247915 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 24��1� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNC OLUTI ENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY pbert eterson COMMISSIONE DATF RE50LVED, That the Qroper officers of the City of Saint Faul are hereby suthorized to pay to Orfei � Sons, Inc, on �artial Esti�ate No. 9, Contract No. L-7087, for the construction of the RAI3DOLPH AVEN[TE - Miss- issippi Fiver to Davern Storm Sewer, Yroject No. 68-5-991, said esti�ate being paid for the period of November 1, 1969 to Februery 27, 1970, and such other partial estimates on said contract that may be presented subsequently by said Contractor and approved by tbe City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Council that such partial pay�ent or payments on partial esti�ate or estimates on said Contract in no way are t� be construed as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or e�ployees extending the time specified for the co�pletion or in any way changing the ter�s of said contrect, plans or specifications thereof, nor ���j`i in any way nor by any �eans shall this resolution or pay�eent, or payments ' made under authority of this resolution be construed as a w�iiver of any � of the rights oi� said City under said Contract, and provided that prior to pay�aent of any of the aforesaid partial esti�ate or esti�ates, said Contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Coeaptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel �n acceptance of the conditions of pay�ent es hereinbefore set forth, and 88 IT FURTHBR ItESOLVED, That in the sb�e�ce of said acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no pay�ent or pay�ents as aforesaid shall be �ade. � 1 � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 1 1 �9�0 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafk2 � Mayor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED MAR 21 197A Mr. President, Byrne � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ����J'(J�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� r �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONEa Robert F. Peterson DATF RE50LV�D, That the proper officers of the Gity of Saint Paul are hereby autharized to pay ta Ortei & Sons, Inc. on Partial E:sti�ate No. 9, ContrBCt No. L-7087, for the construction of the RANDOLPH AVENUE - Miss- issippi River to Davern Storm Se�er, �'roject Na. 68-5-991, said estimate being peid for the period of November 1, 1969 to Fehruary 27, 1970, and such other partiel estienates on said contrect that may be presented snbsequently hy said Contractor and epproved by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Council thet such partial payment or payments on paxtial estimate or estima►tes on eaid Contract fn no way are to be construed as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees extending th� time specified £or th� conpleti�n or in any �ey changing the terms of said contrect, pl�ns or sgecifitations thereaf, nor in any way nor by� any me�ne shall this re�olutfon or pay�ent, or payments made ur�der autharity of this reaolution be construed as a wafver of any of the rights of said City under said Contract� and provided that prior to payment of e�y of th� afaresaid partial estimate or estimat��., said Contractor by its duly authorizad egents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Comptroller in e farm appraved by the Corporetion Counsel an acceptance af the conditians of pay�ent as hereinbefore set forth, and BL IT FURTHE'R RESOi.VEB, That in Ch� av�ence of said acceptance being filed with the City Comgtroller, na peymenC or payments as aforesaid shall be made. �, �` �,���l� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ' ' � '��' �(� .°,< <� Dal hsh 'f� Approved 19— g � Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O