249344 Clsrk • _ +"_ � C� RDINANCE s � . ���. COUNCIL FILE NO ������ PRESENTED BY �� �� ORDINANCE NO �"� ` °Z� AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION / � TO CARDINAL INVESTMENT COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SEWER PRIVATELY / ��`�- ON, OVER AND ACROSS THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE NORTH � OF THE NE k OF THE SW � � �� OF THE NE � OF SECTION 11 , TOWNSHIP 28, RANGE 22. /� �, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority are hereby granted to Cardinal Investment Canpany to construct a public sewer privately on an easement described as follows: The Southerly 30 feet of the North � of the Northeast � of the Southwest � of the Northeast � of Section 11 , Township 28, Range 22, except the East 30 feet thereof. Also a strip of land 30 feet in width in the North 2 of the Northwest 'r• of the Southwest � of the Northwest 4 of Section 11 , Township 28, North, Range 22 West, extending from the east line of said North 2 to the southeasterly line of Totem Road, the southwesterly line of such easement being described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line and south line of said North 2; thence along a straight line in a northwesterly direction at an angle of 45 degrees to said south line to the southeasteriy line of Totem Road and there terminating. That satd portion of pubiic sewer is to serve the foilowing descrlbed property: Except the East 150 feet, the North Nalf of the North- east Quarter of the So.uthwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11 , Township 28,North, Range 22 West. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized to issue a permit to Cardinal Investment Company for the co�struction of a public sewer privately subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permlttee shall construct sewer entirely at its own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by him; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection on said work, and for the publication of this ordinance; c. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the easements on streets both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said excavation to avoid settling and shall restore said easements or streets to their original condition; Yeas Councilmen Nays P�ssed by�the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: � Atteat i City Clerk Mayor �� Form ap�roved Corpora'�on Counael By � t7 Cierk � ' � �` � ORDINANCE �� ,� ��9�. � � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �°?� -2- d. That said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before January 1 , 1971 ; e. That said permlttee expressly agrees and undertakes to f ully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees f rom any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the performance of the work contemplated by this permission and authority; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from ali liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; g. That said permittee shall not proceed to construct, said sewer unless and until said permittee shall have fuily complied wfth the provisions regarding insurance and tndemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Cons�ruction dated April 1 , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 of said Specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said Specifications numbered 1 .44, as amended, shall be read as though the wort� "permittee" were substituted for the word "contractor" wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1 .44, as amended. Said Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of complfance with the provisions of the aforesaid section, as amended, shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct, and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended, shall , after approval by the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the Comptrolter of the C i ty of Sa i nt Pau 1 ; h. That said permittee shall submit said bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Counsel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul . i. That said permittee shall cause to be dedicated by the owner, an easement for utility purposes over the South 30 feet of the North 1�2 of the Northeast 1�4 of the Southwest 1�4 of the Northeast 1�4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22� except the East 30 feet thereof. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Mere�dith Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor a�� Form a��roved Corpor�,tion Counsel By � < „ o�•�s�c�s c�e:t . - ' ORDINANCE • COUNCIL FILE NO .,���.������ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ` -%''�� -3- j. That the said permittee shail , within thtrty (30) days after fihe passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. J U L 7 191,Q Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler ,�J Carlson � Tn Favor � Levine Meredith U 6 A gainat Sprafka Tedeaco ��� �, �'�� Mr.,Presiden��McCaxty) Appro tes �L/� % C' lerk � ayor �� Forrn approved Corpor�,tion Counsel y ' PUBLISHEO J�L� SHEAR & ROONEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW • 936 M�NNC�ar� BYILDINO 8T. PAUI., MINN. 85101 No. Br. P�u� Orr�ec• NAqOLD BNEAR ' 1518 - 7TH AVE. N.E. , THOMA• J. ROONEY CA��Twt 4-3361 9P. 7-3070 � ' June 29, 1970 Mr. Robert Sprafka • Commissioner of Public Works - Ramsey County Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: An Ordinance granting permission to Cardinal Investment Company � . • • to construct a portion of Winthrop Street from Londin Lane to the South line of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the 5outhwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of 5ection 11, Township 28, Range 22, and also permission to construct a public sewer privately. • and An ordinance granting permission to Cardinal Investment Company to constructapublic sewer privately on, over and across the South 30 feet of the North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22. Dear Mr. Sprafka: In checking,the above ordinances, I would suggest that before final reading " that Paragraph (i) of the street ordinance be ameded to read as follows: e , (i) "That said permittee shall cause to be dedicated by the owrier � L� p "f easements for street anduh1.ity purposes over the following described � real estate. - etc. " � ' And that Paragraph (i) of the Sewer ordinance read as follows: (�) "That said permittee shall cause to be dedicated byflze owner, ; -,���`� an easement for utiility purposes over the South 30 f eet of the � �' y North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the 5outhwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, except the East 30 f eet thereof". This is suggested in the event of any change of ownership prior to the actual dedication of the �easements. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. • ^ Yours truly, � r- � ��, HA�OLD S AR � ��._ ,�\----' HS:pn cc: Mr. Jerome 5ega1, Corporation ,Counsel � . ��� � � , � . . � r ` �, � ORDINAN � E � COUNCIL FtLE NO ��"�:�4 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � AM ORp i M�MCE Q�T ill� R�NI Sil�M T@ CJIR�!NIM. 1 tWES1'NE�? CMl11NY Tr , CONSTlt�CT A MIK.1 C Sf1lER 1��M�TELr 9M. � AI� AC�SS TIM: iNIfM 3A FEET OF TE�E M6RTM # Of TldE � � �f 711E Sif �} !f TNE ME � �F iECT 1811 l l, T61��11 t� 2d. RANQE 22. TlfE iYi�Clti � TNE C17Y �i SAINT ►It�L O�ES O�AINt . Tlwt �issfs� a�i artAse�ih► �rs Mr+i►�Yge'a�t�i to Ea�ii�r +w�astrat Co�ry � �st�act a ril ic s�sr �riwtslr ow a� a�t rsscrtb�i a+t