation shall be directly chargeable to the suburb in accordance with Section 5 Subsectipn 10 of this agreement. � � � � '� E MA 1 SCHEDUL I� TREND FACTORS I930 to I964 �� Sewage Treatment Plant Sewer Construction Trend Factor Trend Factor Year Index , December 31, 1964 Index December 3I, 1964 � 1930 31 . 0 ' 3. 681 33. 3 3. 634 1931 29. 4 3. 881 31. 9 3. 793 1932 28. 1 4. 060 30. 6 3. 954 � 1933 28. 6 3. 990 30. 0 ; 4. 033 1934 31. b : 3. 611 32. 8 3. 689 � ' 1935 31. 5 ,� 3. 622 31. 5 3. 84I 1936 34. 9 ; 3. 269 36. 4 3, 324 ; 1937 40. 1 :- 2. 845 40. 5 2. 988 � 1938 38. 4; 2. 971 40. 0 3. 025 1939 3$. 7� 2. 948 40. 1 3. 017 � 1.940 39. 1 2. 918 40. 4 2. 995 ` 1941 39. 7 2. 874 41. 0 2. 95I 1942 40. 3 2. 831 43. 3 2. 794 � 1943 40. 1 2. 845 43. 2 2. 801 1944 40, ? 2. 803 43. 8 2. 763 � 1945 41. 5 2. 749 45. 0 2. 689 ` 1946 45. 7 2. 497 50. 4 ' 2. 401 194? 55. 6 2. 052 60. 5 2. 000 1948 65. 1 1 . 753 68. 7 L. 761 '� 1949 65. 1 1. 753 70. 1 1. 726 � i950 69. 2 1 . 649 73. 4 1. 649 �' 1951 74. 7 1 .,527 79. 3 1. 526 1952 ?6. 2 1. 497 80. 1 1. 511 � 1953 81. 6 1 . 398 86. 7 1. 396 ~ 1954 84. 6 1. 349 89. 3 1. 355 � 1955 `:>�a. 9 1 . 2$3 93. 5 1. 294 1956 94. 3 1 . 210 103. 5 1. 169 195? 99. 8 1. 143 104. 6 1. 157 1958 104. 5 1 . 092 111. 3 1. 087 � 1959 107. 7 1 . 059 117. 0 I. 034 1960 108. $ 1 . 049 117. 8 1. 027 y� 1961 109. 9 1 . 038 119. 6 1. 012 1962 110. 1 1 . 036 120. 0 I. 008 1963 111. ? 1. 021 120. 5 1. 004 4� 1964 113. 6 1 . 004 120. 5 I. 004 Jan. 19b5 114. 1 TF 1. 000 121. 0� I. 000 ��°Cost Indexes in effect January, 1965 used as basis of Dec. 31, 1964 trend factors. Note: Trend factors based on U. S. Public Health Service Division of Water Supply � and Pollution Control Cost Indexes for Minneapolis. , � ! �`� SCHEDULE MA-2 �� TREND FACTORS , Prior 1903 to 1930 Trend Factor Adj�sted Trend ,' ENR to 1930 Factor to De��e�mber 31, Year Index Average I964 —,-- �� Prior 1903 87�a� 2. 333 8. 478 . 1903 94 2. 160 7. 849 "� 1904 87 2. 333 8. 478 n 1905 , 91 2. 231 8. I07 ;1906 95 2. 137 7. 766 ',� 1907 101 2. O10 ?. 304 1908 , 97 ; 2. 093 7. 606 ' 1909 9L=� 2. 231 8. I07 ,� 1910 9�i 2. 115 7. 686 , ; ; 1911 93 2. 183 7. 933 ,�� ' 1912 91 2. 231 8. I07 I913 10�0 2. 030 ?. 377 1914 89 2. 281 8. 289 ' '� . 1915 93 2. 183 7. 933 ,' 1916 I30 1 . 562 5. 676 � 1917 181 1. 122 4. 077 � 1918 189 1. 074 3. 903 1919 198 1. 025 3. 725 1920 251 . 809 2. 940 '� 1921 202 1 . 005 3. 652 .. 1922 174 � 1 . 167 4. 241 1923 214 . 949 3. 449 '`' 1924 215 , . 944 3. 430 1925 207 . 981 3. 565 � 1926 208 . 976 3. 547 1927 206 . 985 3. 5?9 `� 1928 207 . 981 3. 565 �, 1929 . 20? . 981 3. 565 193Q 203 1 . 000 3. 634 � (a) Lowest Index Used for Construction Prio r to 1903 (1904 Index). (b) 3. 634 Times Trend Factors Shown to 1930 Average. � Note: Trend factors based on national average Engineering News-Record Construction Coet Indexes. Adjusted from 1930 average to December 31, � 1964, based on U. S. Public Health Service Sewer Construction Index for Minneapolis, Schedule MA-1. �� • � '� SCHEDULE MA-3 WEIGHTED AVERAGE TREND FACTOR * � Basis of Trend Factor Weighting for Minne�apolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District Facilities ;�� �`:Treatment Plant Joint Interceptor Contract Percent Contract ' Percent Year Cost�a� of Total Cost �a� �. of Total � T- % � �, u,� 1934 ,- 2,406, 746.`70 :J. 0? 1935 2'�ib, 836. 89 7. 34� 2, 181,426;53 36. 32 1936 1, �29, ?39. 92 50. 35 1, 155, 958. 30 19. 24 � 1937 1,�406 108. 76 38. 69 143 171 . 67 2. 38 > > _ 1938 '131, �86. 80 3. 62 119, 476. 82 1. 99 : � Total 3�, 634, 372. 37 100. 00 6, 006, 780. 02 � 100. 