247997 OR(61NAL TO CITY CLERK •_ +�{Jy� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL O UTION RAL FORM COMM SSDONE Robert F. Peterson DATF WEEREAS, Additions and Deductfons which e�ight prove to be necessary in the Improve�ent described as the MILTON-WATSON RI'sLIEF SBWER and SNHLLING AVENUE frou� Goodrich Ave. to Lfncoln Ave., Comptroller's Contract L-7198, Froject No. 68-S- 1316, F. Morettini Construction Company, Contractor, heve been provided for in the Specifications, and �1[iEREAS, It has been found necessary to �ake the following Additfons and Deduetions: ADDITIUNS As per attached Contract Change Agr�ement No. 1 $3402.50 - DEDUCTIONS As per attached Contrsct Change Agree�ent No. 1 $ 154.00 TOTAL PiBT ADDITIONS - $3248.50 and - WHEREAS, The total addition is $3248.50, and the Co�issio�er of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $3248.50 is the correct su� to be � added to said contract, therefore be it RBSOLVI3D, That the City of St. Faul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions �ade in accordance With the Specifications in the su� of $3248.50, said aeount to be added to the lu�p su� consideration na�ed in the con- tract, known as Co�ptroller's Contr�ct L-7198, and which a�aonnt is to be financed from 1968 Capital Ieprove�ent Bond Fund. ``�Z��- `�1/ � � 20197.0. �Cn^� � � " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_. Yeas Nays � 2 0 19��� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor ���� ' Mayor Sprafk2 , � � �r4tt� A gainst Tedesco �;�� o ` �'__ iv�. v}�m Pr�d�t cr��ni . PUBIiSNED ,�IAR 2� �9� . ; ; �o s �` C ITY OF SAINT PAUL - DE�ART�;ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRf�:T CHAI�GE AGREEMENT (Cc:�Cinu�d) h0. 1 rRUJECT hU. f,��,-���,b CONTRACT N0. L-7I:�:� CONTRACTOR �. Y'o�at�fni Cor.st. Co. �RUJECT DESCRIYTION I!Il.'�'�)`'-P;1'T:.;J" fi"j.I�,> �f.._':'': s.r.J �"'FI..I,I"C �',�'i�:':L=r CcA��trh i0 � _j�incaln f:•r�. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner � � C ITY GF SAINT �r;UL - DE�ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WURKS ���9� � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 �RUJECT h0. 6^-;:,-131h CUNTRACT N0. I.-71�3 CONTRACTOR �. F'�:c��tin! Ca��t. Co. �RUJECT' DESCRIPTION ?;II"i'Qi;•','��i:C?.+ t'.:'1,.I":� f;�;;�';; ��� ;i.'::I,LIt'<.. .'��E":;•'.il: - G�3^':.ich f.A Lir.calts � In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has a�reed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonahle costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. .tI.DYTIG�'� 1. :y�.e� III �a»P:ola� 20.5 ft. dee� rcc�uirdd on ta�t�oa Lu�p Sum $47g.00 2. i�-��� I �ant�olcs tw'atmun u�nittsry se4o3r �t Ct:Ats�.Urth) Lc::.y. �u� (f sa� Uaait I'rice 5chc�ulo) 275.G0 3. 