247976 �G�� � �, �R161NAL�TO CITY CLERK � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� " • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, The Depart�ent of Public works is applying to the Minnesota State Archives and Records Se�vice for authority to destroy certain of its records, and WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Archives Cornmission requires concurrence by the City Council in the application, naa therefore be it RESOLYED, That the City Council does concur in the appiications swbmitted by the Office Engineer of the Departa�ent of Pubiic Works to the Minnesota State Archives ConmissiQa, copies of which are attached. ��r ' J �o.RA� �a,v� Gpt�o,�ati n ou►�sel � �� NU�R 1 91� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1 9 �9�a Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Petersex�—. � Sprafka J ,,�tr�y Mayor A gainat Tedesco . Y .. 1970 �'�`���s� '�"�`� PUBLISHED MAR 21 Mr. vie. Yre.,doat �retereon� � . , "L'� • .+NS f orm:0 11 (rev.G)) ��' , MINNES07A STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE �`. . ' 117 Universiry Avenuc,St. Paui,Minnesota 55107 �''i�t"'� V APPLICATION FOR AUTHOR{TY TO DlSPOSE OF RcCORDS IYSTRUCTIO`:S: ;'o�% orig�nal and 3 copiez Completc items 2, 3,4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c Use reverse side of form to continue record:uescripron. If mors f.:..xe �s r.ced�:d, u:c v.hii�: trond paxr similarily spaced.Send original and 2 copies to the abovo address. Retain one eopy while your application i:t,eing�rcce::cd, Yo�w�ll rece�ve on a�;,rovcd co;.y o(your application,which wilt be your authority to dispose of records.The approved eopy should be retained permanentty. 1. T0: PJ�innc:ota Statc Archives CommiSSiOn FOR COMMISSJON USE ONLY 2. FROt�n: City of St. Paul Department of Public Works $' ApplicationNo. Ayency or Office Subdivision or Sectlon 9. �ate Received 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet 15 or linear feet 4. LGCation of RCCOfds: ROOHI 234 & Rasement Vault, Court House 10. Tha records listedonthis a�plication are not needed for post audii purPoses. 5. Lavrs othcr than U{. S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of thc records: M.S. k65.63 6. I cenify that the records listed on this applieation are accurately described,and that Publie Examiner Dept. Date they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agcncy. 11. COMMISSION APPROVALS: �� ` / � � / -L�'�-<vY � �C-��/-ts�'% ��2" /�j/%�c' Public Examiner �ate r.'� oa or t o aed ign�ture Date �. I have appraised e records described on this application for their continuing value Attor�ey General Date for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection of individual rights and the rights of the govemment. State Audiior �ato . I recommend: , o�rector,Minnesota Historical Society Date Ocstroy items Retain in office of origin items 12, under the a�rhor�ty of Minnesota Statutes Transfer to State Archives iterru t38.77, it is hereby ordered that the records Consider for transfe� to State Records Center items �isted on this application be disposed of ds authorized in icem 15. Statc Archivist and Records AdmfniK►aior OaU Commissloner of Administration ond Dato Chafrman,Swte Archivas Commissio� 13. ADDENDUM 14. Description of Records• List each record series or type of record as a separate item. • I FOR COrrrrr7iSSlON USE ONL Y a. Itom No. n. Nome of record,form numben,eontent,srrenperr�e�t,origi�al or dupllcata c. Inelusive Dates �5. Authorized Disposition 1. Time Reports: Daily time reports by Poreman to time- 1966 and keeping. List of employees in order of seniprity. previous year i Salary rate, employee number, time and amount is given for each employee. 