247986 qRIGtNAL TO CITY CL6RK �� • �`j, � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. .Llc�rs�; Cor�zm�rr�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNC�.I,L R�SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / �,.^`` March 19, �..97� COMMISSIONE pqTE WFTN�r;�S: Proper notiQe has been received as to change of officers in the Highland Inn, Inc.� 1870 Old Hudsor�toad�holders of On Sa1e Liquor License No. 7802, expiring f January 31, 1971� therefore, be it Rr�OLV`;;�: That the office of Vice-president, heretofore vacant, is now held by Dorothy J. Penfield �:ith no change in stockholders, be and the same is hereby ap�roved, On Sale Liquor Establishment Additional Officer Informally approved by Council March 17, 1970 Orig. Ap�;n. 1260 �}t 1 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �1R 1 � 1970 Carlson Dalglish � Approve 19—._ Meredith Tn Favor C� ����� �Ctt nq Mayor Sprafka U Tedesco A gainst �, y���� �ry . . �. v�` ���'n` ��`t`I��o";� PUBLISHED MAR 21 1970 0 � � CITY OF�SAINT PAUL � � - Capital o! Minneaots q �/�G�,a� �� t ��f �e a�t�e�t o a�lic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FixE rxorECTiox WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDaty Co�ae�i�beer DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense In�peetor March 17, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Pa.ul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently the Highland Inn, Inc. at 1870 Old Hudson Road are holders of On Sale Liauor License No. 7802, exriring Januury 31, 1971. They h�,ve been licensees at this loc�tion for a number of years. `'i'he officers of record are Robert V. Gisselbeck, Presidert; Paul 0. Johnson, Secretaxy; and Bruce D.DeJager, Treasurer. Messrs. Gisselbeck, Johnson and DeJ�er are also the three stockholders. The office of Vice-president, heretofore vacant, is now held by Dorothy J. Penfield. Th�re is no change in the stockhold�.� �ttached is a, copy of a.pplication by the new officer. Very truly yours, ( �/�y -c . r7/ License Inspector � `��`' � � IJ 0 • ( � � � x �,1 � . �� � �� �. . . . ��� � �a� � Q� INTERSTATE 94 AT WHITE BEAR INTERCHANGE•ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 66119•a12-736-2330 1870 OlD HUDSON ROAD �anuary 27 , 1970 Mr. Danial P. McLaughlin License Inspector � Department of Public Safety 101 East Tenth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota r:r. McLaughlin, Will you please up-date your license records regarding the Aighland Inn with the following: P�irs. Dorothy J. Penfield 583 Maple Park Drive Saint Paul, Minnesota 55118 is now Vice-President and General Manager of the Highland Inn. All stockholders, directors and other officers are as previously reparted. Hope you will come out and see the great things we are doing at the Inn with our pool recreation area. i.ncerely, . �' ,,� . �_� <JC-� . �Z�d s.�� Paul O. Joh son ,�1�� .� Corporate Se tary �� ���Q ,,o J POJ:dmt `� �c�� . Y -� nl � '� ~ � a+ . � . t� �. ,� ''u � �� ._ �����:� '��y 4 V �����`�� �a�'L`��y Z� 181 LUXURIOU6 ROOMS AND SUITES • DIRECT DIAL PHONES • INDOOR Q OUTDOOR POOI.S • COLON TV FAMOUB OAK ROOM NESTAURAPIT AND TANTAN LOUNGE • BANQUET ROOMS TO 260• MEHTINf3 NOOMS ON1.Y MINUTES FROM DOWNTOYYN ST.PAU�ANO MINNEAPOIIS VIA 1-8� t�URTESV IiMOUSINE SEIIVICE TO AIRPOflT AND 3M CITY flF S�INT PA�7L . , , DEPART�TT � PtT$LIC SQFETY � I,ICSNSE DNISZCJN �t� MARGH 2 __ 147�l�_____„_ 1. Applioation Por Chat�a ottio�r� (ldditional) QJa 3a1� I+iquor ' S.ieenae 2, Na�e oP applic3ant �,��v �T. �+±f^i a7 d. Vie�.Pr�aid�nt Ri�hlar�ci Inn� T_,�e^ 3. Buainesa addreae Reaidenae '�a xrade ne►me, 3P any 5o Retail Bear Federal Tax 3tamp Retail I.�iquor �'ederal Tax Stam.p �ill be uaedd 6. t� �r�� floor locsted I�umber� of roc�ns used`�•: 7, Bet�reen �at crosa streets 9lhich side oP etraet 8. $�e premiaea nov� oacupied '�Pha� buainess Ho� long .,.._...o.. �.. _. _. . _ 9. �re premiaes no�r un.00vupied Haw lung 4aCallt P'I'84�.OLi$. t78A . �,..o. _ . _ �. _ 10, Are yuu a new awner Have you been in a si.milar buaineas before '�Phere '1Phen 11. Are you going to operste thia buainsas peraonally GE If not, v�rho xill opare��e i� _ _ _- _-- � , 12e dre you in anq other business at the �esent ti.me �yp 13. Have there been any Qomplaints a�ainat your oparation oP thi� type of plaae �p 1Phen Rhe re 14. II�4e you evar had a�r 1iee�.�e revolaad NO �t reason ax�t date 15. �re you a citizan of the Un:lted S�ates �S Nativ�e ��aturalized 160 11R�ere were you born WiNTER NAVEN;,,FI�. Date of birth� �„��A jg� _ 17, I am. XX married. �Iy (wiPe 9 g) (huaband a s j name and addresa is �ARTyIlR _R_ PFNF 1 F(,p� JR. 583 MAPLE PARK DRIYE, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55118 18. (If married female) a�y maiden name i� TNnMAS 19� How� long heve you li�ed in St d Paul Fi VE YEAR,�„_ 20� Hav�s you ev�er been arreated M� Violatioa of what criminal ].avr or ordinanae �� (REGISTERED V�TER IN MEN�OTA HGTS .