247940 , . OrlQinal to City Clerk ' � ORDINANCE 2������� � ! COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY -� ORDINANCE NO �� r An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. ?607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the titles and specifications for Indoor Rink Caretaker Refrigeration Engineer (Steam-Electric� a.nd by substituting i.n lieu thereof, respectively, the following titles and specifications for Refrigeration Plant Helper Refrigeration Engineer II fSteam»Electric� ..1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalgliah In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka � Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk � .�'_— Form approved Corporation Counsel By (Sriginsl to City Clerk ` � ORDINANCE � ���"'��L�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /�" "� Section 2. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the sa.me is hereby further amended by i.nserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Refrigeration Engineer I �Steam-Electric) ..4_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counael By � , �)rI�inal ko City Clerk ` � ' ORDINANCE ;�������� • COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. ..6» APR 2 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th Councii Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith � �� �� � Sprafka Against Tedesco . �'�.�'� �;. � .�i: APProved: �al�� 2 ���4� A st�. � �� � C' lerk �a�q� Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED APR 41970 • �`�+����1`?'V :I'.���L c'�i :.1�� s.s; ���r:.�R�.Li�'��?_fi"'j(,.iV �='r,.tl;`;`�� .-`�'.I_,Pr�T� .i�:�,..,..i �,_ ;.i���' ��;;?>o����bi.iti.c._ . %Ir..r�;�� rc:A�r•,r..:;ion. �o ��i•:;�,a�;; <z,zd i���<�+.rr`r�:7:� i�;rlooa� arY.i:"icial � _���� ir at;�i:=t it� t;A�: o�^�:::-27:i,�n 3nd ��.�:::.T1Y.E'I7�.11Cc� c�1 a ['E'.=l'1`';�:ic"i,`/'1021 'f���111�:: �t,Tli�, tU j�^3':t.CI'ITl "iC�.<•.'�t;?� �'JOY'�� u�i �15��7.�IlF:C�. r.::;L.,_ c t ,.� C '= :1:}��C::? ':il VJOTIC 17('?.^LOr'"[7[�t':�i, �O A:_'<"ii112"<?.:s71 �'.2C U2'OT7t?i' fi71t-1:11C:;.; Oi S��'. lJl' �'�1lOt:,S tC2"Tlt?'r.'7'41'[L:.�'N �:.011•'al.?'10CiS„ , ':�'o r�ti?- on <,. li�;l't� ia��k f,:�����;.r,.; :f�oocl �vi:iz ho� o: cold tvat�:�-. �O ��_�?C.;t' 1:i:'t i:: (,'�.�t�S 1.:C��'3;� �:I1 C�: �Z.L7 C:C C'}T �o,Il:::S� 1�Ci:.:4';r;jr F�E��r �;O<3.� �`��;='C 5, C;'�. . �C t!�2..'•� �O1C�l'.: �.i,�r,a �O T:<7.7^.•.'I' ;:?.Oi_i::::j 1triCti; C)T' N�L1'1OL': l]E:E;i�T,�.]7a^ ,.t� 't11e' i.c� � - I'o epe�;xte ur .�ttr��rti-i.�,� t�-:c: c���:ratic.n o� a lamL�c;ni i�e� �!a i 1�c��I'.� I"��C:i�1.;i1C:. 