249320 � .. ,' OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � � DATF WHERF�IS the Co�ission�r of Mighways has prepared plans, specia) pro- visions and specificatians for the iniprovea�ent �f a part of Trunk Highway � Nua�er 280 renua�ber�d as Trunk Highway Nua�ber 280 within the corporate lit�its of the City of St. Paul from Wabash Ave. to Pearl St.; and WHEREAS said pians are on file in the office of the �eparta�ent of Hig�ways, St. Paul , Mi�nesata, being �arked, labeled, and id�c�tified as S.P. 6241-31 � S.P. 6242-17 6r 43 {280=280j; and WNEREAS said specisl provisions are � file in tt�e office of the ��- part�er�t of Hig�ways, St. Paul , Mi�nesota, being marked, labeled and iden- � tlfied as S.P. 6241-31 � S.P. 6242-17, 43 £. 48 (280a280), w�iich, tmc�eth�r `�-' wit� the Minnesota �epartment c�f Higlaways Specifiicatic�ns for Highway Con- struction, �ated .lanwary l , 1968 and supple�ented July l , 1969 on fils i� ' T t�� office of tt�e Commissioner of Highways, constit�te tt�e specificati�ns p for said i�prove�ellt of Trunk Hiq�way Nu�er 280 renaaAb�red as Tru�k Nigt�- y - way Nuaiber 280; and " .« o � WHEREAS copies of said plans and special provisisns as so marked, o ~'� la4eler and identifi�d are also on file in the office of th� C�issioner � `'� of Publ ic Works; and 0 r�' WHEREAS the t�r� 'fsaid plans and special provisio�s�� as Nerei�aft�r us�d in the body of this resolution sl�all be dee�ed and inte�cle�d to mean, �, refer to, and incurporate ths pians and speciai provis�or�s in the fore- going recitals particularly id�antifisd and desc�ibed. NOW, THEN, BE iT RESOLVED that said plans and speciai provisi.�s for the i�pr�ve�sant of Treank Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trwnk Migh- v�ay Nu�ber 280 wit�in th� li�its of the City of St. Paul be and t��reby are approved. � BE tT FURTMER RESO�VED tbat the elevations and gsades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they ar� t�ereby approved and cmn- sent Is hereby given to any a�d all c�ieng�s in grade occasioned by th� construction of said Trunk Highway Nua�ber 280 re�uaibered as Trank Highway Nu�ber 380 in accordance witb said plans and special p�ovisi�►ns. COLJ�3CILMEN Adopted by the Counc��� 1 �'� 19— Yeas ������� Nays e,�N �, � 1970 Carlson �� - Approve 19—_ l"-L�'L� � ere i Tn Favor �t�'satr� Sprafka � ,�,�� Mayor A gainat Tedesco ::� :.z.:. •.�: � ������ PUBLISHED JUN 2 01970 ��Mr. Vice President•���� . � � DUPLtCATE TO PRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � `���- �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WNEFtEAS the Comnissioner of Mighways has prepared plans, special pro- visions and specificatlons fcac- the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 280 renur�ered as Trunk Nighway Number 280 within the corporate limits of the City of 5t. Paul fram Wabash Av�. to P�arl St.; and WHEREAS said pians are �n file in the office of the papartment of Highways, St. Paul , MPnnesata, being marksd, labeled, and identi�Fied as S.P. 6241-31 &� S.P. 62�to2•17 F� 43 (28t?�28Q); and WNEREAS said special provisions are on file In the offic� caf th� 1D�- partment of Highways, St. Paul , Minn�sota, being marked, label�d and iden- tified as S.P. fi241-31 � S.P. 6242-17. 43 S 48 (280=280) , which, tog�ther with the Minnesota Department of Nighways Spacifications for Highway Con- strucfiion, dated January 1 , 1�6$ and suppl�nented July 1 , 196} on tile in ths office of the Commissioner af Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvemen� of Trunk Nighway Number 2II0 renumbered as Trunk Fligh- way Number 2�3C1; and WHEREAS capies r�f said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are� also on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Uorks; ancl WNEF;EAS the term "sairl plans and special provisions" as hereanaftar used in the body af this resolution shall be deemed and int�nded to mean, refer to, and incorp�rate fih� plans "and special provisions in the fore- going recitals p�rticularly identifiad and described. iJOW, THEhI, BE IT R�SOLVEd that Said plans and special provisions for the improvement of Tr,urak Highway Number 280 ranumbered as Trunk High- way tJumber 280 within the limits vf the City of �t. Paui be and her�by are approved. BE IT �tl�t7HER RESALVED that rhe �levations and grades as shown in said plans and special pravisians h� and they are hereby approved as�d con- sent is hereby given to any and ail changes in grade occasioned k�y tMe construction of said Trunk Highway Number 2II0 renumber�d as �'runk Highway Number 2$0 in accordance with said plans and special provisions. �U t�� a �� ���s� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � � Yeas � ,I�;,.�t-��'� Nays w���:' � � . ` Carlson .�alglish--- Approved 19__ �v� Mered�i�h— _�n Favor Petexsan--- Sprafka �' Mayor A gainst Tedesco �V�'��'re�.ai�,�;3�ry:.. � �1`, tiir v, � 1 res c� nt '�� ��!,��� � �,/�`; y'� �