00 Treatment Plant Wei�hted Avera�e Trend Factors '`� Wei hted Avera e Trend Factor�d� USPHS Percent To i951 To 1952 o ecem er :Year Index�b� of� Base Base 1964 Base �'-' . � ` ° 193:i 31. 5 ?. 34 . 174 . 178 . 266 193E� 34. 9 50. 35 1. 077 1. 099 1. 646 � 1937 40. 1 38. 69 . 721 . 735 1. 101 1938 38. 4 3. 62 . 070 . 072 . 107 '�;100. 00 2. 042 2. 084 3. 120 � � 19 51 ?4. ? ``� � � � 1952 76. 2 , Jan. 1965 114. 1 . y� Joint Interceptor Wei�hted Avera�e Trend Factor �- Wei�hted Average Trend Factor�d� � USP� � Percent To 1951 To 1952 To December 31, Year Index � of� Base Base 1964 Base � 1934 32. 8 40�07 . 969 . 979 1. 478 Y935 31 . 5 36. 32 . 914 . 924 1. 395 r.� 193�v 3�u. 4 19• 24 . 419 . 423 . 640 � 1937 40. 5 2. 38 . 047 . 047 . 071 � 1938 40. 0 1. 99 . 039 . 040 . 060 100. 00 2. 388 2. 413 3. 644 ;�t 19 51 79.,3 1952 80. 1 Jan. ly e 5 •121 . 0 W� (a) Based on Public Examiner's Re ort of December 9 1940. P � ^ � (b) Based on Sewage Treatment Plant Zr�dexes, Schedule MA-1. � (c) Based on Sewer Construction Indexes, Schedule MA-1. '-'' (d) Base year index dividEd by annual index, times percent of total. � � �.W� •. � ,� ''� SCHEDULE MA-3a CONDITIO!N PERCENT - MSSD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT �� ��, (To December 31, 1964) (1) �Year Condition : F� Completed Percent (2� , � � i938 33. 75 `� 39 36. 25 40 38. 75 � .� , „��� ;� f�1941 41 . 25 � 42 43. 75 . 43 --- 46. 25 �� �4 48. 75 45 51. 25 : ' 1946 53. 75 , 4? 56. 25 48 58. 75 �� 49 61. 25 `�' 50 63. 75 r� 1951 66. 25 -' 52 68. 75 53 71. 25 n` 54 73. ?5 ,� 55 76. 25 �, 1956 ?8. 75 �.. 57 • 81. 25 ,..� 58 83. 75 � 59 86. 25 ��' 60 88. 75 F� � . 19�1 91. 25 � 62 93. 75 „. 63 96. 25 # 64 98. 75 � �.;� (1) Assu�ning facilities used from July lst of the year completed. "� (2) Represents percent remaining undepreciated. ,...� ,�,.,, . � ' . ._., � 1� 5CHEDULE �-3b GONDITION PER CENT - SEWER LINES (I) � � (To December 31, 1964) Year Condition Year Condition Yea"r Condition `� Complet�d Percezit 2 Co::mpleted Percent (2) Cor��leted Percent (2) � 1885 0. 626 1921 45. 625 1951 83. 125 � 22 46. 875 52 84. 375 1886 1. 875 23 48. 125 53 85. 625 87 3. 125 �� 24 49. 375 54 86. 875 � '; 88 4. 375 ' 25 50. G25 55 88. 125 � . � 89 5. 625 'i�i 90 6. 875 1926 51. 875 1956 89. 379�' :�:,, � 27 53. 125 5? 90. 625 "'`� 1891 $. �.Z7 2$ 54. 375 58 91. 875 `; 92 ' q. 375 29 55. �i25 5� 93. 125 � 93 10. i�25 30 56. 875 60 94: 375 �4 1Z. 8'� q5 Y3. 12.� . ,,9:3y. 58. 125 19b1 95. 625 ' 32 59. 375 62 96. 875 � 18�6 7.�. 375 33 60. 625 63 98. 125 97 15. F�25 34 61 . 875 64 99. 375 :� � 98 1 b. 87 5 35 63. 125 99 18. 125 , 1900 T9. 375 1936 64. 375 `� 37 65. Ei25 190I 20. 625 38 66. 875 2 21 . 875 39 68. 125 � 3 23. 125 40 69. 375 4 24.. 375 5 25. 625 1941 70. 625 � 42 71 . 875 1906 26. 875 43 73. 125 7 28. 12� 44 ?4. 375 � 8 29. 375 45 75. 625 9 30. 625 10 31., 875 1946 7�i. 875 � 47 ?8. 125 191I 33. 125 48 79. 375 12 34. 375 49 80. 625 � 13 35. f�25 50 81 . 875 14 36. 875 15 38. 125 �� 1916 39. 375 (1) Assuxning facilities used from July 1st of the year 1? 40. 625 completed. r� 18 41 . 875 1Q 43. 125 (2) Represents p�rcent remaining undepreciated. 20 4�. 375 � _� . � � � SCHEDULE MA-3c � FLOW VARIATION FACTORS '`�. FOR VARIOUS SEWAGE FLOW VALUES � ;� , '� Flow Average Annual � Vari�ation Sewage Flow Z:.imits Factar MGD ;" � ' 4. 0 � 0. 00 to 0. 11 � 3, A 0. 12 to 0. 18 , �' 3, g 0. 19 to 0. 23 � 3. 7 0. 24 to 0. 29 3. 6 r . 0. 30 to 0. 39 _ � 3, 5 � 0. 40 to 0. 49 � � �� 3. 4 � 0. 50 to 0. 64 � 3. 3 i 0. 65 to 0. 79 , 3, 2 ; 0. 80 to 0. 99 3, 1 ! 1 . 00 to 1. 19 � 3: 0 1 . 20 to 1 . 49 • ' h, 2, g 1 . 50 to 1 . 89 2, g 1 . 90 to 2. 29 2. 7 2. 30 to 2. 89 � 2. 6 � 2. 90 to 3. 49 2, 5 3. 50 to 4. 19 � 2. 4 ' 4. 20 to 5. 09 ,,.� T�_� T � 5. l 0 to 6. 39 __ 2. 2 ° � 6. 