2. Mileage allowances: �lnployees copy, "Monthly Cax Mileage 1966 and II Allowance Report," name and title of employee, descripti n previous i� of car, number oP miles traveled, reimbursement and yeare '� approval, "Daily Mileage Reports" shows origins aad destinations, miles traveled. (over) . � • fOR COMMISSION 14; Description of Records- list each record series o�type of record as a separate item. USE ONLY �. Inm No. b. N�m�01 r�cord,(orm�umbars,eont�ne,�rrsnpement,oripinai or duplicat� e. I�elusiv�O�t�� �5. Authorized Disposition 3. Overtime Reports: Biweekly transmittal to payroll 1�2 and department. previous years , . , ._ , ., , . � , , , , . , . _ . _. . . . . _. . , _ r_,� .. �.. . � .. _ . • . _ . � :.: � . ' ' • \ . __ . ... � . .. � . . ... . . ,. , i' . .. ,. , . . , . �. . . i .. , , .. ' _. . � _. . , . . � , . .•� / _ _. .. ' , ' . ' . � . , ,. : , . , r , �, . , . , i � . , , .. , . . \ ' ' _ _ � . . . , � � A11$ fo�m�O 11 Ir�v.891 ' MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE • . • 117 University Avenue,St. Paut,Minnesota 55101 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS � INSTRUCTIONS: h1a4r or�pinal ancf 3 copies. Complete itorr►s 2,3.4, 5, 6,and 14a,b, a�d c. Use►overse sida of form to continue records de:.cription,If mon KMCt iti rv�nf�A, uu wh�1n bond paper similarily spacCd.Set�d original and 2 coples to tho above addt+ess. Retain one copy while your application is being processed You v�nll rece�ve�+aPp�wed copy ol your app�itation,which will be your authoriiy to dispose ot►ecords.The approved copy should be retained permane�tty, • 1. TO: Minncsota State Archives Commission fOR COMMISSION USE ONLY • 9� Application No. 2. F ROM: C ity of St. Patil. Department of Public Works Apeney or OiHes SubdlvlsloA or Ssctlon 9, Date Received 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet 3 or linear feet 4. Location of Records: Roora 234 & Basement Vault, Court House 10. The records listedonthisapplication are not needed for post audit purposes. ' b. laws other than M. S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of '' ' the reco�ds:_1�i,.�. 465.6� 6. I certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that Publfc Exeminer Dept. Date , they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agency. "� � 11. COMMISSION APPROVALS: t'-f -+�/�,-1.\''C ' - f/ -�� U G�+-�� 4"�Z'' /-�G/ i�>���f' �V Publfc Exeminer Dete qr.ncV ea pf dt or�zo �gnaturo Date �� ; 7. 1 have apprai e the records des ibed on this application for their continuing value Attorney General oece :� for historical or other �esearch, functional documentation, and the protection of individual rights and the rights of the govemment State Audltor Date ,'' I rCCOmmend: Direetor,M(nnesota Historical Society Date Destroy items � Retain in office of origin items � 12. Under the autnorlcy of Minnesota Statutes Transfer to State Archives items 138.17, it is hereby ordered that the records ' listed on this apptication be disposed of as Consider for transfer to State Reco�ds Center items autt,orized in�tem 75. •Steta Archlvist and Record�Adminisuetor Oats . Commisstoner of Adminlstration and Oate Chairman,State Arehives Commluion 13. ADDENDUM � , • 14. ' Description of Records• List each record series o�type of record as a separate item. fOR COMMISSION USE ONL Y �. It�m No. b. Nam�of record,form numbsn,eontsnt,srranpement,orlpinal o�duplicst� e. Incluslvs Ostes �5. Authorized . Disposition 4. House Numberrs; "Authorization for official house 1962 a.nd � ' • number." Forma include a description of the property previaus year and signature of the Cammissioner of Public Works. (Triplicate) . 1 . ' A11a Fo�m�0 t 1 Ir�v !14) ' _ MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE • ' 117 Univenity Avenue,St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS It�.STRUCT10N5: h1a�r. original anA 3 copies. Complete items 2,3, 4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, a�d c. Use reverse sido of form to continue records description.If moro Mowce i� nerdrd, use wturo hond paper similarily spaced.Se�d original and 2 copies to the abwe address. Retain one copy whilo your application is being processed. You wi11 rece�ve en ePprwed copy o(your applieation,which will be your euthority to dispose ot records.The approved copy should be rotained permanently. • 1. TO: Minncsota State Archives Commission fOR COMM/SSION USE ONLY 2. FROM:_ City of St. Paul Department _of Public Work 8' Application No. Apency or 0111c• Subdlvlslon or Ssetlon 9. Date Received 3. �uantity of Records: cubic feet � or linear feet 4. Location of Records: _ Room 234 & Basement Vau].t, Court House to. Tha records listedonthis application�t�ot needed for post audit purposes. 