249366 ORIGINAL TO�CITY CLBRK � � , � " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa N0. ' ; s � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COU IL ESOLUT ON—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 5aint Paul, that the Municipal Stadium sha,ll be rented to the Vikings, a corporation, subject to the following terms, conditi.ons, and provisions: The Municipal Sta.dium may be used as a practice field for the Vi:kings for the periocl from August 28, 1970, through December 31, 1970, the Vikings to pay for the use therefor the tota.l sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($4, 800), payable on or before December 31, 1970. This use agreement pertains to the period from August �8 through December 31, 1970, and may be canceiled by written notice from either the Vikings or the City given to the other; however, such notice, to be effective, must be given prior to June 1, 1970, if it is the intent of the party giving such notice to cancel the agreement for the use period contemplated in 1970, and such �iotice must be given prior to June 1, 1970, to cancel the use period contemplated from August 28, through December 31, 1970. In additi.on to said renta.l payment, the Vikings shall also be responsible for the restoration of the athletic playing field to the conditi.on of the same existing at the inception of the Vikings use therefor hereunder, said restoration to be made in the spring of the year following the use of said facilities by the Vikings. The Vikings shall, as a conditi.on of this agreement with the City, vacate and make room in the locker room and playing field for the use of the high school players in connection with high school games contracted for at the 5ta,dium, Finally, the Vikings shall submit to the City of Saint Paul, through the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings, evidence of public liability insurance policy as well as evldence of workmen's compen- sati.on insurance policy which they agree to mainta.in in e�ect during the aforesaid rental period; and further, the Vikings agree as a condition of this rental agreement to indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul against any ciaims of any nature whatsoever out of or by virtue of their use of the Municipal Stadium; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine _In Favor Meredith yor Sprafka Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty �� �_Z�"�� ORIO�INAL TO"CITY CLBRK � �- � � . - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF Page 2 be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resoluti.on shall not become effective until the Vikings file a written acceptance of the terms and conditions of said resoluti.on with the City Clerk. �UN 17 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays ��� 1 7 1��� Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �H�o JUN 2 0 �970 � . 24�`��6 �DUrLICATt 7b lMN7�1! � . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO 4: ..- � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBHITED tT COMMISSIONEQ �ATG RESOLYED� by the Council of the City of Ssint Psul. that the Municipal Stsdium shsll be rent�d to the Vikings� a corporation� subject to the followia� tarms, conditions, aad provisions: The Municipsl Stadium msy be u�ed as s prsctice field for the Vikiags tor tbe period trom August 28. 19?0, through December 31� 1970. the ViMngs to psy for the uoe therefor the total sum ot Four Thou�and Eight Hundred Dollsrs ($4, 800), paysble on or betore December 31, 1970. Thi• use sgreement pertain� to the period irom August 28 through December 3�. 1q70, snd may be canceled by written notice from either the Vildngs or the City Qiven to the other; howev�r. such notice. to be effective, muet be given prior to June 1. 19T0, ii it is the intent o$ the psrty giving snch notice to csncel the agreement for the use period contemplated in 1970, snd such not�bce mu�t bm given prior to June 1, 1970. to csncsl the use period contemplsted from . August 28, through December 31, 1970. In addition to ssid rental psyment. tha Vikings shsll slso be respon�ible tor the r�storation of the sthletic plsying field to the condition of the same eti�tiag at the inceptioa of ths Yildngs use therefor hereunder. ssid restoration to bo made in the �priag of the yssr followiag th� us• of oaid tscilitie� by the Yikings. The Vikings shsll, an a coadition of tbis a�re�m�nt with t� City, vscste snd make room in the locker room sad playin� field tor the use of the high school players in cona�etion with hiQh school games contrscted for st the Stsdium. Finslly, the Vikiag� shall submit to the City of Ssiat Puul, through the Commi�sioner ot � Libraries, Auditorium, snd Civlc Buildiag�� evidence ot public lisbility insurance policy ss well ss evidence of workmea'• comp�n- sation in�ursnce policy which thsy sgree to maintsin in eQect during th� sforeaaid rental period; snd further. the Vikings s�ree as s coaditioa ot thi� rentsl sgr�ement to ind�mnify and rsve bsrml�ss the Citp ot Saint P�ul sgainst sny claims of sny nah�re whst�oever out of or by virtue of their use of the Municipal Stadium; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the.Council 18� Yeaa Nays Butler Carlaon Approved 19.` �°�e T*� Favor Meredith Yayor Sprafka Aroas►inat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� o��,�,n,��,� - 249`�� - CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO ti ._ *•- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRBENTED elf COMMISSIONER DAT� Psge 2 be it , FURTHER RH50LVED, tbat this resolution shall not become etiective uatil the Vikings til� s written acceptsnce of the terms and conditions oi said resolution v�►ith the City Cler&. JUN 17 1970 COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Counci] 19_ Yeaa Nays JU� � 7 �70 Butler Carlson Approv� 19� Levine Tn FAnOr • . Meredith � Mayor Sprafka A�inst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� � . 4 Saint Paul, Minnesota June 22, 1970 o �c'� '`� ij.t : �lso s�,o�f;n �f�i� .•, ' fl,�rl^ �'r�> v�'f��� :���;� %� /C� To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 2493t�, adapted by the Council on June 17, 1970. V Z ft i'i S � �. _ ._1 [� ___ e—�:�•.�,. 5��,s;.. s h_ l�.,��s ,��:.. �ac. �t-� � ,���— I��E�O�A `���V ��^,j r X t.t� 4 A .+�'R.e �C1� (, �+N`r' ��,f n IC C' � i +� L: \-'.s� MI .d'� �l{����� '�y"� � � ..,c ��JU�J24 l� U�*'l�,i �i� � � t+ �TT /�T r;9 ., �`" � 4 �+J! �; a � _ �L� 1 t �Q��i�NLi./ aiL�� �� � 4 � � ����',�� �C�iB��i_.._� .: ia 7809 SOUTHTOWN CENTER BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431 iKr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk City of Saint Paul • 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 „