21 �t. of b-inch C.I.P. plu� e+� 1/S be��� far e3nit�ry acwer ��rvi�a� ac 938 �;�t�on Lurc;� �um �50.00 4. Ty��Q Z �:�n:~ole on :,crntran a S�nitc�ry acwer at ChaL�t��x'ch La:ti;> ,u� t�to� tJnit i'ric� S�tt�c:�t2s) 300.00 5. lt� 1�:. of 12-ir.cYs C.I.:'. �a Ii�a► of I2-i�;ct► i:.C.r. tst c�llcy un Ga�tsw�rt:� �L:wrscr� .;uz�u �r�c! f,r;.;��resr,�, lU Y3n. ft. v �3.Ca 30.00 4. 1Q ft. at F>-inclz C.g.�. iz� 1�!e;� of I2-inch I�.C.F'., C.I�. le�c! ar� Juno. 1�6 ft. east uf C:a�e��;�reh 1G lih. fL. �r a2.C1v 20.Ofl 7. 1S ft. of f3-�nch t.I.�'. in lie:U of 32-inch Fi.C.i�., C.�;. I��d on Nilt�n at ell�y t�cta��an surie �nd e�rw.atze�n� 19 lin. S�. � $2.Cfl 38.00 8. 10 �t. of uxtra 36-is�ct� i�.C.P. oa �ats�� mt t�1lt��n IG l�n. �t. �? y35.G0 35�.Q0 9. 11 Pt. of 12-inch C.I.F. in li.e�t� aP 12-inc�i �.�.��., C.�. 2�ad at ,tuno csrsd t;iltun 11 lia�. fC. v� $1.CU 33.OQ 10. 12 gt. o� B-inch C.I.�. in li�u of 2�•�MCh Fc.C.P.� C.F.. laad at �.r�,stron� nr�d ChaCSSaarth 12 i�n. f�. � w2.C�J 24.Qfl 11. fai�� C.B. mt scvthwc��t cornar o� t:iltcr� r,rzi i��,Cr�csn L��°;,: :,�w:� tixc� U�it ��rice ��I�r�c:ulc�) Sa.OQ 12. :aiAO C.c. cct c►r�uCh��sC carn�� o� „il�^n e:r:d t;r.�.:�n i.a�::o au� t�:..;� Llnit P�ico :;c;��dsi�) 50.t10 13. ::xtrn co�t fo� dffia,�ar c�.:c�vr�tion on S�:�Elin�, t'�vo. f:c�� Geadrfc� [o l.tnc�lrt - �tD 14n. ft. a� ntrv�atr in �TZC;�Lf�.�, t3� to I .'�' d��y�Qr �:i� $S.L�4 m ;3GO.Cfi 3E0 Iin. ft. Qi �c�w�:�: la��:�ct 1.7' i� $3.00 � 1Q�CO.C� 5.1 lin. ft. of axtr� �e;.tl� ra4nt�le;� � 127.SL� 13�7.54 Total l�dditl.ous �+ 9�3��C32.g0 ' �, . ^ . � C ITY OF SAINT Ye�UL - DE�ART�;ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' COhTR['�:.T CHANGE AGREEMEhT (C�±�tinut�d) �0. 1 rRUJECT I��. �,4-�:-�32,G CONTRACT N0. ?.-7L'�� CONTRACTOR i'. "or�tLfn� G�r�i. Co. �'RUJECT DESCRIYTION ;'IS�'1't)�;-'.'AT�•;,t r.:"I.Ii.E' �� .�. ;�: r�d ;;'c'�'I.i.I.":G .iVi"P�:+�r • Go�dC2c.►1 to _�lnc�ln i,v"+. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner -� . ' CITY OF SAINT PhUL - DEYARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ���_` _ t�y,� CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEr:ENT N0. 1 �'FUJECT �0. �,^.-;'-1.31C> CGNTRACT N0. I.-71�s CONTRACTOR F'. �'��:::,L1s11 Coit,t. CO• rRUJECT DESCRIYTION ':SI'?'C�', <<:'.�:',", l'�I �:�: c:�c� ,� :;:I.I.T''�: :";��"i:�r - Gocc:r_ch Co � �_Src�2n In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payr�ent nnd prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of� those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ::i:Dl:Iux'� 1. :'yy�c III ���r.olm. IQ.S ft. d��r �e��=air�tl on tti�t�oz� i.u�� Su� ,�475.00 2. ;yi'c I r.nc:I:olcs ti��C�urs a�nit�ar;� :ecser �t C?��tez:orL:i) Lu.�-,;; ;;u� tf`�� Urit F'r�.c� Se���uZo) 275.G0 1. 21 ft. o� b•icach C.I.P. p2u� Cwo 1I� hc�us �ar �c��att�ry ec�:�� �ervfca mt 93� .�atean Lu�y� ;ur� 250.00 4. T�."e I �:�.n2:�Ie cn 6,�:-�;trc�r.� :4rsSt�r;� s���:er �t Chat�:s:o;�h ia�:Ff� ::ra:� t�s��:� Ur�i[ i':ice� 5c?:��ulo) 3t�0.Q0 S. IO �r. o: 13-2r,ch �.Z.L . fn I��:u o: 12-;r�ch t,.C.,�. a� a�1�y u� Ga�t��uozt.