40 to 7. 99 - �� 2. 1 8. 00 to 10. 39 - Z, p 10. 40 to 13. 49 1. 9 13. 50 to 17. 99 � 1. 8 18. 00 to 29. 99 1, 7 , over 30. 00 T. � . (1) Values taken from Figure �1-8 "Report on the Expansion of Sewage � Works in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Area" Volume Three, September 1960. � _.. �� �.. . �� . u� • ' � PEAK DESIGN RATE ' (BASED ( � ENTERIN6 300-300 MAPLENOOD (M ' ENTERING 110-110 MAPLEMOOD (M MAPLENOOD (M ' MAPLENOOD (Y TOTAC TO 100 ' ENTERiN6 100 MAPLENOOD (B MA PLEMI OOD(MA ' MAPLENOOD (T DETENTION A w00DBURY TWP ' MOODBURY TwP TOTAL IN 100 ' ' ' , ' ' , ' ' � � � SCHEDULE MA-5 CALCUlATION OF NAPLEWOOD'S CAPITAI ' IN TNE MSSD INTERCEPTOR S� (SEE SECTION 5, SUBDIYISION 2 OF FACILITY DESCRIPTION & LOCAT PRESENT APPROPRIATED Y. OF TOTAL SUBURBB ' CODE DEPRECIATED CAPACITII AVAIUBLE CAPITAL N0. VALUE (3) CAPACITII APPORTIONMENT 100 101NT INT. ALONG CHILD"S ' PLANT TO BATTIE CREEK(2 S 243,515 22.B36 3.657 ; 8,905 BATTLE CREEK TO N0.110( 761.090 16.508 2.667 20.298 ' 110-110A SYPHON NEAR RESERVE ST.BR 430,629 16.508 2.E67 11,485 ' 120 YSSD INT. UNDER MOUNDS PA 852,039 2.288 0.391 3,331 200-200A JOINT INT.VIC.KELLOGG BLVI @10,845 2.288 0.391 3.170 ' 300-300A 1T.INT.TO TROUT BROOK CON 420,.923 2.28B 0.422 1,776 TOTALS ;3,519,041 , ITAL APPORTIONIff NT IN MSSD J OINT INTERCEPTOR SENER S 48,965 ' (1_) FROM SEHEDULE MA-3 (?) FROM SCHEDULE MA-36 ' (3) FROM SCHEDULE MA-4 �4� zoee ` 0.40709 x 5585 , ' ' ' , , � , , � SCNEDULE �A-6 ESTIMATED PEAK RATE OF DISCHARGE ( ' FOR DETERMINATION OF RENTAL FOR CITY COMBINED SEWERS CONNECTION PQINT 197�977 1977 1977 1977. 1977 ' SENETOTAL F.V.F. PEAK INFILTRATION TOTAL PEAK PQPULpAGE (1) (2) SEWAGE (3) FLON RICE STREET M-fi23 5f,2�9 3.8 .832 .030 .862 ' AGATE M-614 (2C,013) 4.0 (.052} (.003) t.055) ADOLPHUS (4) M-613 1 ,78_;67 3,9 .729 .047 .716 ' AIC MENEMY M-611 3,16.341 3.6 1 .228 084 1,312 ' TOTAL TROUT BROOK 2 950 wEIDE ST, M-411 - 004� 4.0 (.016) - (.0?6) ' PARKNAY UR. (5) M-410 4_025 4.0 .100 004 .104 MC AFEE M-306 9.09,404 2.4 5.770 .392 6.161 IKENNARD M-213 2,p02 4.0 .008 .001 _009 � FLANDRAU M-2?g 6.005 4.0 .020 .002 .022 NH.B.AVE. M-218 13_�07 4.0 .428 .012 .440 , RUTH M-216 z7.047- 4.0 .188 .007 .195 NINTHROP M-217 2,67.y�y 3,7 1 .006 .060 1.066 , MARYLANO M-520 �.009 4.0 .036 .002 .038 ' STILLNATER M-513 1 ,42.31Y 3.6 1 .123 .049 1 .112 MAR6ARET M-810 3,18.267 3.7 1 ,OR2 .068 1 .!30 , TOTAL BELT LINE 10.338 TOTAL 13.2N8 ' , (1) ESTIMATEO 1977 TOTAL SEWA6E = 19 (?.) FRGM SCHEDULE MA-30 ' (3� ESTIMATED 1977 INFILTRATION = 19 (4j INCLUDES FLOW ENTERING AT AGATE (5j INCLUDES FLOIN ENTERING AT WEIOE � , ' � SCHEDULE MA-1 MAPLEWOOD'S APPORTIONMENT OF REPRODUt COMBINEQ SEWERS FOR DETERMINATION ( ' FACILITY DESCRIPTION & LOCATI C ODE N0. , M-601 TROUT BROOK CONN.TO MSSO INT. M-60?. T.B. PARTRIOGE TO BRUNO , M-603 T.B. BRUNO TO RANOALL & MEST� M-604 T.B. RANDALL TO MISSISSIPPI M-605 T.B. MISSISSIPPI TO MA6NOLIA ' M-606 T.B. MA6NOLIA TO MARYLAND M-607 T.B. EXT. TO EDGEMONT ' M-608 ED�EMONT - IVY TO NEVADA M-609 NEVADA - EDGEMONT TO WESTM. M-610 NEST°M. - NEVADA TO MONTANA MONTANA TD HOY7 ' HOYT TO IDAHO M-611 MEST"M. - IDAHO TO WH.PKMY. MHEELOCK TO LARP. ' M-612 NH.PKINY. - NiEST°M. TO ADOLPHI M-613 ADOLPHUS - NHEELOCK TO LARP. ' M-614 LARPENTEUR - ADOLPHUS TO AGA1 M-615 TROUT BROOK - MARYLAND TO N.1 ' M-616 TROUT BROOK - TO SYLVAN M-617 TROUT BROOK - f0 SYLVAN M-618 SYLVAN - COTTAGE TO NEYADA ' M-619 SYLVAN - COTTAGE,TO N€VADA N-620 NEVADA - SYLVAN TO PARK M-621 PARK - NEVADA TO NEBRASKA , M-^o22 ,NEBRASKA - PARK TO RICE M-623 RICE - NEBRASKA TO LARPENTEUI ' � N A - NOT AVA I LABLE (1 ) fROM SCHEDULES MA-1 & MA-2 , (2) FROM SCHEOULE MA-8 (3) EST. AVERAGE DATE OF CONPLETION ' ' ' � ' SCHEDULE MA-1 (CONT' sHEer 2 oF a MAPLEWOOD'S APPORTIONMENT OF REPROD� COMBINED SEWERS FOR DETERMINATION ' FACILITY DESCRIPTION & LOCA�ED �� OF REPRODUCTION CODE f AVAILABLE COST OF SUBURB°S NO ) CAPACITY APPROPRIATION � M-201 BELT LINE CONN. TO MSSD M-202 101NT INTERCEPTOR 43.437 E 74,889 1 M-203 MAIN BELT LINE SENER M-204 FROM .806 12,478 M-205 PT. DOUGLAS RD. TO NAR�ARET M-106 MAIN BELT LINE SEWER FROM •»> 4,696 E 24,380 , M-207 MARGARET TO MECHANIC 1.108 6;480 M-208 MECHANIC - ETNA TO MAGNOLIA .336 728 M-209 BELT LINE FROM MAGNOLIA TO -377 670 ' R-210 MARYLAND & KENNARD -377 607 M-211 KENNARD - MARYLAND TO M-212 ARLIN6i0N .495 2,115 4,800 � M-212 KENNARO = ARLINGTON TO M-213 HOl'T .7E3 1,408 M-213 KENNARG HOYT TO LARPENTEUI 0'6 15 M-214 HOYT - KENNARD TO wHITE BEAI 1,134 1 ,283 � M-215 NOYT - wHITE BEAR TO HAZEL 1,576 994 M-215 HOYT - HAZEL TO RUTH 2.03,4 703 M-218 RUTH - HOYT TO CALIFORNIA 9.70Q 1,277 � M-216 RUTH - CALIF6RNIA TO LARPEN' M-217 LARPENTEUR - RUTH TO E.Of N 21.320 8,458 .783 127 M-218 wHITE BEAR - HOYT TO LARPEN' 1.400 434 861 � 3.OA0 300 M-219 URPENTEUR - FLANQRAU TO MH .667 44 � ;117,704 ' � ' N A - NOT AVAILABLE : (1) FROM SCHEDULE MA-1 (2) FROM SCHEOULE MA-6 � (3) ESTIMIITED AT $286/FT. � � ' , , SCHEDULE MA-7(CONT'D, MAPLEWOOD'S APPORTIONMENT Of REPRODUI � COMBINED SEWERS FOR DETERMINATION I FACILITY DESCRIPTION & LOCATI CODE N0. IM-301 ETNA & MECHANIC TO MAGNOLIA & M-302 PROSPERITY - MAGNOLIA TO CLARF � M-303 CLARENCE - PROSPERITY TO TOPII M-304 TOPIC UNE - CLARENCE TO MC A! ' M-305 MC AFEE - TOPIC LRNE TO ARLINI M-401 JESSAMINE - PROSPERITY TO BURI ' M-402 BURNQUIST - JESSAMINE TO MARYI M-403 PHALEN PARK - MARYUND TO IVV M-404 IVY - FRANK TO EARL ' M-405 PHALEN PARK - EARL TO FOREST M-40B �HEELOCK PKNY. - FOREST TO WE M-407 ARLINGTON - NEIDE TO GREENBRII ' M-408 IiREENBRIER - ARLINGTON TO HOY' ' M-409 6REENBRIER - HOYT TO PKNY. DR M-410 PARKNA� URIVE - IDAHO TO LARPI M-411 LARPENTEUR - PKNY. TD WEIDE � PUMP STATION ' � � ' N A - ORIGINAL CONSTR. COST NOT AVAII.ABI (1) CURRENT ESTIMATED COST PER FOOT (2) f'RGM SCHEDULE MA-6 , , ' , , � SCHEDULE MA-1 (CONT'I MAPLEWOOD'S APPORTIONMENT OF REPRODUI COMBINEO SEWERS FOR DETERMINATION I ' FACILiTY DESCRIPTION & LOCAT C ODE N0. ' M-501 MAR6ARET - BELT LINE TO BARC M-502 MARGARET - BARCLAY TO HAZELWi ' M-503 HA2ELN000 - MARGARET TO 8EEC1 M-504 BEECH - HA2ELN000 TO GERMAIN M-505 BEECH-GERMAIN TO 300° E.Of F M-505 BEECN - 300" E OF FLANDRAU T' , M-508 wHITE BEAR - BEECH TO MINNEHi M-507 MINEHl�HA - MH. BEAR TO HAZEL M-508 MINNEHAHA - HAZEL TO FEDERS( � M-509 PEDERSEN - MINNEHAHA TO MARGi M-510 MAR6ARET - PEOERSEN TO WINTHI M-509 PEDERSEN - MINNEHAHA TO REANI PEOERSEN - REANEY TO BUSH , M-511 BUSH - PEDERSEN TO EASEMENT M-5?2 BEAVER LAKE HTS. Ml-513 STILLMATER - EASEMENT TO MC � ' M-514 HAZEL - MINNEHAHA TO STILLWA M-515 HA2El - STILLWATER TO CASE M-516 CASE - HAZEL TO MANITOU � M-517 CASE - MANITOU TO EDGENATER , M-518 EDGENA?ER - CASE TO MAGNOLIA M-519 ED6EMATER - MAGNOLIA TO MARY ' M-520 MARYLAND - ED6EWATER TO MC K � � N A - OR161NAL CONSTRUCTION COST NOT A (1) CURRENT ESTIMATED COST PER FOOT (2) FROM SCHEDULE MA-B � ' ' , ' , SCHEDULE N SHEET � oF 2 MAPLEWOOD FINANCIN6 CfIARGE, DEPRECIp CNARGE FOR USE OF CITY ' FACILITY �EAR SUBURB"S VA LUE IN VALUE IN YALUE IN VALIIE IN COpE CONST. REPRODUC 19�4 1975 1976 1977 N0 COST ( , �ROUT BROOK SYSTEM (CONDITI (54.375) (53.125) (51.875) (50 8�5) ' M-601 1937 S 8,1 S 4,449 S 4-347 S 4,244 S 4,1�2 (CONDITI M-602. 