247925 � � Y COUNCIL FILE NU. )����� 'G BY • FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter otchanging tbe grade of the alleY to conform to the arade as shvr+n on the prQfiti on fil� in the Department of Pnblic Wo�ks. Ai so; condeanni ng snd taki ng an easaaent i n the i and nacessary for the s1 opes, euts and f i 11 s� including right bf ren�oval of lateral support fraa subject land or re�naind�r thereof,occasion�d by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bit�ainona msterial the alley in BLK. i , MANSON � SIMONTOW'S ADD. TO ST. PAUL in Ramsey Co. , Minn, fro� Dunlap St, to Lexington Pkwy. (6-1935). under Preliminary Order 2��� , approved Janeary 13. 1970 � , Intermediary Order 247�'S , approve� February 17, 1970 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and havimg fully coneidered the eama; therefore, be it RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- . provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie changing the grade of the al ley to conform tc the grsde as shcr�+n on the profile on file in the Department cf Public Works. Also, condemning and taktng a�n eas�ment in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, i nc 1 ud i ng r i gtat of remova 1 of 1 atera i support f rom se�bJ ect 1 and or rema i nder thereof,occas i oned by excavatic�ns thereof or co�struction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bitu�ninous material the alley in BLK. l , MANSON 5 SiMONTON'S A�D. TO ST. PAUL in Raaasey Co., Minn. fro� �uAlsp St. to Lexington Pkwy. (6-1935). and the Council hereby ordere enid improvemente to be made. - RE$OLVED FURTHER, that the following lsnd, lande or easemente therein be and the eame are 6erebq ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making enid improvemente, vis.: ChaRging the grade of the atley to conforr� to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Bspartiaent of Pubiic Works. Aiao, condanning and taking an easeunent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts a�d fiils. inclading right of removal of latera�l support fro� subject land or remainder thereof,occasioned by axcavations th�reof or constr�ction of slopes in the grading and surfacing Mith bite�minous �aterial the ailey in BLK. 1 , MANSON S SIMONTON'S ADD. TO ST. PAUL in Ramsey Co., Minn. from De+n 1 ap St. to Lex i ngton Pkv+y. (6-1935). R.FSOLVED FURTHER� That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and ie hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and epecificetions for esid improvement, and the proper city officia18 are hereby ,,: suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therawith. � 1 8 1970 Adopted bq the Couac>i — MAR 1 � 1�70' y te�k. APProved—_ � 19 � Msyor. Couneilmen: Ca r 1 son PUBLISHED MAR 21 1970 � Dalglish � � , �(1(DG�4�A(X S praf ka Meredith , Peterson � Tedesco � Mr. President, gyrne . . " , . � � :-: .�,�,�� �,� �bc� ,.�1� � i��Y" °r.. � � �• RE�E �s� OFFlCE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ?�y JQ�� -^ � � 1.� DE�: V E� ``�, REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF fINANCE \,� �N,� :` \�`'� . , ���� ��1�u�,E�. ����'S January 22, 19 70 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Ctty of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary o�der of the Counci) known as Council File No. 24696o approved January 13, �g 70 relative to C"anging the gradv of the aliey to conform to .ths grade as sho�vn on tne profilc on �'Ile in the �epGrtrr.�rrt of Public t�lort<s. � Al�o conc?�mn i nn anct tak i nc� a� �;:,s�:��n� i n tS�u 1 and rs�ces��ry for tE�� s 1 op�s, - cut� ar,d fi l ts, inc:uc+inc r9�h� of re�:����� os ':a�e�-U1 st��por� fram scs!�ject land or remw i nc�er tl��reof, occas i oned bt� �xc��rat i o�; therc�o� or constr�;ct i on of s 1���� in t'�.-� �ra�ing ana sur�acinc� wa�h bifiu^�ino�..�s r,.at�riat �h� aliey In �LK, 1 ; ��,;:�!;0'ti � W cf'!O;iC";'S ;DD. TO ST. �'�IUL in r�a�;isey Co, �4ir�c�, fro:n Duni�p SY. to Le-;ir� �.��t ?�c:-��y. {G-1935) �/ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � ma de a pa r t he reof. � 3. Initiated by the C�rxnissioner of Public Works X � 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � � ;' . �Commissioner of bti !c � i o� — �--- --- - _ +�.3 .� ao i os o.6 n � I �� D 7C �z1 O� � _� I ' � W ' N I i 4---- _ _---- - _ _._� _ N o.o .o.s � N o.o o.� G7� �� � Dn _ � �� NI . �7 � _ _ I � � , a � ' � A 2' TI L E .o.� b. �°° - D ' Z = co r �2 0., � - � z � O �� ' a � p =—_-- -- ---- — --- � N D �`' D� �= V/ G� � �o = o � �� � = � 4o C � e.o o.� � � 40 4'j i—._._ ' __ � Z Cn i -�------- --- � � � c�� cn�� � .� � D� Iv � � � O = N 7�' ? _ � � � � 2 TILE r z ♦oA+o•s � � C � � o.` o�q ' _ � N . 2 5 WALK � �- � � � ? � rn � T VJ _ N � p�' 1 ' 1 N � _� • . 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