249319 249�19 ORICINAL TO CITY CLERK � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF Resolved, That the plans a' pecifications for revising existing traffic signals and installing conduit systems for future traffic signals at St. Clair Ave. and W. Seventh St. , Jefferson Ave. and W. Seventh St. , Jefferson Ave. and Victoria St. , Maryland Ave, and Sylvan St., Third St. and White Bear Ave. , Chestnut St. and Shepard Rd. , Midway Pkwy. and Snelling Ave. , Exchange St. and Chestnut St. , Arcade St. and Wheelock Pkwy. , P4ontreal Ave. and Snelling Ave. and at Como Ave. and Park St. as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in a manner provided in and by the Charter. Each lump sum bid shall be accompanied by a statement of total cost of each of the eleven (11) signal projects. The sum of the eleven (11) cost statements shatl equal the lump sum bid. The tump sum bid shatl be the basis for the consideration of award of contract, and be it Further Resolved, That the cost of the above traffic signal projects be financed from the P. I .R. Fund Code 3001 , same fund to be reimbursed �' from Minnesota State Highway Department funds per agreement No. 56369, � from Municipal State Aid Suspense Funds and from Department of Public �� Works Traffic Bureau Signal Maintenance Fund Code 0204-101 and 0204-306 `�.,.��1' as fot lows: 7 .''�;'� i� �, 1 . Third St. and White Bear Ave. and Jefferson Ave. and Victoria "�' t� St. - 100% Municipal State Aid Suspense Funds . '� r• +; r: ca� 2. Jefferson Ave. and W. Seventh St. - Municipal State Aid Suspense %� Funds and Minnesota State Highway Department Funds. `"'" 3. St. Clair Ave. and W. Seventh St. - 100% Minnesota State High- way Department Funds. 4. M4dway Pkwy. and Snelling Ave. , Shepard Rd, and Chestnut St. , Maryland Ave. and Sylvan St. , Arcade St. and Wheelock Pkwy. , Chestnut St. and Exchange St. , Montreal Ave. and Snelling Ave. and Como Ave. and Park St. - 100% Department of Public Works �raffic Sureau Signal Maintenance Funds. JUN � 6 ��' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ,:���r-�n�� Nays �U N � � �� 2 �o f Approve 19—_ � n_._____.__ �2.-1n Favor �e�rsva-- Sprafka �a�jb Mayor Tedesco �gainat :9e's �� ,.��3t�'X3�=�i;oj . '�.y�. �' °�`��"�` 17���� PUBLI HE � �.�,��e s o JUN 2 01970 0 ti� \L�ti Ar UUrLICATE TO PRINYER ����f� ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. j,.�'�J,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE �' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF R�esalved, That th�: �lans and specifications fior r�vising existing traffic signais and inst�lling conduEt system� for futwrc traffic stgnals at 5t. Clair Ave. and W. Seventh St.� Jefferson Ave. and W. Seuenth St. , Jefferson Ave. and Victoria Sk. . Maryland Ave. and 5ylvan St.� Third St. and White Qear Av�. , ChesXnut St. and 5hepard Rd. � Midr�ay Pkwy. and Sn�lling Ave., Exchang� Sfi. and Chestnut St. , Arcade 5t. and Wheelock Pkwy., Montreal Ave. and Sne111ng Ave. and at Como Ave. and Park St. as submttt�d by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby appraved, and the wurchasing �1g�nt is her�by authar3zed to advertise for btds therean in a mann�r provid�;d in �nd by th� Charter. Each lump sum bid shall be accompanied by a stat+�ment of tofiai cost of each of fih� el�u�n (it) signal pro,jects. Th� sum of the eleven (I1) cosC statements shall eyual th� lump sum bid. The lump s�rn bid shall be the ba�is for the consid�ration saf award of contract, and be it Further Resolved, That the ccyst of the �bove traffitc ��gna1 proj�cts be finan�ed fr4m th� P. I .R. Fund Code 3001, sam� fund to b� r�imbursed from Minnesota State Highway Depsrtment fcands per �greement i�o. 5536y, from Municipal State Aid Suspense Funds �nd from D�partment of Pubiic Works Traffic Bureau Signal htaint�nance Fund Code 02Q4-itlT and 0204-306 as folloats: l . Third St. ancl White Bear Ave. a�d Jef�erscan �v�o and Victaria St. - 1QQ`'� Municipat St+�te Aid �uspense Funds. 2. Jeffersvn Ave. and W. Seventh St. - Municipal State Aid Suspsnse �unds and Minnesota 5tate Highway Deparfim�nt Funds. 3. St. Ctai r Ave. and W. S�venfih St. - 10(�/o MBnnesota State F� i��i�- way O�p��rtment Funds. 4. Midway Pkwy. and Snellin� Ave,, Shepard Rd. and Chestnut St., Maryland Ave. and Sylvan St., Arcade St. ar�d Whealock Pkwy. � Chestnut St. and Exchange St., Montreal Ava. �nd Snellinc� Ave. �nd Como Ave. and Park St. - 100% Department of Pub 1 i c Wa�rics Traffec Bureau Sign�l Matntenar�ce Funds. ��� � � ���'�';, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ -, Yeas '��%,t Nays ,+ . ,�+'Y.�i `ti','Rv' ,�, � Carlson ' � Approved 19—_ ��-� t � M€---re•'� '`� Tn Favor p���:. Sprafka , Mayor �� A gainst Tedesco , { � �r:�r�al�e�����.'�.�,,��,;� ��'�, �_. ���� a%��>.��<�t,xt � � ., /�" � � � . �5 � „. ,. , . r, „