247974 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �L� • V �1 C� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC��Ts�; Cor�TT�� ;` COUNCIL RESOLUTION�GENERAL FORM ;� PRESENTED BY `/ `,` �� ` M8rCY1 19� 1970 COMMISSIONE � DATF �t�;SOLVED: That application for Restaurant, Cn anci Off Sale Malt�Beverage and CiU�sette Licenses, applied for by Patrick John I�lullig�,n. at 1041 �'ront �venue, be and t the same are hereby granted on thecvtxd:9:ti�4�hat within ,�O _days of this date said Patrick John Mulligan shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Health, Fire� and Police, ana the License Inspector pursu�.nt to� the �t. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. � 1 � ��:0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � , � 1�70 Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor � -�e�erson r Sprafka ,� Mayor A gainst ���A9 Tedesco , P • x ���� oti i�e�;'�� , .., Mx. Vice Preeid�at (1'�teruoA) 1�l16LISHED MAR 21 1�7� O , C7TY OF SAINT PAUL �� .� Capital of Minneaota i���f ���, �e a�t�erzt o k��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE tROTBCTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammisaioner POLICB AND FIRE ALABM ROGER M. CONWAY,Depnty Commirinner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieensc Inspeetor March 19, 1970 Hanorable Mayor and Gity Council Saint Paul, Niinnesota Gentlemen: Patrick John �ulli�an makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 1041 Front livenue which is on the North side of the street at the intersection of Oxford 5treet. This loc�.tion has been lic ensed for a similar business since 195a. The present licensee, James J. Frendt, held the licenses until they expired on February 14, 1970. There axe no other 3.2 pl�.ces within two blocks. `j'he closest On Sale Ziquor place is about half a block a.nd the closest Off Sale Liouo.r place is about ten blocks away. The neasest church is six blocks and the nearest school is one block. From 1964 to 1966, Mr. Mul�igan worked for the St. Paul Fiumane Society. Thence for the Tousley Ford in the Parts Dept., Shopper's City as a Pet Shop Manager and since 1969 as rianager for the Animal Farm Eet Shop. V truly yours, �Fn,.c;� (/ �I't•` � License Inspector �O CITY i)F SAIDFT PAUL DEPART�NT �' PU$I+IC $!lFETY LICSRSE D�TISICIN � � � � � 1}s►te ����''��� �C 19�,.. 1. AppZimatioxi Por J-� N S , ` �.� I,iQenae 2, Na�e of applic:aat � ' � U � 3. Buainesa addreae y��r ,Y-,�Dy�'T {)`T' $esidenae�j���l� ��,k'�� �U� : � �,rs� 4o Trade r�ame, if aay /�(, �' ��' l-�f'` ��� 50 8etail $eer Federal Taa 3tamp�Ret�i1 'Liquor Federal Tax Stamp _ will be usedo r 6. t�i �+rha� floor looated � ,� Number o� rooans used'`���e�� s � ��/`l' f . _ _ ,�r�1a��_ . 7o Betw�sen �at cross street��p,�L�r,��'1��'"��(� lllhich side of strest�,,�. �O,p�1;'�P� 8, $ra premiaee now oacupied�'pPhat bu�inese Ho�r long __ __ . _ 9. ,Are premi$ea nc�w unooaupied Ho7r lung vacant �• o��'revious use ,.� � • tA _ � _ _ . __ _ 10,. �re you a new vemerv� � � ..H. r�ve you been in a aimilar buaines� befvre ��� _ ( _ 'i�here � — '�Pllen 11. Are y'ou going to oper�te thia busineas pereo�nally \�Z°.S If not, vrho xill opera�e it _. 12. Are you in an.y other busine8s st ths present time �� 18, Ha�'e there been any oomplaints againat your oparatiaa oP this type oP plaoe '— �Phen ilhere 14. II��e you ev�sr had a�y liaenae revolosd�'�fhat rea�on ar�i date 15. Are ycu a aitizen of the IInz,ted St�tea�Nativ�e � �_' l�at�ralized 160 llhere wvre you bo=°n��T (,�,�, -� . Date oP birth ��-�� .. � ,.a - 17. I am V m�rried. My (wife g�) (hu�band 8 s) name and addre8a is �U � ,� ,5��� v � �'� 18. (If married femQle) my maiden name ia 19, Hoav long hav�e you lived in Sta Paul � (O �" /F' ' - 20o Have you e�sr+er been. arre$ted�Yiolation a� �bst criminal levr or oz°dinancse / _..r.....