247985 ..} � � z4�9�� J �ORIOINAL TO CITY CLtRK - CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONE s � ATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated February 25 , 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address Appellant 79-69-H 1505 Hythe St. Mrs. Maxine Parks 1-70-H 477-479 Clinton Ave. Jennie H. �ayd Trust c/o Clapp Thomssen by R. T. Engel 5-70-H 26 E. Exchange Central Manor by � Reverend Harry P. Schweitzer , �.,ti�vl At'P OV CORPORATIOf�I �OUNSEtI IIMR 1 9 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays c��o� MAR 1 9 1970 Dalglish Approve� - 19—_ Meredith " in Favor �� �n�Mayor Sprafka �Against Tedesco '���. ���`��ers`�� PUBLfSHED MAR 21197� �� • 2/Z5/70 �� Meeting No . 26 � r ����i MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, February 25, 1970 Room 210, Bureau of Health Library, 555 Cedar St . - 1 : 30 p.m. Members present : Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake Gale Rehnberg Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Others present : Dr. Paul Cox, Harold Yannarelly, Frank Staffenson, Glenn �rickson, Thomas Anderson, R. T. Engel , Mrs . Bert Sandberg, Mrs . Almere Schneider, Reverend Harry P. Schweitzer, Marland Mork, Bernice Swanson, Bob tierr The minutes of the meetings of February 11 , 1970 and February 17 ,. 1970 were approved as mailed. A film called "The Baltimore Plan" was shown. 79-69-H 1505 Hythe St . Mrs . Maxine Parks Mr. Anderson, on behalf of Mrs . Parks , appealed a letter dated December 3 , 1970 from the Bureau of Health to Mrs . Parks concerning improvements which needed to be made at 1505 Hythe St. Mr . Anderson explained that Mrs . Parks was disabled from two automobile accidents and unable to appear before the Board. He stated that she has no source of income and that her lawyer, Hyman Cohen, controls all pay- ments made . Mr . Anderson explained that he had received a call from Hyman Cohen on the day of the appeal and that he had explained how the matter had come before the Board. Mr. Anderson said that Hyman Cohen advised him that the Board should do whatever it felt should be done and that he would try to arrange financing to comply with code standards . Lawrence Cohen stated that three of the four items in the letter of llecember 3 , 1969 were recommendations only and not presently enforce- able by law as such, therefore the only item presently before the Board was the request to point up the chimney. EXHIBIT "A" ' 2/25/7( .` Meeting No. 2E ' Mr. Cohen moved that an extension of time , be granted until May 15 , 1970 to point up the chimney at 1505 Hythe St . as requested in the letter dated December 3 , 1969 from the Bureau of Healtli to Mrs . Parks . He also moved that the $5 . 00 filing fee be waived. Seconded by Tieso. Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 1-70-H 477-479 Clinton Ave . Jennie H. Bo d Trust c/o C1app T omssen Co . y . ngel Mr. Engel appealed a letter dated September 15 , 1969 from the 13ureau of Health to Clapp-Thomssen concerning the matter of the sharing of bathrooms at 477-479 Clinton Ave . He stated that the builcling was originally a four-plex but that it is currently being used as an eight unit building. He said the owners intended to convert the building back to a four-plex but that some time would be needed to do so to avoid a great loss of income and to perform requested work. Estyr Peake arrived. Mr. Tieso moved that cotiversion from an eight-plex to a four-plex be allowed over an eighteen month period of time . Seconded by Cohen. Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none . Abstentions : Peake . Motion carried five (S) to zero (0) with one abstention. 2-70-H 171-173 Richmond James Lyman by Martin Mansur Mr. Anderson explained that he had been called by Martin J . Mansur, attorney for James Lyman, who stated that they would not contest the orders dated September 23 , 1969 concerning the property at 171-173 Richmond and which were issued to James Lyman from the Bureau of Health. The case was therefore dismissed upon his request . 3-70-H 780 Cedar Ave. Bert Sandberg by Mrs . Bert Sanrlberg Mrs . Bert Sandberg appealed a notice dated December 29 , 1969 from the Bureau of Health to Bert Sandberg concerning the sharinb of baths at 780 Cedar. She stated that three dwelling units on t}ie second floor with one tenant in each share one bathroom ori the second floor. - 2 - • 2/25/70 „� Meeting No . 26 . ' Mr. Cohen moved that a waiver of 54 . 11 of the St . Paul Legislative Code be granted to allow the three dwelling units on the second floor to share one bathroom on the second floor. Such waiver is to be allowed only under the following conditions : 1 . That each of the three dwelling units be occupied by only one person. 2 . That upon the sale of the property of the transfer of ownership by the present owners , Mr. and Mrs . Bert Sandberg, such waiver is tobe nullified and all Housing and Building Code standards be complied with. Seconded by Sommerdorf. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes ; none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . 7-70-H 1852 Dayton Ave. Mrs . Almere Schneider Mrs . Schneider appealed a letter dated December 19 , 1969 sent to her from the Bureau of Health concerning Housing Code deficiencies at 1852 Dayton Ave. Mrs . Schneider said that she would comply with items 2 - 5 in the aforementioned letter but that it would work a hardship to comply with the other items . Mrs . Sommerdorf moved that a waiver be granted of items 1 � 6 in the letter of the Bureau of Health dated December 19 , 1969 which required that a bathtub or shower be installed on the first floor and that the third floor occupancy be vacated at 1852 Dayton. Such waiver is to be granted as long as Mrs . Schneider owns the property at 1852 Dayton Ave . and until such time as the ownership be trans- ferred or the property be sold at which time such waiver be nullified and all existing code standards be complied with. Seconded by Rehnberg. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none . Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . 5-70-H 26 E. Exchange Central Manor b Reverend arry c weitzer Reverend Schweitzer appealed a letter from the Bureau of Health dated January 9 , 1970 concerning Housing Code violations at 26 E. Exchange . Rev. Schweitzer stated that he was not app�aling items numbered 4 , 6 , 8 � 9 in said letter but that he saw no sense in the requirements that the toilet rooms be provided with electri�al outlets which the other numbered items require�. - 3 - . 2/25/70 ,� Meeting No . 26 . , Mr. Voigt moved that a waiver of items numbered 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 £, 10 in the letter of January 9, 1970 be granted in order that additional electrical outlets need not be installed in the toilet rooms . Seconded by Rehnberg. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none . Abstentions : none . Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . Meeting adjourned at 4 : 05 p.m. ' �',,�«..M,...� n,J � Thomas W. Anderson Executive Secretary - 4 - , � �r,�,� J�Gr� '��'i�°- DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � �4.Y(�• ,� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RE50LVED, That the Council h�reby ratifi�s and approves the action of the Board of Appeals perta3ning to the following listed properties as shown by the offi�fal minutes of said Board of Appeals da�Ced February 2S, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address Appellant �9-b9-H 1505 Hy�he St. Mrs. Maxine Parks 1-70-H 477-�'�9 Clintan Ave. Jenni� H. Boyd Trust c/o Clapp Thom�sen by R. T. Engel 5-70-H 26 E. Exchange Central Manor by Rever�nd Harry P. Schwei�zer "'.' �Y��,� 3 , � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � � � '�� T� , S tJ� Dalglish ,�'�` Approved 19_._ Meredith Tn Favor Pa or.�_�' Mayor Sprafka C�' A gainst Tedesco �,;��esi�"eii�,Bj*rne� z»�. . ,_ �•-:..;z , - � O