247937 � OriQinal to City Clerk �� . � ORDINANCE � ` N ,� z�`���� � ' � � COUNCIL FILE NO � � ` , _� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: rrp� ordinar�.ce fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Dental A.s sistant, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: t'High school graduation and successful completion of the dental assistant course offered by the University of Minnesota, or an equiva.lent course. ENo substitution for education.� 'r Section 2. That said ordinance� as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and speci.fications for Teletype Machine Operator »1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafk�, A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 11 y �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By_.� i sOriainal to City Clerk � � - � . ORDINANCE 24������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / "' �--/ Section 3. This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. "3» APR 2 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncii Carlson � Dalglish �� � In Favor Meredith ����`"�� � A gainat Sprafka Tedesco - a, ��`'"j' ���� .����C t��''� L ���� ttest: vi�@ Yr��t C ) Approved: ty Clerk �'tf�rt��' Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED APR 41970 � .` � � ' �79`3'� TiiIE of �1��s5: ! `T'�':��i:.7'�'F':!=. .�;'i%�a��zr.:;.�;�;I:' �?_'�'.�.��'�P. %��� Duties a:zci r�s�,�n.�i}�ili�i�i;:s; �� tJnc?er �u.pex•risict�, to opciat� �. ?c;.e�'y�;,� rxza�.hin� anr� lypewrit�r; �o pel fo.rm �ypin�; an�f c.le:�ical vvoi�F:; anc� to Perf�rm related <<,r,�r.% a� a�ai.�n��� r:carz.�al�s of u�o��k ,��1•form�::i. .i o ,end lrid x•�ceive _nc�3l�es on a ;;�;lf��type ma�hin�u '�'o n�ai�,.taitl an a��;i:=�;,� �il��� ;�n ._�c�len �ti��.�i�l.es, az•ti.cles,.. and �.,�zn;:e�; t��rUor.�. To r_�:�ir�:;�i�z re�ord� c�t �,11 sp�rial no6�Ces, '�'c �y�e tiux•cls �i-�d 'ulan?c ir,ri�.�:�; .i:ill.in� in cleacri}�tive and� id�.n4ifyin� ini�urrz7axiun. l�iinim�i:n cual=f:c��'ciorZS; �igh s�^h��+_ ��'1'a.C:Ua1:1011 and t<<�v y�arctl officc +r,leri�al experience. 2t1��c�r �e a'�1-� te type, sz�. This ordina.nce changes the minimum qualifications in the`` specifications for Dental Assistant. ��j ����. P � It also establishes specifications for the title of Teletype Machine Operator. � �I st '�� � 2nd � � Laid over to 3rd and app�_Adopted '/ � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � Carlson � Carison Dalglish � Dalglish Meredith �t��� ;��'� �vieredith Peterson l� �isr�en— Sprafka �Sprafka �' \ Tedesco \, Tedesco Mr. President Byrne ' �� �;�;; . �r. �i�o Pre+sid$at (Peteraon)