1 868 4 (CONDITI (14.375) (13.125) (i1.815) (10.625) , M-603 1905 2,5 368 336 304 2 72 (CONOITI (40.625) (39.375) (38.125) (36.815) k-604 - 606 , M-615 - 617 1926 6,4 2.608 2,528 2,448 2.367 (CONDIT! (76.875) (15_625) (74.315) (73.125) M-607 - 609 M-615 - 623 1955 9.5 7.358 7,239 7.119 7.000 , (GONDITI �81.8751 (80.625) (79.315) (78.?25) I�-609 - 612 1959 6,4 5,284 5,204 5,123 5,U42 (CONDI?1 �83.125� (8t.875j (@0.625) (79.315) , M-612 - 614 1960 1 ,5 1 ,263 1 ,244 1 ,2i5 1;2G6 TOTALS - TROUT BROOK S 35,1 S 21.330 $ 20,898 ;.20,463 5 �0.029 , BELT LINE SYSTEM (CONDITI (54 375) (53.?25) (51.875) (50.625) M-201 - 202 1937 $74,8E 5 40,721 S 38,76� S 36,849 ; 37,913 � (CONOITI (38.125? (36.875) (35.625) (34.3i5) M.-203 - 208 1924 24,3 9.255 8;990 8.685 8.381 (CGNDITI 139.375j (38.125) (36:8i5j �35.625) , N-209 - 213 M-213 - 214 1985 6,( 2.395 2,319 2,243 2,167 (CONDITI (75.625j (�4.375) (73_125) (71.875) M-213 1953-4 11 11 11 it ' (GONDITI (10.E25) (69.375} (68.125) (56.8i5)- M-215 1950 E 707. 690 677 665 (CONDITI (73.125) (71.875) (70.625) (69.375) M-215 1952 i 514 505 d96 488 , (CONOITI (76.875) (75.625� (74.375) (13.125) M-216 1955 t.i 982 966 950 934 (CONDITI �79,375) (78.125) (76.875•) (75.625) ' M-217. M-219 1857 8.; 6.748 6.642 6,536 6.430 (CONOITI (44.375) (43.125) (41.875) (40.625) M-218 1929 E 382 371 381 350 � SUB-TOTALS $117,� S 61 .750 $ 60,279 f 58,808 S 57,339 ' (1) fRUM SCHEDULE MA-7 ' � ' � SCHEDULE MA-8 SHEET 2 oF z MAPLEWOOD FINANCING CHARGE, DEPREC CHARGE FOR USE OF CiT ' FACILITY YEAR SUBURB" VAIUE IN VALUE IN VALUE IN VALUE IN CODE CONST. REPR00 1974 1975 1975 1977 N0. COST ' SUB-TOTALS FORWARDED $117 f 61.150 S 60.279 S 5d.808 $ 57,339 (CONDI' (38.125) (36.875) <35.625) (3a.375) M-301 - 302 , M-405 - 408 1924 E 4 S 1 .610 $ 1 ,55i $ 1 ,504 j 1,451 (CONDI �i6.875) �"'S.625) (74.375) (73.1251 M-303 - 305 1955 33 24,176 24,373 23,970 23,567 ' (CONDI (39.315) (36.t25) (36.875) (35.625) FJ-40' - 404 1925 104 101 97 94 (COND1 (79.315) (78.125) (76.875) (75.625) ' M-�09 - 411 1957 12 l0.Ofl8 9,929 9,770 9.611 (CONDI (38.115) (36.875i (35.6251 (34.375) M-50'. - 508 1924 9 3,688 3.567 3,446 3,325 (CONDI (�Q.625) (69.3751 (68.125) (66.875) ' M-509 - 510 1956 t 7B6 753 739 726 (CONDI (45.625) (d4.375) (43.1251 �41.815) M-509 1930 194 189 184 178 ' (COND� (T3.125) (71 .875) 170.625) (69.375) N-509 - 513 1952 3 2.457 2,415 2,313 2.331 (CONDa (41.875) (40.625` 139.375) (�8.125) M-514 - 517 1927 : 79 77 74 72 ' (CGNDI (66.675) (65.625) (E4.375) (ti3.125) M-517 - 518 1947 '. 149 146 144 141 (COND> l71.875} (70.625) (E9,3751 (68.125) , k-519 - 520 1951 ) 285 280 275 270 TOTAL - BELT IINE 518a 5105.946 5103.666 �101,384 ; 99,105 , TOTAL - TROUT BROOK 37 21.330 20.858 20.463 20,029 TOTAL COMBINED,SEWERS 5211 ;127.276 5124,564 $i21,847 5119,134 ' FINANCING CHAR6E AT 3.5�: OF CURRENT VALUE 9 5 4,455 S 4,360 3 4,265 S 4,170 DEPRECIATION CHARGE ' AT 1.25'. OF REPROOUCTION COST D 2,720 2,720 2,720 2,720 ANNUAL RENTAL CHAR6E 7 7.175 7,080 G.985 6,890 ' QUARTERLY RENTAL CHAR6E ].50 1 ,793.75 1,770.00 1.746.25 1,722.50 � (1) F60M SCHEOULE MA-7 ' ' ' ' � PEAK DESIGN R� OF BELT L ' , ENTERIN6 PACIL MA PLEINOOD , DETENTION I TOTAL TO M-108 ENTERIN6 fAC1L ' MAPLENOOD � MA PLEN000 MAPLEWOOD � ' DETENTION I NOT-1 (36'0 TOTAL TO M-105 , ENTERIN6 FACIL MAPLENOOD � DETENTION I ' INOT-1 (36a TOTAL TO M-1031 ' ENTERIN6 FACIL MA PLEIM000 NOT-2 (93'•0 1NOT-3 ('.0'/, � TOTAL TO M-111 ENIERIN6 FACIL ' MA P LEw 00D TOTAL TO M-118 ENTERIN6 FACIL ' MAPLEMOOD TOTAL TO M-124 � ENTERING FACIL MAPLE/OOD TOTAL TO M-122 � ENTERING FACIL MAPLENOOD TOTAL TO M-118 ' ' ' , � ' SHEE1 2 OF 2 PEAK DESIGN RA1 OF BEL.T ll� , i MUM PEA K IAGE DISCH. 