6, laws othcr than M, S. 138.17 that relate to the destructioh or safekeeping of the records:_ M.S. 465.63 6. I certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that Publle Ezamfne�Dept Det� they have no furthe� administ�ative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agency. � � 1t. COMMISSION APPROVALS: / _ r� ��(,�l (� .� i . � - l� � � / /� i.�-�L���L> �.+',��/�; �G! � !� Public Examins� Oats - gen�y an r ut or ze �gnaturo Oats ' 7. I have appraisetl�he records descril�d on this application for their continuing value Attorney General Oat� i for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection of ; individual rights and the rights of the govemment stats Audteor oete , ; 1 recommend: � Director,Minnesota Historical Sociuty Date Destroy items � � Retain in office of origin items � 12. Under the authority of Minnesota Statutes � Transfer to State Archives items 13s.t7, it is hereby ordered that the records ' listed on this application be disposed of as Consider for transfer to State Records Center items authorized in item 15. Stste Arehlvltt snd Hecords Adminlstrstor Dete Commissloner o�Adminlstratlon and Oate Chairman,State Archives Commission 13. ADOENDUM ' � 14. Description of Records- list each record series or type of record as a separate item. FOR COMMISS/ON usE oroc Y �. It�m No. p. Nsme of►ecord,form numbers,contant,arranpsment,orlpinal or dupllcet� c. Ineluslvs Dates �5. Authorized Disposition 5. Landfill Receipts; � Department of Public Works 1967 and Maintenance Services. Location of landfill, quaatity previous year of waste (cu. yds.) and charge for that quantity. (Duplicates) � � AllS fenn 70 11 1►w.691 MINNESOTA STATE ARCNIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE � 117 Univenity Ave�ue,St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS INSTRUCTIONS: Ma�e oriqinal ancl �eopies. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c Use roverse side o( form to continua records dr.scrip;ion. If mon eo�ce iti no�cf, usa wf�ite bond paper similarily spaced.Send original and 2 copies to the abovo address. Retain ona topy whilo yo�ir application is being p�ocessed rou will rrceive en approved copy of your appliwtion,whieh will be your authorlty to dispose of reco►ds.TM approved copy should ba retained permanently. • 1, TO: Minnesota State Archives Commission FOR COMM/SSfON USE ONLY 2. FROM: City of St. Paul Department of Public Works a ApplicationNo. �O���v or 011Ics Subdlvlslon or Seetlon g, pate ReCeived 3. �uantity of Records: cubic feet 15 or linear feet 4. Location of Records: R�m 23 & Basement Vault, COt1T't HOL15C 10. The records listedonthis application ara not needed for post audit purposes. . b. Laws other than M. S 38.17 that relate to the destructioh or safekeeping of tho records: M•S• �+ 5•63 6. 1 certify that the records listed on this application are aceurately described,and that Publfc Examiner Oept. Date they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agency. � 11. COMMISSION APPROVALS: -� �c �s',''z`/` �cw r_��!�C;�1 �'.7�' �� �y.�G� Publlc Ex�mine� Osts `�; qoncy ea q Yt or zo �gnature Oat� 7. I have apprai the records iiese�ibed�on this application for their continuing value Attor�ey General oat• ; for historical or other research, functional dxumentation, aAd the protection of � individual rights and the rights of the govemment. Stats Audltor Date i 1 recommend: �Irecto.,Mtnnesota Historieal Soctety Date ' Destroy items Retain in office of origin items � 12. Under che auchorlty of Minnesota Statutes Transfer to State Archives items t38.