249360 Orl�inal to City Clerk . � RDINANCE 2��3�0 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �a l ORDINANCE NO ��b ,\ AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF MAYNARD .ABRAMSON AND LORANE ABR.AMSON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND AND WIFE AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Maynard Abramson and Lorane Abramson, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �500.00, in full settlement of their claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a Yall on a defective sidewalk at or near 1799 Highland Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on September 8, lg6g. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take ef�ect and be in • force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. JUL 2 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cf�uncil Butler / Carlson x� 7n Favor ` Levine �p Meredith � � Against Sprafka -�a�-,-.� J U L 2 1970 Mr. P id cC Ap At Y) �� y Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form appro ed Corporaation Co ns By PUBLISHED JUL �. 1 �97. � n.�..�.a rsi.e.r y �� RDINANCE 2 � � 49�, b0 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � AlT ORDI1f�1NCE SETTLIlI� '1'� CLAII� OF MA?1�ASD AB�OII� � LQ�A�IS A�SOl�� IltDIYIHIIAL�.Z' AHD AS fltf38A� /11�9 � i�1IFB AGllIN8T T$S CI'!? �F 3AI�3' P�TL THB COtTI�CIL OF 'P� CITY aF SAIPT PADL DOS3 OBH�►IBi � Seotion l. T}�t tLe;�prQ�rrr Cit� vitic�rs sre l�rslry au#�or#s�d aad directed to pa�r ont oi t�� Tc�rt Lia�ilit� � OU;�-4glt to Maynard A�ra�an a�d I,oraue lbra�so�, i�dividuall� stid �s �trbs�d and viie, ths a� ot �5�0.00, ia fall settleiaeat oi their clai.� ior �a�saea aad is�uries s�stsiaed Dy rea�oa ot a tall oa s deiee#itr+e �idewall� at or aear i?99 Higlsiand Y�r�roa�, Saint P�t, MisnBSOta, oa �epte�ber 8, 1969. Seation 2. T6at eaid soa shall be p�lid t4 the �a►id olai�ants npoa t�eir ezecnttoa asd deliTery o� m rel�tse ia i'n11 to the Cit�, ia a iers� to �e appzo�ed by t►he Carporation Cuugee2, ior all da�t�e• a�d i�,jnriaa sntitaiasd ia t►2ie iraaaer aioresai�. Sectioa 3. Tt�►t thi8 ordinetnce shall take eifeet a�d be in iorce t�irty days a�t�er its pafsa�e, appro�ral ss�d gitblieatioa. JUL � 1970 Yeaa Councilmen Na�s Paesed by the unc31 Butler ', � Carlson Lev3ne ' T*+ Favor sp��� , � A�inet Mr. Presiaent (Mccarty) Approved: J U L 2 1910 Attest: Cit�y G'lerl� Mayor �� ,:, �'orm app�ov�ed Cosypor�foa Couaeel By , , .. . ` i PUBLIC NOTICE Parsua,nt to direction of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and pursuant to Ordinance No. 64�+6, as amended, of said City, public notice is hereby given that the Council ha.s set a heaxing on July 8th., 1970, at its regular meeting on said d.a.te, for the purpose of considering a revision o� salaries of certain titles in Group B of Section II of Ord.inance No. 6�+4�. Dated June_17, 1970 (June 20, 1970) '�UBLISHED .IUN 2 01970 , _ . .� P'UBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to direction of the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul, and pursua.nt to Ordinance No. 6�+�+6� as am�nded, of said City, public notice is hereby given that the Council ha,s set a heaxing on July 8th., 1970, at its regulax mee�ing on said date, for the purpose of considering a revision of salaries of certain titles in Group A of Section II of Ordir�ance No. 6�+�+6, Plumbers and Stea.mfitters. Dated June 17, 1970. (June 20, 1970) I�QBLISHED JUN 2 01910 / ( � �.. � Isf , 2nd `• Laid over to . 3rd and app � _�4dopted �Z Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bu+ler Carlson �^(j`�� Carison 'Z�J Levine Levine Meredith Meredith � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco T-.r,�,��----e� Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O