6D MGO ' ENTERING FACILI' MAPLEWOOD (I , MAPLEWOOD (I MAPLEWOOD (' TOTAI TO M-116 251i �3.516) , ENTERING FACILI' MAPLEWOOD TOTA L TO M-111 �30? (3.395�� , ENTERING FACILI' MA PLEMOOD (� MAPLEWOOD (I ' MAPLEWOOD ��13 3.716 WOT-2 (93':�451 1.565 MIOT-3 (10'4)314 0 355 , TOTAL TO M '03A'94'� (5 646� ENTERING FACILI ' MAPIEWOQD ,'. YAPLEWOOD �' MAPLENOOD 1� MAPLEN000 (872 2_054 ' QETENTION A9g5 0.985 NOT-i �36 ��146 0.812 IMOT-2 �93°.)2�5 1.383 ' W OT-3 (i 0•�lz 84 0.315 TOTAL TO lO�NT 162 � 15.549i ' ENIERING FACILI MA PLEWOOD 392 6.800 ' (i) ESTIMATED FTO BRIN6 iHE TOTAL ESTIMATED F ' (2) QUANTITIES O6. , � ' ' � , SCHEDULE MA-10 CALCULATION OF MAPLEWOOD'S CAPITAL APP CREEK SEWER S�STEM & M-306 IN THE B ` FACILITV �ESCRIPTION & LOCATI�RESENT APPROPRIATED y OF SUBURB°S CODE PRECIATED CAPACITII AVAILABLE CAPITAL NJ. VALUE MGD (3) CAPACITY APPORTIONMENT , M-101 BATTLE CREEK SYPHON M-102 FROM JOINT INTERCEPTOR 378.953 5.5Y9 25.854 $251 ,141 � M-103 TO HEAD HOUSE M-103 S.R.TUNNEL ABOVE HEAD HOUSE 39,329 2.440 11 .121 4,374. M-103 NORTH TRUNK SEMIER THROU6H BAT' M-104 CREEK PARK TO APPROX, 500 F124,802 2.440 11.450 14,290 � M-105 N. OF UPPER AFTON ROAD M-106 EASENENT - SEk,NWk,SEC.2 M-107 RUTH - LARRY NO 121,292 2.994 37.899 45,968 � M-108 LARRY HO - RUTH TO MC KN16HT M-108 MC KN16HT - LARRY HO 10 UPPER 11,796 2.082 90.917 10,725 M-110 BATTLE CREEI( S.INTERCEPTOR ALf40,204 5.046 29,580 41,444 , M-111 POINT DOU6LAS ROAD M-112 LOwER AFTON ROAD 6,182 3.164 41 .091 2,540 M-112 L9NER AfTON ROAD 37,712 3.164 48.671 18,357 M-113 LOMER AFTON ROAO � - M-114 POINT DOUfiLAS ROAD M-115 PT.O,RD, - PUMP SiA.TO PIEDM0134,280 3.395 32.028 'i0,979 M-116 PT.O.RO. - PIEDMONT TO HO�pRD 85,349 3.395 32.028 27,336 ' N-117 PT.D.RD. - HOwARD TO SPRINGS1126,065 3.516 33.170 8,646 M-118 PT.D.RD. - SPRINGSIOE TO H16HI 9,620 3.516 33.170 3,191 Y-119 PT.D.RD. - H16Hw00D TO POINT "14,543 2.202 20.774 3,021 M-120 H16Hw000 - TH 61 TO SKY�AY DR 29,635 1.719 84.265 24,912 � M-121 NF6HNOOD - SKYwAY DR. TO MC K123,666 1.719 90.000 21,299 M-122 POINT DOU6 US ROAD 33,456 2.202 28.277 8,791 M-123 FROM POINT °B°"(420" S.OF 15,983 2.275 27.146 4,339 � M-124 H16HNOOD AVENUE TO 21.651 2.275 27.148 5,878 M-125 CARVER AVENUE 24,964 2.348 28:019 6,995 BELT LINE SYSTEM � M 306 MC AFEE - ARLINGTON TO LARPEN 76,982 6.800 66.667 47,046 � TOTAL APPORTIONMENT ;516,332 (1) FROM SCHEDULE MA-t � (2) fROM SCHEDULE MA-36 (3) FROM SCHEDULE MA-g (4) TOTAL EST. PEAK FLOW (5) CURRENT COST ESTIMATED AT 515.75 PER � � � i , .' SCHEDULE MA-11 r, MINNEAPOLIS-SALNT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CAPITAL ADDITIONS, 1938-19�1 � � Value as of December 31, 19�4 � Trended ; Trended Original Capital � Trend Origir�al Condition Cc,st Less ear �Additions�a� ' Factor �b� Cost Percent��� Depreciation � .� $ $ °1� � • ��1) �2) �3� �4) �5) �6) f': 1938 � 4, 725. �0 2. 971 14, 040 33. 75 4, 740 � ! 1939 3, 199. 81 2. 948 9,430 36. 25 3,420 ; 1940 8, 329. 39 2. 938 24, 310 3$. 75 9, 420 � 1941� 4, 356. 62; 2. 874 12, 520 41. 25 5, 160 T942 3, 969. 44�: 2. 2�31 1�, 240 43. 75 4, 920 � 1943 680. 37 2. 845 19 940 46. 25 900 r� �.944 971. 99 2. 803 2, 720 48. 75 1, 330 • 1945 3, fi86. 28 2, 749 10, 130 51. 25 5, 190 � 194b 1, 222. 69 2. 49? 3, 050 53. 75 1, 640 1947 7, b64. 41 `, 2. Q52 15, 730 56. 25 8, 850 19�8 (19, 446. 36) ; - (19, 45p) - (19, �50) � 1949 10, 160. 11 1 . ?53 17, 810 61. 25 10, 910 �1�50 23, 802. 70 1. 649 39, 250 63. 75 25, 020 � 1951 208, d82. 93 �.. 52'7 317, 740 66. 25 210, 500 1952 14, 051 . 56 1. 497 21, 040 68. 75 14, 470 �' 1953 i8, 792. 72 �. . 398 26, 270 71. 25 18, 720 � 1954 24, 528. Q4 Y . 349 �33, 090 73. 75 24,400 � �.955 6, 2p1 . 8�a� 1 . 283 ' "�, 960 76. 25 6, 070 � 1956 128, 193. 22(f; � . 2fl 0 155, 110 78. 75 122, 150 1957 15, 734. $1 � . i43 17, 980 81 . 25 14, 610 1958 T2, 3�8. 50�f� ➢. . 092 13, 480 83. 75 11, 290 P' �.959 ' 4, 077. :.7�f, � . 059 4, 320 8E�,. 