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PO\h'CY l:lftll u , i3_ ?��;::`1��.5,'�I� ',(��.�,' � .,,. ::i, .-�.�i1C� JC�l1i�?IY]�21.t 121 r.�. i'C,lk'::�t::i.:)�1:;Ii "1::111L': c1T1�„'e u0 j.'..k"i0�'�� i':;�1�C'.Cj '�F/G:i: r'lS 3:>S2F;Yle�.. _,.:�l�YlY;l,-,r C)�: .':�!i::':� F;C.;tOr'Y"l1�'.f�: .� O (.��: Y"2`:(; i,.�'l?1"i�:-�Itl, .?�.' i1:t �2ZL� T'i'�?�a.'<�"�L ,�?:C,�1.37'i 1T1Ci C''IC'.C'CI'7.C31 )" 1 T �? / i f:t` S s Ci.t'tf,i�Y':':'�.I']�� �;�tl.11rJ3'ti(:iit� 1�i;:t;Ji11� C:c:Z�:T`TC;�u�2 S, yVT'l.�;t1Y'OriO�a.S `I i C�C O 1' �, f��,=t Y•�1 T7{/ �r<Tl�J.S �i r.;:a l?`:;�1't p i:£i, �.`1.�r�'1=�2'�'S>>�,.l'�? $�1:�c1:Tl '�;S'111;? �lE.•�:1�:::):'.'.', �")'11Y1C' �1.11.:� �,"�?(�'1.Et:�sZ; j:)LlI"1"i7�:; ,t'L'XX7�`il'tfl.rl:.xl=: CUS1`;;$'O1, � '2I;::. �il"P t,US1f11i,1Gri171� 21�t;7.�'i:i:ii;ri� :^,t iT7l' :Vit'ill.',.Clpal 1-�1L2u?;i?A"p�.sCrl. �ir3 T:is2' .. 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Ti.iOrt�I.',� .'CiC)�',': �Gf��'l�: , 2�Y1G Oj�-�"li'�I' T11�;•.��]r3211Ca1 c-C�?,;�2'ili:'t?� �IiFG�';�:3.vU. t�;�� :�xl.:;,�.`:>cll]�,.i"Yl c:fiI�.'�).^�X. .'.viin�<:.u.x� c:��::_�l�.L�i�yat;c_;.i:�� a�)��Yf:!]�- E�1'c�C3� F C�1�,4"!'`_1^il aJ141 i;'r':-� c:��'.,�:'� � <'.}:'yi'I'1CY1CC' LTl Llli: d�^Td'43011r YY?._i1Ti1:e'71�L:1C�, i"ct1�21?"� Oi t�j1C� t�:r:;<:;:�i'✓ti �.?7:� ;.i16'L"e11Til�'i071 O� 1'<,f�2'In;;I':1f10I'1 ri'1;YC�1%.'1�:�'�r; c)�' '�:CI:E,r'i �/i;��:t'C s�::���?'1G1?C.c: <':1S �3 R��i�i�;<�:°�'rr.�n .E�'nr;irac��>L .w ;`��;.��zr�� -.!�.1_e�"::~i� �2� • , . rJ. 2llfi [li ti'�;1�a, �Ll ■ �,JLT� �;�__� :;�u�.F:F���,z(�rr ����u.►����.-,r�,7� �: �sr���F��.t�-�:��rc���}?:�c; TiL:�:1C'.: :tl?.Cl i<:`j)UYl'�1'Ol�.ltl€?;: �1n�f�:r �unez��ri��ion, to i�� t;•��iner'. in :an�l t�� �;erforn� woz�l: in <;C't1;1P_r,i:tGIl �Nl�.i'1 O�?'vl'J.t?;.).�, Sl';��711cL1111I1� 3TIC1 2'P;j),1iY'12�� pGWC.T �1I11�;;r 1'r1%t�:Lll!'1;"',I'�TF clt";C;:'; a(31'1c'u� <:11C7 :.C�l':i�',lYiC,21'f 1Ti c1, I'E{I'I�C'Y'�'�1C721 ?J�l.3.t��; �tt�i� _U T��3'iol7:z1 :�ci�C.c:"!:�?c ��'i)s1� E35 1c:<i9I1Ct�: __..r:l.TY1j:IC.^- C�f ��:U3'iS '�?`.'T:(OI'iY?"L'.C1; ��(� c],����:St t�1t; .��C:iT1t�C;Tc�1GY! �'11�1i1:',E;2' !11 `Li1C' :I�E:Y'c1�:IOri, 2i7Z211tiri�311t�t�, c�I�Ls PC;t7c�:ii' C3� £i��;3:13 u"tli3 G1+?C�';'1C�11 1'�_'iI'ib(�I'.1..i1l7��>� LL�11tD;"T:C'i1�, ��,�r_tiicnia �o;°rl�are;��cs��, ^yn��•��rone�.;s :��c,��o.r�; �t:aa•fin� p�nels .-�nc e��i�oz�:�, ��a%�i�•-�.^�r�° ^t<r=:: ,::��arr. L�int �ie��'tc:rF, brine. and L":..�CL:I:i'7l �`l,'.i27?�.`;� l:';.;l:i'1�'9L�'��.1:i:t'.'-, ��U2]�:CO1, %111C3 c 1�' COP.C�1�riQ71121�� l:t�Al!;.1�:=1C:I"ii `i�� '�';7�:,' A�IIli117.C1.':s�i F+..li�.