�.. � IU ( ►'1C � � U ' ' � T—� 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the Ci�r of St. Aa�l � Yea �oe _ . (Answer fully axtd Qompletelye These a lic3ation.a ar� tMorou hl chealflad a�+ci an fs►l�i.fiaatlan �rill be cau�e Po� eni.r�lo 22. Bumber oP 3.2 plaaes �rithin tao bloaks Q Z3o Cloaea� intaa�3.aating liquor plaoe. � 3ale���� Off Sale ,,�L�,��LE . _ , , 24. Nearest Church� "��Q(j'T �� ,��U�� Neareat Sehool�i� ��GC� 25s Number of boo�tha. � Tablea Chairs�Q Stool� /(� 26, 'pPhAt ooaupatioa have pou Pollovred for the p�at five yearso (Give namea of emple�y�er� and date s eo emplo�red.) v�. !�/�7A SOC L° � � U N o � �' ' � �170 27, Giv�e� x�mes an.d addresae� of two persons, i°eaidants oP Sta l�ul, �.nn„ �rho oan give informatiaa ecncerning youp Name�/,,,�/RS__y�n ,S�� Addre s e �.bAlf U L.. 2�a�e�/�/,/,R.�, t1T,.jj__��.liO��'l��°!it (° ddd a s u� a , � ' 3i'p,nature u p ioa $tate of Yinx�saota) �sa C ount of Ramaey �li2� ��j � beiag first duly srorox�, dep6�ee a�i say� upon oa e ha� rea foregozng sta�ement bearing his aignatur°s and kn.aer� the oontenta thereof� and-that-t2ie aams ia �rue� of his o�n lrnoovledge eacept aa to thoee mattera theroin atated upon infornation �nd belieF and as to those matte�°s he believ�ea th�m to be true. � Sagna tu°e of pplica b�zbsoribed and eROrn to befox°e ime ' thie j . da� oP . �_19� No x�y ia�-Rameey Countye�,, : ����Tz No:ary Pu�iic, Ramsey Caunty, Min;�.. I�T Ct71'l�71�88�.OY1 6XjJ12'A8 „ Comrr�i;sion c�oi;es Ju�e 18,ly%3 (Notea Theae statement formt� are �in. duplicate. -Both copies muat be fulYy fi�.led outa notarized,, and returned to the Lioonse Divisiona�_ AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL TCANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I:ICENSE Re t ��_Sal iQenae i Name of applicant Bu�iness addx�ees S , Are you the sole owner of this business? \,�e If not, is it a partnerahip?----�- ..yar� � corporatian? , ot�her? Others interested in bus�ness, include those by loan of' money, property or otheru�ri$es Name p � Aaaress xaw If a c orporation, give its na� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa? As sole awner4 '—' Partner3 Stocskhfllder? Othex�se? (Through loen of mone�, etce E�cplai_n.) Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same � � ignature o pI oa State of' �Ifinne s ota � 93 C o y of �msey _ � being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath t t he has ead the for going affidavit bearing his signature and kno�rs the contents thereoP; that the same is true of his aum l�-iowledge, except as to �hose matters therei.n stated upon information and belief and as to those �t�ars he belie�ea them to be true. � $igna ure o pp ic nt � Subsoribed and svrorn o baf'ore me °� thia � day of 19 / C �—�- Notary i�, Ramse�r Coun.ty, , eso�a. �M. SC�;l',��.r:T? f�c.ary P�!51icy RaE-�sey Cosnty, Minry: My ao¢nmission expirea �; ���,i�wiotr�r:€:;;es June i$,���> . Y STATE i� �INNESOTA) ) S8 COt�NTY 4F Rp�dSEY � T R I_C�_ � I U/-t_ U�h.� G�/v be ing f irst duly sworn, d flth de pose ar�d say that he makea this affidavit in connection with applioation for , "�Sale" liquor license ("��Sala" malt beverage licea�se) 3n the ei�y of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a reaident of the State of �innesot� and has rs�ided therein for � � years, `� m.or�ths, and is nc�9r and has bsen for the tim�o above a�sntioned a bon� fide reisident of said State and that he now res ides at �C� /�/�R e�. �U e ` —�Aaa��s ST �.I�. �, �r��es ot�. City or To��� � Subsoribed and aworn to before me this day of 19�� Nota 'o, Ramaey County E2inne,��pta, ;,t-;_ J �r ��'. .. .. �dy cso�ission expires r� � � L ��1 ��j �