fallan: Tlr fort�l� 3�f �sst ef tlMe Ma►rt� } af dis Nortlwst � of tf� 3oMti�wst � af fM MsntMast � of S�ctta� 11. Ta�nsi�tp 28� Rs�gs 42, �qpt tl� East 3�1 fNt ti��nsf. Aiso a strtp ef la�i 38 f�st IA M��t� ta tMa Nortb # of ths rorrtMrsst } eg ths SortM�wst � �f tir M�tl�wsst } of i�ction l i, TarusaJ 28. N�tb, Ra� 22 Msst, u �cb�iip f�aw tiN �as� 1 iM of sai� N�rth � to tlN �R+�s1Y 1 iwe of � Tetr �, tbs �outlw�s�ariy i ia� of sa� fa�rnt rsi�g +isswti�d as #ollows: Mgta�iu� at tlr piat �f i�ers�ctio� of ths �ast liws aai � I ias �f saii �tM }i ti�os alo�q a sRr�i�kt i tw ta a �o►taw�brlr �tnctiea at a� aigi• ef 1�5 �r.�s te� t�+�t� s�dr i t�s a tl�s sart�oasa�tr _ tiir of Tot� �oad sar th�h ta�i+rtl�g. Ti�t s�1i pa�tioa of pdbi tc swwr 1s to s�rwt tIN foi 1v�iM i�scribN preMrty: Exapi! ths East iS0 fwt. tir Moe�tr Nalf sf tM Mw►t1�- a�# Qp�tt�s of tiM So�tMwst �wrtr�r of t�s Mrtlwst Qwrtiar of Srette�a 11. Te�h� 2�.Mortli. Ra� 22 Wst. S�c � Tast tlw Ce�iuiarr �f Mi�te Ifarks Iw�r is artiwl� to i ss a Nrw � �o Carit nst I�stM�t ��ry f�r tMs �a�striet ta� of a p�l ic s«� rriw�.�r s�j.a to cw. F•t�sr�� �sr.�s .� ca�ttta�ss a, 1'MaR sai� parwitt� sbsil coas:n�ct srw�►f .atirsty a� its wa axpi�w, w�d�r tM t�par�rision a�M to th� saitlsfactioa of tLa Co�lssioas� of ►�iitc Msrks a�i i• ace�osM�os rltM tbs �r��s a�i sp�eifleitl�s Pr�pu� b� Mf�; - _ b. TAst sai� �srsttbs sMil l pay t1w oost of �gi�rl� �1 i�cti�w ; � far tM Ni►i iieatioa sf tdis oral+��o�j . And that ParagraPh �i) of the S - � ��'�r ordinanc i� �� �� (1) "That said � read as follows; � Permittee shall an easement for �ause to be dedicated b North 1 utility purposes ov ° �2 of the North er the South 3 y�e owner, 1�4 of Section 11 east 1/¢ of �he Southw � f e�t of the thereof", ' TO�ShiP 28, Range 22 est 1/4 of the North east °- `�: -_:;, ;. , except the East 30 f eet Yeas Gou�.: , �T�yro `-� Butler ' _ CarLeon Tn FaQOr - -- Levine ►�l�C8� 4ro in�t Tedeeeo Mr. Preaident (MeCarty) Approved: � Att�eet: City Cierk Mayor �� � . Form approt� Corpor�;tion Couneel By _ � _ . n.�+e.t+reem.e ^ . • . . ' R �INAN O D CE • COUNqI HLE NO 249�44 i Sz� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO , -3- j. riat tl�s saia 's+nntt�bw sh�11. witMia tbirlY (3�� �►s aft�r �I�S p�ssa�s of tiis or+iin�s.� #11• a wt tt� a�ta�oa tlrrn�f �ritM tM C 1 R�I Clark, ���io�.. 3. Tais ordia�a� sMal i tale� �ff�t au� b� i� fons ti�irly (3�} rari�fsai� af t�sr� its �s, aP�a►ai, a�i �ii t rstia�. . JUL 7 197a Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by t� Coun�;l Butler ��On ,.In Favor Levine — Sp�a� n �d,a� �. President (�cCartq) .I U L 7 1970 Approved: Atteet: City Clerk Mayor f� ��; ` Form a�prnvad Corpors�tion Counsel By � � , . � x: . ._ � � T � < � -� ±� � . � :�, „� .. � � ._ _ : � � . � _. , _ , . � � .,. s . ,. .., ; , . � ._.:�,.. .. -. .. . . . . � . _ .;.:,.._;4'i � _"^ ,� �,� � � � _ � � ,t� � , /� .� � ( . ; I ' � � ' . . , . • � . , . , � �I _ . , ._, , : . ; > 1 .t� .. - ..:,i ::,: ��, „ ,ri . , , .., , ; , ,, t .:. , . .t .. ... _ . . ,:�., . .. _ ._ _ . . _ ._ . _ . ._ _ . . _._._ _ __. _ � .. ' ..... .. . ..3 '3�.? . e: �M� � � • 4 ' ORDINANCE � �� 24�4 �� �:� - couNa� ��No PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 3 ,,Z- �. Tl�rt saii �s�tttM, af�� tlw iaor�►tiop o� sail ��srk, rMa11 'ref.a��. ai. sa.. coatt�i�. rreb �illt�.ae�., a� fdltr e�al.a sat� aorlc ts dN satisfae�ieu au� ap�owl of saFii Ce�wlssiorr en a� bafars .ia�'�t 1 s 1971. •. Tlrt s�ti� Nnsttt�s atpnssiY agrws aMrl wrsrtf�ioss �o f�NY t��if�r a� M�,i 1aa�ii��`tb� City o� Sat�t �s�t, tts a�g�pts. offiar: .