248000 ORIG�AL TO CITY CLERK J��[��O CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� �'��+ v ` � OFFICE QF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. C O UTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE /�� DATE I�Larch 24� �.97� WHEREA3, the charter of the City of Saint Paul allows that all property owner� assessed for a local improvement to have thirtq-days fran the date that the assessmen� becomes due and paqable, in which to make the first installment pay�ent aa this assessment, and WHBREAS, many property owners use the United States Mail System as the method bq which said first installments are paid, and WI�REAS, there is now a strike by the postal carri�rs making the use of the mail sqstem impossible, now, ther�fore be it �SOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul suthorize the Cammnissioner vf Finance to temporarily waive the ten per cent penalty for the non-payment of the first installment, until such time that it is deemed certain by the Department of Finance that all propertq o�raers have actually and effectively received a full thirty-day period in which to remit their first installment of an assessment to Che Department of Finance . � 2 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � 2 4 1��� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �I`S'�f� MA�2 2$ 197� 0 � ��v�UU DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,66102 JAMES J. DALGUSH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Doputy Commiuionsr Phonr 223-4N6 March 23, 1970 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The last day for payment of the first installment for an assessment for a local improvement came due on Monday, March 23. March 30 and April 6 will also ma.rk the last days on which the first installments of respective assessments may be paid. Due to the present postal carriers' strike, many property owners were unable to get their first installments into the Finance Department be- fore the March 23 deadline. It appears that the same fate may be in store for the property owners whose first installments are due on or before the March 30 and the April 6 deadlines. I am, therefore, recommending that the 10% penalty for the non-=payment , of the first installment be temporarily postponed until it is certain that all property owners have actually and effectively had a full thirty-day period in which to remit their first installment payments to the Finance Department. As long as there is no possibility of mail- ing a payment to the Finance Department, these people are not effec- tively receiving a thirty-day period to pay the first installment of their assessment. I shall send a copy of this letter to the State Public Examiner. S' cerely, � ames J. Dal sh Comm's io r f Finance �O y �. DUPUWTE TO PRINTER � ��;��:� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N�. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONEIt-. J�tHB J Dslft]ish �ArF Mar�h 24T l97O WI�REA3, the charter of tht City o£ Saint Paul allaws that all property avnera ses�seed for a local improvem�at to have thirty-days from tha date that th� asaesamant becam�s due and payable, in which to make the lirat inatallment payment an thia aseesemsnt, and WHEREAS, many property c�wnera usa the United Statee Mai1 System as the method by which said first inszallmenta ar� p�id, and W�REAS, there is now s strike by Che postal carriers making the uae of the mail system impoeaible, naw, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the �ouncil of the Citiy af 5�int Paul suthoriae the Com�issioaer of Finance to temporarily waive� the ten per cent penalty for the non-paya�ent a€ the first installment, untiZ such time that it i� desme�d certain bq the Depar.tment of Finance that all property owners have actually and effectivaly received a full thirty-day period in which Co remit their first inatallment of �n asseasment to the Departmant of Financ�o , ' � �, �t ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays �,���` ;`` � ��"��? Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku '� A gainat Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O