� b���„^wn .;u�.0 ar;� :�����tru.�•; lii llr. fL. �� ;�3.00 30.00 6. 10 fC. of 8•ir.cta C.�.�. �n lr�a c� 12•inc�� k.C.T�., C.i3. I�ad on ,3unu. 156 f[. �cs�. c,� GP�<.:���:C� 1C t�n. f't. � �2.Q� �a.08 �. 1, ft. og F-inch C.I.�'. i� li�w o� 1�-��rh �.i:.�'., �.E. lc�d on :�iltan �tt all�y b��ks4th.n .�u�a �n� e,r�::��x;,�;� 3J l�ra. �`r. ;� $2.00 38.00 8. 10 i�t. of axtra 3b•ir�ch it.C.r'. om wa�san a�t T�13tK,n IC lfn. tt. wi $35.£0 35�.�0 9. 11 �t. of 22-inch C.I.P. in li�u aP 12»inch r^..C.F�., C.A. 1���' at yinv •aad t;llton 11 l�n. ft. � �3.CU 33.OQ 10. 12 �t. of R•inch C.I.F. in lieu af Y2•inch F..C.c'.. C.l�. l�a�c� at t�.r��tr�r� ond Chace�����h 12 Lin. �t. � ;�2.t3fl 24.00 11. Pnisa C.B. a�t scuthw�et corntsc of �:ilta� �r:c3 �'�t��n I,u-:;� S�ar� (�r:a� tsrsit t'�ico Sc:�Qdulea) 50.04 12. :eie� C.L. et aouth���t cor�ar o� ,Silta� a�r;i ltt��tsan Lur.�:,� ;:�::a tfx�� Un:t �rfca �ca��ul�) 50.00 I3. f:xtra co�t for d�e,�ar �:sc8v�tioz� or� Sr:wYlir�, �:vd. �rc� Gca�sich to :,incvlrc - �a Ifn. fC. c�� sasu�r in sr�sc^t�„�n (1' to 1 .7' �;�e;�Qr <� $5.C�8 A ;3GO.CC 3bf? iin. £t. of sew�r lo�;�red 1.7� �;,� $3.0� � 10�0.C;3 5.1 lin. f�. of eztre� �1�r.tb �wnr.ol�� • 127.SL� 1547.50 7ota1 l�dditians � 3�3�+42.50 , . � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �y CITY OF ST. PAUL C�OE NCIL NO. �� `�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER kobert F. Peterson DATF WH�.REAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove to be neceasary in the Improvement described ns the MILTON-WATSON RELIEF S�WEP. and SNELLING AVEI3U� fro� Goodrich Ave. to Lincoln Ave., Comptroller's Contract I.-7196, Project No. 68-S- 1316, F. Morettini Construction Company, ConCractor, have been provided for in the Specif ications, end �v'HEREAS, It has been found aecessary to make the following Additions snd Deductions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $3402.50 DEDUCTIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $ 154.00 TOTAL N�T ADDITIONS - $3248.50 and F1FlEREAS, The total addition is $3248.50, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that th� anount of $3248.50 is the correct sum to be added to seid contract, thereEore be it RESOLV�A, That the Ci*y of St. Paul through its City Council �pproves the foregoing additions made in accorda�nce with the Specificet3ons in the sum of $3248.50, said a�ount to be gdded to the lump sum consideration named fn the con- tract, known as Comptroller'r� Contract L-7198, and which e�ount is ta be financed from 1968 Capital Improvement Bond Fund. �%7+G�° �/ // �' � ^° ! i.% ��iFtF COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ` �'�al;�t� _ �. Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor ���' Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr;��,�,�'�tZ Bryr-pe .,�x= ,,}�, b:!t�a T!"r�awt��r,�k (f'et�r:;c;i1 