249340 ORI6JNAL TO CITY CLBRK �)/1��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� +`� �-``� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF R�SOVVSD, That the City Council of the �ity of 3aint Paul concurs with the app=oval of the Detention and Corr�ctions Authority in requ�sting grant funds from the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control under the Federal s�£e Streets Act of 1968 for a P=e-Vocational Feasibility Determination and Work Adjustment Tr�ining for boys at �o�s Tot� Town in the amo�t o£ $147,�16.00 for a three-year period, and that the proper officials of the D�:t�ntion �nd Corrections Authority be authorized to execute the grant proposal for submission to the aforemention�d (�overnor's Commi�sion. FORM APPROV, D � ........ CORPORATI UNSEL' JUN 16 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays ,UN 1 � 1�0 Butler Caxlson Approved 19� Levine �� ,, � Favor /��=x-a"►v � Mayor Sprafka U A ,���y gainst Tedesco �r�.�Vice Pr����;����`z--� 'PUBLISHED JUN 2 01970 � �� o�u�„�,��R„� 2494�40 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �NCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�lf COMMISSIONEQ ^ATF lt�f0y�, i'�hat t� City Co�cil o! � City o! taiat �aul oonanr� Mith t� a�proaral o! t►b� D�elr�atioa ar�d Cos�ctiona �vtDo�ity ia r��ti�q �rant ttu�ds !ra■Q th� Ac��r�snor�� Co�ai�aiost ott Cri� Pr�ntion and Contsol nnA�r �hs l�ral sal� it.sata l�ot o! 1968 tos a ps�-Vooational l�ibility , tt�et�rairutioa and Nork �1�d�wt�t Trainiaq !or bo7s at sc�,s Tot� To�rra iu th� a�wnat o! �147,016.�0 ios a ths�s-� p�riod, as�d that tl� prop�s o!licial� ot th� Dat�ati� aad Cosrwtions l►uthority b� anthoria�d to +�taot� t,h� qsa�t psropv�al !or ��ba�issioa t.o th� ator�■�tntiana�d �r�saor�• �tit�ioa. 1UN 16 �1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co>>ncil 19� Yeas Naya ,uN �� �� Butler Carlson Approverl 19` Levine Favor b�ered�r-, Sprafka � ��� Tedesco A 8'��t �:� , . . ;";•:;�� Mr. Vice Presideut ���7L���L� rt�- ��