�li:G"�lU,iT: i v a.S:I:i� 2il T:;31�111� 1"TllilO:i a_,ZTlc.tf,�C'.114:jr :iC:�?�";!tE O11 '�Il� a�O'!�'2° i1=,;TI'il.'_)I2l:i� c:CE711.�1?1E;Tlt;: _ .i0 c�.S�;1S1: 1J1 2'��I:z�.:7lln Ti11t1C)?' Y'C:"�'.`lii5 OI1 5''�_:i;tfYl 1?1�?GS„ Wd�C;2' �y?�?�:S, i1X.tl:i�"0�� f_?LE;ZJ.`1"�Ot.S� Vi2� J'a>^a ZZ�G::GTE�y {�,OOT'•i� IOC�Cur �1,I"lC� n�iZC,-'Y' , IY7CjC�1a,ri1Cc2� i'�L7).'!'3I�2`.:'t�.j ��"'cX'pLZ!''ilOtli: Li1C�' t,l;':tl'�Q7.'LU?A"7 C°Jlil�?�.C�, iV.�:.:1;.1"i'Ll!T? �t;i>l,l i C 1 C£i'�;1 O Tl S`. T'.7('}ll;il' ti7'1L�C: t;<(1:C=<I��IOTI :127.`,3" t'.'JC) !'2.;t+'S� c�:��^i(:'J,'1G)1CC lI1 t�1E 0�3E'Ic1a'\Q27k � , . , Z�'`.�.1L11T(;Y11i1CC'�, Ct:YJc'11.i',. i�;.' 1:1);:_'. a:;C�; C';z011 <1.-1Q 1I]�'�<'.1�-<1t1Qri Oi ) �::[i•ic;4�ra�tien rz�achin.�;ry: ��r � �r:o ;eaF•r,E c�ci�eri�rice U�� 1 t��''�•i�;er��ci.as;. �'J.ai�zt :��eli�::x•: f5:. March 1.8, 1970 Mr. John Haider Chie� �caminer �: Director �P Pexson:,el Civil a�rviCe Bureau Dear Si.r: T:�� City C�>>nci.l taday �ave �'ir eadir. t� the followin�r ordinances wt?i�':i wi7_1 come up for Third �.n� on " ch 2�th: "•�'• ��+?93� - am�nding �3250 r le e Machine Operator; C.r^. 247937 - ar�erading �7607 wit erence to Dental Assistar.t and Teletyp i Gp� �, r; C.F. ?_�+793� - a;�,endi V64� h�ur � ates f�r uhi��' i�efrigeration a.r�d 0 rating En eer, ef'ri�eratian En�ireer (Stearn- E].ec . c), Refri�; r tfon Fn�ineer ZT (Steam-rlectric) ar�c3 -ri�ergti�n gineer I (Steam-Electric); C.F. 2�793� - ar�er.d , �3250 r ndoor Rirk Caretaker, Refri�eration rt h e igeration �ngineer (St�am-Flectric), Re ri�era n�ineer II (Steam-Electric) and Ref'ri�- eratio ����ineer I (Steam-Electric�; C.F. 2 40 - amend n �7607 re Indoor Rink Caretaker, Refri�eration Engin e (Steam-El.eetrie), Refrigeration �lant HeZper� Refr ration E gineer IS (Steam-Electric), Refrigera- ti r,�ine�r I (Steam-Electric�. Very truly yo�zrs, Gity Clerk ng . ����'(� This ordina.nce strikes out the title and specifications for v�D Indoor Rink Caretaker and for Refrigeration Engineer �5team-Electric), � and replaces them with the titles and specifications for Refrigeration Plant Helper and Refrigeration Engineer II �Steam-Electric). It also establishes specifications for the title Refrigeration Engineer I (Steam-Electric). .� ,,, � I st � 2nd ` Laid over to � 3rd and app dopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carlson Dalglish ,���'�i��� � Dalglish Meredith �vleredith Peterson \ +—�-- Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco �Tedesco � Mr. Presiden+ Byrne ` '��'��°t r:-���":��5�':, c; i: �Lir. Vi�� �?rs�,-ici»$t (lE'eteraon)