247959 ORIGtNAL TO CITY GLERK �I �A r CITY OF ST. PAUL FouNCa N0, ����a.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E COUNCIk—RE OLUTION—GEN�RAL FORM � PRESENTEO BY COM M I551 O N E Y� DATE — __ i I RESOLVED That the Northern S-�ates Power Cornjpany be given permission to install one pole & anchor on Luther Pla,ce east of �omo (north side) and oneianchor (south side) . Install one pole in alley rear of 388 Corr�o. Install one 0�,. pole at 292 Walnut. Install one pjlole at 2180 Childs Rd. � �,�� Install one anchor at Midblock lamp pole on So. side of ������'� Reaney bet. Mendota and E. 7�h. St�I. Install one pole at 2233 Childs Road, with necessary guys:,1 anchors, and wires. Poles and wires to be rernoved wher�� requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Cornpany. � i �� i ' � � � 1974 COUNCILMEN Adqpted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 1 � ���Q Dalglish ', proved _19— T.�'iaira--- I, Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst I Mr. President, By e '�lJ6LISNED MAR 2 �. 1970 I ' �aa