247972 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �j�����
RESOLVEU, 'That the praper City officers axe hereby authorized and
directed to execute a quit clai.m dced conveying certain property des-
cxibed therein, a copy of which is attached hereta and incorporated here-
i.n by reference, to the Housing � Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
S orporation C e�
MAR 1 � 1���
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19—
Yeas Nays � 1 g 1�70
Dalglish Approve 19—_
Meredith � Tn Favor
Peteraon �
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
�rl�[tsHEO MAR 21 1970
� ^ � d
.���r,., �.,.,; .
Valuation Engineer � C�-5317
Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 Cify Hell
$eint Paul, Minneso4e 55102
To the Honorable Mayor and
Council of the City of Saint Paul
The I,and Connnittee has considered and recommends that the Council authorize
the conveyance by quit claim deed to the Housing a,nd Redevelopment Authority of
the City of S aint Paul, Mi ta, of the interest of the City in Block 187,
Irvine's Addition to West ul, and that paxt of Myrtle Street vacated that
accrued thereto by reason e vacation thereof.
The subject parcel of land is located in Riverview Industrial Project,
Minn. R-26, and the said conveyance is necessary to provide marketable title to
the said land.
Respectfully Submitted,
— � �
J s J. D ish, Ch ' an
,C ission of F`in
Robert F. Peterson
Commi.ssioner of Public Works
(��� � �:
Ro t F. Sprafk �
Commissioner of Public \ l ies
Victor J. T sco
Co�nissioner of Parks, Recreation
and Fublic Buildings
Area Code 612 �iTr � �� (� THOMAS J.STEARNS
223'S�2� ��.w '�', (} ��� I j ARTHUR M. NELSON
� x ! ' JEROME J.SE6AL
� �sa'°,",°-�{;; b d• • ; j 7HOMA5 M. MOONEY
w .� r ����� � KENNETH J. FIiZPATRICK
'� "" ,� ^ �� L P!►UL F.McCLOSKEY,JR.
Finf Assistant DANIEL L. FICKER
316 City Hall, St. Paul, Mienesofa 55102 ,�1��
Corporetion Counsel
March 12, 1970
Mr. J. William Donovan
Valuation Engineer
RE: Block 187, Irvine's Addition
Housing $ Redevelopment Authority request for conveyance
Dear Mr. Donovan:
Attached please find your letter of the Committee on Lands pertainin�
to the above land transfer together with resolution authorizir�g execution
of the c�eed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Subsequent to the adoption
af this resolution by the City Council, we will process the deed for execution
and deliver to Mr. David S. McClun�, Assistant Staff Counsel, H.R.A.
If you have any questions, please call the undersigned.
Very ruly yo rs
E ME . �AL
'" A istan Corpo ion Counsel
Enc 1.
2031—QUit Cldiro DEGd. Form No. .�1 w��TeR s.somM�sex, riwxuro�w �
Corporation to Corporation. Minnesota Unlform Conveyancing Blanks (1931
��ji� ��bet�ture, ✓Ylade this......................•----�-•---...............da�J af---------.....----...................................., 19..............., "i'd
Z�tween ............................�.�..�..�A�1�'...�«..l4�l�.�.._........_....._..................._....................._....................................................
�a corporation zcnder the Laws o the State of.....................Mi�.......................... par o the first part, and
.IfdM3.�i � �ri�..._,,.,.�'�!t 11�/ '!�i Cl"�'Y..1�-•riI�!'.,!lWL,�...:........................x...............................
......-�.................................................... ......................--••......._.._- -�-�
� .......---
ct corporation under the laws of the State of................._...M�MNOta...............---............................................................................
party o f the second part,
�ittte��et�j, That the said art� o the rst pcart, in consideratiori of the sum. o
_..aa..�o�u...t��.00�.�..o!:sae..rauw�°c �dfr�i�
-��--�-�.......................�s............_.......a!!......_....--�--....................................---............�6�I�� {
to it in hcLnd paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
does hereby Grant, Bar�%ain, Quitcla,im, and C,o�ivey unto the said party of the second part, ita
Suecessors cLnd assz�sns, Forever, aLl the traet............or parcel......_.....of land lyin�^ and being in the County
of.............................�?..----............--••--.-••----.--...and State of Minnesota, described as followa, to-uzt:
all e�st �rc o! �loelc ti'r, xr�,..'. Aiiaictoo c,o Y�.c at. !lwl. ..r di.c pa1: o:
fl:+rti� �ts�rt w�aMW t�t �ra� #�r►to lr�► r� of tIN �1:#aw �a►!, 17►�e�
�oatf�r��sely o! tlr� f�11+aNrl.a� �r�b�i liara
• tf,es thiel�r (3�1) �prt INtt'irwrR�rly o! � p�all�l a► 1�a l�Llaoirir� �rib�i
lia�t Oa�raal.y � tla tot,�ra�etiao o! !� swt�s lie� o! �si�titr �tb YI�r6�srt�
•et�+�.c �at .si.t.ls� irue till.or. A�..w, ts.ao. sonea ls:t�-wt« ts11) �. d+iee�r-
#apnr �7L) �dwt�r Mnt Alap e� Mii ow�r tir� ot Mnt �il��oe�f A�waar !'�nr titt�-�!x
a�i t#e� A�/tlw �i.A3} lrrt� dr�aa� to tlrs ei�t o� � aus�w lrnia� +� �!w �'
!iw IwMe� �r..t�r .r .i,rA�y-..�e lwr,rMaai. (!lo.s�) t«re, taa�s�. ot aa. fwreM
��ty-l+o�,e �i feetr■►ti�n lwade�itM �17�.44) !�, r■i le�r�eei+� �1� o!