25 3, 730 °" 1960 34, 173. E,8(f) �.. 049 35, 850 88. 75 31, 820 �� 1961, 34, 872. 82�f� 1. 038 36, 200 91. 25 33, 030 Total 554, 381 . 29 8A1, ?b0 552, 840 °� (a) Based on Sa�itary. District records of original cost. ,, (b) Based on Sewage Treatment Plant Trend Factors, Schedule MA-1. (c) Ba$ed on estimated 40 year life of facilities with depreciation at 2. 50% per year. (d) Excludes land acquisitions. � (e) Excludes land acc�uisiti.ons and program of research and investigation. (f) Excludes program of research and investigation. � - ' , , � ', �`, SCHEDULE MA_12 MINNEAPOLIS�SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRI�T '� : SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT DECEMBER 31, 1964 VALUE � � �`� Facilities Constructed ;` � Prior to December 31, 1961 Original Constructg.on Cost of Sewage Treatment � Plant 1935 to 1938 $ 4, 044, 3I5 , Qbsolescence and Retirerzzents to December 31, 1964 666, 378 ;� Construction Gost I.tess Obsolescence and Ret}a�ments $ 3, 377, 937 Wgigh�ed Trend Fac�tor to Deeennber 31, 1964� 3. 120 ' Trended Original C�,ost • $ 10, 539, 160 n, Condition percent�b� 33. 75% � Trended Origia�al �ost Less Deprec iation of Original ,� 1935-1938 Cons�r�ction $ 3, 556, 970 ,� Federal Grant Cr�dit on Original 1935-1938 Constru�tio� at 27. 5%��� 978, 170 ,.�� Dece:nber 31, 19�4 Value of Origina� �onstruction $ 2, 578, 8p0 Value of 1938-196'1 Capital.Additions d $ 552 840 Land Acquisitions 1938-1961�e� $ 246, 220 ;-� Program of Research and Iaavestigation (to December .31, A961)�e� $ 502, 660 Total December 31, 1964 Value of Minneapolis-Saint � Paul Sanitarly District Sewage Treatment Plant, for Construqtion prior to December 31, 1961 $ 3,880, 520 ;� Suburb's Capital Apportiionment 4. 260 MGD�f� x $3, 880, 520 = $ 75, 830 � 218. 0 MGD � `� (a) Based oxz Sewage Tre�tment Plant weighted Trend Factox, Schedule MA-3 (b) Based on estiznated 40 year life of facilities with depreciation at 2. 50 :� percent per year, from 1938 to December 31, 1964 from Schedule MA-3a (c) 27. 5% Based on: Total 1934-1938 Canstruction Costs $10, ?14, 350 � Total Federal Grants 2, 942, 565 ��� Fed�ral Grants expressed as percent of total 1934-1938 construction costs 27. 5% '� (d) Based on Schedule MA-11 (e) Original Cost. � (f) Schedule MA-13 � • � . � � SCHEDULE MA-13 BASIS FOR DETERMININS SUBUAB'S SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS � (For purposE of ttiis agreerr�ent use tt�e valuES est�mated for 1910 Average Anr�ual Flow, eapressed in M6D - Miliion Galions per Day. ) � ENTRANCE f01N1 SEW�RED DOM. SWB. COM°L. & IND. INFILTRATION TOTAL POPULATION M6D MGD MGD SEWAGE MA PLENOOD RICE STREET 500 .030 .108 .019 .157 � ADOLPHUS �> > 1 ,788 .107 .004 .029 .140 MC NEMENY 3,168 .190 .014 • .053 .257 � PARKWAY DRIVE (2� 44 .003 .O14 .003 .070 MC AFEE 9,090 .546 .900 .241 1.687 KENNARO 20 .OQt 001 .002 FLANDRAU 65 .004 - .002 .OQ6 � WHITE BEAR AVE. 131 .008 .078 .010 .096 RUTH 272 • .016 .022 .OQ6 .044 WINTHROP 2,677 .181 .052 .049 .262 ' MARYLAND 73 .004 .004 .002 .010 STILLMATER 1 ,420 .085 .166 .040 .291 MARGARET 3,188 :191 -.032 .Q55 .278 UPPER AfTON ROAO 59 .004 .011 .002 .017 �. BATTLE CREEK 574 .034 .011 .01,1 .058 LOWER AFTON ROAD 261 .016 .002 .005 .023 HIOHWOOD 853 .051 .006 .015 .072 � FISN CREEK 643 .039 .004 .011 .054 SU8-TOTAL 24.,832 1.490 1 .428 .554 3.412 � OETENTION AUTH. - - .489 - .469 wOT-1 (36'/.) 