�7, it is hereby ordered that the�ecords listed on this application be disposed of as Consider for transfer to State Records Cehte� items authorized in item 15. St�[e Arehlvlit and Reeord�Admf�lsnstor Dete Commiasioner of Adminlatratfon and Date Chsbmao,State Arehtves Commiufon 13. ADOENDUM 14. Description of Records• List each record series or type of record as a separate item. FOR COMMISSlON USE ONC Y �, It�m No. b. Nem�of ncord,form�umbers,content,srranpemsnt,orlpinal or dupllcate c. Incluslve�ates. 15: Authorized � Disposition 6. Commissioner Milton Rosen's File: Correspondence 1960-196�+ ; received concerning the activities of the Public Works ! Department and reports of other departments such as - Comptroller, Public Utilities, Public Safety, etc. � Miscellaneous papers and books concerning sewers, waste . disposal, street closings, supplies, �tc. ?. Commissioner Milton Rosen'8 Reading File: Duplicatea 1960-1964 of correspondence. . � ' ,� A11S fwm�0 1/ (�w.69) MINNESOTABTATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE . � 117 Unnre�sity Avenue,St. Paui,Minnesota 55101 � APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS iPiSTRUCTiONS: Make original nnd J copies. Complete items 2, 3,4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c. Use reverso sido of form to continue rr.cords description.�f more t�wct i� nrnclyd, use white tw�d pnper similarily spaoed.Send original and 2 coples to the ebove address. Retain one copy whilo your application is being proces:ed. You will rece�ve en e��proved copy ot your applieetio�,wfiieh will be your authority to dispose of records.Ths epproved eopy should be retained permanently. � 1. T0: Minnesota State Archives Commission fOR COMMISSION USE ONLY 2. FROM: City oP St. Paul Department of Public Works 8' App�icationNo. Apeney or O111e• Subdlvlslon or Seetlon 9. �ete ReCeived 3. Duantity of Records: cubic feet 5 or linear feet 4. LoWtiOn Of RCCOfdS: 234 & Basement Vault, Court Hause 10. The records listedonthis application ero not needed for post audit purposes. b. Laws other than M. S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of tho records: M.S. �+65.6'� 8. 1 certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that Publle Examfne►Dspt o.t• � they have no funher administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of � this agency..�) • 11. COMMISSION APPROVALS: �� � � � aC �_L��rG'�� E�(�'� �Li��� ��'�r—�_�� �C�G� Publlc Exsmine� Dsta o� aa ,or t onzo �gnature Oate � 7. t have apprais�d the records �escribe on this applicatio� for,their continuing value Attorney General oete for historical or other research, functional docume�tation, and the protection of individual rights end the rights of the govemment. State Auditor oaee 1 recommend: Olrector,Minnesota Historical Society Date Destroy items � Retain in office of origin items � 12. Under the autnority of Minnesota Statutes Transfer to State Archives items 138.17, it is hereby ordered that the records listed on this application be disposed of es Consider for transfer to State Records Center items eutnorized in item�s. St�ts Archlvin and Hecord�Adminlstrato� p�t� Commissloner of Adminlatratton and Oate Chairmsn,State Arehlves Commiufo� 13. ADDENOUM 14. Description of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. FOR COMM/SSION USE ONL,Y �, It�m No. b. Nsme of r�cord,form numben,content,srranpsment,orlpinal w duplleste c. Inclusiv�Oetn �5. Authorized ' Disposition 8. Purchase Orders: Purchasing Department quadruplicate t 1958-1962 Public Works confirming order with attached delivery receipts and or invoices. 9. Contract Claims: Same as Item 8 except that Department 1958-1y62 . . does not issue a purchase requisition since the claim is against existing contracts. 10. Departmental Requisitions - Pertafning to Item 8 1958-1962 11. Inter-Department Invoices: Shows allocation and 1958-1962 • distribution of items, costs or services to various City Departments. � . a�S f o•m:0 11 (.ov.69) MINN[SOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE ," . 