e�is�p-�ne (]7� �i�rsv, s�ro two �O!) �twut�s ts� aa � �/l��� o! � buait�i
thi�tp-�is aM �ial,�-�wwt hwMdtr�rltb� (�)i.4�) t�t to � pist oa dr +e�wt+a tiw o!
�eistia� �iw�N itt+wt. � t� t� t�it oa • e�arN Awia� � �adlw o! !iw I�mi�d
�t�-wN �i �wo M�als+�ds�s (!l1.A!) tME, �ss o! os� lwsit�i �otr-
�e�e ad�` s!�►t+a�t �artdNr (E74.M) l+ai�, M lwt�ra�e�tiaM �U ot tht�rty-�r�e
t��� iNr..s. .�sro .�ae� too� .►laa��... c1►i,rcy► e�0) ..eoai. :o,r .s � ai•e.�r. ot
tbsw IM�Mni tbir�-� �i li�nr 1wei�s�it1� p37.OS) tMt to a �otos �a► t� +�as�r
ti.. o# .d.•:iu� wt«r stn.t, th..o� sa�at tttc�r-al.. ts9) �, arisc�r-ttw� t�s)
wioat.a. tbirty (�0) aaowi� M�t alae� � a�s#�r lia� a! s�i+i iM�t MsE�e iterM�t !ae
bo h�MtM dtiet�r-ai�a aat ai��►�is b�d�e�ie�s Cl�9.9b) �w�. tl�a� t�a tM 1�!'t
orr a �us� 1�wia� a eMt� a�# �iw Iwsi�r�d �rs�ae�a asi �l�t i�rlewlt� t!�13.Q�)
lMt, ery�nt� o! � � t�nr� ard t�tp►�i�t IasMdsMt�r �1t�.�A� l��t. re
ie�tia� �1� � e�wwtr-laa�r �� d�s. !tlt�-tiwr (S�� �d�ut�,� tl�i�r�r (�0�
aNO�is be +ie► asta ii�t+a� a! tsro i�rie+�i �r-tomr Mr1 atw�r-l�su�r hudrMehs
(�.l4) lNe. t� b�eb th�sR��arc C,�� �, lcreti t+�01 aia�e�r INNt i�a�c
1�ro IwnisM �lMq•eM ani �t�r-oio� bun�ltnidr �2li.i9) lat, t� to f� K�t
os:a a�trw I�wia� • sMims ot �i�s«s IMnds�i laet�► rM ler�-�rtw bmdsrrif�s (1M4.�9
EMt. w�t� ot Mw�ty-� rrt !iltr-t+our bwisrie� (�T.�� !"�t. r i�t�eNatt�oe
a�l� ot la�tt ��) �. fett�-aiw (4!) �dwa�, thitt�l C�f +r�sis !at ae ae�
�l�t� o! oM IwNr�sM lithr-!'a��r ri w�t�r-wi� lwade�MtAr (LS4.�!) !'«rt to • r►!ot
eMt t� t�M ts) h.c Ma�rtMr�l�anriy (ao�eA !ilty-oe. tsl� �s. !oe'ty-ou�e t�lj
�twtM il�pt) ot !� o�nt�ne li,w�► �!' e�tiy MM! M�IO�t�' �tt�t Md tl�n p�te�tlo�.
�eroedlui ta �M �t�t c�ar! o�r !'ii� arl oi e�osa !e tM o!!'ia� ot � M�,ste�e a!
O�Ns wttbi� aM !bt Mr�� ti�owiR�►.
�:o �be anb to �o�b �je �baane, To�'ether with all the hereditam,ents and appurtenanoes there-
unto belon�sin�s or in anywise appertainin�s, to the said party of the second part, its successors and cc�s�siyns
�tt �e�tinwtrp �jereof, The said first party has caused these
p cuted in its corporate name by its...��'.-.�'�..
a its.��_.�t�._.....and its corporate sea1, to
be hereunto afJ'ixed the day and year first above zvritten.
�I"1"! �R Yri! MNf1.
In P�•esenee of
By•••-•----••-----.......••-•-•.......................................•-•-•--••••......- •-•-�----•-------
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