720 .043 .108 .040 .191 WOT-2 (93%) 372 .022 .075 .022 .119 � WOT-3 (10%) 50 .003 .004 .002. .009 TOTALS 25,976 1 .558 2.084 .618 4.260 � (? ) INCLUDES FLOW FROM AGATE STREET � (2) !NCLUDES FLOW FROM WEIDE SIREET � � � � � � � SCHEDULE MA-14 � BASIS FOR DETERMINiNG SUBURB'S CAPITAL APPORTIONMENT IN NE'4V M. S. S. D. SEWAG;E t TREATMENT PLANT � (See Sect�on 5, Subdivision 5 of Agreement): . ' � At the time of this ag�eement the new M. S. S. D. sswage treatment is under construction and only partially completed and in partial operation. ' The actual costs of this plant cannot be known until the work is finished. � n A ril 25 1966 the Board of Txustees of the M.S. S. D. b Resolution O P � Y No. 1124 adopted a revised estim,ate of tot�.l cost of $27, 150, 000. 00. This ' � estimate represents net cost after deducting anticipated Federal grant money. Suburb's capital apportionment shall be based on this estimate. Adjust - � ments with appropriate additions or credits to Suburb shall"be made when final costs are audited. � Suburb's Capital �pportionment - New MSSD Trea�ment Plant 4. 260 MCxD�` x $27, 150, 000 = $530, 546 ' � 218. 0 MC�D � � � � � � � � Schedule MA-13 � � • � � � SCHEDULE MA-15 CREDIT FOR CAPITAL PAYMENTS � MAPLEWOOD TRAILER COACHES WOODBURY TOWNSHIP 0249R 0310R 093DR 0249R 0310R 0930R SEWER MTNCE.. SEWER RENTAL INCR. S.R. SEWER MTNCE. SEWER RENTAL INCR S.R. � 1963 3RD QUARTER $ 8.793.17 $ 7,831,75 3 5,054.63 E 348.00 E 259.50 E 173,00 4TN UUARTER 8,991 .02 1,831.50 5,181a50 372.00 279.00 186�00 � 1964 1ST UUARTER 9,186.87 7,944�08 �,T54.25 422.00 314,.34 209,50 1 2N0 QUARTER 9,168.15 1,959,78 5,264.25 420.40 309,42 206 25 3RD QUARTER 9,355�75 8,075.04 5,338.15 478.40 352.,92 235.25 � 4TH QUARTER 9,567080 8,280.32 5,471�13 488,40 360.42 240.25 1965 1ST QUARTER 9,708,.52 8,422.28 5,562.63 580040 429.42 286e25 � 2ND QUARTER 9,961.12 8,491 .71 5,607.62 988�00 572.52 380,25 � TOTALS $74,732.40 $84,642.44 $42,734..76 $ 4,095.80 $ 2,877,54 $ 1,916,75 1 CREDIT - 2/3 of 0249R ALL of 0930R � MAPLEWOOD TRAIIER COACHES 2/3 of 574,132�40 ° $49,821.60 � 42,734e76 $92,556�36 � WOODBURY TOWNSHIP 2/3 of $ 4,095.,60 = $ 2,730,40 1,916.15 $ 4,647.,15 � TOTAL CREDIT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $97,203,51 � � t r i i ' SCNEDULE MA-16 CREDIT FOR OIRECT CONSTIBUTIONS TOWARD CONSTRUCTION OF 101NTLY USED FACILITIES � 101NTLY USED YEAR AMOUNT PAID TREND AMOUNT PAID CONDITION AMOUNT SEWER BUILT TOwARO FACTOR TIMES PER CENT OF FAC.CODE N0. CpNST. CQST (1) TREND FACTOR (21 CREDIT ' M-308 1958 $47,101a00 1 .081 ;51,205 91,875 547,045 M-108 - 109 1959 18,018.98 1.034 18,562 93.125 15.423 ' M-813 - 614 1960 5,936�92 1 .027 8,097 94.375 5,754 1 M-217 1957 16,247.80 1.157 18,799 80,625 11,037 TOTAL CREDIT DUE MAPLEWOOD FOR DIRECT CASH CONTRIBUTIONS SB5,259 � CREDIT DUE TO DETENTION AUTHORITY 1 M-106 - 109 1959 $23,437.21 1,03a $24,234 94 315 S12,871 � TOTAL CREDIT DUE MAPLEWOOD AND DETENTION AUTHORITY 5108,130 � i 1 i ' (l) FROM SCNEDUIE MA-1 (2) FROM SCHEDULE MA-38 � ' � , ' ' ISCHEDULE MA-17 , SUMM.ARY OF TOTAL CAPITAL APPQRTIONMENTS AND CREDITS � � Capital Apportionme�its - (Section 5 of Agreement) , , � ' Title } , Ref. Schedule Amount —,..�... MSSD Interceptor (Subd. 2) MA-5 $ 48, 965. 00 , Jointly Used City Sewers (Subd. 3) MA-10 561, 332. 00 Existing MSSD Sewage ' Treatxnent Works (Subd. 4) � MA-12 75, 830. 00 � Nev�r 1V�SSD Sewage Treatment Works (Subd. S) MA-14 530, 546. 00 ' Total Apportionment $1, 216, 673. 00 ' Capital Credits - (Section 9 of Agreement) , Cap�.tal Cost Payments MA-15 $ 97, 204. 00 ' Direct Cash Contributions MA-16 108, 130. 00 Total Capital Credits • 205, 334. 00 ' Net Ca 'tal pi Apportionment $1, 011, 339. 00 1 (Quarterly payments if paid in 120 equal installments - See Subd. 2, Section 5) $ 13, 653.00 � In additioM to the above quarterly payments there is a rental charge, � as shown on Schedule MA-8, which varies from ' � $Z, 007. 75 in 1965 to $1, 722. 50 per quarter in 1977. � � � , '