° .. -s� �lo�ra fe�o� aa�r a�i a11 �9ss, ciai�s, lass�s, J+�dlrats� s+rits or yys�aa�s �rtsin� ort of � o�sia� Y�i tM �srfor�a� � dM wsrk co�to�la�ri b�r tMis pa�iufo� �wl adt�oritYi f. 71iaR sala �wltt�rs shat l furwtsl� a �t to tbs City of Ssiwt ►aut tR tMs s� of Tia Tl�ousani 80�lars (s1A,0A0.00j c.on/ttt�f to �1y wi th •i 1 ttw t�r►�s of ta i s or�i+�a�os aai to 1�ifr aa/ sa+�s I�l�ss sai� tltp fre� a11 tlarillt�r, i�ss, �u�i�y■sats, :�1ts, coa�ts, �r�s a�d axN+� tbit �► accrw to �rso�s ar ��ty o�ccasioaai b�► tM +pdci a� of tM l�pr�o�v�pt or ��i s i�y out of t�s sar; �. 1'fnR sat� Mn�ttt� slMi l rat Praor� to coastruat. ssi� s�wr a�isst a�/ dnEtl ss1� rs�ttt� s�at i i� fnl ir aa�pl t�d MitM tMs p'`evtsto� n�l�g ias�rrr� s+�i ia/�wnlficatlo� a�sAtai� in tM Ctty of i�l�t !'a�l �rt�t of trM11c Msrks Sp�clficatio�s fo� �#nst aar i�w► �watio� �t� Apltl 1. i958. S�ction n�isni 1.4� ofi sai� S�sc#ftc�ti�ns, as arr�. app I t cab ia� to +osAt rKtocs. F�r tM �wrpos� of th i s or�t winos, tM stsnsa i� s�tLiM of saN SMeifioatfo�a �n� l.�+k, as ars�i�i, �it i» n�s� as thon�M t�s wr� "ps��tt�s" �we� s�b►sti t�t� ft�r ths tiarr �'�t�act+0r" rMsew�� tM saM a�pNrs ia ttN ifansat�l ssctioa 1.M4. � ai■��. 3+�t�t si�tio� 1.�►, as ar�i�d. :of tb� 3pscif ic�tteNS far 5tn�at aai Swrr Ge�struetlo� i� ca. ctt�r o� 3stat ►aul t: h.r.6q t�asrporaa� tr.r.to !ht �+st.�..a. � tnttr s�i as oo�Is-tsiY as if s�t f�rth bsnia wr�t�. I�roof vd� ar,►t ta�o�s r#th ttM 'r�o�risia�s of tiM af,�rssai� s�ctlo�. as sra�i, sl�rr i i� i� s� fa� u ths Corporst iop Co��1 of t!r C i tY af Si�at Ran 1 �r �t r+stt, a� tba �ts �ir�i Iry t.�s aforrsr�,�i t�t1o� 1.�►. as a�1, si�at 1, aftsr s�rowl � tM Gerperat[aw Co�1. b� f 11� i n tiw o#f i a� of t4s G�ptrol i�r ot tM 6tt�► o# �st�t ►adl z M. Tlnt sat� p��i ttN sbal i s�t t sa1� iia�i awt i�rana �azrr�ts t,s !ir �ffi�o�s Eytwr of tIM f�psrtrnt of ��1►itc 1M�rlcs. 1'Irs Offie� E�t�u► sMs�i rMwst a�rarai of sai� �oa�swts �t ths C�r�o�itta� i�wws�l a� d�ou a�val sM11 f i t• sal� iawas�ts vtth tlM off t�s af !M Ca*trol i�r of tM tit�► of i�►i�t �a�i. - - - _ -__ _ __ _ _ _� — � _ _ : - --..,—�- - --�-�. 1_— � .._ i. Tdat sEid�ipwrrilf;tt.���1.24-�asu�la tt�..bt'!l�c�ttald by t� :�sr�. . . _ an �nQ:l�oAr��ttilt ' � � 'b P��'� e'�r t�� S atth 30 te�1t �t',f� �� 112 �o� t�r �t 1 c�t f� scx��r� 1/� ot tlbe lltdrthe�urt 1 ot : cni ` ' lRes�f�on 23. lraWnslii 2 � � P : � 22y excetpt the Esst 30 le�t th�reol. Y�as Coundlmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�it Butler '� I Ca�'}ao� T*� Fa r Levine Meredi�h T� Mr. President (McCartY) Approved: Atteat; City Clerk MNror #� �'arm a�praved Corporeetion Counsel By , ,. I . �ai�►t Panl, l�tt�nesota d'aly 13� 19'�0 To the Honorable, the City Conncil 8aint Paul, I+I�anesota Qentle�ea �d Co�ar. Butler: we, tbe nnd�rsigged, do l�reby accept aad sgree to abide try all the terms and conditians of Cvuncil File �o. 2�93b4, being Ordinae�ce �o. 1�+5�3, sdapted b�r t�e Co�n�il on Jv�ly 7, 1970. CA1�D I�Y88 Cf�MP �Y f r,. f r JuZy 13, 1 Air. Harold J. She�,r Attorney at 7,aw 938 Minnesota Bldg. St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir; We enclose a copy oP r inanc� No. 1 523 to Cardinal Investment o. to cons ct a 8ublicn ewer�grivately on over and acr�as th 30 ft the N� of tlus NE,; of the St�3��,- of the NE c. l . R. 22; a3.so bill in th ��' $33.30 t ver the cost o publicat�on of thia ordin nce. zae call y special a t ntion tr� Para ra hs �P and which req e the fili of a bond in �h���o�.� s � oP Section 2 the filing an aece nc� of the tez•m,s o.�' this o dinance.�nThe acceptance d in this oPPice, Room 3 g 6 within 30 days. not so filed, the ord3.nance becomes void. Very truly yours, n� City Clerk ,, . I st � ' • 2nd � � Laid over to 3rd and app`—��--Adopted � Yeas G/ N� Yeas 7 � Nays Butler Butler Carison Carlson Levine ;, ��q Levine ����-"`. �� Meredith Meredith Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. P�esident McCarty Mr. President McCarty O