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� Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By— —
� Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No. ��'�'
r and Assessment Therefor
In the matter of � � i� � �� � �� � �• � �t� '�'�'�
�s �a�rt �f L� � ari �E �, tL� �t,� �tssQe;�#�i l�ra�p�� ���rr �, ! �i st1 �rL'
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t�rl� at #�r #�t.�+r�e�rr r►t d� !� �rr � � �i�wNt� �rr�ra ar� r�
�t l�r r►� 1s�� t�tt� #�at �'1dt s�a i�s '�W►� ��s i! �ir �#� �► � � �
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�e��+l �t� !►iif,si� �r. �, � �el�s� dr t � � d� �e 3�e
e!` �ese�rt �'�► �, ��i� �� ar t� #rrd� 2�t +r!` r�rt t�r l�r��t
� �. �t .�t ��a�,
under Preliminary Order ��� , approvecl � �� ��� ,
Intermediary Order �3� —, approved �� �'� �� ,
Final Order �� , approved � � �� .
A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements
� therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment
of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
C C �N
Yeas � , Nays
Adopted by the Council �UN 17 1970
Mer�ditb -
St �:�ka �
Ap oved ��N 1 � 1970
TE>.;esco G��
�_ In Favor
v ' ayor
Form R-3 ��
PUBLISHED JUN 2 01970 6 � 3
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, t , /''���p�prt Of ComlYllss�ox�er �' F1slariCe c
r on Condemnation of L.auds File Na �
In the matter of ��� � � Mt �� � �t �!' �. � �« �M�'
ii�r� �1c r!' � � �Ii �rrt ��, �rit �t�, !�� t� �#�M�t �►. � � s� t�
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�nt +r� � ri�e#� �r��� w� �t � �ft�r +� it� �s �' �rr�''. 1�I�r�r�„
� � �Mr ll�� �r�e� ��r
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�► �1p�lrl�t.,� 1�r�ar ��r► +Ma �wr Mr�tc �r +r�L" �r � �ar r� � �
�! i�i� !! � �t� +� � � �' il� �M'�r '��t i�! �� #�' �
�t #ir�r�t #���r � +wM 1� M�rM�t #�#�rt +r� �1t ��Its tN��e�r
�i.i� � w► a �r �1r �� � �d�r ��r� � �rR' #r� !„ ��k �,
�r�i � �1#!� �. �� 11�� ��Ii�M� �► s �t �s Iir �IM�1� �
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�l � � � ���
under Preliminary Order � , approved �'�' � � ,
Intermediary Order +�'j� , approved � �+► �
Final Order � , approvecl �� � .
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the �wards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
mission f Fin
.Tune 3, 197�
Mr. �. Wm. Donovan,
Valuation & Assessm�nt Engineer.
Dear Sir:
The City Council toda id two weeks to June
17th. the Resolution R$tifyir� As t in the matter of
condemning and taking � nt h e�y ta�ement for N. Dale
St. over that pe,rt of a 2, ock 12, Btttterfield
Syndicate Addn. Na. 2 nd all o he r inder of that part
of the SE� of the SL f Sec. 26, . 29, R. 23, iTest of the
Fourth Principal Mer d an, und�r 0. 2�+7�+3�+, approved Feb. 11�
'flery truly yours,
City Clerk
Ma.y 20, ig7o
Hon. Jamea J. Dalgliah,
Commissioner of Finance.
At Mr. Wm. ]Jc�npvan.
Dear �ir;
The City Co 1a ver two wreeks t�
June 3rd, the Resolut Ratify and irming Condemnation
and Awards of Damage nd Asses� t Theref"or in the matter of
condemnin� and takin a per.manent ighway eas�ment for '1�. Dale
St. over that part o ot 1 s�nd. 2, BZock 12, Butterfie3d
Syndicate Addn. No. 2, a17L the re�inder of that part of
the SE� of' e � of S . 29, R. 23, Weat oP the Fourth
Principal idian, unc�er P. 0. 247434, aPProved Feb. 11, 1970�
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
June 3, 1970
Hon. �obert F. Sprafl�a,
Comsr. of Public Work�c.
Deax Sir;
The City Council today ver two weeke to June
17th. the Resolution Ra� , Asse �nt in the ma.tter of
condemning and taking rma hig ea�em�nt �or N. Dale
St. over that pa.rt o ot 1 �nd t 2, ock 12, Butterf ield
Syndicate Addn. No. and all o he remainder of that part
of the SE� oP the SE of Sec. 26 . 29, R. 23, W�st of the
Fourth Principa� Mer an, under . 0. 2�+7�+34, apprcrved Feb.
11, 1�7C1.
Very truly yours,
City Glerk