249342 Oritinal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE .� COUNCIL FILE NO L��'�` ��� PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO � �/ � AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF LESTER JESMER AND IRENE H. JESMER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND�1D WIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund o035-421, to Lester Jesmer and Irene H. Jesmer, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �30Q..00, in full settlement of their claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective side�walk at or near Ninth and St. Peter Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on October 17, lg6g. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their executi.on and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. .1 U L 1 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Carlson Levine � Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Againat � � 1 1970 ,Mr. President Ca y) Ap roved• A est: C' y Cle M �� Form approved Corpora�ion Counsel By !�DBl1SHED JUL 31910 DqMOa1�1�le6�Me v� . ORDINANCE � ���� �� No 249�.�42 PRESENTED BY . ORDtNANCE NO � AlT ORHZ�B 3ETTLI� '� CI,JI1[ 0!' LE3� J� /t�! IF� H„ Jffi!l1�B! I�IYIDtTi�LLl"' 1lii8 AS �JN�? YI!'R, 1�6�T 'PHB CIT� OF SJ�IIi'! P� '1'BE �CI�, OF 'PBB CITY 4�' SAI�'t PAIIL D0�8 dBDAI�i , - S+e�tioa l. That tbe pr+�per City of=icers ar� h�reb? a��ox�ised �d �irwte� to p�T out o! the Sbrt I�.aDiiity Fuad t�4;$—�21, to L*st�t Jesater a»d Ire�tv H, .Iet�er, �#ri�nally a��d as � aat �riis, the � oi �300.00, is t'all s�et�le�aat o! t�eir claia ior daaa�ss a�d ia�j8rfes sustsia�ed b�r r�ason oi a lall oz a ��iectiY�r sideral.l� st or aesr �If.i#�► awl St. Pet�r 8trs��t►t� Saint laa�l, l�ti�ta, aa ti�otobsr i?, 1969. S�atfoa E, TLat o+sid sat saa13 1� p�id to tbe saiQ olai�t� u�as t�eir �tfo� a�d daliver� oi s ralea�t ia fi�tll to t� Cit�r, � i�► a io�e to �e ap�ro�ad #�y� t�e Corporatiss Ce�mael, far all da�es au�i ia�uries ��eatii,ge� ia the �er starMSSid. a�atioa 3. That ti�is ordis�aee ayall ta�ee +rtieat a�ed b* ia ior�ce thirt� da�s atter its paasaa�, a�pro�al a�d p'�ii+�rtioa« . JUL 1 197A Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the C �il Butler � ��OII Tn Favor Levine � • � Meredith J ro�inat Sprafka a�. �$�a�t c��) � J U L 1 1970 a����a: Atteet: City Clerk Mayor �� �orm approved Corpc►r�ion Gounsel By . �� Isf � � - 2nd�� � Laid over +o _ 3rd and app'_���—Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson Carlson Levine �s)��j`' ,.�� Levine /..� J Meredith Meredith /�, � Sprafka Sprafka �� � Tedesco �Is,�,.,. Mr. Presiden+. McCariy Mr. President McCarty O