� 21e Are you a registered voter in tha Ci�r of St. Paul �eS NO Nfle (Ans�r fua.ly a]1d Com Ie�".Alya `I'h9Se ei �Iitsatiolis are tMorou hl che�kied a�d an falsifioation �rrill be Qauae fo� en.3.alo 22, Number aP 3.2 p]aoes within two blooks . 23. Cloaeet into�ioating liquor plaoea th� Sale �ff fiale + � _ 24. Nearest Churoh Nearest 3chool 25s Number of boothe Tables Chaira Stoola 26. 'II�t oacupatiun have you Pollov�ed for the p�at five yearso (Give names of empl�y�ax°� and dates eo employ�ed.�l GEN�RAL MANAGER OF HIGHTLAND INN-FEB. 4, 1969 TO PRESEN' 2. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY S DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AT SAINT PAU� HILTON FROM AUGUST 18 1 6 TO 8 BR ARY w � 3. EXEC��IVE SECRETARY S DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RElATIONS AT R09ERT MEYER MOTOR . • , , 1965 R. HUGH SN01�1, SUPERVISORS 27s Giebj m�$ ana aaa�8�e8 0� t�o peraonss reaidenta of Sta Pf�u7.s �.nnp, �h� esan g�ve in�ormatioa aariaerning you, ��8 MILTON TMAN_ ATT�RNRY dddreae 7AT �Er_a�F nF h�nntnQ pi nA catuT pAUL l�ame PHIL t�,ASON. PRESI�Ej+JT dddreas p L . - 8ignature of p ° an State of Min.n�sota� �ea C ounty of Raatsey lieing firat duly s�rr�rn, depcs�es and sa� upon oQ t he Y�� rea the orego ng statement bearing h3a signatuz°e a�d l�io7r� the oo�tenta thereoP, and that�the eam� 3a �rue- of hie own l�owledge e�cept ae to thoee me�ttera theroin atated upem information and belieP and as to thoae matte�°� he beliav�ea tham to be true� �GG� Signature of p icant fizbscribed arxi a�►orn tu bafore �zea ' this day oP 19 7 0 � N� rq blic, ountye , esota bF2R1tV .1. "' ..';Ri;tis r���tar,,�un���, 1 n,•: ^i!r±y, Minr. �y Ccnmmisaion ex ras r.,� ,�,.�...,�.;.;•:, - . ;,. z���s. (Note� Theee statement forma are in duplicate. -Both Qopies muat be fully fi11ec1 outa notarized, and returned to the Lio�nse Divis ion0�� AFF ID�V ZT B Y APPL ICANT � FOR ' RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LIC.ENSE Re s _�`Sale^�=�� Licenae Name of applicant , . Bu�ineas addY°ess Are �rou the sole owner of this business? . If not9 is it a partnership� corporation? , o:�her? Others interested in buainess, include those by loan of money, propert�r or otherwieea Name Addre s s Hae�t If a a orporation, give its na� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainess? d�_ ,As sole awner? Partner? Stockholder? (?therwise? (Through loan o� money, etc� E�plain) Addreas of such business and nature oP interest in aam� Signature of p aant State of Mi.nnesota� �ss C ounty of' �msey _ nnROjHY .1 _ P�(y�Fi p bei.ng first duly s�orn, deposes and says upon oath tha� he has read the foregaing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contenta thereoP; that �he same is true of his own lrnawledgea except as to those matters therein sta�ed upon information and belief snd as to those matters he believes them to be true. , L - t�- Signature of p ant Subscsribed and sworn to before me thia day of _197 n ,.��. Notary ublic, County,���s���;,�s No'fary Public, Hennepin Ccunty, Minn. �� aaanmission expirea ry�� Co�mission �ires Mar.31, 1976. , - S�A� � ��so�rA� � s8 C�UNTY OF RAMSEY DOROTHY J . PENFIELD being first duly a�c�rn, doth depose and say that S he makea this affidavit in connecstion with applicataon for " ON Ssle" liquor license (n Sa1e" malt beverage license) in the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that yoar affiant is a resident oP the State of �finnesot� , and has resided therein for FIVE yeara, mom.ths, and is . n�a and has been for the time aboqe mentioned a bona fide rsaident of said State an.d that �he now res idea at g M P � R V A P U N. Addreea 5 51 I9 , Mitzne s ota. City or To�+rn 2������` -�C $ubsoribed and a�orn. to before me this .S day of - � 19 �� _ �l / �!� �tary b1io, Ram�ey Count�RR�i����ps Notary Public, Her.ne;:in Caun#y, Mirin. � COUIITi188'1ori AXp�Y'ee Mv Commission Expi�es Mar. 31, 1976. ♦ } I�2'C11 �.7! l� Hon. Willi� 8. Carlson� Ca�sr. of Pnblic 8atet', Tenth and D[imsesota �ts., St. Paul, I�ii�rm. Attn: lh�. Dani�i P. MeLaughlin D�sr Sir: The Cit� Couacil tcd�y inf approv�d ths application o�' the 8ighl,and Inn, Inc. st 70 �wdaon Hoad, hold.ers cf On f3s].e Liquor Licenee Ao. 78Q2, ezpiring Jan. 31, 1971, fa� ths additioa of the � at Do�ot�r J. Penfield as Vice-pr�sid+ent, aaid ofiice heretofore v�csat� aa�d ther� �rill be no chsngs in stxkholders. Will you please p�-epare the eusta�ary resolutionT Dery tru],Y Yours, City Cle�rk hP