117 Universiry Avenue,St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 � • APPLtCATlON FOR AUTHORITY TO OtSPOSE OF RECORDS INSTRUCTIO�S: M,ake original and 3 copies Comptete items 2, 3,4, 5, 6,and 14a, b, and c. Use reverse side of torm to conti�ue records descrf�tion.It more tpece is �e^ded, u:e w!�ite t�ond pa�er similarily spaced.Send original and 2 co;�ics to the above address. Retain one copy while yo��r applicat�on is t,eing proceszed. Vou will rec�ive an approved copy of your applieation,which wfll be your authority to dispose of records.The approved copy should be retiineci permanently. 1. TO: Minnesota S!ate ArChives Commis5ion FOR COh4M1SSlON USE ONL Y 2. FROM:_City of St. Paul Department of Public I+brks � APP��cationNo. Aqency or Otflce Subdivision or Sectlon 9, Date ReCeived 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet or linear feet 4. l.ocation of Records: Room 23�Basement Vaul t, Court House 10. The records listedonthisapplication aro not nceded tor post audit purposas. 5. Laws othcr than UI. S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of the records:__ M.S. 465.63 6. I certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that Public Exominer Oopt. Dat� they have no further administrative, tegal, o fiscal value for the current business of this agency. � 11. COMMISStON APPROVALS: � ����.Lc�,2-� ' ' � .�.>� u.C. 7�,c.�'- i j, /`l) v Public Examiner Oeto � V ua or onzc �gnaturo Date 7. I have ap ai crfhe reco ds escribe on this application for their continuing value Attornoy Genoral ooto . for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection of individual rights and the rights of the govemment. stase Audreo. �eso I recommend: Olrector,Mlnnosota Historicol Soctory Ooco Destroy items Retain in office of origin items 12. Under the autnoricy of Min�esota Statutez Transfer to State Archives items 138.17, it is hereby ordered that the records , Consider for transfer to State Records Center items listed o� this a�plication be disposed of as authorized in itcr» 15. Stato Archivlst and Fiecords Admtnistrator Date Commissloner of Administration and Date . Chairman,State Archives Commisslon 13. ADDENDUM 14. Oescription of Records• List each record series or type of record as a separate item. ' FOR COMMISS/ON USE ONL Y s. Item No. b. Nome of record,form numbers,content,arrangement,orlglnal or duplfeate c. Incluslve Datet �5. AUthOfIZ@C� Disposition 12. Application for Transportation Permit and Transportatio 1968 a�d . Permit "Originals" issued for overwidth and overlength previous year vehicles. 13. Use of Street Permit: Issued by Department of Public i94&1962 wbrks for use of street, boulevards and sidewalk area usually in connection with construction, repairs, well drilling, etc. Sanetlmes issued to Railroad Companies for mainline and spur tracks run in streets and alleys. • Those issued to Railroad •companies and othersfor long term use will be retained permanently or until tracks I are removed. Thera is a deposit of $25.00 and a $6.00 I permit charge. , (over) il � . , z;9;r-^;y�,_.: ., DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ���L+ ��/ ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC►� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �A��°rt �. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF WH£R�1S, The Department of Pub� ic 4lorks is applying ta the Minnesota State Archives and Recards Service for authority ta dest roy certa i n c�f t ts record�, and WNEFtEAS, The hSinnesota State A�chives Commission requlres concurre�►ce by the City Council in fihe applicAtlon, nc�w the�efor� be it RESOLVED, That the City Councit does concur in the applic,etiUn� submitted by the Otfice Engineer af the Department of Pablic Works to the t�i'annesa$a �tate Archives Commission, coptes of which are attsched. F. ,�t � ��� � .#. �Q,�?4"� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— , 'j '�� Yeas Nays ����`��- � ���� Carlson � Dalglish �� Approvec� 19—_ Meredith __jn Favor �e�ersa�-�, Sprafka � . Mayor A gainst Tedesco ..1V�r�.�'xesident,B3�iG��...e l;: i;:).;:� i�,...�.. Y'.::�3�li�S�: �n'.'i14'i'13f31'1� �